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Current World Food Situation

Suggested that future Secretariat reports should return to their former wider coverage of food and agricultural production (para. 11).

Agreed that the summary of its comments on the Director-General's report should be transmitted to the World Food Council for attention (para. 17).

World Food Security

Decided to recommend the establishment of a Committee on World Food Security and the amendment of Article V-6 of the FAO Constitution (para. 27).

Decided to postpone until the pre-Conference Council action on draft Conference Resolution with new Rule on the Committee on World Food Security (para. 28).

Agreed that Chairman of Ad Hoc Consultation on World Food Security be invited to attend October session of CCP (para. 28).

Requested the Director-General to circulate to all Member Nations together with the draft amendment to the Constitution, the extract from the Council report relating to world food security (para. 28).

Agreed that Council report on this item be transmitted to the World Food Council for attention (para. 29).

International Agricultural Adjustment

Agreed that Director-General would revise preliminary proposals for a Strategy of International Agricultural Adjustment and submit them to the CCP in October 1975 and the Council and Conference in November 1975 (para. 39).

Nutrition: Towards a New Strategy for Improving Nutrition

Recommended that the Secretariat proceed without delay the development and implementation of the Nutrition Planning Scheme in cooperation with the UN agencies concerned (para. 43).

Agreed to adopt the provisional terms of reference proposed by the Ad Hoc Committee; to convene a second session possibly in Spring 1976; to open the Committee to all FAO Member Nations; to maintain the Committee's Ad Hoc status for the time being and to consider in due time its integration into other existing Council bodies, if necessary (para. 44).


- Report of the Third Session of the Committee on Agriculture

Decided that the Director-General should report to the next Council session on progress concerning preparatory work for holding the proposed World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (para. 53).

Agreed that COAG sessions should normally be held once each biennium in Conference years, and requested that the dates of these sessions should ensure the availability in time of the Summary Programme of Work and Budget and allow submission of the Committee's report to the Spring Sessions of the Programme and Finance Committees (para. 54).

Recommended that the timing of sessions of all statutory bodies should be reviewed further in order to avoid overlapping (para. 55).

Recommended that studies be made of COAG's proposals for improving its methods of work (para. 57).

- Report of the Commission on Fertilizers

Approved the Commission's recommendation that the International Fertilizer Supply Scheme be continued and be reviewed at the end of one year by the Commission (para. 61).

Agreed that Council report on this item be transmitted to the World Food Council for attention (para. 67).

- Report of the Ad Hoc Government Consultation on Pesticides in Agriculture and Public Health

Agreed to the proposed changes in constitutional bodies with slight modifications in the titles of two statutory bodies (para. 71).

Agreed that Council report on this item be transmitted to the World Food Council for attention (para. 76).

Forestry Questions

- Site of Eighth World Forestry Congress

Decided that Indonesia should be the host for the Eighth World Forestry Congress (para. 85).

- Pulp and Paper Shortage: Position Report

Agreed that COFO continue giving close attention to the situation and that the Council should be informed only of developments that required specific Council study (para. 92).

Proposal for Establishing an FAO Development Research Centre Financed with Extra-Budgetary Resources

Agreed not to endorse the Director-General's proposal for the establishment of an FAO Development Research Centre (para. 98).

World Food Programme

- Work of IGC and Preparation for the Seventh Pledging Conference

Approved amendment to WFP General Regulation 6 (para. 104).

Recommended draft Conference resolution on target for WFP pledges for the period 1977–78 on the understanding that the IGC would submit a target figure to the next Council session (para. 105).

- Reconstitution of the IGC as a Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes

Recommended draft Conference resolution on the reconstitution of the IGC into a Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes (para. 108).

Inter-Agency Relations and Consultations on Questions of Common Interest

- UN Conference on Human Settlements (Vancouver, 1976)

Requested the Director-General to ensure FAO's continuing participation in the Conference preparations, deliberations and follow-up, within available resources (para. 118).

- Preparation for the Special Session of the UN General Assembly Devoted to Development and International Economic Cooperation (1–12 September 1975)

Requested that the comments and observations made by the Council be taken into account in the preparation of documentation for the Conference (para. 126).

Requested the Director-General to bring to attention of the Programme and Finance Committees, the CCLM and the Council the implications to FAO of any UN General Assembly decisions taken on the basis of the recommendations of the Group of Experts on the Structure of the UN System (para. 129).

UN Joint Inspection Unit

- Medium-Term Planning in the United Nations System

Requested that it be kept informed of progress on ACC's initiatives in undertaking an inter-agency planning experiment (para. 134).

Decided that the document on Medium-Term Objectives should consist only of a section covering FAO's contribution to the achievement of medium-term objectives through its different roles, functions and programmes (para. 136).

- Cost Measurement Systems in the Organizations of the United Nations Family

Asked that the Finance Committee report to the Council on the anlysis of the results of the cost measurement system for 1974 (para. 140).

