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Current World Food Situation

Urged that FAO action in Africa to improve production trends should be intensified (para. 11)


Urged that every effort be made to establish a new International Grains Agreement before expiry of the current extension of the agreement (para. 11}.

Urged donor countries to increase their allocations for food aid in cereals for 1977–78 (para. 12).

Welcomed the imminent establishment of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) (para. 13).

Urged donors to increase the level and improve the terms of their official commitments of assistance to agriculture (para. 13).

Urged recipient countries to accelerate their internal efforts, both to provide more domestic resources and to overcome social and institutional obstacles to agricultural and rural development (para. 13).

Review of General Content, Structure and Timing of SOFA

Endorsed the Director-General's proposals on the future arrangements for the annual report on The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) (para. 14).

Recommended that the "mini-SOFA" system now be confirmed on a permanent basis (para. 15).

Agreed that the final SOFA from 1977 be reproduced from typewritten copy and be issued by the end of the year to which it referred (para. 15).

Endorsed the Director-General's proposal that SOFA be a development-oriented document, with a high content of policy analysis of direct practical usefulness to Member Governments (para. 16).

Agreed that the Director-General should take a flexible approach to the contents of SOFA each year (para. 16).

Report of the Committee on World Food Security (2nd Session, Rome, April 1977)

Agreed with the conclusions and recommendations of the Report (para. 17).

Agreed that the report should be provided to the Ministerial-level meeting of the World Food Council (Manila, 20–24 June 1977) (para. 17).

Agreed that a lasting solution to the food security problem was to accelerate food production in developing countries (para. 18).

Urged all developed countries and other potential donors to make the necessary efforts to step up in real terms their financial and technical assistance to help developing countries in accelerating food production (para. 18).

Emphasized that the increased food production in many countries in the past two years provided a good opportunity to build reserves so as to ensure against a repetition of the food crisis experienced in 1972–74 (para. 19).

Urged developed countries and other potential donors to provide food, financial and technical assistance to developing countries for implement-ing their programmes to build and maintain national food reserves, includ-ing the expansion of storage and transport facilities (para, 19).

Supported the Committee's intention to analyse the long-term implications of the past rates of growth in rice productin and to suggest possible steps needed to remedy the situation (para. 20).

Stressed the need for analysing the role of non-cereal commodities in the food security situation of developing countries (para. 20).

Noted the Committee's agreement with the secretariat's estimated figures of the minimum safe level of carry-over stocks, and agreed that the consensus would help the Committee in assessing the adequacy of global stocks for the purposes of world food security (para. 21)..

Stressed the importance of early implementation of the principles of the International Undertaking on World Food Security by the international community (para. 22).

Welcomed the priority given by the Director-General to the Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (para. 23).

Supported the initiatives being taken to help interested countries in establishing national early warning systems of basic food supplies (para. 23).

Noted that the Director-General had transmitted to the International Wheat Council the proposals submitted by the Group of 77 concerning specific policy provisions in a new International Grains Agreement for appropriate consideration by its Preparatory Group (para. 24).

Urged the countries concerned to take full account of the Committee's recommendation that the objectives and main elements of the International Undertaking on World Food Security be appropriately reflected in the provisions of a new International Grains Agreement, which should also pay particular attention to safeguarding the special interests of the developing countries (para. 24).

Stressed the need for an early conclusion of a new International Grains Agreement (para.24).

Broadly agreed that an important element in this Agreement should be a new Food Aid Convention (para. 24).

Urged the donor countries to increase their food aid allocations so as to achieve the target of 10 million tons of cereals as soon as possible (para. 25).

Stressed the urgent need for other donors to contribute to the International Emergency Food Reserve so that the target could be achieved (para. 25).

Report of the Committee on Commodity Problems (51st Session, Rome, May 1977) Expressed agreement with the conclusions of the Committee's report (para. 26).

Concurred with the CCP in the view that progress in international fora towards resolving the long-standing problems affecting agricultural commodities continued to be slow (para. 27).

Hoped that consultations concerning the resumption of the Conference on an International Sugar Agreement would come to fruition at an early date (para. 29).

Expressed satisfaction that the FAO Secretariat's special study on high fructose corn syrup and its competitive relationship with cane and beet sugar was now nearing completion (para, 29).

