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Mechanisms to promote the advancement of women

Mechanisms to promote the advancement of women

National Machinery. There is no national machinery specifically for women. The Ministry of Social Affairs provides services to rural women, such as literacy programmes, health services and vocational training. Limited resources do not allow it to meet all the needs of such programmes.

WID Units or Focal Points in Technical Ministries. No WID units or focal points exist in the technical ministries.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). During the 1976-1990 conflict, the number and size of NGOs increased. However, most of these are urban-based and focused on relief and emergency operations. Very few target rural women. Some NGOs, however, have provided credit to small-scale rural enterprises and extension services, and have supported the establishment and reactivation of local agricultural cooperatives. Women have benefitted directly or indirectly from some of these programmes. Some NGOs have tried to promote gender sensitivity and to involve women in programme planning and evaluation.

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