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(All amounts in US$ 000)

  Programme 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Trust Fund 2000-01 Total Activities Percent of Total
2.4.1 Forest Resources 8 518 (191) 8 327 38 855 47 182 27%
2.4.2 Forest Products 4 713 72 4 785 2 685 7 470 16%
2.4.3 Forestry Policy and Planning 12 594 (4 072) 8 522 20 805 29 327 28%
2.4.4 Forest Programmes Coordination and Information 0 3 840 3 840 0 3 840 12%
2.4.9 Programme Management 5 317 (55) 5 262 0 5 262 17%
Total (zero real growth) 31 142 (406) 30 736 62 345 93 081 100%
Cost Increases (zero real growth) 181  
Total (zero real growth - recosted) 30 917  
Programme Change (zero nominal growth) 0  
Total (zero nominal growth) 30 917  

Objectives and Priorities

510. The major programme operates in a context of rapid evolution of the forestry sector, as complex political, economic, technological and institutional changes are affecting forests. In particular, forest degradation and loss continue in many countries, leading to serious international concern for these trends. On the positive side, there is a growing commitment to forest conservation and public involvement in forest management decisions. Forestry issues are increasingly viewed as regional or global in nature and have become part of the international "political agenda".

511. The challenge in the coming years is to balance increasing demands for goods, including wood and non-wood products, with a wide array of environmental, social and cultural services. While the importance of forests and trees in food security, rural employment, the conservation of soil and water resources, mitigating climate change, and conserving biological diversity is now well appreciated, a concerted effort is needed to reconcile competing claims. As many of the critical issues in the forestry sector are linked with other sectors, there is a need for inter-sectoral approaches to forest management and conservation, especially increased collaboration between the forest and agriculture sectors in areas where there is competition for scarce land. It is important that these effects be underpinned by a comprehensive policy framework.

512. FAO has an important role to play in the international effort to promote the sustainable management and conservation of forest and tree resources. The proposed FAO-wide Strategic Framework draws on the more specific draft Strategic Plan for Forestry which has been reviewed and broadly supported by the Committee on Forestry, the six Regional Forestry Commissions, and the second FAO Ministerial Meeting on Forestry. These complementary documents provide the basis for the selection of priorities for FAO forestry programmes, in the medium as well as short-term.

513. Three goals are specified in the draft Strategic Plan for Forestry, as follows:

514. These goals translate in the following medium-term objectives:


515. While the overall result gives the appearance of a decline in resources, the budgetary provision includes savings derived from the restructuring of the MSUs and reductions due to the transfer of previous provisions for editorial services (hitherto included here under pool arrangements) to Chapter 5. In fact, the substance of the Forestry programme has been fully protected. A new Programme 2.4.4 is introduced to better highlight a number of coordination and information support activities previously diffused throughout the major programme.

Programme 2.4.1: Forest Resources

(All amounts in US$ 000)

  Programme Entity 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total Regional Office Forest Resources Assessment and Management 3 563 (3 563) 0 0% 0% Plantations, Protection and Forest Genetic Resources 1 732 (1 732) 0 0% 0% Forest Conservation, Wildlife and Contribution to Food Security 3 223 (3 223) 0 0% 0%
2.4.1.A1 Sustainable Management of Natural Forests 0 1 426 1 426 17% 16%
2.4.1.A2 Trees Outside Forests 0 922 922 11% 7%
2.4.1.A3 Sustainable Mountain Development and Watershed Management 0 762 762 9% 12%
2.4.1.A4 Biological Diversity Conservation and Sustainable Wildlife Utilization 0 641 641 8% 27%
2.4.1.A5 Forest Plantations and Planted Tree Resources 0 960 960 12% 12%
2.4.1.P1 Assessment and Monitoring of Forests and Woodland Resources 0 1 953 1 953 23% 8%
2.4.1.S1 Technical Support and Advisory Services 0 1 663 1 663 20% 37%
Total (zero real growth) 8 518 (191) 8 327 100% 18%
Cost Increases (zero real growth) 33  
Total (zero real growth - recosted) 8 360  
Programme Change (zero nominal growth) 0  
Total (zero nominal growth) 8 360  

516. This programme provides core information about forest resources and trees outside forests, and therefore, the technical underpinnings for the Organization's normative work on forests. It contributes to the following overall medium-term objectives:

517. Major priorities include work on global forest resources assessment and criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. These permeate the seven entities around which the programme is organized: one major continuing programme activity (CP) and five technical projects (TPs), supplemented by a technical service agreement (TS) to support country-based action.

241A1 - Sustainable Management of Natural Forests

Rationale and Objective

518. A prerequisite to the sustainable management of natural forests is access by policy makers and forest managers to a broad range of information comprising: the extent of forest resources, the status of and progress toward sustainable forest management, the demand for and supply of forest goods and services, the latest developments in forest management techniques and related experiences in countries, and interactions between forests and other land uses. This TP is to provide information on these aspects, as well as on socio-economic, policy and institutional conditions and requirements for improving the management of natural forests. This programme entity includes work on the implementation of criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management, the management of forest genetic resources, the management of natural forests in the humid tropics, and the protection of forests against pests, disease and wildfire. The objective is to support and increase national capacities to conserve, enhance and sustainably utilize natural forests for the provision of a wide variety of resources, goods and services.