Hoped that the UNCTAD Negotiating Conference in November would reach agreement on the practical implementation of a Common Fund, which was a key element in UNCTAD's Integrated Commodity Programme (para. 30).

Hoped the secretariat would actively help the developing countries in their efforts to implement ECDC by providing technical expertise in all the relevant fields of the programme (para, 31).

Stressed the importance it attached to the function of CCP and its Intergovernmental Groups as fora for governments to undertake practical technical work and consultations on commodity and trade problems (para. 32),

Agreed that the 51st CCP Session had played a particularly useful role in setting out clear directions for its Intergovernmental Groups to follow (para. 32),

Endorsed the conclusions of the CCP with regard to the work in progress in FAO toward an international commodity agreement on bananas, the Committee's conclu-sions on the need for a comprehensive international action programme on tea, and its decisions and recommendations with regard to future work on Guidelines for international cooperation in the Intergovernmental Groups on Rice, Meat, and Oilseeds, Oils and Fats (para. 33).

Strongly supported the conclusions of the Committee with regard to the proposed establishment of Jute International and Coir International (para. 33).

Supported the decision of the Director-General to give high priority to commodities and trade work in the Organization's overall programme of work (para. 34).

Concurred with the view of the Bureau of the Committee that a special session of the Committee in the autumn of 1977 should not be convened (para. 35).

Food Standards

Agreed to refer the matter of the provision of help by the CCP to the Codex Alimentarius Commission to achieve fair trade practices, to the Codex Alimentarius Commission and its Executive Committee for consideration and reporting on its views on the different proposals and points raised to the Director-General so as to enable him to report to the Council at its autumn session in 1978 (para. 42).

International Agricultural Adjustment: Progress Report

Noted that the CCP and COAG had reviewed work under way on preparations of the Director-General's report on International Agricultural Adjustment to the Nineteenth Session of the Conference (para. 43).


Report of the Committee on Forestry (3rd Session, Rome, November 1976)

Supported COFO's proposal that FAO's activities in the forestry sector should concentrate on priority areas (para. 44).

Endorsed the recommendation of COFO that Forestry for Local Community Develop-ment be given high priority in FAO's programme of work (para. 46).

Agreed that agri-silviculture should be regarded as an area of major concern in the tropical zones (para. 48).

Recommended that special attention be given to the preparation of guidelines for social cost/benefit analysis with emphasis on ways to identify and measure the indirect benefits of forestry activities (para. 48).

Supported the stress laid by COFO on the importance of conservation, with special reference to arid and semi-arid zones (para. 49).

Supported the close cooperation between FAO and CILSS in assisting countries to enhance the contribution of forestry to overall rehabilitation programmes for the Sahel (para. 49).

Endorsed COFO'S proposal that FAO forestry activities in the Sahel zone be strengthened (para. 49).

Suggested that FAO assist in the establishment of (i) Regional Research Institutes for testing tropical wood species and of (ii) Regional Training Centres for technicians and sub-professionals for Mechanical Wood Industries (para. 50).

Welcomed FAO's initiatives with regard to small-scale forest industries in developing countries (para. 51).

Recommended that particular attention be given by FAO to programmes assisting

developing countries to increase their capacity to process their own wood raw material and market forest products (para. 52).

Stressed the importance of good relations and contacts between importers and

exporters of tropical wood species (para. 53).

Underlined the relevance of production and marketing of non-wood forest

products to the economy of rural communities in many developing countries (para. 53).

Endorsed COFO's recognition of the paramount importance of forestry educa-tion and training in FAO's programmes (para. 54).

Supported the wish of COFO to be provided at its future sessions with informa-tion showing precise figures for expenditure in the current biennium and a clear indication of future trends set out under detailed sub-heads (para. 55).

Endorsed the report of the Third Session of the Committee on Forestry (para. 56)

Report of the Committee on Fisheries (11th Session, Rome, April 1977)

Endorsed the report of the 11th Session of the Committee on Fisheries and the recommendations it contained (para. 57).

Endorsed all major proposals for future activities of FAO in fisheries (para. 61)

Approved the major trends such as the decentralization of activities, training and the strengthening of the developmental aspects of the Department (para. 61).

