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15. Relations with Other Organizations (continued)
15. Relations avec les autres organisations (suite)
15. Relaciones con otras organizaciones (continuación)

15.1 Recent Developments in the UN System of Interest to FAO (continued)
15.1 Faits nouveaux survenus dans le Système des Nations Unies intéressant la FAO (suite)
15.1 Novedades recientes en el sistema de las Naciones Unidas de interés para la FAO (continuación)

15.2 Recent Developments in FAO's Cooperation with Intergovernmental and Non-governmental Organizations (continued)
15.2 Faits nouveaux concernant la coopération de la FAO avec les
organisations intergouvernementales et non gouvernementales (suite)
15.2 Novedades recientes en la cooperación de la FAO con organizaciones intergubernamentales y no gubernamentales (continuación)

CHAIRMAN: The meeting is called to order. For those who were not present here yesterday evening I would like to recall that we are going to proceed this morning with the debate on Item 15 of our Agenda, Relations with other Organizations. Yesterday evening Ms Killingsworth made us an adapted presentation of Item 15.1 Recent Developments in the UN System of Interest to FAO and the documents to this item are C 93/9, C 93/9-Sup.l, C 93/LIM/12, as well as to Item 15.2, Recent Developments in FAO's Cooperation with Intergovernmental and Non-governmental Organizations and the documents for this item are C 93/20, C 93/20-Sup.1. In this presentation, which covered both points 1 and 2 of Item 15, Ms Killingsworth stressed that she was not going to address in detail certain issues that are already being dealt with by this Commission itself, for example, operational difficulties or the follow-up of UNCED.

So after Ms Killingsworth's presentation of last night I open the floor for the requests of speakers. It is our intention to have the consideration of the two sub-items of Item 15 finished by this morning so that we can all have the afternoon free in a sense, to prepare for the meeting of the Drafting Group late this afternoon. So I will now proceed to call for the speakers and would suggest that all speakers be brief and if they wish to do so to address both Sub-items 15.1 and 15.2 in their interventions.

J.C. MACHIN (United Kingdom): I shall try and follow your injunction to be brief even though, as you know, traditionally this is a very important item for my delegation. Since you have asked us to take both of the items together I will deal with the first one on the United Nations system and my colleague will address the question of NGOs.

We are grateful to Ms Kay Killingsworth for last night's introduction. She raised some very key issues in the UN system which are ongoing and in particular she mentioned the revitalization of the ACC, and indeed the

revitalization and restructuring of the UN as a whole, which is an ongoing debate and which is currently preoccupying our colleagues in New York. The latest information we have is that it is getting slightly difficult and it has to meet a deadline of the end of November if we are going to make any progress.

However, Chairman, since I commented in quite some detail at the June Council meeting on the papers we have before us, I will try and be brief and just mention the main areas to the UN delegation. I think the first one is humanitarian and emergency assistance. What I would say here is that I think we all recognize the importance of improving the system of the provision of humanitarian and emergency aid. I think this means that the system has got to work together rather better to improve, with the Department of Humanitarian Affairs, these key activities of the United Nations which are costing these days, with peace-keeping, so much money.

We would particularly encourage FAO in its role in the Inter-agency Standing Committee. We believe the success of this body is absolutely vital if improved coordination is to be achieved which is the common goal.

Let me say a very brief word about international conferences. There are a lot over the next two years and FAO has again an important contribution to make to these conferences. I will not go into them in detail. Ms Killingsworth referred to them in detail and they are of course in the documentation. Perhaps I could put a postscript on this? The World Summit for Social Development is in the very early stages of preparation. A lot of countries, and indeed organizations, have yet to focus on their approaches to that summit. Our view is that the real focus direction and likely outcomes are at this stage unclear and I imagine they are not going to be very clear until after the first formal prepcom process has been put under way early next year.

I understand Ms Killingsworth mentioned a matter which, as she knows, for us is an extremely important area of FAO’s activities. That is drug abuse control. I only need to reiterate as far as we are concerned it is important for FAO to continue to work closely with UNDCP and to ensure that FAO carries out its drug-related activities within the framework of a UN system-wide action plan.

I have just a couple of questions, Chairman, and I do not mind if Ms Killingsworth answers them at the end or indeed even sends me a separate note. I will be perfectly happy. They are as follows: we would be very interested to have specific details of FAO's drugs-related activities since our June Council meeting and also an outline of future plans in this area. It would be helpful to know also what measures FAO has taken to ensure that a drugs dimension will continue to feature in its programme. For example, is this going to be a continuing item on future Governing Bodies meetings?

I think I can conclude very shortly, Chairman, with just a few brief remarks on ECOSOC and other developments in the system. We thought that the Geneva session of ECOSOC was an interesting one not least as it looked to FAO and all members of the UN system to work towards the full implementation of UN General Assembly Resolution 47/199. This is absolutely key for the effective implementation of all the hard work that has gone into operational activities for development and we very much hope FAO will play its full part in all areas such as system-wide coordination, national

execution, evaluation, monitoring, the programme approach and, rather controversially I know, the role of the Resident Coordinator.

In this context I would finally like to commend to those who have not yet read it the excellent statement made last week to the Second Committee of the General Assembly by the Administrator of UNDP, Gus Speth. We strongly support his statement and its content and in particular his call for a UN agenda for development. This is a natural corollary to the Secretary-General ' s agenda for peace and it is also a key international development vehicle which FAO is very well placed to make a strong and lasting contribution.

CHAIRMAN: I thank the distinguished delegate of the United Kingdom. There is now United Kingdom part two.

Mrs. S.L. BASSETT (United Kingdom): I would first like to confirm UK support for FAO's continuing cooperation with NGOs who are often best placed to address the needs of the poorest and most disadvantaged groups in society and are particularly supportive of consultations which lead to real action. In recent years, the UK has substantially increased its cooperation with NGOs at a variety of levels. Our total support to NGOs in areas of development, emergency, food aid, refugee relief has more than doubled in the last three years and now stands at more than £144 million, the figure for 1992-93.

We would like to make the following specific comments on regional aspects of the report :

First - Africa. We support the organization of workshops and meetings in so far as it can be demonstrated that the outcome is of practical use and that the impact can be and is measured. We would like to know more about what use has been made of the workshop activities and how they have benefited people. We favour increased cooperation with NGOs not only for the good reasons expressed in the report but also because we firmly believe NGOs are often best placed to make a contribution to good government objectives and in enhancing the democratic process. However, NGOs should not simply be seen as alternative deliverers of aid programmes on behalf of donors; they must be recognized as development agencies in their own right with whom donors may cooperate.

Secondly - Asia and Pacific. We support the participation in the preparation and implementation of projects by those who are expected to benefit from them; without that, there will be serious implications for the sustainability of those projects. We also support projects which improve income and employment generating prospects of poor communities which have reasonable chance of sustainability. We are in favour of the emphasis on gender issues, particularly the role of women in development which is given high priority in British Aid Programme as was stressed in our intervention on Monday.

And thirdly - Europe. We support FAO's cooperation with NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe where there is also great need. In the context of promotion of a civil society in this region NGOs have a particular role to play in establishing and in strengthening local institutions. The UK supports NGOs in Eastern Europe through a special fund known as charity Know How.

Britain's Know How funds for Eastern Europe are additional to its main aid programme for developing countries. Again, we would like to urge evaluation of the practical benefits from workshops and would suggest this is included in future reports.

Moving on to emergencies and humanitarian assistance, we are pleased to note the recognition of British NGOs and their partners contribution to the Global Information and Early Warning System. We believe FAO is taking a sensible approach with regard to reporting by NGOs by showing flexibility and, importantly, by seeking to avoid additional administrative costs.

Finally, drawing on the experiences from the Freedom From Hunger Campaign, we agree that NGOs have an important part to play in mitigating the effects of structural adjustment, especially among the most disadvantaged in society. Importantly in this context, we must help NGOs to coordinate action and help to share experience. In the UK we have recently helped NGOs to establish a new network "British Overseas NGOs for Development" (BOND) so that there is enhanced opportunity to share experience both among themselves and with government for the practical good of beneficiaries.

Mrs. Melinda L. KIMBLE (United States of America) : My delegation plans to give two separate interventions on this item and my colleague who is going to comment on NGOs is not in the Commission at this time. I hope we may intervene at a later stage to comment on the NGO portion of this report.

Mr Chairman, distinguished delegates, the report before us provides a brief overview of the many challenges confronting the UN system. My delegation very much appreciates Ms Killingsworth's summary on both these issues.

As we recently saw in the World Conference on Human Rights, and as we are experiencing in the preparations for the International Conference on Population and Development, the World Summit for Social Development and the Fourth World Conference on Women, the multilateral organizations are now challenged to provide best possible efforts to focus with their NGO counterparts on the deeply related problems of overpopulation, migration, empowerment of women and human resource development. FAO’s role is a vital one to ensure that the concerns and needs of rural populations are not overlooked.

As we speak, the UN system is under tremendous, at times devastating, strains. It faces the multiple pressures of rising expectations and accelerating demands for resources to deal with emergency assistance, peacekeeping, and sustainable development. The UN is being asked to take on the most difficult and entangled socio-political conflicts.

To address these crises, the UN system, with the establishment of the Department of Humanitarian Affairs, has taken a major initiative which has great potential for strengthening coordination in emergencies. We must succeed in this effort.

Progress has recently been made in our close work with other member governments at the ECOSOC and at the UNGA this year. We hope this progress will continue to accelerate and that the DHA will be able to strengthen its collaborative efforts throughout the system. Yet peacekeeping alone must be considered a tenuous exercise.

