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Sharing of power and decision-making

Sharing of power and decision-making

Members and Officers of Agricultural/Rural Organizations. In 1993, there were 526 cooperatives in the country, as follows: agricultural, 287; consumer, 76; housing, 115; savings and credit, 8; cultural and artisanal, 18; and caisse solidaire, 23. Statistics on cooperative members are not gender specific, but very few women are members of agricultural, housing and consumer cooperatives and only one agricultural cooperative is headed by a woman. Women predominate in the handicraft cooperatives and three of these are composed exclusively of women.

Women in Decision-making Positions in Ministries and Government Bodies. Data on women in decision-making positions in ministries is limited to information from a questionnaire on the first (Director-General, President Board of Directors), second (Head of Department) and third levels of employment, without reference to specific ministries.

Policy-making Positions in Ministries by Gender, 1993

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