Drew particular attention to the importance of the socio-economic aspects of fisheries, to activities for increasing food supply and particularly animal protein (para. 61).

Considered more attention should be given to small-scale fisheries, inland fisheries and to aquaculture (para. 61).

Noted the need for increased cooperation between FAO and other UN Agencies concerned with marine affairs (para. 62).

Agreed with the Committee's desire to strengthen its activities by concentrat- ing on a few major tasks (para. 63).

Supported the request of COFI that it should meet once a year for at least the next few years (para. 64).

Report of the Committee on Agriculture (4th Session, Rome, April 1977)

Agreed with the Committee that the two major programmes, namely increasing production in developing countries and increasing world food reserves to a safe level were of primary importance (para. 67).

Endorsed the Committee's approval of the strategy and the six main priority areas set forth in the Summary Programme of Work and Budget (para. 68).

Agreed with COAG's endorsement of the consolidation of programmes in the Agriculture Department and the proposed additional programme changes (para. 68).

Agreed that the problem of small farmers' development should be a major issue for discussion at the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (para. 69)

Recommended that an integrated approach to the analysis and evaluation of problems of small farmers' development should be undertaken (para. 69).

Endorsed the Committee's recommendations in regard to training, education and extension (para. 70).

Agreed that these activities be given very high priority in future programmes (para. 70).

Agreed that the role of women should be given due importance at the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (para. 70).

Endorsed the proposal that the Director-General establish a high level advisory committee of experts in consultation with Member Governments to assist and advise him in the preparation for the World Conference (para. 72).

Agreed with the need for improvements in the productivity and in the income of small farmers (para. 73).

Endorsed the view that new production potentials be opened up for them through improved policies and programmes in such areas as rural credit and marketing, cooperative development and use of technology adapted to their special requirements and conditions (para. 73).

Recommended that improvement of pastures and utilization of rangeland, in particular in low rainfall areas, be given further attention (para. 74).

Agreed that this would require additional applied research and improvements in extension services (para. 74).

Noted that a majority of the Committee supported the proposal to establish an FAO Special Fund for the Reduction of Food Losses (para. 76).

Approved the two selected development problems recommended by the Committee for inclusion in the Agenda of its 5th Session (para. 77).

Suggested the topics listed in the paragraph be put on the Agenda of future sessions of the Committee (para. 78).

Proposals for Strengthening FAO Activities Aimed at Reducing Harvest and Post-Harvest Losses

Approved unanimously the Director-General's proposals for an action programme to reduce losses of staple foods (para. 80).

Endorsed the guidelines presented for loss reduction activities by member countries, by FAO and by other agencies (para. 80).

Endorsed the Director-General's proposals for the mechanism for implementing the FAO Action Programme (para. 81).

Agreed, by a large majority, with the need for an FAO Special Fund for Reduc- tion of Food Losses to finance the FAO Action Programme and with the criteria proposed by the Director-General for the approval of projects to be financed from such a Fund (para. 82).

Stressed the need for increased emphasis in the Regular Programme for activities aimed at reducing food losses (particularly post-harvest losses) (para. 84).

Agreed, by a great majority, with the Director-General's proposal to transfer up to $ 10 million from the 1976-77 Suspense Account as an initial contribu- tion to the Fund, in order to ensure that an early start would be made to implementation of the Action Programme, pending receipt of voluntary contribu- tion which the Council hoped would be forthcoming. In an effort to ensure consensus, the Council decided, however, to defer final decision on the resolution to its 72nd. Session (para. 85).

Proposal for an "A.H. Boerma Activity"

Welcomed the proposals of the Director-General in document CL 71/13 (para. 87).

Considered the proposal for a biennial award for an article which would meet the requirements stated in the paragraph, final selection of the award winner being made by the Director-General (para. 88).

Agreed that the award should be presented during Conference sessions (para. 89).

Recommended to the Director-General the modalities for the award listed in the paragraph (para. 89).

World Food Programme: Second Annual Report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes to ECOSOC, the FAO Council and the World Food Counci1 and Preparation for the Eighth Pledging Conference

Approved the text of a draft resolution for the Seventy-Second Council Session on the target for WFP Pledges for the Period 1979-80 (para. 92).