Time and again, we have seen that the failure to act in time on the practical level of building human resources incurs steep political, economic and environmental costs. Regrettably, the will and means to conquer malnutrition and resource degradation are still too sorely stretched.

The system also faces a crisis of credibility. Insistently, average citizens have shown their distrust for large bureaucratic institutions that are removed from daily concerns. The public understandings that gave rise to the UN as a means of promoting consensus and socio-economic progress among nations are in disrepair. A common challenge we face is to build greater international awareness of the overarching role of multilateral institutions in today's global society. We need to reach the minds of the young and the sceptical, and help open their eyes.

At the same time, the UN and the UN Specialized Agencies, including FAO, must become compellingly effective partners in the development process. In a world of exhaustible resources, this means showing prudence and good husbandry. As we work to renew confidence in the UN System's mission, we need to improve governance and communication at all levels. Long meetings, cumbersome bureaucratic procedures, and privileged hierarchies drain resources needed for programmes in the field. Other UN agencies are showing worthwhile initiatives to reduce administrative bottlenecks and modernize their methodologies. We are confident that FAO can, and will, lead the way so that system-wide reform becomes a consensual, ground-up process.

As our United Kingdom colleague stated, progress on implementing UNGA Resolution 47/199 is a critical element in improving UN delivery.of technical cooperation activites. Stronger efforts on system-wide cooperation is an important element in this regard.

We appreciate the inclusion in the Director-General's report of a section on drug abuse control, and encourage FAO’s response to the drug problem. We would like to see FAO broaden its programme objectives in this important area and to intensify its efforts to promote rural development initiatives in key drug producing and trafficking countries. It is imperative that all recipient and donor countries cooperate with FAO in working toward the elimination of this destructive trade. The U.S. strongly supports the System-Wide Action Plan on Drug Abuse Control, as a means to increase UN system attention to, and cooperation on, this important problem. We trust that FAO will fully implement its recommendations and continue its close and effective coordination with the UN Drug Control Programme.

With regard to the upcoming 48th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, the current session of the UNGA, the United States agrees that FAO must play an important role in contributing to the requested report on world food production. FAO is ideally suited to report on the anticipated subject matter of this report, including agro-industrial products, agricultural trade and the food security of developing nations.

We also appreciate the update provided by the Secretariat on trade and commodity issues. We find the information and analysis to be accurate, except the'statement in paragraph 9.2 which indicates that export subsidies would be cut by 36 percent over the six year period commencing in 1994. This is somewhat misleading. The average reduction will be 36 percent, but the required reduction on each tariff line for all agricultural products is 15 percent.

The Clinton Administration is committed to do its part to help spur renewal and reinvigoration of the UN system. We believe that the UNCED process is a challenge for the UN and its partners to work together as never before, in ways that will be difficult and challenging. There is an urgent need to create clear divisions of labour on the ground, to find creative, practical means for coordinating and transferring the skills and knowledge for lasting development, and for getting results in the field. To this end we rededicate ourselves, and will look to, and will expect, FAO to come up with new ideas and more energy on getting our common international priorities right where they should be.

Takafumi KOJIMA (Japan) : I thank Ms Killingsworth for her presentation of this item last evening.

My delegation would commend the efforts of the Secretariat to help alleviate poverty in the context of rural development, which is one of FAO's mandates. Japan attaches great importance to this issue, and has contributed to the solution of the poverty problems through extending its economic and technical assistance, as well as participating in related UN meetings and organizing the Tokyo Conference on African development.

The efforts of the Secretariat to participate in the UN system as a leading agency on the issue should be continued, to help build, in particular, sustainable agriculture.

My delegation welcomes the fact that FAO has close and useful cooperation with DHA to strengthen the coordination of humanitarian and emergency assistance of the United Nations, and we also note with appreciation that FAO's Global

Information and Early Warning System, together with the World Food Programme, carried out a Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission to Africa.

Regarding the follow-up to UNCED, my delegation fully supports FAO's active and constructive involvement in cooperation with sister agencies of the United Nation's system in the UNCED follow-up.

My delegation expects that FAO will be closely involved in inter-agency preparation for the International Conference on Population and Development, which will be held in Cairo in 1994.

My delegation also supports FAO’s cooperation with IGOs and NGOs within. the Organization's mandate.

Elías REYES BRAVO (MéXICO): Señor Presidente, mi Delegación ha examinado los documentos correspondientes al tema 15, y les atribuye un valor informativo y de referencia importante para los debates y para ubicar las actividades de la FAO en el contexto del sistema de las Naciones Unidas y de otras instancias multilaterales.

Por lo que"respecta al punto 15.1, esperamos mayor información sobre el Programa para el Desarrollo que se preparara en la Secretaría General de la ONU, por considerar que constituirá en buena medida el marco de referencia para la conducción futura de las actividades de la FAO.

Sobre este mismo punto, con satisfación, mi Delegación informa de la celebración en Mexico este año de eventos preparatorios regionales latinoamericanos y del Caribe de las cumbres mundiales sobre pobreza y sobre población y desarrollo.

Por lo que se refiere al punto 15.2, mi Delegación reconoce la labor de la FAO con las organizaciones intergubernamentales y con las organizaciones no gubernamentales en diversos programas de esta Organización.

En lo que se refiere a las ONG, mi Delegación considera que dichas organizaciones jugarán, con seguridad, un papel cada vez más importante. Por ello consideramos que la participación de las organizaciones no gubernamentales debe estar bien encauzada; para ello es importante que la participación de las organizaciones no gubernamentales deba darse bajo la coordinación de las instancias nacionales de coordinación de la cooperación internacional en los países.

Este tema 15 nos sugiere la necesidad de que el panorama de la cooperación multilateral de la FAO esté claro, no sólo a nivel de la sede sino a nivel de las oficinas regionales y, en particular, de las representaciones regionales de la FAO. Esto permitirá seguramente una acción interagencial armónica y fructífera.

Patrick PRUVOT (France): Nous souhaitons remercier tout d'abord Mme Killingsworth pour sa présentation de ce point hier soir, qui nous a permis une mise à jour très utile. J'interviendrai très brièvement.

Je souhaiterais évoquer deux questions qui sont abordées dans le document C 93/9-Sup.l.

La première, le débat consacré aux questions de coordination de l'aide d'urgence par le Conseil économique et social, a retenu toute notre attention. Je voudrais simplement rappeler ce que la délégation française, comme de nombreuses autres, répète à l'envi: la coordination est indispensable et doit toujours être renforcée afin d'accroître l'efficacité des actions et de réduire les risques de duplication.

Cependant, je souhaiterais exprimer notre crainte face à la multiplication des intervenants telle qu'elle est évoquée en particulier au paragraphe 11 du document et à la difficulté croissante qui pourrait en découler pour réaliser une coordination efficace.

Si ces affaires n'avaient pas le plus souvent un caractère dramatique, je pourrais me permettre de dire que, bientôt, il faudra un coordinateur des coordinateurs !

En vérité, nous n'avons pas de solution miracle à proposer mais nous sommes inquiets devant cette évolution qui risque de poser quantité de difficultés sur le terrain.

Pour ce qui concerne la FAO et le PAM, dont la coordination est évoquée au paragraphe 10, ma délégation rappelle son attachement à ce que la collaboration soit permanente - elle est certes normale mais elle doit être permanente et s'applique à toutes les situations d'urgence où une évaluation des besoins alimentaires est nécessaire.

Le deuxième point concerne les conférences.

La conférence internationale sur la population qui devrait se tenir au Caire en septembre prochain. La France suit avec beaucoup d'attention la préparation de cette Conférence.

Dans ce cadre, trois convictions fortes sont à la base de la position française :

d'abord une politique de coopération dans le domaine de la population n'a d'efficacité que si elle s'inscrit dans une politique globale et est étroitement liée à tous les aspects du développement économique et humain;

la deuxième conviction est que dans un domaine qui touche d'aussi près la responsabilité personnelle des individus, la coopération doit faire appel à une grande diversité de partenaires et, en particulier, les ONG.

Enfin, une coopération doit, dans un domaine aussi important, reposer sur une base solide et fiable, qu'il s'agisse des données quantitatives, et là il y a un rôle fondamental dans le domaine des statistiques propres à chaque pays, mais aussi dans le domaine de données qualitatives.

Puisque vous nous l'aviez demandé, nous allons intervenir très brièvement sur le point 15.2 de l'ordre du jour, c'est-à-dire sur les faits nouveaux concernant la coopération avec les organisations intergouvernementales et non gouvernementales.

Nous avons apprécié le document C 93/20 qui nous semble donner une idée précise du niveau de collaboration entre nos organisations et les ONG, et nous prenons note de l'annonce d'un renforcement des liens avec ces organisations à l'avenir.

Dans ce contexte, nous sommes particulièrement sensibles à l'attention qui sera portée au thème de la démocratisation du développement en Afrique. Nous souhaitons vivement que les ONG africaines participent davantage au grand débat en cours. Nous appuyons largement le principe de réunions officieuses des ONG telle que celle tenue le 9 novembre en marge de notre Conférence.

Je voudrais conclure en vous informant de la satisfaction exprimée par les ONG françaises qui ont eu l'occasion de participer effectivement au groupe de travail de la Conférence internationale sur la nutrition, et qui n'ont pas été traitées comme de simples auditeurs mais comme des participants à part entière.

Harald HILDEBRAND (Germany) (Original language German): The documents that we have available on this agenda item show quite clearly that the highly complex interdependency of global and regional problems has led to a worldwide network of organizations, bodies and institutions within the framework of the united Nations and even beyond the limits of the UN. Coordinated cooperation of these multifaceted organizations and inclusion of NGOs are, in our view, essential to obtain system-integrated solutions.

