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1. The Seventy-First Session of the Council was held in Rome from 6 to 17 June 1977, under the chairmanship of G. Bula Hoyos, Independent Chairman of the Council.

Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable 1

2. The Agenda of the Session as adopted is given in Appendix A to this report.

Election of Two Vice-Chairmen and Designation of Chairman and Members of Drafting Committee 2

3. The Council elected Amin Abu Seneina (Sudan) as First Vice-Chairman and Antti Nik kola (Finland) as Second Vice-Chairman.

4. The Council elected Ahmad Tejan Wadda (Gambia) as Chairman of the Drafting Committee, and the following as members: Bangladesh, Brazil, France, Gabon, New Zealand, Pakistan, United Stated of America.

Statement by the Director-General 3

5. The Council heard an introductory statement by the Director-General, the text of which is given in Appendix D to this report.

1CL 71/1,CL 71/1(a), CL 71/INF/1, CL 71/INF/12, CL71/INF/13, CL 71/PV/1, CL 71/PV/5, CL 71/PV/12.

2CL 71/PV/1,CL 71/PV/4, CL 71/PV/9.

3CL 71/INF/5,CL 71/PV/1.

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