of the




Antalya, Turkey, 10-13 October 1997


Rome, 1997





State of forestry in the region

1. 21. The members present considered the role of Silva Mediterranea to be a very important and unique one and expressed their unanimous support to the Committee, reiterating its role in the Mediterranean region. It recommended that communication within the Committee itself be improved since efficiency was hindered due to the lack of information exchange. Exchange of information was gaining increasing importance with the rapid socio-economic, environmental and institutional changes that were affecting the region. Exchanging information was also essential in order to share the results of research and to avoid overlap and duplication. The Committee confirmed its willingness to improve significantly its working methods in order to reinforce its efficiency (para. 23).

2. 22. The Committee agreed on a proposal that Silva Mediterranea should, however, externally evaluate its cost-effectiveness and the viability of its networks, according to internationally recognized procedures. Some members stated, however, that the Committee should explore new issues and trends corresponding to the new concerns expressed in paragraph 20 and incorporate new partners, in particular non-foresters. and that aA new approach and contacts with other bodies should be sought. It recommended that the Secretariat establish closer and proactive contacts and develop cooperation with other organizations with mandates and activities in the same fields of interest (para. 24).

Activities of the research networks

3. 25. The Committee recommended that FAO find ways and means to establish better cooperation between the research networks and the European Union, which is a member of the Committee, in order to seek its support for financial assistance, bearing in mind the problem of funding multilateral cooperation. It also suggested that, as many of the Mediterranean forestry problems were initiated outside the forestry sector, this aspect should be addressed by the research activities for better coordination and synergy (para. 27).

4. Selection of multi-purpose species for arid and semi-arid zones

29. The Committee recommended that the network, with possible support from the Secretariat, review on-going research activities on these species in member countries and in the framework of European Union support programmes. These recommendations should be extended to all research networks in their respective field of activity (para. 31).

5. Silviculture of species: Cedrus sp.

The Committee recommended that the Secretariat find the means to finalize and publish the monograph on the Atlas Cedar and explore the possibilities kindly offered by the Association of Mediterranean Forests (France) (para. 33).

Assessment of the need for a new research network on the development of Mediterranean forest products and services

6. At its sixteenth session, the Committee rquested that the Secretariat study the need an possibility of establishing a new research network on the development of Mediterranean forest products and services. Given the limited means of Silva Mediterranean, the establishment of one or two networks should follow a review of the activities and results of the existing networks in order to concentrate the available means towards some new activities. 39. The Committee recommended that, bearing in mind the priorities of the activities of the research networks, cooperation with potential donors and partners such as the European Union should be sought, in order to secure necessary funding (para. 40).

7. In addition, the Committee recommended that the Secretariat study the possibility of collaboration with non-governmental organizations, such as the International Association of Mediterranean Forests, for the exchange and diffusion of information (para. 41).

Scenarios for the future of Mediterranean forests

8. The Committee endorsed the secretariat note and recommended that the Secretariat maintain active links and cooperate with the Blue Plan in this regard (para. 44).

Silva Mediterranea Jubilee

9. As the Committee would be celebrating its Golden Jubilee (50 years) in 1998, it suggested that this event be taken into account in organizing the next session. It was recommended that a special paper commemorating this anniversary be produced, summarizing the evolution and future prospects of Silva Mediterranea (para. 46).



1. At the kind invitation of the Government of the Republic of Turkey, the seventeenth session of the AFWC/EFC/NEFC Committee on Mediterranean Forestry Questions - Silva Mediterranea was held in Antalya from 10 to 13 October 1997, as a satellite meeting to the XI World Forestry Congress (WFC).

2. The session was attended by delegates from 11 Members of the Committee, by a representative of a United Nations agency and by observers from four intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations. The full list of participants is given in Appendix B.