I should like to thank Ms Killingsworth for her clear introduction to the subject, and I should too like to thank the Secretariat for the informative

representation of working relationships of FAO with other organizations. This helps us to get a comprehensive view of the subject.

My delegation agrees with the main content of the documents and stresses once again the meaning of efficient coordination in the UN system and beyond it. This is essential, among others, for two reasons: one, because of the necessity to produce effective results in the field of food, agriculture, environment, and in order to eradicate poverty. This necessity is becoming increasingly urgent. Secondly, duplication and waste of resources must certainly be avoided. This especially applies to measures concerning aid in cases of emergency and disaster. There is often no time to implement wide coordination in such urgent cases.

After these general comments, I should like to address Item 15.2.

Document C 93/20 gives us an excellent survey of the situation of the subject that is well described in a regional manner. We welcome the explanations given under paragraph 6 and we also share the view that the expert capabilities of FAO should be used increasingly for cooperation. In the light of UNCED, especially in respect to Agenda 21, Chapter 38, it appears necessary for FAO to follow the requirements established in Chapter 38.1 to 38.6. At the same time we feel it is appropriate for FAO to encourage its working relationships to the sectoral areas of the Commission on Sustainable Development, so that in this way its active expert cooperation can be guaranteed in the subject on the multi-year working programme of the CSD. This is something that must be done in the programme of CSD that lasts until 1997.

Looking at document C 93/20, in respect of the European region we welcome the informative summary in which we see the efforts underlined to ensure that duplication is avoided. We are of the opinion that cooperation will have ever more synergetic effects, that is, possibilities to increase performance with the help of cooperation. These opportunities must be taken.

In the chapter concerning cooperation with OECD, 1.46 and other regional organizations, we were struck by the fact that the working relationship between the Joint Division for Forestry and Agriculture, between FAO and the Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva, was not mentioned at all. This surprises us. My Government greatly appreciates the work done in Geneva by the joint group FAO/ECE and the cooperation between FAO/ECE and OECD in respect to questions concerning agriculture and environment. We also greatly appreciate the work done by the joint FAO/IAEA division in Vienna, especially with regard to questions relating to Chernobyl and the problems due to this accident.

In conclusion, I should like to address a question and a request to the Secretariat. Would it be possible for the Secretariat to give Member States a survey in the form of a table to show us the relationships between FAO and NGOs, and also with those organizations at governmental level that are outside the UN system? It is possible that such surveys already exist, but we do not have them. I say this for the following reason. The UNCED follow-up process"is monitored by non-governmental organizations in respect of the cooperation of these non-governmental institutions, but it is our responsibility to establish a link between the governmental agencies and non-governmental national agencies, and also with the very complex network

of international non-governmental organizations. I think that such a document could be very helpful for our delegation.

F.C. PRILLEVTTZ (The Netherlands): We fully understand from the introduction of document C 93/9 that this agenda item is primarily for the information of Member Nations. My delegation also realizes that part of the information was produced more than half a year ago and is therefore somewhat outdated. Ms Killingsworth has tried, successfully, in her introductory statement to bring us up to date with the most recent developments in the UN system, and we are grateful for that. In this respect we would like to elaborate on two points, and we do so hoping that in such a way we may expect a reaction from the Secretariat.

Before commenting on these two subjects, I should like to make a general remark. Although it can be read at different places in the documents, my delegation is of the opinion that an even more precise description about the actual role of FAO and more particularly its cooperation with other UN organizations can enrich the relevant information, and in doing that it would make the documentation more useful for the membership.

Therefore we should like to receive under this agenda item in future a document with the title "Recent Developments in the UN System and the Consequences for FAO".

My first point relates to Chapter 2 of document C 93/9. With regard to humanitarian and emergency assistance, the documents do not provide much insight into the actual involvement and participation of FAO in missions and projects carried out in coordination with the UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs (DHA) and other UN organizations.

As the biggest donor to OSRO we are all very much interested in this matter.

It would have been quite instructive, for example, to receive some information on the problems FAO encountered in its efforts to coordinate with other UN organizations. As a matter of fact, reporting by FAO on its humanitarian and emergency assistance activities in Somalia and Iraq, which have been co-funded by the Netherlands, has been rather incomplete and of a very general nature. Moreover, experiences with FAO Emergency Relief Operations financed by the Netherlands and Italy show the need for decentralized decision-making. The close coordination between FAO Headquarters and its country representatives mentioned in the document seems to cause delays in implementation of relief operations instead of a swift response by FAO to emergency situations, where the lives of thousands of people are literally at stake. To avoid unnecessary postponement of these life-saving operations, the Netherlands delegation would like to appeal to the Secretariat to allow for a decentralization of responsibilities especially in the field of emergency relief.

Point two, Mr Chairman, relates to Chapter 3, the "Follow-up to UNCED". The document offers a clear overview of decisions and activities following UNCED but the description of FAO’s role within this context could be more explicit. FAO has been appointed as one of the task-managers of the Interagency Committee on Sustainable Development with regard to the cluster "Land, Desertification, Forestry and Biodiversity". The documents do not provide much insight into the way FAO carries out this task in relation to

the activities by other UN organizations in this field; the efforts, for example, by FAO with respect to the negotiations concerning the "International Convention to combat Desertification" remain unclear.

Personally, Mr Chairman, I consider Chapter 7 the most interesting part of document C 93/9. Supplement 1 of this document contains a report on the recent ECOSOC discussion about the operational activities of the UN, and especially about the implementation of General Assembly Resolution 47/199. This resolution is, to use FAO's own words, "a lengthy and relatively heterogeneous document, covering a wide range of subjects". It is not only of interest to the UN funds and programmes, as stated in paragraph 7.17, but is also of the utmost interest to FAO. For example, CFA has decided to form an informal working group which will work together with the Secretariat on the implementation of the resolution. I wonder if, for certain aspects of the resolution, we could do the same here in FAO.

Now I turn to Recent Developments in FAO's Cooperation with Inter-governmental and Non-governmental Organizations. The document C 93/20 gives an overview of the relationship which FAO has with inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations. The document gives some insight into the concrete working relations with NGOs. In this respect there is a close connection with movements of democratization in a lot of countries. FAO can play an important liaison role between governments, NGOs and donor countries in discussions about strategies on rural development. Under point 5 of the introduction of the document one gets the impression that not all programmes are well equipped for cooperation with NGOs; the technical divisions of FAO are less involved. Some of the activities with NGOs are financed from the Regular Programme, but additional extra-budgetary sources are indispensable.

We support the contracting by FAO of non-governmental organizations instead of individual consultants for the carrying out of specific studies, whenever possible. The work can then be done by a team of professionals of these organizations instead of by one person.

While discussing collaboration with NGOs, we must be clear what we are talking about. It is in particular the expertise of so-called "developmental" NGOs which is called upon for the implementation of activities. We are concerned that the collaboration and the process of consultations with traditional farmers' organizations, which represent the interests of the farmers, has become less important. The consequence of this is that the views of men and women, small farmers and rural landless people, who have expressed feelings of dissent in recent years, is hardly being reflected in the FAO documents. These groups are in particular fighting for land reform and the improvement of property and tenure rights.

Moreover, the document under consideration gives the impression that the dialogue with organizations involved in environmental questions has not yet really started. No mention is made of environment-linked subjects such as the improvement of food security, the conservation of ecosystems, biological diversity and fertility of land at local level, the decrease in use of external inputs, etc. They are treated as technical questions, distinct fѓom one another, but not linked to questions of environment and energy.

It is our opinion FAO should better use the knowledge and experience of special interest groups. These groups are also indicating that they are

willing to take the responsibility for rural development, especially in relation to sustainability. Special reference can be made to the activities of the farmers' organizations in the International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP).

In general, we can support the suggestions made in the report of the informal meeting of NGOs on 9 November under paragraph 17 for improving the relations of FAO with NGOs.

CHAIRMAN: I thank the distinguished representative of the Netherlands for his very substantive and detailed comments, which will obviously give some interesting material for Ms Killingsworth to comment on.

Ruall C. HARRIS (Barbados) : I would like to thank Mrs Killingsworth for the very clear and comprehensive introduction she gave to the documents last night. My delegation appreciates the initiatives undertaken in coordinating the work of international organizations and NGOs in fields in which FAO has a deep interest. This kind of coordination is necessary to ensure that rationalization is achieved and duplication eliminated.

My delegation, on behalf of Island States in the Caribbean and elsewhere in the world, especially in the South Pacific, notes the interest shown by FAO in the follow-up to the Island States Programme on Sustainable Development, which appears on page 12 of document C 93/9.

I would like to draw your attention to the Report of the Informal Meeting of Small Developing Island States, which took place here at the FAO Conference on 12 November. That Report indicated areas in which the second FAO-sponsored Conference of Small Island States, which will take place some time at the end of 1994, should focus on. It is important that these documents form the basis of and inform the kind of programme which FAO should develop for the Island States.

May I also mention in this respect that the Organization of Small Island States is a fledgling organization and FAO should keep an eye on it to see how it develops and to see what sort of relationship FAO can establish with it.

May I refer to document C 93/2 0, and in particular to page 10, which deals with the Latin American Region. May I add for the information of this Commission that FAO has observer status to the Standing Committee of Ministers responsible for agriculture in all the CARICOM States and participates very actively in that organization. There is another organization in the Caribbean Sub-region called the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute, and although there is cooperation between CARDI and FAO, FAO does not at this point have observer status, and perhaps it might be of interest to develop a closer relationship.

