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Annex IX
Deputy Secretary-General
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC)
Bangkok, Thailand

On behalf of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC), it gives me great pleasure to participate in the Third Advisory Committee Meeting of the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia. I am especially pleased to say a few words about SEAFDEC's collaborating role with NACA.

As you know, the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, on behalf of the Government of the Philippines, has served as the NACA Lead Centre (or RLCP) since 1980. Thus a close relationship between SEAFDEC and NACA has developed since the formation of the Network, culminating in the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on 13 May 1982 by the SEAFDEC Secretary-General and NACA Coordinator. This Memorandum describes the mode of operation of the activities of the RLCP.

The SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department and NACA have similar objectives to stimulate fisheries development on aquaculture. Since 1980, the Aquaculture Department has done its utmost to collaborate with the NACA team.

The collaboration between the Department and NACA comprises three main areas, namely:

  1. The NACA training course for senior aquaculturists which is incorporated as part of the Aquaculture Department Training and Extension Division's activities;

  2. Research on brackishwater fish and shrimp (tiger prawn) culture; and

  3. Information services which are being implemented by the personnel of the Aquaculture Department.

Over thirty Aquaculture Department personnel are actively assisting the RLCP research and information activities, as well as providing office facilities.

Also, the Aquaculture Department has provided fellowships to the NACA Training Programme for Senior Aquaculturists. Eight fellowships were provided for the first session held in 1981/82. Ten fellowships were provided for the second session in 1982/83 and there are ten more for the third session in 1983/84. Thus, the Aquaculture Department has provided 28 fellowships to-date for the one-year degree course for senior aquaculturists. SEAFDEC does this because training skilled personnel is one of its primary objectives.

In addition, the Department provided total financial support amounting to-date is US$513,070 under training and research expenses.

In collaboration with NACA, the Second Training Course for Senior Aquaculturists ended on 25 March 1983, while the third session commenced on the same date.

Various training and communications equipment procured by NACA were availed of, particularly the audio-visual equipment for the development of technology packages. This is because SEAFDEC pays a great deal of attention to transferring technology to the grass-roots fish farmers. As a joint project between the Department and NACA, the aquaculture information which has been compiled thus far is being digested for wider distribution.

Lastly, let me assure NACA that SEAFDEC will continue to collaborate as much as possible in order to complement our efforts to further aquaculture development. Such collaboration based on mutual understanding as exemplified by the pooling of expertise and resources avoids duplication of effort. However, to be most effective, the collaboration needs to be undertaken on an equal basiw for mutual benefit. It is hoped that this spirit of collaboration will continue and that SEAFDEC will be able to continue its whole-hearted support to the NACA programme.

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