3. The opening session, which was chaired by Mr. H. Coetzee, Chairman of the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission, in the absence of the outgoing Chairman, was held jointly with the second International Expert Consultation on the Role of Forestry in Combating Desertification, another FAO satellite meeting to the XI World Forestry Congress.

4. During the joint opening ceremony, three delegates of the Expert Consultation intervened, together with Mr M.H. El-Lakany, Director of the Forest Resources Division, Forestry Department, FAO, who welcomed participants on behalf of the Director-General of FAO and thanked the Government of Turkey for its hospitality.

5. Dr. Yavuz Yüksel, Deputy Under-Secretary of the Turkish Ministry of Forestry, welcomed participants on behalf of the Government of Turkey. The joint opening session then adjourned and the two meetings continued separately.

6. Upon resuming the session of Silva Mediterranea, the delegate from Cyprus read a welcome message from the outgoing Chairman, Mr S. Theophanous, who had not been able to attend.



7. The provisional agenda was adopted as presented (Appendix A). The documents considered by the Committee are listed in Appendix C.



8. The Committee elected Mr Ismet Gümüsdere (Turkey) as Chairman of the Committee, and Mr Joseph Borg (Malta), Mr Mohamed El Aichouni (Morocco) and Mr Paolo Vicentini (Italy) as Vice-Chairmen. Mr Francisco Castro Rego (Portugal) was elected Rapporteur.



9. The Committee endorsed the report on this item



10. Discussion on this item began with the Chairman’s statement that the Secretariat, in the document it had prepared for this item, had concluded that "relatively few Mediterranean countries have so far manifested an interest in employing the conceptual framework of MED-FAP".

11. Various member countries involved in the Programme outlined national progress in the implementation of their National Forestry Action Plans. Many of them, without international funding support, had established National Committees and initiated a review of their forestry sector. Several countries presented recent developments in the forestry sector in their respective countries, following the guidelines of MED-FAP.

12. The delegate of France stated that his country had implemented its National Forest Plan (NFP) in respect of MED-FAP recommendations and supported other countries with the same objectives. He also considered the possible causes of the lack of interest in MED-FAP and described the situation in France, where the complexity of this issue was apparent.

13. The delegate of Turkey stated that new forest management plans were established during the 1970s on the basis of inventories implemented available during the 1960s and work was now under way to update these Plans according to MED-FAP guidelines. A national forest plan was to be implemented following the In effect, activities over the past few years were in line with MED-FAP recommendations and its formulation will be completed by the end of 1998.

14. The delegate of Egypt described its forestry situation in the course of recent developments in the agricultural sector, which were closely linked to forestry, especially in the issues related to expansion in land reclamation.

15. The delegate of Morocco raised two major points that were important in the elaboration of NFPs the holistic approach (integrating subjects such as watershed management) and the legal power of the Plan.

16. The delegate of Cyprus related that the formulation of an NFP was in progress with the assistance of FAO. In addition, Cyprus stated that the restructuring of institutions and policies was under way in order to conform to European Union regulations.

  1. The delegate of Portugal stated that its NFP, under preparation, had to take into account not only the recommendations of MED-FAP but also all the processes and commitments where there was Portuguese involvement, namely, the IPF proposals for action and the Forest Action Programme that was being prepared within the third Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe.
  2. In Malta, ecotourism within forests was gaining more importance. In order to take advantage of the services given by Mediterranean forests, foresters have to play a leading role in this new function.
  3. 17. The Director of the Forest Resources Division of the FAO Forestry Department informed the Committee that a special session on NFPs was scheduled for 20 October, during the XI WFC.
  4. 18. Partnerships in the Plans were discussed and the Committee concluded that consensus on procedures was more important than the final result. While international cooperation could be effective in helping to formulate the right questions, national characteristics and history were extremely important. Public participation in planning and implementation of forestry programmes was also considered of vital importance.