Developments regarding the Ad Hoc Committee on the Restructuring of the Economic and Social Sectors of the United Nations System

Expressed its concern at the absence of definite information on the recommendations which the Ad Hoc Committee would make to the UN General Assembly (para. 94).

Urged that the specialized agencies be given an opportunity to comment on any recommendation having major implications for them, before a decision was taken by the UN General Assembly (para. 94) .

Welcomed the action taken by the Director-General to make available to the Ad Hoc Committee his views on the areas of inter-agency coordination, secretariat support services and operational activities (para. 95).

Supported the Director-General's approach particularly on the adoption of the "lead agency" principle (para. 95).

Concurred, in a large majority, with the Director-General's view that consolidation of operational activities and funds would not be a desirable goal as it would increase the vulnerability of the system (para. 95).

Further Developments in Relations with UNDP, WFC and IFAD

United Nations Development Programme

Supported the Director-General's statement that fundamentally only governments can coordinate all inputs to technical assistance (para. 99).

Agreed that working relations at the country level between FAO and UNDP, in regard to programming and execution, were very close and that governments received the full benefit of this partnership (para. 99).

Expressed serious concern over the financial consequences that would result from any lower level of cost reimbursement by UNDP (para. 104).

Concluded, in the majority, that the Organization should request the continuation of the present arrangements for a reimbursement calculated at 14 percent of delivery (para. 104).

Requested that its views on the issues, as appropriate, be made known to the UNDP Governing Council at its forthcoming session (para. 105).

World Food Council

Reiterated the need for complementarity of action between FAO and WFC (para. 106).

Stressed the importance of cooperation at secretariat level (para. 106).

Considered it would not be appropriate for it to engage in a substantive discussion of the Report of the Preparatory Meeting of the Third Session of the World Food Council which had been distributed to it for information (para. 107).

International Fund for Agricultural Development

Endorsed the Director-General's proposal to make available an additional $ 60 000 for the IFAD Interim Secretariat (para. 108).

UN Joint Inspection Unit Reports

Fellowships in the United Nations System

Endorsed the views of the Programme and Finance Committees, and those of the Administrative Committee on Coordination, on this report (para. 109).

Supported the conclusion with regard to the recommendation on coordination, that coordination could be most effectively achieved by ad hoc meetings of fellowship officers and the establishment of a focal point in the system for exchange of information (para. 110).

Agreed that there was need for a built-in system of evaluation of fellowships (para. 111).

Agreed that the most important recommendation in the report was recommenda- tion 48, which proposed a re-orientation of training activities to country and regional levels (para. 111).

Country Programming as an Instrument for Coordination and Cooperation at Country Level

Endorsed in general the views of the Programme and Finance Committees in this report (para. 112).

Agreed with the position taken by the executive heads in respect of this report as recorded in document CL 71/15 - Sup. 1 (para. 113).

Supported the main thrust of the report which was to ensure the full involve- ment of the technical agencies in Country Programming and to achieve more effective coordination of assistance programmes at country level (para. 114).

Technical Cooperation Provided to Integration Movements in Asia and the Pacific

Concurred in the Director-General's view that the report suffered from several inadequacies (para. 115).

Was in accord with the Director-General's comment that the report did not give due recognition to the efforts that FAO had made in the past and was at present making to support the integration and cooperation arrangements in the region (para. 116).

Endorsed the Director-General's view that FAO should adopt a sympathetic, but pragmatic and flexible approach, giving due recognition to the lead role of FAO in the field of food and agriculture (para, 116),

Supported the view that agriculture should receive its due place in arrangements for regional and sub-regional cooperation and integration (para. 117).

Endorsed, with observations recorded in this report, the Director-General's comments as well the views expressed on this report by the Programme and Finance Committees (para, 118).

Continuation of the Joint Inspection Unit

Took note of the Director-General's report on the implications for FAO of the acceptance of the Statute as well as the views of the Programme and Finance Committees and CCLM on the substantive, financial and constitutional questions involved (para. 119).

Agreed that there was a continuing need for an independent and efficient inspection body in the United Nations system,(para. 120).

Agreed that FAO should continue its collaboration with the Unit (para. 120).

Took note of the CCLM's opinion that acceptance of the Statute would have to be approved by the Nineteenth Conference Session (para. 121).

