Table of ContentsRAP-806-

Annex IV: Detailed Programme Narratives, Budgetary Allocations, and Entity Mapping

Explanatory notes
156.     This Annex expands on Sections IV above by presenting proposed budgetary allocations down to programme entity level under the various programmes, coupled with more detailed narratives on substantive thrusts or planned actions, as well as clarifications on the new entity structure, where required.

157.     Therefore, while the chapter-level tables of Section IV are not replicated for the sake of brevity, the tables by programmes below show the component entities – with their codes, titles and proposed allocations for 2006-07.

158.     In view of the new chapter and programme structure, the coding system requires some explanation. Each entity has a five character code, with figures and letters:

  • the first figure indicates the chapter to which the entity belongs;
  • the following capital letter indicates the applicable programme, within the chapter;
  • the third character (capital letter) indicates whether: i) the entity is a time-bound project (always recognised by the letter A); ii) it reflects continuing activities (always recognised by the letter P); or iii) it provides technical or other services (always recognised by the letter S), particularly advisory services to Members or technical support services to projects;
  • the last two figures embody the sequential number of each entity of the same type within the programme (with the theoretical possibility of going from 01 to 99).

Table of ContentsRAP-806-