  1. 19. Members reported on the state of forestry and related activities in their respective countries. The following issues were common to all reports:
  1. the importance of socio-economic aspects and people’s participation in the management of forest resources;
  2. environmental concerns were being addressed by different groups. Foresters have thus to interact with other professions in order to achieve optimal natural resource management;
  3. urban expansion into forests was a major concern;
  4. overall fire management (not only statistics) was a matter of concern to several countries;
  5. expansion of forest plantations, especially on degraded lands, and the use of recycled water for irrigation;
  6. the value of non-wood forest products wasand services gaining ground;
  7. the importance of the services provided by Mediterranean forests such as ecotourism was increasing;
  8. the strong need for communication and coordination between forestry users and policy-makers.

22. 20. The Committee discussed the reasons for the absence of the other member countries at this session and it was proposed that advantage be taken of the presence of the countries attending the WFC in order to discuss the issue with them directly. It was agreed that the lack of financial resources was one of the most significant constraints in the achievement of the objectives of Silva Mediterranea. It had been stated that in order to encourage the active participation of member countries, Silva Mediterranea should include in its scope new Mediterranean forestry questions such as environmental and social aspects.

23. 21. The members present considered the role of Silva Mediterranea to be a very important and unique one and expressed their unanimous support to the Committee, reiterating its role in the Mediterranean region. It recommended that communication within the Committee itself be improved since efficiency was hindered due to the lack of information exchange. Exchange of information was gaining increasing importance with the rapid socio-economic, environmental and institutional changes that were affecting the region. Exchanging information was also essential in order to share the results of research and to avoid overlap and duplication. The Committee confirmed its willingness to improve significantly its working methods in order to reinforce its efficiency.

24. 22. The Committee agreed on a proposal that Silva Mediterranea should, however, externally evaluate its cost-effectiveness and the viability of its networks, according to internationally recognized procedures. Some members stated, however, that the Committee should explore new issues and trends corresponding to the new concerns expressed in paragraph 20 and incorporate new partners, in particular non-foresters. and that aA new approach and contacts with other bodies should be sought. It recommended that the Secretariat establish closer and proactive contacts and develop cooperation with other organizations with mandates and activities in the same fields of interest.

25. 23. The Committee expressed its concern regarding the low interest in MED-FAP by member countries, especially by those which had previously expressed a strong desire for the development of such a programme in support of the NFP process.



26. 24. Mr R. Morandini, IUFRO representative and Scientific Adviser of the Forest Research Networks of Silva Mediterranea, introduced this item, pointing out the network history of fluctuating interest of countries in their activities. He also stressed that the apparent present weakness of the networks was not due to lack of interest, but mainly to the lack of communication, funds and the variable commitment of coordinators.

27. 25. The Committee recommended that FAO find ways and means to establish better cooperation between the research networks and the European Union, which is a member of the Committee, in order to seek its support for financial assistance, bearing in mind the problem of funding multilateral cooperation. It also suggested that, as many of the Mediterranean forestry problems were initiated outside the forestry sector, this aspect should be addressed by the research activities, for better coordination and synergy.

Forest fire management [Item 6(a)(i)]

28. 26. This item was introduced by Mr Martínez, in the absence of the network coordinator, Mr Vélez. The activities of the network were based mainly on information exchange and database management, mostly supported by a French Trust Fund and cooperation with CIHEAM.

29. 27. Despite the efforts made by the coordinator, the Secretariat, the trust fund project and CIHEAM in providing support and funding for building national capacity in forest fires management, the Committee stated that the response from countries was not as expected.

Selection of multi-purpose species for arid and semi-arid zones [Item 6(a)(ii)]

30. 28. The Secretary introduced the new developments which had occurred since the last session, as the network coordinator, Mr. Zaafouri (Tunisia), was absent. He pointed out the consensus reached by the Network Focal Points and National Coordinators Meeting in Cairo (1996) with support from FAO to concentrate research on a limited number of species: Gleditsia triacanthos, Acacia saligna and Ceratonia siliqua. This meeting was convened to address the lack of previous activities of this network.