Please forgive me if I repeat what I said in the debate on the Medium-Term Plan, when I mentioned that the Ministers of Agriculture of Latin America and the Caribbean, including Ministers of Agriculture for the United States and Canada, when they met in Mexico in September, mandated the new Director-General of IICA, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, to explore the possibility of closer cooperation between FAO and IICA. In fact, mention was made in the debate that perhaps the model

developed by the World Health Organization and the Pan-American Health Organization could be looked at by FAO and IICA. Obviously what happens will depend on the kind of discussions that take place but that is a model that could be looked at. I emphasize this, Mr Chairman, because it is important to us in the Caribbean. We in the Caribbean have an eradication programme for the Amblyomma Variegatum or Tropical Bont Tick, and only last week there was a meeting here at FAO Headquarters of the Steering Committee of that Programme, and both IICA and FAO indicated an interest in assisting in the eradication of the Tropical Bont Tick. Consequently, it is important for us in the Caribbean that the two organizations coordinate and cooperate to ensure that they act effectively in the region.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize a point made in paragraph 1.62 of document C 93/20 on page 12, which says that part of the reason for cooperation is to ensure that the modality of cooperation, which permits technical, financial and infrastructural resources to be mobilized as a complement to the contributions by FAO and other sources should continue. It goes on to say that "links with these other organizations permit access to a broader spectrum of human and specialized resources than would be possible through individual contracts." This is something we have to emphasize in the relationships that FAO develops with other international organizations and NGOs.

I would again like to compliment Mrs Killingsworth and her Department on the work of coordination which has been done in this area.

I thank the distinguished representative of Barbados for his very interesting remarks concerning coordination betweeen IICA and FAO. I am sure Mrs Killingsworth will comment on this later on.

Amin ABDEL-MALEK (Liban) (Langue originale arabe): Je voudrais tout d'abord remercier Mme Killingsworth pour son excellente présentation du document C 93/20 sur les faits nouveaux survenus dans le domaine de la coopération entre la FAO et les organisations intergouvernementales et les organisations internationales non gouvernementales, et vous faire part de notre sentiment de satisfaction à la lecture de ce rapport en ce qui concerne les excellentes relations qui existent entre le Bureau régional pour le Proche-Orient et les organisations régionales arabes, y compris, à leur tête, la Ligue des Etats arabes.

Nous avons observé avec beaucoup de satisfaction et d'intérêt les initiatives prises par le Bureau régional pour la création de réseaux spécialisés interagences et interorganisations. Il s'agit là d'un instrument particulièrement efficace pour renforcer la coopération régionale et la consolider. A l'heure où nous appuyons cette initiative et les activités du Bureau régional, nous encourageons celui-ci à continuer de faire oeuvre utile afin d'améliorer et de renforcer les relations avec les organisations non gouvernementales et les organisations régionales.

Per AUGUSTSSON (Sweden) : Mr Chairman, Sweden welcomes the information provided on recent developments in the UN System of interest to FAO in the documentation provided by the Secretariat. We would also like to thank Ms Killingsworth for her interesting introduction of the subject.

Sweden notes that the documentation is selective and, as far as possible, avoids reporting on matters which are the subject of separate items on the Conference Agenda. It must be admitted that the documentation provided for Agenda Item 15 seems rather incomplete, but my delegation appreciates these efforts to maintain brevity and the avoidance of duplication of work.

In the view of the Swedish Government, the role of the Specialized Agencies within the UN system is a very important one. It is increasingly recognized that they should serve as centres of excellence in their respective fields. The Swedish Government feels that this important role should be further developed and strengthened in the case of FAO. It is of the utmost importance that a clear division of labour and responsibilities is brought about between different UN organizations within the UN system in order to achieve effective results and to avoid overlap and duplication. It is also necessary to focus on the mandate of each organization and strike the right balance between normative and operational activities.

Taking into account the special position of the Specialized Agencies within the UN system and the functions of the central organs of the UN, cooperation within the UN system is of fundamental importance for the outcome of their work. Such cooperation must be carried out in a spirit of mutual respect and without any jealous guarding of each body's special preserves. Particularly important of course is strengthened cooperation between the Rome-based organizations. A clear division of labour in combination with a constructive cooperation between different UN bodies is essential to enable the world community to deal with today's most acute problems, for example, environmental issues.

Sweden notes with satisfaction FAO's involvement in the follow-up to UNCED and encourages more forceful support by FAO to the work of the Commission on Sustainable Development.

FAO certainly has a role to play in the implementation of the agreements reached during UNCED. The Swedish Government is particularly interested in FAO's continued contributions to and participation in the UN system. The developments in the UN system will continue to be of the greatest interest to FAO while FAO continues to play an important role in the UN system as a whole.

A.N.M. EUSUF (Bangladesh) : Let me first of all thank Ms Killingsworth for an excellent and clear introduction of this subject last night.

The information provided in the document is important in that the Governing Bodies of FAO are kept informed of developments in the UN system as a whole particularly FAO's active involvement with other UN agencies in various activities. FAO, as expected, has been actively participating in various initiatives of the UN system aimed at alleviating rural poverty and hunger. Its prominent role in this regard in ECOSOC, UNCTAD and ACC deserve appreciation. The UN General Assembly in a number of resolutions in its 47th Session has recognized poverty eradication as a development priority and called for increased international efforts in this direction. FAO's support and involvement in the work of the UNCTAD VIII Standing Committee on Poverty Alleviation and ACC Task Force on Rural Development merits specíal mention.

Creation of the UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs last year was a significant step forward in strengthening the coordination of the humanitarian emergency assistance of the United Nations. This has resulted in enhanced inter-agency collaboration. FAO's inter-action and cooperation with DHA has been extensive and has considerably helped the concerned UN agencies in effectively responding to the increasing demands for humanitarian relief assistance. The UN General Assembly Resolution 47/191 entitled "Institutional arrangements to follow up the UN Conference on Environment and Development" has important implications for FAO. It has a key role in UN system follow-up to UNCED and supporting the work of the Commission on Sustainable Development.

Let me make a very brief reference to the UN General Assembly Resolution 47/199. This resolution is of crucial importance. We support the major thrust of the resolutions, including such elements as National capacity building, Country Strategy Note, Programme approach, Decentralization, Resident Coordinator System, Harmonization of rules and procedures. I think this would be of great importance in the days to come.

As regard Agenda Item 15.2, we strongly support FAO's initiative for inter-agency and cooperation with inter-governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations. As a matter of fact development of a country should be viewed as a mosaic in which the national government, the inter-governmental organizations and NGOs and of course the assistance of United Nations agencies like FAO have a role to play. Everything should fit properly into that mosaic. I think the activities of the NGOs should be encouraged, they can play a great role in the development effort of a government. There are many activities and initiatives in which they can play a better role, particularly in innovative activities.

I think these things deserve particular mention. We fully support FAO's initiative in this regard.

Shahid RASHID (Pakistan): My intervention is restricted to Item 15.1.

My delegation would like to express its appreciation to the Secretariat for presenting in a very concise manner useful information on developments in the UN system. We are also grateful to Mrs Killingsworth for providing latest updates and additonal information on the subject.

My delegation has been closely following various developments taking place in the UN system, more particularly those which impinge upon FAO and its programmes and activities. We are also aware that certain processes are in motion which could have profound effects on our Organization. We recognize that, during recent years, the pace of history has accelerated and the continuous unfolding of new realities must be faced with dynamism and imagination rather than through stereotype responses. The terms "revitalization", "renewal" and "reform" are often being heard and we may also soon become accustomed to another term "re-inventing". However, before we get swayed by any fashionable terms we must realize that structures that have been so carefully established and institutions that have been so painstakingly nourished cannot be trifled with. FAO, our institution is an embodiment of the hopes and aspirations of millions of poor and needy around the world - this institution has matured over the years and has created a niche for itself not only in the UN family but also a permanent place on the landscape. It is a pride of a place providing a promise to

those suffering from deprivation. Anything that takes away from FAO its ability to alleviate the misery of the poor and under-nourished must be thwarted.

We are gratified to note that FAO is very actively involved in the Standing Committee on Poverty Alleviation under the aegis UNCTAD. The focus on sustainable rural development and poverty alleviation, though not new for FAO, is a most appropriate one and we would strongly urge that FAO should continue to play a leading role in the UN system in the pursuit of this worthy mandate. FAO over almost half a century has acquired a definite expertise and skill, a large reservoir of capability to deal competently with the peculiar problems of the rural poor. We therefore believe that it is uniquely placed to provide leadership to its other partners in this sphere. While a system-wide coordinated effort to attack the apparently intractable problems of rural development is essential we would like to stress without mentioning comparative advantage, that FAO should continue to do what it does best.

We get daily reminders of the increasing needs for humanitarian and emergency assistance. It is a strange paradox that as we approach the 21st century we talk of emergency relief before we talk of development. This situation, though obviously not desirable, is now inevitable and must be faced squarely. Many of the emergency situations are complex having several dimensions requiring various approaches, often simultaneous actions in different fields. We recognize that no single agency is geared to face this haunting task by itself alone. We are therefore gratified to see that under the aegis of the Department of Humanitarian Affairs and the Inter-Agency Standing Committee mechanisms have been established for a coordinated responsive to major and complex emergencies. We are hopeful that these arrangements will facilitate quick and effective responsives to emergency situations. In this regard we will like to mention only one concern: emergencies, by their very nature, require prompt and timely responses. The coordination arrangements of necessity should be system-wide and comprehensive but one must guard against proliferation of bureaucratic channels and protracted procedures which could delay mobilization of efforts.