519. Together with decentralized staff, the TP will assist current international processes on criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management through provision of know-how, information and facilitation of linkages between the various international processes. For instance, LOGE will assist Helsinki Process countries in implementation of criteria and indicators, including facilitation and reporting linkages with Temperate and Boreal Forest Resource Assessment (TBFRA). RAF will assist with criteria and indicators developed and tested in arid and semi-arid Africa. RAP will also assist with criteria and indicators in their region. More generally, FAO will study and analyze trends in the development and implementation of criteria and indicators at the national and field management unit levels. The TP will also support the implementation of model forests in collaboration with partner institutions (e.g. CIFOR) and key countries. It will seek to apply and share experiences and develop guidelines for this purpose. This promotional effort will be accompanied by a series of manuals and guidelines based on best management practices in humid tropical forests, beginning with a guide for management of secondary forests

520. As regards forest genetic resources, the TP will encourage the development of regional and sub-regional action programmes for the conservation and management of forest genetic resources. It will provide policy and technical advice on integrated genetic resource management as a key aspect of effective forest management, with special attention to developing countries and countries in transition. It will update the FAO worldwide information system on forest genetic resources, REFORGEN, based on country-derived data and issue a series of technical documents on the integration of forest genetic resources into conservation, management and breeding activities. In addition, workshops on best management practices will be organized in collaboration with FAO field staff and IPGRI. Concerning pests and forest fires, the TP will provide advice and information to member countries on forest fire management, integrated pest management, and control of transboundary spread of insects and diseases. It will develop a database on forest pests and a global database on forest fires in collaboration with key member countries. Guidelines on forest fire management in temperate and boreal forests, as well as the results of case studies on the involvement of local communities in forest fire management will be published.


521. Internal links will be ensured with other programmes, e.g. those dealing with plant pests and genetic resources (2.1.2), and other forestry entities. External partners include CATIE, the CBD Secretariat, CGIAR institutes, the International Model Forests Network (IMFN) based in Canada, ITTO, IUCN, IUFRO, and UNEP.

241A2 - Trees Outside Forests

Rationale and Objective

522. Member countries need to increase the contribution of trees outside forests in rural, urban and peri-urban environments to enhance sustainable livelihood of populations and food security. This requires: improved knowledge of trees outside forests, ways to augment their productivity through agroforestry systems, enhanced protective role and functions of trees in fragile ecosystems and marginal lands, in particular in dry ecosystems, and close integration of the protective roles and social functions of trees and tree systems in urban and peri-urban areas. The objective of this TP is to assist the many countries which face degradation of their lands and forest resources towards the improved use of trees outside forests, a key dimension of sustainable development.

Approach and Links

523. The TP will develop guidelines for policy-makers and practical methodologies for the assessment of trees outside forests. This work will be supported by an annotated bibliography of country and thematic case studies on trees outside forests. Countries will be assisted in improving desertification control through advanced agroforestry techniques, including the formulation of national action programmes under the Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD). In collaboration with decentralized forestry staff, support will be provided to several regional networks to carry out assessments of the contributions of trees outside forests and agroforestry. Local strategies and technical agroforestry packages will be formulated, particularly through the Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS). Studies will be carried out on urban forestry in coastal areas and small islands, and on the linkages between forest and tree degradation and impoverishment around cities. Demonstrations and training on transfer of urban forestry techniques are planned. Publications on the state-of-the-art of arid zone forestry in several regions are also planned. Besides links with other entities under the major programme, external partners include ICRAF and IUFRO, as well as a number of academic institutions active in the sector.

241A3 - Sustainable Mountain Development and Watershed Management

Rationale and Objective

524. FAO is the designated United Nations system lead agency for the International Year of Mountains (2002) and is also task manager for Chapter 13 of Agenda 21 - Managing Fragile Ecosystems: Sustainable Mountain Development. Accordingly, this TP will seek: 1) to increase awareness of sustainable mountain development issues; 2) to facilitate collaboration among partners in the context of Chapter 13 of Agenda 21 to achieve coherent and effective institutional approaches; and 3) to enhance capacity at national level to plan and implement sustainable mountain development and watershed management programmes.

Approach and Links

525. A number of publications are planned, including on the ecological role and management considerations of high altitude forests, working definitions of mountains and their sustainable development, and the role of forests in sustainable mountain development. FAO's lead role will also be facilitated by the development of databases on national mountain profiles and institutions active in sustainable mountain development and the establishment of an effective information network for the collection, analysis and dissemination of mountain related information. Regional preparatory meetings for the Global Mountain Conference as well as other important meetings on the subject will be convened or serviced. Awareness-building activities will include the preparation of brochures, case studies, films, exhibitions for the International Year of Mountains (2002). Guidelines and training modules for policy formulation and programme planning in sustainable mountain development will be prepared and organized, drawing on the support of decentralized offices. External partners will include in particular the ICIMOD.

241A4 - Biological Diversity Conservation and Sustainable Wildlife Utilization

Rationale and Objective

526. This programme entity includes two important dimensions of FAO's work in forestry which are grouped for convenience to avoid fragmented presentation. The conservation of biological diversity is a critical component of sustainable natural resources management. Building on earlier valuable advice, technical assistance, and information provided by FAO about wildlife resources and their utilization, this CP will continue to meet the demands of Members for these services. The objectives are, therefore, to identify and document constraints on effective biodiversity conservation, especially at the ecosystem level; to identify and facilitate the uptake of improved methods of biodiversity conservation; and to facilitate the sustainable use of forest and wildland animal resources.

