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Country: Reference: 
Province or state:  
Name/postal address of farm:
Name/address of funding agency if farm is state owned or assisted:
Name/position of compiler/interviewer:
Date of compilation/interview:  


1. Farm ownership (tick appropriate box)

State State assisted Private  

2. Aim of farming activity (tick appropriate box)

Commercial/cash income    
 Grow-out from farm produced seed    
 Grow-out from wild-caught seed    
 Grow-out from purchased/imported seed    
 Seed production    
Public sector support    
 Seed production for state assisted farms    
 Research and development    
  Nutrition and feed development    

3. Cultured farm species

Indicate monoculture or polyculture (species ratio)


4. Market value of cultured species (local currency) 1

SpeciesSeed cost/piece or /1000Table size cost/piece or /kg

1 Indicate average market size (age or weight) for each commodity

5. Farming intensity (tick appropriate box)

 Larvae (Hatchery)Seed (Nursery)Grow-outBroodstock

6. Farm production unit and size (m2 or m3)1

Indoor tank    
Outdoor tank    
Pen enclosure    
Cage (in open water body)    
Cage (in pond)    
Earth lined pond    
Concrete lined pond    
Livestock production units    

1 First value: average individual size of unit; Second value: total area of all units on farm

7. Farm services (tick appropriate box)

Electricity Gas Water Telephone Fuel (specify) 
Accessibility (by road):Good Adequate Poor  
Distance (km) from nearest named town or city     

8. Farm history

Start of farm construction  
Start of farm production  

9. Farm labour profile

Number of family workers on farm: Full-time Part-time  
Number of hired workers on farm: Full-time Part-time  

10. Profile of farm manager and feeding/nutrition technician

 Farm managerFeeding technician
Ethnic group  
Languages spoken  
Education attainment  
Experience in fish farming (years)  
Experience in feeding/nutrition (years)  
Number of years of work on farm  
Source of farming/nutrition knowledge  
Hours/day spent on activity  

11. Water management

Indoor tank    
Outdoor tank    
Pen enclosure    
Cage (in open water body)    
Cage (in pond)    
Earth lined pond    
Concrete lined pond    

1 Express water management in terms of % volume exchanged/day or litres/minute

12. Aeration

Yes or No    
If yes , number hours/day    

13. Water quality (range, mean)

Temperature (°C)    
Salinity (ppt)    
Oxygen (% saturation, mg/l)    

14. Photoperiod

Artificial or Natural    
Artificial (hours/day)    

15. Stocking density and individual fish/shrimp stocking weight

Initial density/l or /m2    
Initial weight (mg or g)    
Final density/l or /m2    
Final weight (mg or g)    

16. Length of growth period within each production cycle (days or weeks)

Number days or weeks    

17. Survival at the end of each production cycle

Survival (%)    


1. Feeding method (tick appropriate box)

No fertilization or feeding    
Fertilization only    
 Inorganic fertilizers    
 Organic chemical fertilizers    
 Organic animal manures    
 Green manures (plant residues)    
Diet feeding    
 Single agricultural food item    
 Poultry feed    
 In-house:produced feed mash    
 In-house produced feed pellet    
 Purchased fish/shrimp pellet    
 Trash fish    
Cultured live food organisms    
 Laboratory cultured    
 Pond cultured    

a) FERTILIZATION PROGRAMMEHatcheryNurseryGrow-outBroodstock
Name of fertilizer used    
 Unit cost (local currency/kg dry or wet weight)    
 Nutrient content (NPK, Moisture content)    
Treatment before use (yes or no)    
Form used (wet or dry)    
Amount applied (kg or tonnes/production unit or ha}    
 Per day/week/month as appropriate    
Frequency of application    
 Per day/week/month as appropriate    
Method of application    
 Through animal integration    
 By hand, spray from land, boat, sack, crib    
Time devoted to fertilizer handling/application    
 per day/week/month as appropriate (hours)    
Seasonal availability of fertilizer    
 Year round    
 Specific months only (specify when available)    
Problems arising from fertilization strategy    
 Handling difficulties    
 Diseases/Predator control /algal blooms    
Livestock integration (species, No./unit area, animal weight, diet used)