The important role that FAO has played through its global information and early warning system and constant monitoring of the food and agriculture situation is widely acknowledged. It must continue to strengthen its inputs in the overall strategy to develop effective plans to mitigate the effect of emergencies and disasters. FAO is also well equipped to provide necessary support beyond emergency relief so as to assist affected communities to embark on rehabilitation and development. We are glad to note the emphasis on this continuum from emergency relief to rehabilitation and development. We would like to urge that due attention, backed with appropriate resources should be paid to all segments of this continuum so that countries can be helped to stand on their own feet once the fires have been put out. FAO has expertise covering the entire gammut, from predicting emergencies to delivering development and we would encourage it to play an increasingly effective role in this respect.

Before concluding I would like to touch upon one more point. My delegation also attaches great importance to drug abuse control and we feel that much more needs to be done in this sector. The problem of drug abuse has to be attacked from all directions in a concerted manner so that the war against drugs can be won. We believe FAO has a distinct role in this regard, right

from crop substitution programmes to education information and we would urge that strategies for drug abuse control must be well integrated and coordinated.

Yvan JOBIN (Canada): La délégation du Canada désire exprimer son appréciation à Mme Killingsworth et à son équipe pour les documents informatifs qui nous ont été soumis au sujet des faits nouveaux survenus dans le système onusien intéressant la FAO. Cela dit, ma délégation désire toutefois appuyer les suggestions très pertinentes des délégations des Pays-Bas et de l'Allemagne au sujet d'une présentation plus claire et dynamique, à l'avenir, de la réponse spécifique de la FAO à ces faits nouveaux.

En ce qui concerne ce point 15.1, la délégation du Canada souhaite souligner deux éléments que nous considérons comme étant d'une importance particulière pour l'avenir du système onusien.

Le premier a trait à la nouvelle Commission du développement durable. Tout comme les autres Etats ici représentés, le Canada a été activement impliqué dans la mise sur pied de la Commission, et nous attachons une très grande importance à ce que cette dernière s'acquitte avec efficacité des fonctions qui lui ont été assignées. Il est à souligner que la Commission du développement durable n'a pas été établie pour faire double emploi avec le travail des institutions spécialisées, dont la FAO. Au contraire, son rôle et celui de la FAO doivent être vus comme complémentaires. Le Canada souhaite vivement que la FAO collabore sans réserve avec la Commission.

Le second point que ma délégation aimerait souligner concerne l'Agenda, ou Programme d'action pour le développement, dont le Secrétaire général des Nations Unies a entrepris la préparation. Nous espérons que ce processus de très grande portée permettra une redéfinition nécessaire du rôle du système onusien dans les domaines économique et social. Nous sommes d'avis que cette redéfinition devrait tenir compte d'une part des défis nouveaux qui sont posés au système onusien par un monde en profonde mutation, et d'autre part des avantages comparatifs des différentes organisations onusiennes entre elles et par rapport aux institutions financières internationales.

Comme le Canada l'a déjà souligné au Secrétaire général, nous estimons que cette redéfinition de la raison d'être du secteur économique et social du système onusien devrait être inspirée par une vision renouvelée du développement tenant compte de l'évolution récente de la réflexion de la communauté internationale à ce sujet. A cet égard, il nous apparaît que le concept de développement humain durable devrait servir de pivot au présent réexamen.

Le Canada espère que, suite à ce processus de réexamen qu'il a amorcé, le Secrétaire général soumettra aux Etats Membres des propositions pratiques et bien ciblées, dont la mise en oeuvre permettra d'enrayer la marginalisation qui menace, de façon de plus en plus évidente, le système onusien dans les secteurs économique et social, et, ainsi, de donner une crédibilité renouvelée aux Nations Unies. L'enjeu de cet exercice est colossal, comme l'administrateur du PNUD, entre autres, le soulignait récemment devant la deuxième Commission de l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies.

En terminant sur le point 15.1, ma délégation aimerait rappeler les responsabilités essentielles qui échoient à la FAO dans ce renouveau nécessaire. Dans ce contexte, il nous apparaît impérieux que, tout comme le système onusien dans son ensemble, dont elle constitue un chaînon de premier plan, notre Organisation retrouve un souffle nouveau.

Or, nous sommes convaincus que la FAO ne sera une organisation forte dans l’avenir que dans la mesure où ses organes directeurs seront vigoureux et exigeants. Il nous apparaît extrêmement important que nous, les Etats Membres, nous travaillions à revitaliser les organes directeurs de la FAO, et particulièrement ses comités restreints. Une telle revitalisation est dans l’intérêt de tous les Etats Membres, et nous y serons tous gagnants.

En ce qui concerne le point 15.2, ma délégation désire appuyer les propos de la délégation du Royaume-Uni et de plusieurs autres délégations au sujet de l'importance d'une coopération accrue de la FAO avec les ONG pour les raisons qui ont déjà été expliquées. Sur un autre plan, nous avons noté qu'à de nombreuses reprises au cours de notre présente Conférence, plusieurs Etats Membres ont souligné les avantages susceptibles de résulter d'une coopération renforcée entre la FAO et d'autres organisations intergouvernementales qui traitent d'agriculture.

Dans ce contexte, il nous apparaît qu'une telle coopération renforcée de la FAO serait particulièrement souhaitable avec l'Institut inter-américain pour la coopération en agriculture (IICA) , d'autant plus que nous avons l'impression qu'il existe certains chevauchements et dédoublements d'activités entre la FAO et l'IICA. Par conséquent, ma délégation aimerait s'associer à la demande de la délégation de la Barbade à l'effet que la question d'une telle coopération accrue entre la FAO et l'IICA soit examinée attentivement. Comme le Représentant de la Barbade l'a souligné, il pourrait être approprié, à cet égard, d'avoir à l'esprit le modèle de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) et de l'Organisation panaméricaine de la santé (OPS), et particulièrement le fait que l'OPS joue le rôle d'agence régionale d'exécution pour l'OMS.

CHAIRMAN: The delegation of Argentina has asked that their intervention be inserted in the verbatim of this meeting and that will be done.

Sra. Hilda GABARDINI (Argentina): La delegación argentina desea señalar su apoyo a la información brindada en el documento con relación al papel que cupo y cabe a la FAO en todas aquellas acciones tendientes a lograr el alivio de la pobreza, a través de su vinculación con la UNCTAD VIII, el ECOSOC, el Grupo de la Acción de la CAC sobre desarrollo rural, y la Asamblea de la ONU en su 47° período de sesiones.

Deseamos asimismo destacar la importancia y apoyo que el Gobierno de mi país concede a la Conferencia Internacional sobre Población y Desarrollo, a la Cumbre Mundial para el Desarrollo Social, a la Cuarta Conferencia sobre la Mujer y a la Conferencia de la ONU sobre Asentamientos Humanos (Habitat II) y, consecuentemente, el compromiso que ha asumido para unir sus esfuerzos, durante los preparativos y realización de las mismas, para llegar a una exitosa concreción de sus objetivos.

Respecto de las actividades operativas, Resolución 47/199 de la Asamblea General de la ONU, mi Delegación coincide con la puesta en práctica de las

disposiciones de dicha Resolución en cuanto a: el concepto de NEP; la aplicación del enfoque programático; la ejecución nacional; la descentralización; el sistema de coordinadores residentes; la capacitación en gestión sobre el terreno y la armonización de normas y procedimientos. Exhortamos asimismo a la Secretaría general de la FAO a que maximice los esfuerzos tendientes a alentarlos.

Por último, señor Presidente, en lo que hace al capítulo del documento "Cuestiones de Comercio y Productos Básicos", la delegación argentina desea señalar la preocupación de su Gobierno por el riesgo de que la Ronda Uruguay fracase. No nos parece inútil insistir, una vez más, en que solamente se podrán lograr avances en el Grupo de Medidas Ambientales y el Comercio Internacional del GATT si los productos agrícolas y agroindustriales son incluidos en la Ronda Uruguay, de manera tal de asegurar la liberalización del comercio internacional de productos básicos.

Señor Presidente, respecto del tema 15.2 "Novedades más recientes en las relaciones con organizaciones intergubernamentales y no gubernamentales, y específicamente respecto a las "Novedades en la Cooperación entre Organismos", en este caso de América Latina y el Caribe, la delegación argentina apoya la solicitud efectuada por las Delegaciones de Barbados, Canadá, Estados Unidos y delegaciones de América Central, en el sentido de que, a fin de racionalizar gastos y no desperdiciar esfuerzos, la Secretaría inicie contactos con la Secretaría del Instituto Intergubernamental de Cooperación en Agricultura (IICA) , a fin de evaluar las posibilidades de establecer vínculos de cooperación entre ambas organizaciones, visto que ambas dos tienen objetivos comunes en varios campos.

Creemos, señor Presidente, que sería de gran utilidad contar, en oportunidad del 106° Consejo de junio de 1994, con un primer informe de las acciones que se hubieren llevado a cabo en este sentido.

Sra. Concha Marina RAMÍREZ DE LÓPEZ (Honduras): Tengo el agrado de hacer uso de la palabra en nombre de los países del istmo centroamericano; a saber, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua y Panamá, para referirme al tema 15.2.

Señor Presidente, el tema que nos ocupa informa de cómo la Organización cumple con la tarea de establecer vínculos de colaboración con un número creciente de organizaciones e instituciones que comparten los objetivos de la FAO, en una amplia gama de ámbitos de acciones que incluyen, desde comunidades campesinas a nivel local, hasta centros internacionales de investigación científica y tecnológica, lo cual representa en su conjunto un recurso de apoyo inestimable para los países.

Consideramos que la interacción de estas instituciones con la FAO es mutuamente enriquecedora, ya que ellas aportan y reciben conocimientos y experiencias diversas.