Approach and Links

527. The TP will develop criteria and indicators of effective biodiversity conservation in collaboration with the more global regional processes on criteria and indicators. It will also document and analyze constraints on effective biodiversity conservation and, in collaboration with decentralized offices, publish and disseminate reports and guidelines on biodiversity. The TP will continue to advise member countries on sustainable wildlife management, develop and publish criteria and indicators for sustainable use of wildlife and support increased national capacities in ecosystem conservation, management and use of wildlife resources. This will be supported by such regional publications as: the Asian Elephant, and eight issues of Tigerpaper, FAO's quarterly journal of wildlife conservation in Asia and the Pacific. Links are to be maintained with other entities and external partners such as the CBD Secretariat, WWF, IUCN, and WB/UNDP for the development and evaluation of Global Environment Facility (GEF) projects.

241A5 - Forest Plantations and Planted Tree Resources

Rationale and Objective

528. Plantations and planted trees will increasingly be the source of wood and non-wood products as the ability of natural forest resources to meet future demands is reduced. These plantations are expected to be established mostly by the private sector. Member countries need to be aware of trends in the establishment and management of plantations and the extent to which they will contribute toward meeting the future demand for wood and non-wood forest goods and services, including environmental services, in order to develop effective policies for the sustainable management and conservation of forests and other tree resources. The objectives are to support programmes for plantations and planted trees through the introduction and use of best silvicultural and management practices, the use of physiologically and genetically optimal materials; to safeguard the health and vitality of forest resources from insects and other harmful biotic and abiotic agents; to facilitate forest and land use policy decisions based on reliable and timely information on status and trends in plantations; and to assess the environmental, social and economic impacts of forest plantations and planted trees.

Approach and Links

529. This TP will have a strong component of technical and policy advice to countries on plantations and planted trees, and also on all aspects of tree seed handling, tree improvement, and the application of new biotechnologies in forest tree breeding. Guidelines on the safe movement of germplasm will be issued, as appropriate. Support to networks will include mahogany, neem, and karite networks, as well as TEAKNET (dealing with teak in Asia). Methodological work will cover a study on the effect of plantation production on the extent and state of natural forests, including an analysis of threats to natural forest ecosystems, as well as case studies on environmental, social and economic impacts of plantations and planted trees. This will be accompanied by the development of a plantations database in collaboration with the major project on forest resources assessment (FRA 2000). A regional Workshop on the Use of Wastewater for Irrigated Forest Plantations is planned in the Near East, whereas information networks on forest insects and diseases will be established in the Asia/Pacific, Mediterranean/Balkans and Africa regions. The TP provides secretariat services, including background documents and reports, for the 21st session of the International Poplar Commission (IPC) and for the 12th session of the Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources. Important external partners are CIFOR, IUCN, WWF, IUFRO, INEP and UNESCO.

241P1 - Assessment and Monitoring of Forests and Woodland Resources

Rationale and Objective

530. International and national level policy-makers require timely, accurate and comprehensive information about forest resources as the basis for making decisions about forests. This is part of FAO's mandate, hence this continuing programme activity, the objectives of which are: to systematically observe, analyze, document and report on the status and trends in forest resources; to develop on a continuing basis technologies and methods for forest inventory, analysis, assessment and monitoring based on common and agreed concepts and terms; and to strengthen the capabilities of member countries to assess their own forest resources and underlying causes of deforestation and forest degradation.


531. As part of the major forest resources assessment (FRA) activity, the CP will analyze trends in forest resources, including spatial and dynamic aspects such as: changes in forest cover, growth and yield, carbon storage, environmental aspects, fires, related indicators of sustainability, trends in forest uses including social and economic parameters, fuelwood, non-wood goods and services, forests available for wood supply, protected areas, and indicators of biological diversity. It will produce and disseminate to the membership on a periodic basis, reports on the status and trends of forest resources, including a major status report as of the year 2000. It will also make available on the Internet, comprehensive databases with information about forest resources on a national, regional and global basis. All Regional and Sub-regional Offices contribute to this overall assessment and reporting activity, also by encouraging national forest inventory coordinators to share and collect forest resource information using compatible formats and standards to facilitate regional and global analysis of comparable data. They will also disseminate forest inventory methodologies, including standards and guidelines for use by countries in improving the assessment of their forest resources. Through national, sub-regional and regional workshops, the CP will seek to increase capacities to monitor, assess and analyze the state and trends in forest resources and forest uses, and to use this information as the basis for effective forest policies and programme evaluation.


532. The FRA activity will draw on the expertise of other forestry programmes. It will feed information into the State of the World's Forests (SOFO) - 243P5. External partners include several bilateral assistance agencies, EU, UN-ECE, UNEP and a number of national research centres.

241S1 - Technical Support and Advisory Services

533. This entity is to support field projects and respond to requests from governments for technical assistance and policy advice, as relates to forest resources and other disciplines covered under Programme 2.4.1. It will involve participation of both Headquarters and decentralized staff.

