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This Manual has been developed as a cooperative effort between FAO and China's WPD local project officers. In an attempt to develop a suitable and usable tool for training, the process of work went through three stages. The first stage was when FAO trained Core Facilitators in 1993. The output of this training was a draft Manual. Those trained used this draft Manual to train other project personnel in their respective provinces and counties. Based on the experience of Core Facilitators in the use of the first draft, FAO developed a second draft. This was used for refresher training of Core Facilitators as well as in "echo training" by these Core Facilitators for township project personnel. As a result of experience from these training activities, modifications were made and incorporated into this third and final version. This final version was then used to train project personnel from all 35 counties.

Since the training is heavily participative, this Manual in effect is the result of the modifications which the Core Facilitators and field workers have contributed as FAO finalized this version of the Manual. A note of thanks therefore goes to the Core Facilitators: Lan Xiu Hua, An Guo Dong, Bai Zhan QI, Zheng You Mei, Wu Qi Ji, Deng Yun Ping, Liang Yan Chao and Zhang Zhi Feng.

Special thanks also goes to five persons who besides the Core Facilitators and field workers drafted the original and the enhanced versions at various stages. Mr. Ramon Yedra, an FAO consultant assisted in the first and last stages of this work. Ms. Cora Bakker, United Nations Volunteer serving in FAO has been instrumental in the processing of the results of work at various stages; redrafting at various stages and the write-up of the final version of this Manual. Mr. Andrew Adzic of UNFPA helped in documenting the process and changes at the first workshop for Core Trainers. Mr. Fang Jia Wen translated the English versions to the Chinese language. Ms. Song Jing provided secretarial support.

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