b) DIET FEEDINGHatcheryNurseryGrow-outBroodstock
Name of diet/agricultural product fed    
 Unit cost (local currency/kg dry or wet wt.)    
Proximate composition (moisture, protein, fat, ash, carbohydrate; formulation)
 Particle size of diet fed (mm)    
 Stability in water (hours)    
Treatment before use (yes or no)    
 Dried (sun, drier, pre-dried)    
 Feed ball    
Form used    
 Fresh, semi-moist, dry    
 Feed mash    
 Feed ball    
Feeding rate (% body weight/day, or Kg/unit area)    
Frequency of application (No. feeds/day/week etc)    
Method of application    
 By hand, feeder, feeding platform - specify    
Criteria for feed application    
 Manufacturers feeding tables    
 Fish appetite    
 Water quality - temperature, oxygen level    
 Availability of feed    
 Availability of cash    
 Calculation based on fish weight    
 Levels based from other farmers/experience    
Time devoted to feed handling/application/    
 manufacture per day or week as appropriate (hrs)    
Seasonal availability of diet or feed item    
 Year round    
 Specific months only (specify when available)    
Problems arising from diet feeding strategy    
 Handling difficulties - equipment/stability    
 Nutritional diseases    
 Quality control    
 Storage facilities available    
 Import credit facilities/foreign exchange    
 Shelf life    
 Ingredient availability    
 Service requirement - electricity/maintenance    
Feed consumption (kg or tonnes/week/month or production cycle)
 Food conversion ratio (if known)    
Nutritional diseases incidence (%)    
 Cataracts (cloudy lens)    
 Lordosis/scoliosis (bent spines)    
 Fatty livers or viscera    
 External haemorrhage - skin/fins/body    
 Loss of appetite - emaciation/moulting ability    
 Flared operculae    
 Pop-eye (exopthalmia)    
 Yellow fluid in intestine/liver    
Feed preparation/handling/storage/ laboratory analysis facilities; m2
Other observations    

b) CULTURED LIVE FOOD ORGANISMSHatcheryNurseryGrow-outBroodstock
Name of food organism cultured    
 Unit cost (if known)    
 Nutrient content (if known)    
Form used    
Feeding rate or concentration/litre    
Frequency of feeding (No. feeds/day)    
Method of application    
 By hand, feeder, through culture with fish)    
Criteria for feed application    
 Fish/shrimp appetite    
 Visibility of faecal strands    
 Food concentration/unit water volume    
 Water quality - temeperature, oxygen    
 Published information    
 Own experience    
 Calculations based on fish/shrimp weight    
Time devoted to live food production/feeding    
 (man hours/day or week as appropriate)    
Problems arising from live food feeding    
 Incidence of culture failures    
 Nutritional disorders/cannabalism    
 Laboratory culture methods    
 Services - UV, electricity backup facilities    
 Maintenance of stock cultures    
 Training requirement and experience    
 Maintenance and running expenses    
Cyst, stock procurement - credit facilities/ importation facilities/cost
 Nutritional quality variation    
Live food culture/laboratory facilities (m2)    
Other observations    

2. Extension facilities on feeding/nutrition

Have you ever been visited by a government officer or feed manufacturer in relation to your feeding programme?  
If yes, how often?      
Have you ever sought information on fish/shrimp feeding?    
If yes, from who- government extension officer    
 - local academic institute    
 - local farmers    
 - feed manufacturers    
 - others     
What type of assistance in feeding/nutrition would you require:  
 - training courses    
 - literature sources    
 - regular visits from government officials (how often)    
 - use of available agricultural resources for use as feed Joint farm research  
Would you be prepared to attend a national training course on aquaculture nutrition and feeding?  
If the answer is yes, how long could you spend away from your farm: 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months (specify) 

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