2000-01 Estimates by Funding Source, Unit and Region (US$ 000)
Funding Source Organizational Unit Region
Fund Total Unit Programme Trust Total Region Total
      of Work Fund      
Programme of Work   AFIP 198 0 198 Global 2 243
Regular Programme 8 076 FAOR 40 0 40 Inter Regional 1 611
Secondments to STS 7 FO 6 559 1 440 7 999 Africa 15 555
Secondments to Trust Funds 224 LOGE 67 138 205 Asia and Pacific 17 222
World Bank Other 20 RAF 246 14 057 14 303 Near East 3 949
Programme of Work 8 327 RAP 343 15 507 15 850 Europe 943
Trust Fund Activities   RLC 388 4 133 4 521 Latin America 5 659
Trust Funds 38 855 RNE 179 3 082 3 261    
Trust Fund Activities 38 855 SAFR 80 0 80    
    SAPA 122 0 122    
    SLAC 105 0 105    
    TCD 0 57 57    
    TCO 0 441 441    
Programme 2.4.1 Total 47 182   8 327 38 855 47 182   47 182

Programme 2.4.2: Forest Products

(All amounts in US$ 000)

  Programme Entity 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total Regional Office Wood and Non-Wood Products Utilization 2 319 (2 319) 0 0% 0% Forest Harvesting, Trade and Marketing 2 394 (2 394) 0 0% 0%
2.4.2.A1 Socio-economic Aspects of Forest Products 0 1 027 1 027 21% 9%
2.4.2.A2 Increasing Productivity in Sustainable Forest Raw Material Utilization 0 1 130 1 130 24% 8%
2.4.2.P1 Forest Raw Material Information 0 240 240 5% 4%
2.4.2.P2 Forest Products Information and Networking 0 886 886 19% 10%
2.4.2.P3 Forest Products Utilization Issues 0 497 497 10% 6%
2.4.2.S1 Support to Statutory Bodies, Committees, International Organizations and Field Projects 0 1 005 1 005 21% 31%
Total (zero real growth) 4 713 72 4 785 100% 13%
Cost Increases (zero real growth) (18)  
Total (zero real growth - recosted) 4 767  
Programme Change (zero nominal growth) 0  
Total (zero nominal growth) 4 767  

534. The programme addresses the production and utilization of the many wood-based and non-wood products derived from forests and trees outside forests. It recognizes that sustainable management of forests depends in large part on the environmental and economic impact of the actions of people who use forest products. It addresses more particularly the following overall medium-term objectives:

535. The six constituent programme entities give prominence to the collection and dissemination of information on forest raw material and products, the adoption of codes of environmentally-sound harvesting and utilization practices, the improvement of utilization standards, increasing productivity and conversion efficiency, the development of improved trade policies, and the active promotion of a wide range of non-wood forest products, including their management, utilization and marketing.

242A1 - Socio-economic Aspects of Forest Products

Rationale and Objective

536. Forests provide multiple products and services, with a potential to contribute to employment and income generation. It is important for countries to increase the value and sustainable use of forest goods and services in harmony with national resource conservation and environmental protection goals. This technical project is to increase awareness in countries through information on employment and income generation, especially in rural areas, as well as the development, conservation and sustainable management and use of trees and other forest resources.

Approach and Links

537. A report is to be issued on the socio-economic role of the forest products industry. In addition, manuals on road survey and construction, especially in mountainous terrain, will be published. A database on plantation timber and wood products marketing will be established. Methodological work will include studies on the potential of people's participation in forests products marketing at local level and on consumer attitudes towards certified forest products in selected markets. Comprehensive information will be placed on the Internet to document the role of non-wood forest products in food security. Work on wood energy systems will address the economics of using wood fuels and other forest products and the analyzing of policy options for income generation and employment from wood energy at the country level. The main external partners are expected to be ILO, UNIDO and IUFRO.

242A2 - Increasing Productivity in Sustainable Forest Raw Material Utilization

Rationale and Objective

538. This TP addresses the multiple requirements of countries in increasing the contribution of forests and trees to national economies and meeting the demand for forest products in a sustainable manner. The objective is to support a long-term increase of productivity in forest goods and services through reduction of waste, increased use of residues, recycling, improved methods, techniques and practices of harvesting, processing and marketing. This TP will also aim at providing scientific and technical information for a better understanding and implementation of carbon sequestration and substitution activities, within the framework of the UN Framework Convention of Climate Change.


539. This TP will involve a number of studies on: plantation timber pricing in selected regions; marketing of selected non-wood forest products in urban markets; and improved harvesting systems and techniques for selected non-wood forest products. A survey of forest products marketing training needs in a selected country/region will be carried out and a compendium of log and sawnwood grading rules is to be issued. It is also planned to undertake case studies for the calculation of carbon inventories in forest and wood energy initiatives, and surveys on wood wastes for fuel production in selected countries. Reports on recovered paper and environmental aspects and on modern processing technologies for veneer and plywood production are to be published. A regional code will be prepared for Africa on forest harvesting practices in natural forests and an expert meeting is to be convened on the subject. Decentralized offices will focus on direct support to national efforts to implement reduced impact logging practices and support to countries through the framework of national forest programmes to assist them in responding to the forestry reporting requirements of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) and Kyoto Protocol.


540. Besides links to other forestry entities (in jointly addressing the socio-economic aspects of forest products and forest plantations and planted-tree resources), external partners will comprise CIFOR, ILO, ISO and IUFRO with which consultations and joint activities are planned, and IEA, UNDP and UNIDO for activities on bioenergy.

242P1 - Forest Raw Material Information

Rationale and Objective

541. In addition to ecological and biological forest information, reliable data on the resources available for industrial and household-level use, as well as levels of harvesting are needed by policy-makers, planners and the public and private sectors. The objective of this continuing programme activity is to improve the availability and access to information on forest raw materials and their harvesting intensities for sustainable utilization.

Approach and Links

542. The main actions will be to maintain a database on the environmental impact of forest utilization on forest resources in tropical forests, and another database on forests available for wood supply. Selected information will be placed on the Internet and issued as traditional publications. In addition, pilot case studies will be undertaken on the environmental impact of forest utilization on the forest resources in tropical forests. Main external partners will be CIFOR and UNIDO.