La experiencia indica que establecer y mantener bases fuertes de colaboración no es tarea fácil; conlleva un esfuerzo sostenido de entendimiento que demanda capacidad y voluntad. Significa mantener la visión de las tendencias generales, sin descuidar fenómenos particulares que pueden cobrar importancia en un próximo futuro. Requiere también

capacidad de análisis y síntesis y, sobre todo, una actitud de apertura hacia afuera.

Por ello deseamos manifestar nuestra satisfacción por el documento en estudio, que nos ofrece un panorama claro y variado de las experiencias de nuestra Organización con otras instituciones.

Con relación a nuestra subregión y tomando en cuenta la unidad geográfica del istmo, la existencia de una identidad centroamericana, y la necesidad de impulsar el desarrollo económico, social y agrícola de la región a través de un renovado esquema de integración, han hecho que en los últimos años se haya producido una relevante transformación en diferentes campos.

En este sentido deseamos recalcar la importancia de estrechar la relación de la FAO con el Instituto Interamericano para Cooperación en Agricultura, el IICA, y otros organismos regionales, en beneficio de la lucha contra la pobreza, el desarrollo de la agricultura, pesca y montes, en el marco del desarrollo sostenible.

Moses MBUGUA (Kenya) : We are grateful for this opportunity to make a contribution to this very vital subject of our times.

The role of NGOs in areas of national development and interventions at grass-roots-level development, and also at the level of mobilization of funds for rural development, has the praise of us all.

Document C 93/20 is very well analysed, and I should like to congratulate the Secretariat for their hard work in producing the document. I wish to refer to pages 16 and 17, specifically to paragraphs 2.8 and 2.9 on the subject of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign.

When the late Dr B.R. Sen launched the Freedom from Hunger Campaign world governments were requested to launch their own chapters of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign. Those countries which responded positively realized the improved methodologies and principles towards people's participation in . .their own developments.

While the entire UN system has continued to encourage the existence of NGOs, it is important to realize that it was FAO over 30 years ago which started this encouragement.

We are happy to learn that in the FAO Regional Office for Africa in Accra, Ghana, an officer by the name of Manzi Bakuro-Mutza who has had long experience with Freedom from Hunger, has been posted by FAO. We hope African NGOs will be strengthened both in financial and local human resources in order to increase their efforts towards rural development, democratization, and ensuring a world free from hunger and malnutrition.

I would request FAO to continue encouraging sustained relationships and partnerships between the northern and southern NGOs and to continue sensitizing the governments in the developing world to recognize and support the work of NGOs without suspicion. We hope that FAO will realize the necessary required funds to support NGO work which today is more important than ever.

Mme Sabria BOUKADOUM (Algérie): Je voudrais tout d'abord remercier Mme Killingsworth pour l'excellente présentation du point que nous examinons actuellement.

L'intervention de ma délégation sera très brève et portera sur un point précis qui concerne l'agenda relatif au développement. Véritable programme global pour promouvoir un développement durable et équilibré, cet agenda est le corollaire de l'agenda pour la paix et sera présenté prochainement par le Secrétaire général des Nations Unies aux gouvernements. Nous estimons que la FAO a un rôle important à jouer dans l'élaboration et le suivi de cet agenda. C'est pourquoi nous souhaitons que, lors des prochaines réunions du Conseil et de la Conférence, des informations supplémentaires soient fournies sur les activités de la FAO dans ce cadre.

Ms Charlotte E. ROE (United States of America): We also wish to thank Ms Killingsworth for the excellent introduction and for the effort that was put into the document before us.

The United States is pleased to note the growth in collaborative activities among FAO, inter-governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations. Cooperation with significant NGOs and IGOs has increased, particularly as international organizations have endured the contraction of resources. Cooperation makes sense. The sharing of knowledge and the division of tasks make the most of limited resources. This in turn expands the credibility of multilateral undertakings.

Document C 93/2 0 reports on significant developments in each region in FAO's working relationships with counterpart organizations. We all know of the important role model that was established by FAO's successful cooperation with many NGOs and private sector organizations in the International Conference on Nutrition.

The Report details, in a well organized and unpresumptuous way, efforts to achieve common global objectives and to cooperate in sector-specific fields such as land and water development. In particular, the last section gives details on a number of new and promising initiatives.

Participatory methods are essential to bring farmers, rurål women and other groups into the mainstream so that they fully understand the options that are available through integrated farming approaches and are able to use their knowledge to make SARD practices profitable. This requires the closest possible collaboration with farmers' groups to get the message across. FAO has shown that this model can be effective in a number of examples, which must be extended and promoted on a larger scale. We refer to the IPM Farmers' Field Schools in South East Asia; the CET (Centro de Educación Técnico) projects in Chiloe, Chile; FAO's work with the Senegalese NGOs, known as FONGS, in cooperation with the Brazilian based AS-PTA; the Strategic Extension Campaign against the goldel snail in the Philippines; and the August Training Workshop on SARD approaches in Bangkok. The new FAO effort in cooperation with CLADES to promote and exchange ideas on SARD methodologies among farmers in marginal and resource-poor communities also merits closer attention and support.

A note of caution is in order. All of us agree that duplication and territorial battles are wasteful, but it is also possible to carry the exercise of coordination too far. Going to meetings at a high level to talk

about cooperation can become a way of life to the exclusion of real programmes. Today the demand on resources for real, piece-by-piece, on-the-ground development is tremendous. Those organizations most dedicated to making a difference need to scale down their great Councils and trim down the setting of great joint strategies. The energy thus saved could be used to establish clear divisions of labour which would make more resources available to the field. Less talk, fewer meetings and more regionalized foci for action should be on the horizon.

Mr Chairman, an important opportunity - I would say perhaps an historic opportunity - for further regional cooperation has been opened by the Governing Board of IICA, which in its September Meeting recommended that steps be initiated to advance coordination with FAO with a view to possible integration of field activities in the hemisphere. We strongly support the request that was made at this Meeting by Barbados, Argentina, Canada, Honduras and the other Central American countries to follow up on .this initiative. IICA has offices in practically every country in the hemisphere. A structure already exists which could make important progress towards the rationalization of scarce resources and greater efficiency to make more resources available for the critical FAO priorities in Sustainable Development. We would like the next Council of FAO in the summer to report on what it is doing to follow up on this offer for strengthened cooperation. We would like FAO to initiate contacts with IICA at the earliest possible opportunity and to report back to the next Council meeting on the results of these discussions. We hope that the next meeting on this theme will thus illuminate the lessons learned on the results of selected cooperative endeavours.

Saleh SAHBOUN (Libya) (Original language Arabic) : I should like to begin by expressing my thanks to Ms Killingsworth for her concise explanation of this subject yesterday evening. I am grateful to the Secretariat for the splendid way in which the documents have been prepared. We would like these documents to play a more meaningful role, to take more innovative steps and to give more details. We believe these documents are necessary, and they are only useful if fleshed out in this respect. They are very useful in our dealings with other organizations. My delegation is very interested to read about the activities of our Organization and its relations with other agencies and organizations, and we should like to encourage such interaction with other organizations and support efforts made to achieve sustainable development, to eradicate poverty and to improve the living conditions of people throughout the world. The Organization has a fundamental role to play in development, and it is important that our activities should be coordinated with those of other organizations to enhance all the efforts that are being made.

It is important for us to collaborate with other organizations. Certain efforts have not been sufficiently well coordinated in the past, for example, those dealing with development, and the policy followed for meteorology programmes with member countries. We would like to see greater coordination on all the fundamental issues to make sure that there is no overlap or duplication, or indeed competition, with other organizations.

We would like to stress the importance of the role of FAO in the preparing and drafting of international agreements such as those on desertification, with which Africa is particularly concerned. In Africa we would like to participate in the conferences being held in 1994 and 1995, and we believe

that our organizations should study the contribution it can make to these conferences. This should be done at the meetings of our Governing Bodies. This would enable member countries to get ready for their participation in these big meetings, and indeed increase their participation.

I would like to refer to paragraphs 1.63 to 1.71 of document C 93/20 concerning the Near East, the return of the Regional Office and the work being done in Cairo, and the initiatives to enhance cooperation with organizations in the Region. All this is particularly important. We believe that the activities of that Office are proving highly satisfactory. We feel FAO should step up the work that is being done by the Regional Office for the Near East because it is an area which is particularly sensitive and it is important that we protect it against desertification, for example, and other dreadful scourges which might endanger the Region.

Cooperation is therefore very important and it is essential that we collaborate with the NGOs in this context bacause such collaboration is of vital importance both on a regional and international level.

Ato Assefa YILALA (Ethiopia): My delegation too would like to thank Ms Killingsworth for her introduction which I was not able to listen to because of a parallel meeting I had to attend. However, I have had the opportunity of listening to other introductions she has made, so I am fully aware of the quality and analytical presentation of the introductions she usually makes.

As we did not have a chance to speak on Item 15.1, we will try to make some general remarks on this item and combine them with our reactions on Item 15.2, with your permission. Document 93/9 outlines some of the recent developments in the UN system. As these matters have been discussed in various fora and we have indicated our views during those particular discussions, we will not go into detail on each and every point.

We must pay tribute to the efforts being made in the UN system to cope with drought emergencies in Southern Africa, the Special Emergency Programme in the Horn of Africa and the International Convention to combat desertification. These are some of the areas in which we would like to stress a positive reaction. The role of FAO in these operations merits our appreciation.

In the general discussions Ethiopia's Minister of Agriculture indicated our interest in participating in the forthcoming international conferences relating to Population, Human Settlements, Human Rights, Social Development and the international Conference on Women, which have been mentioned in the document before us.