31. 29. The Committee recommended that the network, with possible support from the Secretariat, review ongoing research activities on these species in member countries and in the framework of European Union support programmes. These recommendations should be extended to all research networks in their respective field of activity.

Silviculture of species: Cedrus sp. [Item 6(a)(iii)]

32. 30. In the absence of the network coordinator, Mr. M’Hirit, the research activities of this network were introduced by Mr Aichouni (Morocco). He pointed out that one of the main outputs of the network should have been a monograph on the Atlas Cedar, which was to be published jointly by INRA (France) and the Committee. However, due to lack of communication between contributors, INRA abandoned the project. Following this presentation, Mr Morandini pointed out the good functioning and results obtained by this network and the Committee expressed its warm congratulations to Mr M’Hirit.

33. 31. The Committee recommended that the Secretariat find the means to finalize and publish the monograph and explore the possibilities kindly offered by the French Association Mediterranean Forests (France).

Silviculture of species: Pinus pinea [Item 6(a)(iv)]

34. 32. The network coordinator, Mr Ciancio, had requested the Scientific Adviser to inform the Committee that he would not be able to carry out this task any longer, due to other commitments. The Scientific Adviser presented the network’s activities and informed the Committee of the forthcoming publication on Pinus pinea which was entirely revised after the last session by the authors and edited in its French version. He further informed the Committee that Mr G. Catalan Bachiller, Director of the INIACentro de Investigación Forestal (CIFOR, Spain) and coordinator of the sub-network of Pinus pinea nut (within the Inter-regional Cooperative Research Network on Nuts REU/RNE), would be willing to replace Mr Ciancio. This solution would be beneficial for both complementary networks; the Committee endorsed this proposal.

Selection of stands of Mediterranean conifers for the production of seed to be used in reforestation programmes [Item 6(a)(v)]

35. 33. Mr Topak, network coordinator, presented the activities and distributed the Directory of Seed Sources of the Mediterranean Conifers, a major product of this network. Exchanges of seed between member countries continued, despite abandoning the centralized seed storage facility project. The Committee welcomed the publication of the Seed Directory, recognizing that, due to lack of information, some seed sources were not included. The Committee proposed the addition of an annex including these data.

Silviculture of species: Quercus suber [Item 6(a)(vi)]

36. 34. Mrs Varela (Portugal) summarized network activities in the absence of the network coordinator, Mr Sardinha. Despite the efforts of the network coordinator, who proposed guidelines for the research activities, few reactions were received from countries. Complementary to the activities of this network, the EUFORGEN research group on the genetics of cork oak, established on the recommendation of the Ministerial Conferences on the Protection of Forests in Europe (Strasbourg and Helsinki) and supported by IPGRI, had been very active. With the support of FAO, other Mediterranean countries could participate in the different meetings, even if they were not members of the programme. Finally, cooperative projects on exchange of genetic material and international provenance trials were funded by the European Union; due to the efforts of Mrs Varela, southern countries were included.

37. 35. Due to his new position, the coordinator was no longer able to carry out the duties related to the network.. Given the active involvement of Mrs Varela in EUFORGEN activities and the results obtained, the Committee approved that she replace Mr Sardinha as network coordinator.



38. 37. At its last session, the Committee recommended that the Secretariat study the need and possibility of establishing a new research network on the development of Mediterranean forest products and services. Several member countries strongly supported the necessity of establishing such a network, but some pointed out that its present formulation was too ambitious. Due to time constraints,While no consensus was reached on the immediate establishment of this network. Some members, however,, proposed that the issue be examined further. The merit of paying due attention to important items (e.g. such as non-wood forest products and the valuation of forest services) provided by forests should be explored and the technical support of non-Mediterranean countries with experience in this field, as well as regional institutes such as the European Forestry Institute, be requested.. Given the limited means of Silva Mediterranea, the establishment of one or two new networks should follow a review of the activities and results of the existing networks in order to concentrate the available means towards some new activities.