Suggested that the Organization's reservation (regarding acceptance of the designation of JIU as a "subsidiary organ" of the legislative bodies of FAO, as proposed in para. 2 Article 1 of the Statute) might be phrased in the form of an interpretative declaration (para. 122).

Accepted the views of the Programme and Finance Committees on other provisions of the Statute (para. 123).

Felt that the Organization's views on the injunction in Article 12 and on undue emphasis on coordination in para, 2 of Article 5 should be recorded, but not as reservations in acceptance of the Statute (para. 123).

Considered it was difficult to make a cost/benefit analysis of the value of the services of the Unit (para, 125).

Welcomed the Director-General's proposal to submit an evaluation of the Unit's services to the Council and Conference in 1979 (para. 125).

Supported, with observations recorded in this report, the continuation of the JIU and of FAO's collaboration with it (para. 126).

Recommended to the Conference that it accept the Statute of JIU with the understanding referred to in para. 122 of this report (para. 126).

Other Questions Arising out of the UN General Assembly, ECOSOC and ACC

Endorsed the Programme Committee's recommendation that the Second Session of the Committed on Food and Nutrition Policies, scheduled for June 1977 be postponed to 1978 (para. 127).


Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1978-79


Agreed that the practice of providing a Summary Programme of Work and Budget to its summer session in the Conference year should continue (para, 128).

General Strategy

Fully supported the main lines of the programme proposals (para. 129).

Confirmed both the policy directions and programme priorities in the Summary Programme of Work and Budget (para, 130).

Agreed that the components of the strategy mentioned in paragraph 130 would enable FAO to play a more positive role in world agricultural development (para. 131).

Organizational Changes

Agreed with the Director-General and the Programme and Finance Committees that organizational changes should be kept to a minimum para. 132).

Supported the minor consolidations proposed for fertilizers, remote sensing, evaluation and investment (para, 132).

Main Priorities

(a) FAO Representatives

Agreed generally that the provisions for setting up FAO Representatives' offices were realistic (para. 134).

Generally supported the proposed modest increase for Regional Offices (para. 136).

Stressed that utilization of and cooperation with natural institutions under all programmes with the aim of strengthening the institutions should remain an essential component of the overall policy of decentralization (para. 137)

(b) Technical Cooperation Programme

Requested that the information provided to it on the implementation of the TCP be updated for the Conference (para. 138).

Requested the Director-General to submit his evaluation report on the TCP to the autumn 1978 Council session (para. 140).

Endorsed, in a large majority; the proposed budget and provisions for the TCP in 1978-79 (para. 141).

(c) Investment

Considered IFAD should make the greatest possible use of FAO and that it was essential for the Regular Programme to provide for support to IFAD as well as to other new and emerging funds and cooperation with the regional development banks (para. 143).

Welcomed the trend to increase direct investment assistance to countries in cooperation with national institutions (para. 144).

Endorsed the proposed priority to be given to investment and the consequential rationalization of the structure of the Investment Centre (para. 145).

Other Priorities

Generally supported the other main priorities in the Summary Programme of Work and Budget (para. 146).

Stressed, within the Rural Development programme, the priority of increasing the level of participation of rural people, especially women and the most underprivileged members of the population, in development activities (para. 148).

Approved, in emphasizing the need for education, training and extension services for rural people, the increased emphasis on training in all programme (para. 148).

Stressed the need for transfer of appropriate technology from more developed to less developed countries, and also within developing countries themselves. (para. 148).

Welcomed the emphasis on small farmers and related policies on areas such as credit (para. 148).

Considered the development of cooperatives was also a useful means of improving agricultural productivity and a helpful instrument, in certain areas, in stabilizing prices at levels remunerative to producers and reasonable to consumers (para. 148).

Supported the proposal of the ACC to establish a Sub-Committee on Nutrition and to replace the Protein-Calorie Advisory Group of the UN System by an Advisory Group on Nutrition (para. 149).

Requested that the Second Session of the Committee on Food and Nutrition Policies should be held as soon as possible in 1978 (para. 149).

Requested the Director-General to bring to the attention of the World Food Council the fact that FAO should assume leadership within the UN System for action in the nutrition field (para. 149).

Concurred in the shift of emphasis of the Fisheries programmes towards direct assistance in the items mentioned (para. 150).