242P2 - Forest Products Information and Networking

Rationale and Objective

543. The international community requires adequate information to support the development of national forestry policies. FAO also needs to promote international agreements for concerted actions towards sustainable development. The objectives of this CP are thus to improve availability and access to information on forest products in collaboration with relevant stakeholders and to provide a forum to involve the public and private sectors in current developments related to forest products utilization, marketing and trade.


544. A number of databases will be maintained, covering forest products marketing, and information on forestry equipment and machineries and manufacturing companies. Those relating to wood energy are: WEIS, an interactive database providing statistical information about the production and consumption of wood-based fuels in all countries, and Wood Energy Today for Tomorrow as a mechanism for the collection and collation of information and data on wood fuels, other biofuels and related energy aspects at national level. Two issues of recovered paper data are planned, as well as the regular publication of the Forest Harvesting bulletin, and the Forest Energy Forum (bi-annual bulletin). Activities on the Unified Wood Energy Terminology (UWET) will concentrate on its improvement, periodic review and dissemination. Two issues of the Non-wood News bulletin are also planned, together with maintenance of the associated page on the FAO Website. Support to international expert meetings and training workshops on non-wood forest products (NWFP) will be provided in cooperation with decentralized offices. Finally, the analysis of information on reduced impact forest harvesting and engineering operations (production and costs) supporting sustainable forest management, will complete the range of information dissemination activities under this CP.


545. Several external partners are expected to cooperate, primarily through mutual exchange of data. These are AIT, CIFOR, UN-ECE, IEA, ILO, IUFRO, OLADE, UNESCO and UNIDO.

242P3 - Forest Products Utilization Issues

Rationale and Objective

546. Forest products utilization and trade are major factors influencing the conservation and sustainable development of forest resources. Appropriate policies and practices are required to support national and effective utilization, trade and industrial development, including consideration of environmental aspects. This CP is to foster increased awareness of trade in wood, non-wood, and wood energy products and of the factors influencing their utilization.

Approach and Links

547. This CP will contribute to the preparation of various documents on trade trends in forest products, including the evaluation of trade potential in NWFP, and the analysis of trade in wood-based fuels, for dissemination or presentation to workshops/conferences. It will also be involved with trade and environmental analysis, and certification analysis, as well as with advice to countries concerning follow-up to the Uruguay Round. Main external partners are expected to be ATO, ITTO and UN-ECE.

242S1 - Support to Statutory Bodies, Committees, International Organizations and Field Projects

548. This technical services agreement covers inputs to various bodies and support to field projects related to the disciplines under Programme 2.4.2 (the latter jointly with decentralized offices). Besides contributions to the Committee on Forestry (COFO), regional forestry commissions and SOFO, examples of involvement include: servicing of the FAO/ECE/ILO Workshop on New Trends in Wood Harvesting with Cable Systems; servicing of the FAO/ECE/ILO Seminar on Harvesting of Non-wood Forest Products in the Mediterranean Region and the FAO/ECE/ILO Committee on Forest Technology and Management, and two annual sessions of the Advisory Committee on Paper and Wood Products (ACPWP). Attendance at committees and participation in discussions and technical evaluations, are also covered.

2000-01 Estimates by Funding Source, Unit and Region (US$ 000)
Funding Source Organizational Unit Region
Fund Total Unit Programme Trust Total Region Total
      of Work Fund      
Programme of Work   AFIP 143 0 143 Global 1 218
Regular Programme 4 716 FO 3 628 1 435 5 063 Inter Regional 1 548
Secondments to STS 7 LOGE 403 0 403 Africa 1 174
Secondments to Trust Funds 62 RAF 183 238 421 Asia and Pacific 1 895
Programme of Work 4 785 RAP 133 1 012 1 145 Near East 374
Trust Fund Activities   RLC 125 0 125 Europe 442
Trust Funds 2 685 RNE 51 0 51 Latin America 819
Trust Fund Activities 2 685 SAFR 65 0 65    
    SAPA 54 0 54    
Programme 2.4.2 Total 7 470   4 785 2 685 7 470   7 470

Programme 2.4.3: Forestry Policy and Planning

(All amounts in US$ 000)

  Programme Entity 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total Regional Office Institutions and Policy 2 939 (2 939) 0 0% 0% Statistics and Sector Analysis 3 947 (3 947) 0 0% 0% Community Forestry Development 1 567 (1 567) 0 0% 0% Follow-up to UNCED in Forestry 2 094 (2 094) 0 0% 0% International Liaison and Information 2 047 (2 047) 0 0% 0%
2.4.3.A1 Forestry Outlook Study for Africa 0 860 860 10% 11%
2.4.3.A2 Forests, Trees and People Programme 0 143 143 2% 19%
2.4.3.A3 Strengthening Forestry Research, Education and Extension Systems 0 1 139 1 139 13% 5%
2.4.3.P1 Improving Country Capacity on Forestry Policy and Institutions and Support to National Forest Programmes 0 909 909 11% 21%
2.4.3.P2 Economic Analysis of the Forestry Sector 0 1 403 1 403 16% 3%
2.4.3.P3 Forest Products Production and Trade Statistics 0 983 983 12% 7%
2.4.3.P4 Participatory Forestry Development 0 961 961 11% 9%
2.4.3.P5 State of the World's Forests 0 291 291 3% 3%
2.4.3.S1 Technical Support and Advisory Services 0 1 833 1 833 22% 41%
Total (zero real growth) 12 594 (4 072) 8 522 100% 16%
Cost Increases (zero real growth) 176  
Total (zero real growth - recosted) 8 698  
Programme Change (zero nominal growth) 0  
Total (zero nominal growth) 8 698  

549. The programme responds to the need for countries to strengthen national policies, institutions, and processes, both in the forestry sector and in related sectors, in order to make significant progress toward the sustainable management and conservation of forest and tree resources. It addresses the following overall medium-term objectives:

550. The information dissemination objective is to be met by issuance of forestry sector outlook studies and the major report on the State of the World's Forests (SOFO). Work on institution strengthening will cover in particular the formulation of national forest programmes and further promotion of and support to community forestry. The programme will also support the implementation and monitoring of the outcomes of actions agreed in the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests and the Intergovernmental Forum on Forests.