- Use of Travel Funds in FAO

Noted that the Finance Committee would consider the question at its Thirty-Fifth Session (para. 144).

Preparations for the Eighteenth Session of the Conference

- Arrangements for the Session and Provisional Agenda for the Conference

Agreed to changes in the provisional agenda for the Conference listed in paragraph 147, and recommended that the Conference defer consideration of item 17 to allow the Council to continue studying it (para. 147).

Agreed to changes in the timetable, listed in paragraph 149 (para. 149).

Decided that the meeting of observers from non-governmental organizations be held on Tuesday morning (para. 150).

Agreed that four half days should be allocated to the item “Review of Field Programmes, including FAO/UNDP Cooperation” (para. 151).

Recommended that the Resolutions Committee of the Conference be composed of seven members, one from each region (para. 152).

Agreed to amend para.51 of CL 66/10-Rev.1 (para. 153).

Requested the Director-General to emphasize in the Invitation Letter to the Conference the importance for Member Countries to deposit credentials as far as possible not less than 15 days before the opening of the Conference (para. 154).

- Nomination of the Chairman and Other Officers of the Conference

Noted that the heads of Delegations had designated the individuals to be approached (para. 155)

- Date for Nominations for the Independent Chairman of the Council

Established the deadline for the receipt of nominations for Independent Chairman of the Council at 17.00 hours on Monday 8 September 1975 (para. 157).

Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1976–77

- New Posts

Requested the Director-General to submit full details of his final proposals on new posts and upgradings to the autumn Programme and Finance Committee sessions (para. 167).

- National Institutions

Noted that fuller information on cooperation with national institutions would be provided in due course to the Programme and Finance Committees and the Council (para. 169).

Endorsed the intention of the Programme Committee to consider the need for an evaluation of ongoing programmes and the utilization of existing staff at a future session (para. 170).

- Decentralization

Welcomed the intention of the Programme and Finance Committee to start considering question at autumn sessions (para. 172).

- Continuation of Summary Programme of Work and Budget

Decided to continue the practice of having a Summary Programme of Work and Budget submitted to the June Council in Conference years, and requested the CCLM to consider amendment of the relevant rules (para. 174).

Stressed that in future the Summary Programme of Work and Budget be accompanied by more detailed information on departmental/divisional implications and proposed changes in posts (para. 175).

Proposed World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development

Requested the Director-General to approach UN, ILO, the World Bank and Other interested agencies regarding their cosponsoring and supporting the holding of this Conference, and decided that the Director-General report to the next Council session on progress concerning preparatory work (para. 185).

Review of FAO Statutory Bodies

Endorsed the Programme Committee's recommendation that the Joint FAO/UNICEF Policy Committee be abolished (para.187).

Other Budgetary Questions

- UNDP Agency Overhead Costs

Approved the agreement made by the Director-General and the UNDP Administrator for the repayment of “overdrawings” amounting to $2 775 130 over a period of five years starting on 1 January 1976, on the understanding that the repayments of $500 000 per annum to UNDP would be met from economies in the use of overhead income (para.193).

- Extra-Budgetary Activities

Requested the Programme and Finance Committees to review the application of the Organization's policies in regard to the acceptance of funds-in-trust, and report to the Council (para.196).

Financial Position of the Organization

- Status of Contributions and Contributions in Arrears

Called on all Member Nations to settle promply all amounts presently outstanding (para.204).

- Progress Report on the Use of Expected Savings from Currency Fluctuations

Urged the Director-General to continue measures for achieving savings and to report in detail to the autumn Finance Committee Session on the results of his efforts (para.208).

Scale of Contributions

- Study on the Basis of the FAO Scale of Contributions

Decided to transmit the Finance Committee Report on this study to the Conference (para.210).

- FAO Scale of Contributions 1976–77

Recommended draft Conference resolution on Scale of Contributions 1976–77 (para. 212).

Other Financial Questions

- Integration of the Credit Union in FAO

Recommended draft Conference resolution on FAO Credit Union (para.216).

- Level of the Working Capital Fund

Decíded to reconsider the possible need for some form of Suspense Account in 1976–77 at pre-Conference Council session (para.218).

- Headquarters Accommodation

Noted the need to negotiate an extension to the contract for the rental of Building F (para.221).

Endorsed the Finance Committee recommendation that the Director-General enter into a contract to rent additional premises situated in the vicinity of Building F from 1 July (or 1 August) 1975 through 31 December 1977 (para.223).

- Salaries of Senior Staff

Recommended draft Conference resolution on salary of the Director-General (para.227).

Authorized amendment to the salary of the Deputy Director-General (Res.3/66, para.228).

Endorsed the Finance Committee recommendation that the serious consequences on salary structure to which the application of uniform percentage increases led, should be brought to the attention of the new International Civil Service Commission for consideration in its review of the UN Salary Structure (para.229).