39. 38. In concluding this item, the Committee highlighted the necessity of periodic evaluations of the objectives and results obtained by the research networks. It stressed that the role of coordinators and focal points should not be limited to conducting research only, but also to the communication of results.

40. 39. The Committee recommended that, bearing in mind the priorities of the activities of the research networks, cooperation with potential donors and partners such as the European Union should be sought, in order to secure necessary funding.

41. In addition, the Committee recommended that the Secretariat study the possibility of collaboration with non-governmental organizations, such as the International Association Mediterranean Forests, for the exchange and diffusion of information.



42. The Director of the Forest Resources Division 40. opened the discussion by introducing the development of International Conventions (Biological Diversity, Desertification Control and Climate Change) and their implications in the Mediterranean context. Member countries were asked to address the question of the possible involvement of the Committee in the implementation phase of these conventions. Some members recognized that the present structure and modus operandi of the Committee would not allow it to play a significant role in the coordination of the implementation of these Conventions. They pointed out that several member countries were already involved in the various processes. Nevertheless, within its mandate and means, the Committee should endeavour to follow up on the implementation of the conventions and play an active role in collecting and disseminating information between member countries.



43. 41. Mr B. Glass, Director of the Blue Plan (MAP/UNEP), presented some interesting prospects to the Committee on the trends of Mediterranean forests, which were facing increasing pressure due to unavoidable demographic growth. The Blue Plan was undergoing a process of new prospective studies and was looking for expertise and dissemination possibilities for information that could be provided by the Committee. This alarming information and prospects for the future and the protection of Mediterranean forests have highlighted the unique role of Silva Mediterranea in supporting the Blue Plan (UNEP) in its work.

44. The Committee endorsed the secretariat note and recommended that the Secretariat maintain active links and cooperate with the Blue Plan in this regard.



45. The delegates of Sudan, Italy and Egypt, on behalf of their respective governments, offered to host the next session of the Committee. In proposing Egypt’s candidature, the delegate mentioned that no session of Silva Mediterranea had ever been held in the southern rim of the Mediterranean. In accordance with Article IV-2 of the Committee’s Rules of Procedure, the date and place of the eighteenth session will be decided by the Director-General of FAO in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee.



46. As the Committee would be celebrating its Golden Jubilee (50 years) in 1998, it suggested that this event be taken into account in organizing the next session. It was recommended that a special paper commemorating this anniversary be produced, summarizing the evolution and future prospects of Silva Mediterranea.



47. The Committee adopted the draft report, subject to certain amendments that have been included in the present text.




1. Adoption of agenda

2. Election of officers and rapporteur

3. Follow-up to the recommendations of the sixteenth session of the Committee

4. Review of 1994-1997 activities of the Mediterranean Forest Action Programme

5. State of forestry in the region

6. (a) Activities of the research networks

i) Forest fire management

ii) Selection of multi-purpose species

iii) Silviculture of species: Cedrus sp.

iv) Silviculture of species: Pinus pinea

v) Selection of stands of Mediterranean conifers for the production of seed to be used in reforestation programmes

vi) Silviculture of species: Quercus suber

(b) Assessment of the need for a new research network on the development of Mediterranean forest products and services

7. The International Conventions (Biodiversity, Desertification Control and Climate Change) in the Mediterranean context

8. Scenarios for the future of Mediterranean forests

9. Date and place of next session

10. Adoption of report




Chairman: Ismet Gümüsdere (Turkey)

Vice-Chairmen: Joseph Borg (Malta)

Mohamed El Aichouni (Morocco)

Paolo Vicentini (Italy)

Rapporteur: Francisco Castro Rego (Portugal)

Secretary: Michel L. Malagnoux (FAO)