Concurred in the emphasis within the Forestry programme on the items listed (para. 151).

Agreed that the Natural Resources programme should be orientated as far as possible to provide direct benefits to countries and that priority should be given to improving irrigation schemes (para, 153).

Stressed the need for regular supplies of fertilizers at reasonable prices (para. 153).

Reiterated support for the priority of reducing post-harvest losses (para. 154).

Agreed there was need for a coordinating unit (para. 154).

Urged that agro-industries development and mechanization should be given sufficient emphasis (para. 154).

Considered priorities within the Livestock programme were placed correctly, as shown in the paragraph (para. 155).

Hoped substantial extra-budgetary funds would be found for trypanosomiasis (para. 155).

Hoped the meat and dairy development schemes would be useful vehicles for inter-country cooperation (para. 155).

Stressed that the Research Support programme should concentrate on the use of natural institutions in developing countries, promoting cooperation among these institutions and providing effective links between research and extension (para. 156).

Recognized the need to assist countries in planning and policy develop- ment for the agricultural sector and also for FAO to participate in the preparation for the Third United Nations Development Decade through the study "Agriculture: Towards 2000" (para. 157).

Level of the Budget

Fully supported the Director-General's general approach in arriving at a reasonable and balanced programme package (para. 158)..

Support was widespread for the proposed level of $ 206.8 million (at lire 900 to the US dollar) (para. 159).

Endorsed, practically unanimously, the Summary Programme of Work and Budget as the basis for completion of the final PW and B, in the light of the views it had expressed (para. 159).

Structure and Content of the Review of Field Programmes (including section on Technical Cooperation Amongst Developing Countries)

Agreed that the outline for the 1976–77 Review of Field Programmes represented an acceptable balance between a broad sweep over the entire spectrum of field activities carried out by the Organization in the current biennium and a critical examination of carefully selected segments for more substantive discussions by Conference (para. 160).

Supported unanimously a proposed resolution presented by Argentina and co-sponsored by all Latin American countries on the Council (para. 161).

Urged the Director-General to take every possible step to try to redress the situation whereby current arrangements for the organization of the proposed UN Conference on Technical Cooperation Amongst Developing Countries (1978) might restrict a more substantive participation by FAO and other specialized agencies in the preparation of basic documents for the Conference (para. 161).

Requested the Director-General to bring operative para. 2 of Resolution 1/71 to the attention of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the UN Conference (New York, 17 September 1977) (para. 161).

Agreed that the matter be brought to the attention of the UNDP Governing Council and of the UNDP Administrator, the latter being the Secretary- General of the UN Conference (para. 161).

Agreed to include a specific item in the Provisional Agenda of the Nineteenth Conference Session to discuss TCDC in the field of agriculture and food (para. 162).

Adopted a resolution on TCDC (para.164, Res. 1/71).

Other Programme, Budgetary, Financial and Administrative Matters: Work of the Thirty-Second Session of the Programme Committee and Thirty-Ninth Session of the Finance Committee

Financial Position of the Organization

(a) Status of Contributions and Contributions in Arrears

Urged the Government of LAO to respond to the Director-General's invitation to formulate a proposal for the settlement of its outstanding financial obligations over a period of years (para. 176).

– Scale of Contributions 1978–79

Recommended a draft resolution for adoption by the Conference on the Scale of Contributions 1978–79 (para. 184).

Drew the attention of the Conference to the reasons for the differences between assessments of individual Member Nations in the FAO scale for 1976–77 and the proposal for 1978–79 (para. 185).

Proposal for Measures to Protect the Programme from Adverse Currency Fluctuations and Unbudgeted Inflationary Costs

Decided to transmit to the Conference for final consideration and decision a draft resolution on Authority to Establish a Special Reserve Account (para. 191).

Personnel Matters

(a) Amendments to the Staff Regulations and General Rules of the Organization

Recommended to the Conference the adoption of the draft amendments to Rules XXIV and XXVII GRO, as set forth in the paragraph (para. 193).

(b) Emoluments of the Director-General

Agreed that action should be taken to bring the emoluments of the Director- General and his conditions of service in line with those of Executive Heads of other agencies (para. 195).

Recommended a draft resolution for adoption by the Conference on the emoluments of the Director-General (para. 196).

