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The methodology applied in the workshop is the improved logical framework approach - Ziel Orienterte Projekt Planung ZOPP - Objectives Oriented Project Planning. The ZOPP method draws on the knowledge, ideas and experience contributed by team members. ZOPP improves the quality of planning, which in turn determines the benefit for decision makers and practical project work. A good plan leads to a more efficient use of available resources and thus justifies the planning input.

Cooperation between the project staff and the partner organization is smoother and more productive if all involved have jointly agreed on their objectives and expressed them clearly.

The ZOPP method as applied in the field of planning and evaluating technical assistance projects, calls for a detailed planning exercise to be carried out with the participation of planners and implementors, both on the donor as well as the implementing side, based on steps of analysis such as:

· analysis of problems existing in the project environment or area;
· analysis of participants who are directly or indirectly involved with the project; and
· analysis of objectives that can be pursued with consideration of alternative project strategies

The outcome of such steps of analysis, detailed discussions, and achievement of consensus among participants of the planning workshops is documented in a Project Planning Matrix which is a one-page summary showing why a project is carried out; what the project is expected to achieve; how the project is going to achieve these results; which external factors are crucial for the success of the project; where we will find the data required to assess the success of the project; and what the project will cost.

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