Alexandros Christodoulou

Senior Conservator of Forests

Department of Forests

Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources

and Environment

1414 Nicosia

Tel.: +357.2.302333

Fax: +357.2.451419

[email protected]


Ahmed Mahmoud Abd El-Dayem

Director Forestry Department

9 Cairo University St. Orman


Tel.: +20.5725033/5724826

Fax: +20.5721628


Christian Barthod

Sous-Directeur de la forêt

  • Ministère de l’agriculture et de la


    19 avenue du Maine

  • 75015 Paris

    Tel.: +33.1.4955.5119

    Fax: +33.1.4955.4197

    [email protected]

    Anne Mariel

    Ingénieur Forestier

    CEMAGREF - Le Tholonet

    BP 31

    13612 Aix-en-Provence Cedex

    Tel.: +33.4.42669963

    Fax: +33.4.4266.9971

    Pierre-Yves Colin

    Ingénieur Forestier

    CEMAGREF - Le Tholonet

    BP 31

    13612 Aix-en-Provence Cedex

    Tel.: +33.4.4266 9926

    Fax: +33.4.4266.9971


    Evangelos Papaevangelou

    Forestry Director

    Ministry of Agriculture

    3-5 Ippokratous Str.


    Tel : +30.1.3601851

    Fax : +30.1.3601851


    Camillo Caruso

    Deputy Director-General

    Ministry for Agricultural Policies

    Direzione Generale Foreste

    Via Carducci, 5

    00187 Roma

    Tel.: +39.6.4818972

    Fax: +39.6.4817690

    Paolo Vicentini

    Senior Officer

    Ministry for Agricultural Policies

    Direzione Generale Foreste

    Via Carducci, 5

    00187 Roma

    Tel.: +39.6.4818972

    Fax: +39.6.4817690

    Riccardo Morandini


    Istituto Sperimentale per la Selvicoltura

    Viale Santa Margherita, 80

    52100 Arezzo

    Tel.: +39.575.353021

    Fax: +39.575.353490

    E-mail : [email protected]


    Joseph Borg

    Department of Agriculture

    Government Research and Development


    Ghammieri, Marsa, Malta

    Tel.: +356.224242-236390

    Fax: +356.235650-236389


    Mohamed El Aichouni

    Chef de la Cellule de Vulgarisation


    Direction du Développement Forestier

    Administration des Eaux et Forêts

    Rabat - Chellah

    Tel.: +212.7.762694

    Fax: +212.7.764446


    Joao Teixeira

    Head of Department of External Relations

    Ministry of Agriculture

    Av. João Crisóstomo, 28

    1050 Lisboa

    Tel : +351.1.3124803

    Fax : +351.1.3124996

    E-mail :dgf.web@mailtelepac. pt

    Francisco Rego

    Professor, Ministry of Agriculture

    Estacao Florestal Nacional

    Tapada das Necessidades

    1250 Lisboa

    Tel : +351.1.3973206

    Maria Carolina Varela

    Senior Research Engineer

    Ministry of Agriculture

    Estacao Florestal Nacional

    Quinta do Marques

    Ed. Procalfer

    2780 Oeiras

    Tel : +351.1.4415763

    Fax : +351.1.4415660

    Maria da Graca Rato

    Forest Engineer, Ministry of Agriculture

    Av. João Crisóstomo 28

    1050 Lisboa

    Tel : +351.1.3124803

    Fax : +351.1.3124996

    E-mail :[email protected].