We hope that the international community will see to it that this participation of the members of the developing countries could be facilitated through material and information support that we need to get. We are aware that these areas have their own respective bodies for implementation of these conferences but we do feel that FAO's role in voicing these concerns in the various fora could be very useful for the member countries.

Having said this on Item 15 I will now concentrate on Item 15 specifically to the role of the NGOs in the development programmes of the developing

countries. The role of the NGOs in both emergency and development programmes has been very significant and its continuation becomes a matter that we all like to see. We would also like to voice our due regard for the wonderful humanitarian services that they provide to this support. It might be difficult to talk about each of the individual NGOs because of the time limitation and also the multitudes of NGOs that are operating in our respective countries. This being the case we would like to limit our observation to the FFHC programme of NGO-supported agricultural rehabilitation and development programmes because of its relevancy to the present discussion and relation to document C 93/20. Supports given to regional and sub-regional organizations outlined in paragraph 1.12 are of significant importance to our countries and we would like to indicate our support to such programmes.

Since 1986 Ethiopia has benefited from support for local agricultural rehabilitation initiatives and programmes. Funds have been channelled to rural communities in drought-striken areas of Ethiopia where families struggle to remain on their land and build up their basis for a sustainable approach to agriculture. This programme has been in the vanguard of experimenting in areas which are now generally recognized of key importance. Some of these could be meeting the immediate needs of drought-stricken families in such a way that a basis is laid for sustainable long-term development.Introduction of a participatory approach and a community focus to rehabilitation planning and action, assigning maximum responsibility to the affected people's own organization: laying emphasis on the participation of women in rebuilding the productive activities of their community. We are confident that the experience of the programme in Ethiopia could make an important contribution to the formulation of the FAO/NGO cooperation programme in Africa, given the persistence of drought in many countries of the region and the need to address the problems of how present agriculture can be placed on a more sustainable basis in these difficult conditions.

CHAIRMAN: I would once again ask for the understanding on the need to be brief. We have the representative of Iran and then four observers speaking but it is my interest to try to finish the debate on Items 15.1 and 15.2 this morning so that we do not need to go into the afternoon. So if you agree to that I would ask you to be brief in future interventions.

Morad Ali ARDESHIRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) : In the name of Iod, the Almighty, the compassionate, in respect to the recommendation I will try to be as brief as possible. At the outset I wish to thank the Secretariat for preparing such a useful and informative document and I would express my delegation's appreciation to Madame Killingsworth for her clear and comprehensive introduction to the document before us.

In line with the FAO mandate and in order to achieve its objectives we strongly believe that FAO’s role is a vital one in relation to the activities of other organizations within the UN system and with the inter-governmental and non-government al organizations as well. In particular "we urge FAO for the continuation of its contribution to the UNCED follow-up action and to the implementation of the action plan concerned in Agenda 21. More specifically the FAO contribution to the elaboration of the International Convention to Combat Desertification which is expected to be finalized and adopted by June 1994 is to be commended and

its encouragement and contribution to the implementation of this Convention must be continued and emphasized.

Regarding the subjects which are planned to be dealt with during the Commission on Sustainable Development, we also believe that FAO has a vital role to play and in terms of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, FAO's contribution to the related debate and action of this Commission could be very useful as regards the developing countries' interests.

Regarding paragraph 8.6 Resolution 47/150 of the General Assembly for restraining the UN response to world food hunger problems, I would like to inform you that the President of the World Food Council has sent a letter to all the Ministers of the World State Food Council to continue their attempt to agree on appropriate measures to be taken and to communicate the agreed conclusions to the General Assembly. Fortunately up to now, except for one Member State, all the response to the support for the continuation of WFP with adequate reforms to strengthen its effectiveness has been positive and some Member States are waiting to receive the instructions from their capitals.

Regarding the recent developments in the UN system of interest to FAO, my delegation would like to congratulate the Regional Office for the Near East for its efforts in supporting and cooperating with regional and inter-governmental organizations and we also welcome its efforts for initiative in establishing an Inter-Agency Task Force grouping UN and regional organizations to coordinate activities in order to avoid duplication and to ensure harmony in the UN and regional activities.

At the end I wish to congratulate you, and the Chairman of this Commission, our dear colleague Mr Senacus for your excellent work in conducting our Commission.

Winston RUDDER (Trinidad and Tobago): The delegation of Trinidad and Tobago intervenes on this item firstly to endorse fully the comments of the delegate of Barbados, particularly with emphasis on the need for FAO to strengthen its effective working relationship with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture. In fact we would urge the new Director-General, as indeed the new and recently elected Director-General of the IICA to form a very strong cooperative working relationship for the wider interest of agricultural development in Latin America and the Caribbean, and particularly having regard to the importance of both organizations to the well-being of the agriculture, food, forestry and fisheries sectors in the small island states of CARICOM sub-region. We make this particular appeal because we are very much aware of the extent to which resources are becoming scarce in terms of overall development and particularly with regard to agriculture, forestry and fisheries development and we can see considerable scope for complementarity of action on the part of both these organizations in the interests of agriculture, forestry and fisheries development in our sub-region.

The second point I wish to raise on this Agenda item relates to food and agriculture as it is treated at paragraph 8.3 to 8.16 of document C 93/9. We note in particular the call that has been made at the UNGA, requesting the Secretary-General to submit to the 49th Session a report on Food Production, including the agro-industrial products, international market, agricultural and tropical products and the state of global food security,

taking into particular account the needs of all developing countries, including net food importing countries. This is an extremely important injunction and mandate, and we expect and we anticipate and we know that our Organization, FAO, will respond fully to this responsibility, to this task and indeed this particular opportunity because it puts full square on the agenda of the UNGA an opportunity to reflect critically and fully on issues of tremendous importance to this particular Organization. We within FAO are fully aware of the extent to which activities in sister and related organizations within the system impact upon condition the framework within which this Organization and its activities may prosper, develop and flourish, and therefore I would hope at some appropriate time in the course of the preparatory exercise which FAO would indeed undertake that the membership of FAO would have an opportunity to at least get an understanding of the nature of the report which is going to be sent by FAO as its contribution to the UNGA effort.

Vera TADIC (Croatia): The Croatian delegation would like to express its gratitude to the Secretariat for preparing document C 93/20, which is detailed regarding FAO's cooperation with inter-governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations. We are aware that the NGOs play an important role covering all major issues relevant to food, agriculture, rural development, forestry and fisheries.

In Europe cooperation between FAO and IGOs and NGOs has been developed in the past two years. The Croatian delegation would like to point out the specific role of NGOs in Croatia during the war. Our delegation has already expressed its gratitude to all humanitarian organizations in providing the food for more than 600 000 war refugees and displaced persons. Our thanks go specially to the World Food Programme and the UNHCR. In the future Croatia expects a more active role with FAO and its cooperation with various NGOs in restructuring of war-destroyed agriculture and more than 50 000 destroyed farms in Croatia.

At the same time, after more than 50 years of socialism, Croatia is developing its own NGOs for better cooperation with world NGOs. We can assure you that Croatia will support all FAO's activities in developing a better and more effective role with FAO in this area.

F.C. PRILLEVITZ (The Netherlands) : I have to apologize to ask for the floor for the second time but after the statement of the representative of Trinidad and Tobago I would like to support his first point, that is, the appeal on you to react on his proposal to work a closer relationship between the IICA and FAO. I had the opportunity last year during the Regional Conference to talk to Mr Pineiro, the former Director-General of the IICA and later on with Mr Moreno in Santiago and I see that we can have a lot of saving if the IICA could be the operational arm of FAO in that region. So I would like to second his statement.

William H. MARSH (United States of America) : With extreme brevity and with apologies for taking the floor once again, I should like to be helpful, I think, in pointing out the question of the World Food Council; the matter is now before the General Assembly in New York following an exhaustive examination of the matter here by a working group at which, unfortunately,

it proved impossible to reach a consensus. The point is, Chairman, that he appropriate forum is the UN's General Assembly and not this august body.

Haris ZANNETIS (Cyprus): I wish to express my delegation's satisfaction on the great number of activities which FAO is involved in. In particular I wish to note and express satisfaction for the activities of the FAO Regional Office for the Near East, which has provided support to many developmental organizations in the region. Such support has been provided to the Association for Agricultural Research Institutions for the Near East and North Africa. A meeting of the RNEA was recently held in Cyprus in which FAO and its Regional Office played a significant role and paved the way for close and continuous cooperation between FAO and the RNEA. The Regional Office, by providing and hosting the secretariat, has paved the way for a great spirit of cooperation which is highly appreciated by my delegation.

Iván MARULANDA GÓMEZ (Colombia) : Solamente para formular a la sala, a los distinguidos delegados y a usted, señor Presidente, que la declaración que he dejado por escrito se refiere al tema tratado en la última intervención por el señor Delegado de los Países Bajos y tiene por finalidad apoyar lo que se ha dicho acá reiteradamente, en el sentido de que la FAO revise sus relaciones con el IICA para profundizar esas relaciones, evitar duplicidad de actividades y aumentar la eficiencia en el trabajo de estos dos organismos.

Morad Ali ARDESHIRI (Iran, Islamic Republic of) : Regarding WFC, as mentioned in paragraph 8.16, I would inform the Commission of recent activities in this regard. I am fully aware of what the Council is going to discuss in the UN system.

Mme Aminata MAIIGA KA (Sénégal): Je voulais également m'associer aux remerciements pour le document très élaboré qui nous a été fourni ce matin et appuyer le commentaire de la distinguée Représentante des Etats-Unis d'Amérique. En effet, les ONG sont très bien représentées au Sénégal et interviennent dans tous les domaines d'activité, que ce soit dans le domaine de la santé, de l'éducation, ou de l'agriculture. Nos problèmes concernent surtout la lutte contre l'avancée du désert, la plantation d'arbres, l'amélioration du menu quotidien de la mère et de l'enfant, les cultures vivrières, la transformation, la conserve des fruits et légumes. Nous voudrions également que la FAO continue à soutenir le secteur de la pêche. Vous le savez, en effet, le Sénégal est très riche en matière de produits halieutiques.