551. The work programme for 2000-01 contemplates three technical projects, five continuing programme activities including SOFO and statistics, and one technical services agreement covering technical support and advisory services to the membership.

243A1 - Forestry Outlook Study for Africa

Rationale and Objective

552. FAO has been undertaking a series of regional forest sector outlook studies in collaboration with concerned member countries. The first study, which provided the medium and long-term outlook for forest resources, products, trade, services, policies, and institutions in Asia and the Pacific, was completed in 1998. The second major regional study, which is addressed by this TP, encompasses the countries of Africa and was started in 1998. The direct involvement of countries in the study is expected to strengthen their institutional capabilities in this important area. The objectives are to support strategic forestry planning efforts, to stimulate forest policy reform, to provide orientation for donor assistance and investment in the region and, more generally, to contribute to forest conservation and development throughout Africa.

Approach and Links

553. Intermediate outputs will consist of baseline studies on socio-economic aspects and land uses in African countries, a series of country, sub-regional and thematic studies and the analysis and projections of forest products production, trade and consumption. The results will feed into the consolidated forest sector outlook study for use by African countries as a reference for sector analyses, policy studies, planning of investment and assistance programmes, and to support national or sub-national policy and institutional reform. The Regional and Sub-regional Offices will participate throughout. It is also foreseen to undertake follow-up studies and capacity-building in specific countries, focusing on policy and legislation reform and improved assessment and analysis of national level information. Work will draw as required on the range of forestry expertise present in the Forestry Department and in the decentralized offices. External partners will be AfDB, EU, WB, SADC, IGAD, ECOWAS and ATO.

243A2 - Forests, Trees and People Programme

Rationale and Objective

554. The Forests, Trees and People Programme (FTPP) provides an effective mechanism to support initiatives to decentralize the management of forests to the population groups whose livelihoods are most directly affected, the people in local forest communities. This TP's objectives are to increase social and economic equity and improve human well-being, especially of the poor, by creating an enabling environment for collaborative and sustainable management of trees, forests and other natural resources, and to assist with related policy, legislation and capacity-building, particularly at the community level.

Approach and Links

555. The TP will develop practical tools and methodologies for participatory natural resource management, including guidelines for an enabling environment and for involving stakeholders in policy development. The latter will build on case studies on participation of all stakeholders in policy development. The TP will also support training workshops to address locally relevant issues and disseminate information through newsletters, electronic means, and targeted publications, including the FTPP brochure. There is a strong networking dimension to facilitate exchange of knowledge among the various FTPP regional components. Besides cooperation with other forestry entities and support of decentralized staff, links will be maintained with the Sustainable Development Department (Programmes 2.5.2 and 2.5.3). The FTPP external partners include CIFOR, ICRAF, CATIE, ICIMOD as well as several academic institutions and bilateral assistance programmes.

243A3 - Strengthening Forestry Research, Education and Extension Systems

Rationale and Objective

556. Effective forest research, education and extension systems underpin institutional and human resource capability to sustainably manage forests, trees outside forests, and related natural resources. This TP aims, therefore, to enhance forestry research, education and extension systems and institutions at national and regional levels. Objectives are to facilitate technology transfer and linkages; to develop institutional arrangements and partnerships; and to develop effective tools and methods to promote forest research, education and extension.

Approach and Links

557. The TP will seek in the first instance to maintain comprehensive information systems and databases on forestry education and extension systems. It will issue practical guidelines on developing learning networks and curriculum development and teaching methodologies for forestry education. Publications on forestry extension are to be issued addressing approaches, institutional arrangements and communication support. A state-of-the-art report on forestry education is also to be prepared. Workshops on extension approaches will be organized. Networking of forestry research institutions will include FAO support to the Asia and the Pacific Association of Forestry Research Institutions (APFRI) and similar networks in other regions. Cooperation will be ensured with similar activities in the Sustainable Development Department concerning agricultural education and extension. Main outside partners are CIFOR, ICRAF and IUFRO, together with numerous universities in developing forestry education and research programmes, curricula, and related institutional aspects.

243P1 - Improving Country Capacity on Forestry Policy and Institutions and Support to National Forest Programmes

Rationale and Objective

558. This continuing programme activity is to respond to countries' requests for assistance with strengthening forest policies and institutions. At the international level, support will be provided to policy dialogue, either under the auspices of FAO or other relevant mechanisms such as the UN Commission on Sustainable Development. The objectives are to develop methodologies, techniques and normative orientations for improving forestry policy formulation and implementation; to enhance institutional performance; and to assist with effective programmes for forest management at the national and sub-national levels.