    El Hag Makki Awouda

    General Manager

    Forest National Corporation

    Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

    P.O. Box 658


    Tel : +249.11.471575

    Fax: +249.11.472659


    Ridha Fekih Salem

    Director General

    Ministry of Agriculture

    30 rue Alain Savary

    Tunis 1002

    Tel: +216.1.286892

    Abdel Hamid Khaldi

    Head of the Sylviculture Laboratory


    B.P. 10

    Ariana 2080

    Tel: +216.1.230039

    Fax: +216.1.717951

    Mongi Ben M’Hamed

    Director of the 2nd Forest Development


    Ministry of Agriculture

    30 rue Alain Savary

    Tunis 1002

    Tel: +216.1.891-141-287487

    Fax: +216.1.891-114-801922


    Ismet Gümüsdere

    Deputy Undersecretary, Ministry of Forestry

    Orman Bakanligi

  • APK Kuruluö Disiliskiler ve AT. Dairesi
  • Bakanligi

    Atatürk Bulvari no.153

    06100 Bakanliklar


    Tel.: +90.312.4177724

    Fax : +90.312.4179160

    Erkan Ispirli

    Head of the Foreign Relation and EC

    Coordination Department of the

    Ministry of Forestry

    Orman Bakanligi

    APK Kuruluö Disiliskiler ve AT. Dairesi


    Atatürk Bulvari no.153

    06100 Bakanliklar


    Tel.: +90.312.177724

    Fax : +90.312.4179160

    Aydan Alanay

    Forest Engineer, Ministry of Forestry

    Orman Bakanligi

  • APK Kuruluö Disiliskiler AT. Dairesi
  • Bakanligi

    Atatürk Bulvari no.153

    06100 Bakanliklar


    Tel.: +90.312.4177724

    Fax : +90.312.4179160

    Yüksel Erdogan

    Forest Engineer, Orman Genel Müdürlügü

  • Orman Koruma Ve Yanginla Mücadele
  • Dairesi Baskanligi,

    Yangon Hareket Merkeri

    06560 Gazi – Ankara

    Tel.: +90.312.2866312

    Fax : +90.312.2150897

    Yalçin Yesilkaya

    Division Director of the Western

    Mediterranean Forestry Research Institute

  • Bati Akdeniz Ormancilik Arastirma
  • Müdürlügü

    PK. 264 Antalya

    Tel. : +90.242.3241210

    Fax : +90.242.450442

    Hüseyin Z.Usta

  • Director of the Western Mediterranean Forestry Research Institute

    Bati Akdeniz Ormancilik Arastirma

  • Müdürü

    PK. 264 Antalya

    Tel. : +90.242.3450442

    Fax : +90.242.3450442

    Ilker Acar

    Director of the Aegean Forestry Research Institute

    Ege Ormancilik Arastirma Müdürü

    PK 42, Karsiyha/Izmir

    Tel. : +90.232.3232177

    Fax : +90.232.3233405

    Muzaffer Topak

    Head of Department, Ministry of Forestry

    Afforestation and Erosion Control

    General Directorate


    Tel: +90.312.2125602

    Fax: +90.312.2125532

    Ekrem Yazici

    Division Director of Foreign Financial Projects

    of Foreign Relation and EC Coordination

  • Department
  • Orman Bakanligi

  • APK Kuruluö Disiliskiler ve AT. Dairesi
  • Bakanligi

    Atatürk Bulvari no.153

    06100 Bakanliklar


    Tel.: +90.312.4177724

    Fax : +90.312.4179160

    Yusuf Cengiz

    Ass. Director of the Western Mediterranean

    Forestry Research Institute

  • Bati Akdeniz Ormancilik Arastirma
  • Müdürlügü

    PK 264, Antalya

  • Tel. : +90.242.3450438

    Fax: +90.242.3450442

  • Fikret Isik

    Scientist, Ministry of Forestry

    Forest Research Institute


    Tel : +90.242.3450538

    Fax : +90.242.3450442

    E-mail : [email protected]