Appointment of External Auditor

Agreed to reappoint the Comptroller and Auditor-General of the United Kingdom as External Auditor for a further period of two years (para. 197).

Requested the Director-General to formulate and submit for its consideration alternative proposals for future appointments (para. 197).

Adopted a resolution on the appointment of the External Auditor (para. 198, Res, 2/71).


Arrangements for the Session and Provisional Agenda for the Conference

Noted that a new item "Technical Cooperation Amongst Developing Countries in the Field of Agriculture and Food" would be added under Part II of the Provisional Conference Agenda (para. 199).

Agreed that Commission II should discuss Item 15 "Review of Arrangements for the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development" at an earlier stage of its work (para. 200).

Took note that information on progress and projections on the integration of women in the FAO programmes should be submitted to the Conference in such reports as the Review of Field Programmes and the Medium-Term Objectives (para. 202).

Considered that the Conference would, if necessary, decide to work on a Saturday if a free day were required for the Muslim Feast of Aid El Kabir (para. 203).

Date for Nominations for the Independent Chairman of the Council

Established the deadline for receipt of nominations at 17.00 hours, Monday 5 September 1977: nominations to be circulated to all Member Nations by Monday, 19 September 1977 (para. 207).


Proposed Amendments to the FAO Constitution

Number and Distribution of Seats on the Council (Art. V-1)

Agreed that the Council be increased by 7 seats (para. 210).

Requested the Director-General to inform in due time all Member Nations of the proposed amendment to Art. V of the Constitution (para, 211).

Term of Office and Method of Election of the Director-General (Art.VII-1 and VII-3)

Agreed unanimously to recommend that the Conference should provide for the eligibility of the Director-General for re-appointment.

Fully supported, by a very great majority, the case for ensuring eligibility of the Director-General for re-appointment without limitation on number or variation in length of terms (para. 214).

Recommended a draft resolution for adoption by the Conference on the term of office of the Director-General (para. 216).

Authentic Chinese Text of the Constitution (Art. XXII)

Decided to propose that Article XXII of the Constitution be amended as shown in the paragraph (para. 219).

Requested the Director-General to notify Member Nations of this proposal and to transmit to all Member Nations, at the same time, the Chinese version of the Constitution (para. 220).

Status and Use of Languages in FAO

Agreed that the amendment to Rule XLI GRO suggested by the Thirteenth Regional Conference for the Near East (Tunis, October 1976) was appropriate (para. 224).

Decided to recommend to the Conference that Rule XLI GRO be amended as shown in the paragraph (para. 224).

Considered that the pragmatic approach to the use of languages should be maintained (para. 225).

Recommended to the Conference the amendments to the Basic Texts shown in the paragraph (para. 226).

Endorsed the Director-General's proposals with regard to the proposed increase in capacity for Arabic translation (para. 227).

Report of the Working Party in the Composition and Terms of Reference of the Council, the Programme Committee, the Finance Committee, and the CCLM

Regional Conferences

Agreed that in the future these should play a greater part in formulating regional policies regarding cooperation for agricultural development and food production (para. 229).

Concurred in the recommendations that the participation of Member Nations in each Regional Conference, including the modalities of attendance by observers, should be decided by the countries that in fact belonged to the region concerned, at the 1978 Regional Conferences (para. 232).

Noted the request addressed to the Director-General by the members of the Latin America Group (para. 233).

Programme Committee, Finance Committee and CCLM

Agreed that these committees should continue to be consultative organs of the Council and the Director-General (para. 234).

Agreed to recommend the items listed in the paragraph (para. 237).

Requested the CCLM to prepare and submit to its next session the amendments to the Basic Texts relevant to the items listed in paragraph 237 (para. 238).

Agreed no change should be made in the membership and functions of the CCLM (para. 240).

Other Questions

Agreed with the recommendations of the Working Party listed in the paragraph (para. 241).

Application for Membership: Republic of Seychelles

Authorized the Director-General to invite the Republic of Seychelles to participate in an observer capacity at appropriate Council meetings, as well as at regional and technical meetings of the Organization of interest to it (para. 244).


Date and Place of the Seventy-Second Session of the Council

Decided that its Seventy-Second Session should be convened in Rome from 8 to 10 November 19.77 (para. 246).

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