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Balandier, G. 1974. Anthropo-logiques. Paris, PUF.

Boserup, E. 1970. Women's role in economic development. London, Allen and Unwin.

Canadian Council for International Cooperation (CCIC). 1991. Un autre genre de développement, un guide pratique sur les rapports femmes-hommes dans le développement. Ottawa, CCIC.

Droy, I. 1990. Femmes et développement rural. Paris, Karthala.

FAO. 1985. Learning from rural women. A manual for village-level training to promote women's activities in marketing. Rome, FAO.

FAO. 1987. Effectiveness of agricultural extension services in reaching rural women. Harare, FAO.

FAO. 1988. Analysis of credit schemes benefiting rural women in selected African countries. Rome, FAO.

FAO. 1989. The impact of development strategies on the rural poor, World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development. Rome. FAO.

FAO. 1989a. Plan of action for integration of women in development, FAO Conference. Rome, FAO.

FAO. 1989b. A special target group of development projects: women in fishing communities - guidelines. Rome, FAO.

FAO. 1990. A field guide for project design and implementation: women in community forestry - guidelines. Rome, FAO.

FAO. 1990a. Women in agricultural development, FAO's Plan of Action, illustrated version. Rome, FAO.

FAO. 1991. Gender and development: a framework for analysis. Rome. FAO.

FAO. 1991a. La place de la femme dans les projets de développement rural: le projet d'intensification agricole de Gikongoro au Rwanda - etude de cas. Rome, FAO.

FAO. 1991b. Third progress report on WCARRD Programme of Action, FAO Conference. Rome, FAO.

FAO/Netherlands Conference on Agriculture and the Environment. 1991. Strategies and tools for sustainable agriculture and rural development. The Netherlands, Hertogenbosch.

FAO/Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA). 1988. Restoring the balance, women and forest resources. Rome. FAO/SIDA.

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Meillassoux, C. 1977. Femmes, greniers, capitaux. Paris, Maspéro.

Overholt, C., Anderson, M.B., Cloud, K. and Austin, J.E. 1984. Gender roles in development projects. West Hartford, CT, United States, Kumarian Press.

Rogers, B. 1981. The domestication of women. London, Tavistock.

Slothouber, A. 1992. Femmes et développement. Guinea, Ministry of Planning and Finance.

United Nations. 1985. The Nairobi forward-looking strategies for the advancement of women, World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace. Nairobi, United Nations.


Brigatti-Carrara, P. 1992. Institutional boosting of women in development (WID) units. Central African Republic, Ministry of Agriculture.

Brigatti-Carrara, P. 1991/1992. Training and boosting of capacities for the creation and support of WID units. Mauritania, Ministry of Agriculture.


Benin, Ministry of Rural Development, M.J. Mermillod/C. Drake, 1991.

Central African Republic, Ministry of Rural Development, P. Brigatti-Carrara, 1991.

Guinea, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, A. Le Magadoux, 1992.

Guinea-Bissau, Ministry of Women's Advancement, P. BrigattiCarrara, 1991.

Madagascar, Ministry of Population, M. Randriamamonjy, 1992 and P. Brigatti-Carrara, 1993.

Mali, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment, A. Le Magadoux, 1992.

The Niger, Ministry of Social Affairs, L. Koenradt and A. Le Magadoux, 1992.

Rwanda, Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, O. Verny, 1990.

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