Approach and Links

559. Case studies on cross-sectoral linkages between forestry policy and other policies will be carried out, and methodologies concerning the main phases of forestry policy processes will be developed and published. There will also be studies on specific issues, including privatization, decentralization, and the impact of globalization on national forest management. The results of this analytical work will be fed into seminars and workshops on forest policy carried out in different regions and technical support will be provided to countries in the development and effective implementation of national forest programmes; both involving staff in decentralized offices. Main external partners will be CIFOR (for collaboration in case studies), EU, UNDP and the WB (contribution to the World Bank forestry policy review).

243P2 - Economic Analysis of the Forestry Sector

Rationale and Objective

560. Concerning the comprehensive and objective evaluation of the demand and supply of forest products and services, many countries require support in devising options to improve the financing of forest management and conservation, as well as to develop and implement more effective and economically sound policies. The objective of this CP is, therefore, to assist countries to improve the management of forest resources through the application of sound economic analysis.

Approach and Links

561. This continuing programme activity has by essence a strong analytical dimension. The following factors will be more particularly investigated: the effects of emerging technologies to expand fibre supply, while maintaining water and air quality; the economic perspective of the role of trees outside forests in providing food, fodder, fuelwood, and other services, while contributing to sustainable forest management; important trends in international forest products trade, including the increasing trade of processed products, and the implications for forest management; capital flows and their impact on the forest sector; the potential impact of increased forest plantations, including economic, social and environmental effects. In addition, there will be a strong publications component, e.g. on public and private investments in forestry; practical land tenure arrangements available to countries in Africa that would promote sustainable forest management; and successful administrative and fiscal arrangements. Region-specific publications are also to be issued. Workshops will be organized to share experiences of forest managers who have successfully invested in good forest management practices. This CP will need to draw as required on contributions from other forestry entities. Through this CP, preparation will be made to launch a regional forestry sector and outlook study for Latin America late in the biennium. External partners will include EU and WB.

243P3 - Forest Products Production and Trade Statistics

Rationale and Objective

562. As part of FAO's mandate, this CP covers core work on statistics related to the production and trade of forest products. The objectives are to provide Members with timely, accurate and comprehensive national, regional and global information on the production and trade of forest products and to assist them in gathering, tabulating and analyzing their own information in order to improve the efficiency of the forest products sector.

Approach and Links

563. FAO will rely on a network of statistical correspondents for the development and dissemination of guidelines, on-line references, and other tools to help countries convert their forest product statistical series into internationally compatible information. Two editions of the FAO Yearbook of Forest Products will be issued, while data will also be available on the Internet. A joint forest products questionnaire is to be developed in partnership with UN-ECE, ITTO and EUROSTAT, and statistical training workshops will be held to promote a clear understanding of agreed norms and methodologies for classification and definition of forest products. Besides the above institutions, other partners will be key national statistical services in advanced countries.

243P4 - Participatory Forestry Development

Rationale and Objective

564. This continuing programme activity responds to governments' requirements for assistance in promoting participatory decision-making processes and decentralization of decision-making in the forestry sector. The objective is to support an enabling environment for participatory forestry both to maintain forest resources and improve the well-being of rural people who depend on forests for their livelihoods.

Approach and Links

565. The methodological component will consist of case studies on the impact of decentralization on local forest management, including identification of key indicators for monitoring and evaluating impacts, and also case studies on devolution. This work will lead to guidelines for policy and decision-makers to create an enabling environment for increase stakeholder participation, and a major report on the impact of community based management on forest resources. FAO publications on forestry and food security will also be revised and updated. The training support component foresees the preparation of field manuals for learning networks and participatory processes, including development of an information package, conflict management training materials, and gender and natural resources training workshops. There is a direct link between this CP and entity 243A2 (Forests, Trees and People Programme) described above. A number of NGOs and academic institutions will be associated with this work.

243P5 - State of the World's Forests

566. This CP covers the issuance on a biennial basis of a comprehensive report on the state of the world's forests (SOFO), including summaries of global and regional information about forest resources, products and trade, and analyses of current forest policy issues. Close contacts will be maintained with units responsible for other similar reports (e.g. SOFA and Agriculture Towards 2015/30).

243S1 - Technical Support and Advisory Services

567. This entity covers a wide range of inputs related to technical support to the FAO field programme and policy advice to countries, on issues addressed by Programme 2.4.3.

2000-01 Estimates by Funding Source, Unit and Region (US$ 000)
Funding Source Organizational Unit Region
Fund Total Unit Programme Trust Total Region Total
      of Work Fund      
Programme of Work   AFIP 257 0 257 Global 1 860
Regular Programme 8 239 FAOR 40 0 40 Inter Regional 3 474
ISP 52 FO 6 657 4 087 10 744 Africa 7 486
Secondments to STS 7 LOGE 247 0 247 Asia and Pacific 3 153
Secondments to Trust Funds 163 RAF 364 5 190 5 554 Near East 600
World Bank Other 61 RAP 358 965 1 323 Europe 1 599
Programme of Work 8 522 RLC 242 9 358 9 600 Latin America 11 155
Trust Fund Activities   RNE 67 0 67    
Trust Funds 20 805 SAFR 98 0 98    
Trust Fund Activities 20 805 SAPA 63 0 63    
    SLAC 129 0 129    
    TCO 0 1 205 1 205    
Programme 2.4.3 Total 29 327   8 522 20 805 29 327   29 327

Programme 2.4.4: Forest Programmes Coordination and Information

(All amounts in US$ 000)

  Programme Entity 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total Regional Office
2.4.4.P1 Forestry Information System 0 1 508 1 508 39% 0%
2.4.4.P2 Support to Initiatives in the Follow-up to UNCED 0 1 327 1 327 35% 30%
2.4.4.S1 Support to Statutory Bodies and Liaison with the Regional Offices 0 1 005 1 005 26% 27%
Total (zero real growth) 0 3 840 3 840 100% 17%
Cost Increases (zero real growth) 43  
Total (zero real growth - recosted) 3 883  
Programme Change (zero nominal growth) 0  
Total (zero nominal growth) 3 883  

568. This new programme is introduced to highlight several important information and coordination activities which cut across the various forestry disciplines and programmes, as the three constituent entities indicate.