Nous terminerons donc tout simplement en insistant pour que la FAO puisse continuer à soutenir l'activité des ONG qui sont très dynamiques dans notre pays.

CHAIRMAN: The delegations of Australia and Colombia have asked that their interventions be inserted into the verbatim of this meeting and this will be done.

Iván MARULANDA GÓMEZ (Colombia): Nuestra Delegación apoya la iniciativa de Barbados, Argentina, Canadá, Honduras y Estados Unidos, en el sentido de solicitar a la FAO que incremente al máximo sus lazos de cooperación con el IICA para evitar la duplicación de esfuerzos y aumentar la eficiencia de las acciones de estos dos organismos. Solicitamos, también, que en la próxima reunión del Consejo de la FAO, la Secretaría presente un informe sobre esta materia1.

Ms Rosanne Mary KAVA (Australia) : Australia would like to congratulate the Secretariat for drawing together so concisely and clearly the large volume of information on recent developments in the UN system of interest to FAO. Given the range of activities covered it is important that every opportunity is taken to maximize cooperation between agencies and to avoid duplication of effort.

Conscious that some activities included in this report have been covered comprehensively under other agenda items today, we would like to confine our statement to comments on three areas :

- the Convention to Combat Desertification;

- the Global Conference on Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States; and

- trade issues.

Regarding Desertification

About 70 percent of Australia is rangeland. We have therefore developed a high level of expertise in the management of arid and semi-arid regions, including expertise in land and water management, planning, identification of species for arid and saline areas, drought management, research services and alternative energy technology.

We have put in place in Australia a number of programmes designed to address resource management problems at the farm, region/catchment and national levels. Chief amongst these is our National Landcare Programme . which encourages landholders to take responsibility for identification of resource management problems and for developing and implementing solutions. This is achieved largely through community based self-help groups.

Mr Chairman, Australia is putting these skills, knowledge and experience to work by joining with other members - and FAO - in playing an active role in the development of an effective convention to combat desertification.

Conference on Small Island States

Secondly, Mr Chairman, we turn to UNCED follow-up for the small island developing States.

Australia places great importance on the 1994 Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) to be held in Barbados in April/May 1994. Australia encourages Member Nations to seek high-level political attendance at the Barbados Conference.

1 Texto incluido en las actas a petición expresa

Australia is playing an active role in the preparations for the Conference, including chairing the Preparatory Committee. Significant progress towards development of an action programme to address islands' needs has already been made in New York by the Preparatory Committee. But much work remains to be done to reach agreement on the implementation of the programme and the institutional outcomes of the Conference.

Mr Chairman, the Barbados Conference is a rare opportunity to bring the needs of the SIDS into the international spotlight. The benefits it can afford must be maximized. For this reason we believe we should not leave negotiation of the remaining items until the Conference. To do so may risk failing to produce the outcomes sought under UN Resolution 47/189.

In this context Australia, therefore, considers that a resumed meeting of the Preparatory Committee may provide the most effective opportunity to achieve consensus. We encourage Member States to support such a proposal if it is raised at UNGA 48.

Australia encourages FAO members to play an active and creative role in seeking for SIDS a negotiated programme of action and effective implementation consistent with Agenda 21 and the Rio Declaration.

We note the FAO proposal to hold a second Inter-Regional Conference on Small Island States in September 1994. Australia believes the timing and agenda of that meeting could provide a logical and useful forum in which to progress the implementation of the outcomes of Barbados.

Australia would consider co-financing the meeting with FAO and other prospective donors.

Trade issues

Finally, Mr Chairman, we move to trade issues. Australia believes that the best development assistance package for FAO member countries is a successful conclusion to the Uruguay Round.

The World Bank and OECD have estimated that a Uruguay Round outcome, based on the Draft Final Act, could provide net benefits to the world economy of as high as US$213 billion.

Despite this, the conclusion of the Uruguay Round remains under real threat. As Australia and the Cairns Group have consistently made clear, a successful conclusion to the Uruguay Round must include a genuinely trade-liberalizing outcome on agriculture.

The Cairns Group, made up of 14 non-subscribing countries have worked effectively to ensure developing country interests were heard in the negotiations. Special and differential treatment for developing countries and provisions for dealing with possible negative impacts of a Uruguay Round outcome on net food-importing countries are examples of issues the Cairns Group has pursued.

With regard to paragraphs 9.2 to 9.4 of document C 93/8, which refer to the Blair House Accord. The official Cairns Group position is that "The Draft Final Act remains the basis for concluding the negotiations. The Cairns Group is not a Party to the Blair House Accord, containing proposals which could dilute the Draft Final Act. The Group can only take a final position

on the Blair House Accord on appropriate multilateral negotiations when it has been tabled and all the market access outcomes are known and can thus be evaluated."

Australia strongly urges FAO member countries to solidly support a conclusion to the Uruguay Round1.

Evlogui BONEV (UNDP) : The Administrator of UNDP, Mr Speth, outlined some of his thoughts about the future of the United Nations as a force for human betterment and development, inviting all concerned to join him in a continuing dialogue on this important subject. Some delegations have referred to his statement already and I am very grateful for their positive comments.

Since FAO is a major partner in this force for human betterment we thought it would be beneficial if we informed this august body of some of his visions which he shared with the Second Committee. The Administrator describes our world today as a disaster machine producing crises with distressing regularity - crises like famines, ethnic and other conflicts, floods of refugees, extreme social disintegration, environmental disasters, and even failed states; he stressed that dealing with these acute crises is expensive, sometimes bloody, and in human terms invariably late.

He pointed out that in the age of global interdependence, human crises anywhere is a human threat everywhere.

He viewed two initiatives as fundamental if we are to respond to the challenge which confronts us: first, we must seek support for a new agenda for development; and second, this agenda must find expression in a revitalized framework for international cooperation. He believed that sustainable human development provides both a new agenda and a framework. Sustainable human development sums up the vision which has been emerging from agreements reached by all Member Nations at a number of recent UN-sponsored global and regional conferences. It will be carried further forward at forthcoming events : the Population and Women's Conferences and the World Summit on Social Development.

He outlined the need for additional resources and enhanced development cooperation as two critical means for change. Making a comparison of the recent trends in expenditure of the United Nations Development Programme, the UN refugee operations and the UN peace-keeping operations, he pointed out that in 1991 expenditure on UNDP and on refugee programmes reached approximately US$1.5 billion each, triple that of the US$500 million cost of peace-keeping operations. The latest estimates for 1993 show a decline in the contributions to UNDP while refugee programmes rise to some US$2 billion and the costs for peace-keeping operations may sky-rocket to an estimated US$3.6 billion.

He stressed that it would be more humane, more effective and less expensive to act preventively to meet threats upstream rather than to have them confront us as crises downstream.

1 Statement inserted in the Verbatim Records on request

Sustainable human development is a necessary condition for meeting this challenge. To pursue it the development cooperation itself must change. It is time, he stressed, for the UN to reclaim its original mandate on the economic and social front. This requires that the UN now strengthen itself. The UN development system is composed of a uniquely rich group of organizations and agencies and can build on this strength, forging their complementary mandates into well integrated, effective and coordinated support for countries' endeavours to realize the sustainable human development vision.

He stressed further that the UN can no longer fight the battles of tomorrow with the weapons of yesterday. It must rise fully to the challenge of revitalization, renewal and reform. Roles and responsibilities must be clear and unambiguous.

The UNDP's salient characteristics and its continuing strengths are its long-term prospectives: its emphasis on national capacity; its partnership with governments, UN system agencies, non-governmental organizations, and its cross-cutting multi-sectoral approach. Above all UNDP is a field-based organization with a global network of 131 field offices that provides a unique service to the entire United Nations operational system. Because of the grant nature of UNDP's assistance, it does not need to focus on quick pay-offs; instead, it can concentrate on building institutions and capacities which enable development to advance with the participation of and benefit for the widest number of people.

To meet these challenges the UNDP, too, needs renewal and the Administrator informed that he will be consulting with all Member Nations as well as concerned organizations in presenting to UNDP's Governing Council proposals for strengthening UNDP's capacity to be responsive to the needs of the countries we serve and to the need for the United Nations to become a more unified, less fragmented and more effective force for sustainable human development.

Working together within the family of UN programmes and agencies is a must and UNDP can be a unifying force for this family for service and partnerships.

Concluding, the Administrator appealed to the world community to address together the compelling needs that cry out for action:

firstly, the need for a powerful reassertion of the social, economic and environmental roles of the The UN has a vital, indispensable role to play in international cooperation for development: one complementary to the international financial institutions and the bilateral assistance agencies;

second, the need for a UN Agenda for Development as a complement to the Agenda for Peace;

third, the need for UN programmes to come together in a more unified and integrated force for sustainable human development;

fourth, the need for new modalities of governance and financing of the economic and social programmes and stronger efforts to achieve coordination;

and fifth, the need to increase the size and strength of the UN development efforts. With each surge in the support for the UN work in peace-keeping and in coping with other crises, we must increase and strengthen the UN work in helping realize "social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom".

In short, we need to have stressed a powerful new commitment to preventive development and curative development - a commitment that can turn off the world's disaster machine.

The meeting rose at 12.45 hours.
La séance est levée à 12 h 45.
Se levanta la sesión a las 12.45 horas.

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