- Appointment of External Auditor

Agreed to re-appoint the Comptroller and Auditor-General of the United Kingdom as External Auditor of FAO for a two-year period commencing with the audit of accounts for the year 1976 (Res. 4/66, para.231).

Implementation and Rationalization Proposals

Decided to take no decision on the proposals (para.232).

Personnel Questions

- Staff/Management Relations

Decided that a revised General Service Salary Schedule be introduced with effect from 1 February 1975; that a Separation Payments Scheme be established with effect from 1 January 1975; that revised rates of Family Allowances be established with effect from 1 February 1975; that a gross General Service Salary Scale be maintained (para.237).

Agreed that the Finance Committee should decide on the details of implementation of the Separation Payments Scheme; that a method of revision of the General Service Salary Scale between surveys be studied; that the Methodology of the Salary Survey be studied (para.238).

Approved the Finance Committee's request to the Director-General for a thorough review of the rules governing the determination of General Service salaries (para.239).

Concurred with the Finance Committee's view that there must be greater emphasis on productivity and efficiency at all levels in FAO, and requested that the current programme of staff evaluation as it pertained to quantity and quality of output be intensified (para.241).

- Junior Professional Career Training Programme

Agreed that the Programme be continued and requested that a further evaluation be made (paras 244 and 245).

- Education Grant

Approved amendment to Staff Regulation 301.0331 (para.251).

- Future Policy for Conversion of Fixed-Term Contracts to Permanent

Approved the Finance Committee's recommendations that (a) current and future posts be classified as continuing, continuing but to be filled on a fixed-term basis or non-continuing; (b) the Director-General's proposals, as modified by the Finance Committee, should be approved; (c) the conversion of staff members to a continuing appointment be based on careful evaluation. The Director-General should report annually to the Finance Committee Spring Session. starting in 1976, on the number of staff in each category (para.253).

Authorized the Director-General to make the necessary editorial changes in the Staff Regulations (para.257).

- Employment of Women

Approved amendments to Staff Regulations 301.071 and 301.162 (para.259).

Approved new Staff Regulation 301.073 (para.260).

Criteria for Conference Resolutions

Recommended to the Conference the approval of the draft guidelines regarding criteria for Conference Resolutions, the functions and operating procedures of the Resolutions Committee (para.267).

Proposed Amendments to Rule XXXII GRO

Recommended draft Conference Resolution regarding amendments to Rule XXXII GRO (para.269).

Endorsed the CCLM's recommendation that, in the interests of consistency, the provisions regarding the timing of sessions of CCP, COFI and COFO be amended (para.270).

Rules of Procedure of Bodies Established under Article VI or Article XIV of the Constitution

Recommended that the Conference amend Article VI-3 of the Constitution and the Appendix to the Principles in Section P of the Basic Texts (para.275).

Procedure for Acquiring Membership in Council Committees

Recommended draft Conference resolution regarding amendments to Article V of the Constitution and the General Rules of the Organization relating to membership of Council Committees (para.282).

Rules of Procedure of FAO Fishery Bodies and Amendments Thereto

Confirmed the Rules of Procedure of CECAF, and amendments to the Rules of Procedure of IPFC and CARPAS (para.285).

Examination of FAO Basic Texts

Endorsed the CCLM's conclusion that the task set by the Fifty-Fifth Council Session had been completed (para.288).

Designation of Developing Countries as Members of the Consultative Group on Food Production and Investment in Developing Countries (CGFPI)

Endorsed the nomination of the members proposed by the developing countries of five FAO regions (para.293).

Invitations to Non-Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions

Approved invitation to USSR to attend Tenth Session of COFI (para.295).

Programming of FAO Meetings, Translation and Distribution of Documents

Indicated that the Programme of Work and Budget for 1976–77 should make adequate provision for the Conference and Publications Divisions, and be able in particular to accommodate any extraordinary sessions of the Governing Bodies; recommended that the Director-General examine the career structure for language personnel (para.298).

Requested the Programme Committee to examine at its Twenty-Ninth Session the overall number of meetings scheduled for the next biennium and its consequences, including the need for strengthening the translation and conference operations services to meet programme requirements (para.301).

Requested that an annotated 1976–77 schedule of sessions of the Council and of those bodies which report to it be submitted to the Sixty-Eighth Council session for approval, and that this schedule be reviewed at subsequent Council sessions (para.301).

Requested the Director-General to report to the Programme Committee in 1976 on his examination of the whole Committee structure in FAO (para.302).

Application for Membership: Bahamas

Authorized the Director-General to invite Bahamas to participate in an observer capacity at appropriate Council meetings as well as at regional and technical meetings of interest to it, pending a decision by the Conference on its application (para.304).

Date and Place of the Sixty-Seventh Session of the Council

Decided that the Sixty-Seventh Session should be convened in Rome from 3 to 7 November 1975 (para.305).

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