244P1 - Forestry Information System

Rationale and Objective

569. This CP covers in particular the development and maintenance of an integrated global forest information system which links various cartographic, descriptive and statistical databases on a country and thematic basis. This information system is also integrated with the overall WAICENT programme and is available on the Internet. The objective is to make available to internal and external users comprehensive information on all technical areas covered by the Forestry Department.


570. The programme of work contemplates the design and implementation of new modules and other enhancements to the FAO forestry information system on the Internet, including improved linkages with FAO decentralized offices and partner institutions such as national forestry-related Websites. Enhancements of the information system will include the development of improved protocols, interfaces, hyperlinks, and information content. Training will be organized for FAO staff and partners on effective use of the information system. This CP also covers: the production of UNASYLVA (FAO's quarterly forestry journal); the preparation of targeted information material in cooperation with decentralized offices to meet regional requirements; and the FAO forestry library.


571. As regards internal links, the forestry information system is fully integrated with WAICENT, whereas the forestry library operates within the framework of the FAO library system. Information in the global forest resources assessment (FRA), databases on forest products, including global fibre supply information, and other statistical databases on the production and trade of forest products are fully integrated with the global forestry information system. External partners include CIFOR, IUFRO, EU, UN-ECE and the WB.

244P2 - Support to Initiatives in the Follow-up to UNCED

Rationale and Objective

572. As task manager for Chapters 11 and 13 of Agenda 21, FAO has a lead role in the follow-up to UNCED. It is active in providing support to, and analysis and information for international processes related to forests, including the intergovernmental forest policy dialogue under the UN Commission on Sustainable Development. This is also buttressed by its role of neutral forum for the exchange of information on forest policies, institutions and resources through the Committee on Forestry, ministerial meetings on forestry and regional forestry commissions. The objectives are to make available to countries and to partner organizations technical and analytical information on issues and options for sustainable development in the forest and related sectors and, upon request, to provide advice and facilitate the mobilization of resources to promote sustainable forest management at the national level.

Approach and Links

573. A major activity is the on-going support to the Intergovernmental Forum on Forests (IFF) and eventual arrangements to foster international dialogue on forests, including arrangements and mechanisms to promote sustainable forest management. The CP will also provide inputs to the various processes for criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol under the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC). The decentralized offices will seek to facilitate and participate in regional initiatives to implement the proposals of the Intergovernmental Panel and Forum on Forests. The major external partners are the UN-CSD Secretariat and other secretariats of conventions.

244S1 - Support to Statutory Bodies and Liaison with the Regional Offices

574. The FAO Committee on Forestry (COFO) is a major statutory body which provides guidance and oversight for the Organization's forestry programmes. The regional forestry commissions assemble national forestry leaders in each region to exchange views on important policy and resource management issues, as well as to provide guidance for FAO's forestry programmes to reflect regional concerns and perspectives. This programme entity also serves as a focal point for coordination of forestry work in the decentralized offices. The specific objectives are, therefore, to ensure that the statutory bodies receive adequate information organized to optimize the interaction among Members and their contributions to FAO governance; and to promote fruitful exchange of views among members of the forestry committees and commissions.

2000-01 Estimates by Funding Source, Unit and Region (US$ 000)
Funding Source Organizational Unit Region
Fund Total Unit Programme Trust Total Region Total
      of Work Fund      
Programme of Work   AFIP 111 0 111 Global 1 473
Regular Programme 3 818 FO 2 916 0 2 916 Inter Regional 0
Secondments to Trust Funds 22 LOGE 146 0 146 Africa 502
Programme of Work 3 840 RAF 122 0 122 Asia and Pacific 579
Trust Fund Activities   RAP 205 0 205 Near East 342
Trust Funds 0 RLC 214 0 214 Europe 348
Trust Fund Activities 0 RNE 86 0 86 Latin America 596
    SAFR 14 0 14    
    SAPA 9 0 9    
    SLAC 17 0 17    
Programme 2.4.4 Total 3 840   3 840 0 3 840   3 840

Programme 2.4.9: Programme Management

(All amounts in US$ 000)

  Programme Entity 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total Regional Office Departmental Direction 3 125 (3 125) 0 0% 0% Divisional Direction 1 391 (1 391) 0 0% 0% Regional and Sub-regional Offices 801 (801) 0 0% 0%
2.4.9.S1 Departmental Direction 0 2 609 2 609 50% 0%
2.4.9.S2 Divisional Direction 0 1 582 1 582 30% 0%
2.4.9.S3 Regional and Sub-regional Direction 0 1 071 1 071 20% 99%
Total (zero real growth) 5 317 (55) 5 262 100% 20%
Cost Increases (zero real growth) (53)  
Total (zero real growth - recosted) 5 209  
Programme Change (zero nominal growth) 0  
Total (zero nominal growth) 5 209  

575. This programme covers the immediate office of the Assistant Director-General (FOD), the offices of the Division Directors, and those parts of Regional Office direction attributable to forestry programmes. The decrease in resources reflects restructuring of MSUs.

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