    Rumi Sabuncu

    Ministry of Forestry

    Forest Research Institute


    Tel : +90.242.3450538

    Fax : +90.242.3450442

    E-mail :booram@superonline. Com

    Melahat Sahin

    South East Forestry Research Institute

    PK 264 Antalya

    Tel : +90.242.3450438

    Fax : +90.242.3450442

    Erdogan Uzun



    Tel: +90.242.3450538

    Fax: +90.3450442

    E-mail :booram@superonline. Com

    Hayrettin Bacanli

    Turkish State Meteorological Services

    P.O. Box 401

    Kalaba, Ankara

    Tel :  +90.312.3597545

    Fax: +90.312.3593430



    United Nations Environment Programme/Mediterranean Action Plan

    Bernard Glass

    Director, Blue Plan for the Mediterranean

    15, rue L. Van Beethoven

    Sophia Antipolis

    06560 Valibonne France

    Tel : +33.4.95656959

    Fax : +33.4.93653528


    Council of Europe

    Esat Kiratlioglu

    Member of the Turkish Grand National


    Committee on Agriculture and Rural

    Development of the Council of Europe

    IMBB Bakanliklar

    Ankara, Turkey

    Tel: +90.312.4206767

    Fax: +90.312.206767

    International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Studies

    Placido Plaza

    Administrateur Principal, CIHEAM

    11, rue Newton

    75116 Paris, France

    Tel.: +33.1.5323.9100

    Fax: +33.1.5323.9101/02

    [email protected]


    International Association Mediterranean Forests

    Mohamed Larbi Chakroun


    Association Internationale Forêts


    14 rue Louis Astouin

    13002 Marseille, France

    Tel.: +33.4.9156.0691

    Fax: +33.4.9191.9397

    Forê[email protected]

    Jean Bonnier

    Secrétaire exécutif

    Association Internationale Forêts


    14 rue Louis Astouin

    13002 Marseille, France

    Tel.: +33.4.9156.0691

    Fax: +33.4.9191.9397

    Forê[email protected]

    Guy Benoit de Coignac


    Association Internationale Forêts


    14 rue Louis Astouin

    13002 Marseille, France

    Tel.: +33.4.9156.0691

    Fax: +33.4.9191.9397

    Forê[email protected]

    International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO)

    Riccardo Morandini


    Istituto Sperimentale per la Selvicoltura

    Viale Santa Margherita, 80

    52100 Arezzo, Italy

    Tel.: +39.575.353021

    Fax: +39.575.353490

    E-mail : [email protected]




    Agenda item Code Title

    2 FO:SCM/97/1 Provisional agenda

    3 FO:SCM/97/2 Follow-up to the recommendations of the 16th session of the Committee

    4 FO:SCM/97/3 Review of 1994-1997 activities of MED-FAP

    6(a) FO:SCM/97/4 Activities of the research networks

    6(a)(i) FO:SCM/97/5 Report of the activities of the research networks: Forest fire management

    6(a)(ii) FO:SCM/97/6 Report of the activities of the research networks: Selection of multi-purpose species

    6(a)(iii) FO:SCM/97/7 Report of the activities of the research networks: Cedrus sp.

    6(a)(iv) FO:SCM/97/8 Report of the activities of the research networks: Pinus pinea

    6(a)(v) FO:SCM/97/9 Selection of stands of Mediterranean conifers for the production of seed to be used in reforestation programmes

    6(a)(vi) FO:SCM/97/10 Report of the activities of the research networks: Quercus suber

    6(b) FO:SCM/97/11 Assessment of the need for a new research network on the development of Mediterranean forest products and services

    7 FO:SCM/97/12 The International Conventions (Biodiversity, Desertification Control and Climate Change) in the Mediterranean context

    8 FO:SCM/97/13 Scenarios for the future of Mediterranean forests

    Information documents

    FO:SCM/97/Inf. 1 Information Note

    FO:SCM/97/Inf. 2 Provisional timetable

    FO:SCM/97/Inf. 3 List of documents

    * The above documents are available on the internet under the FAO Forestry Homepage and may be requested from the Secretariat of

    Silva Mediterranea

    National Progress Reports received

    Cyprus Morocco

    Egypt Portugal

    France Sudan

    Italy Turkey
