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15. Other programme, budgetary, financial and administrative matters arising out of the 37th Session of the Programme Committee and the 44th Session of the Finance Committee (Rome, 24 September - 5 October 1979)

15. Autres questions concernant le programme, le budget, les finances et l'administration découlant de la trente-septième session du Comité du programme et de la quarante-quatrième session du Comité financier (Rome, 24 septembre - 5 octobre 1979)

15. Otros asuntos del Programa y asuntos presupuestarios, financieros y administrativos dimanantes del 37°período de sesiones del Comité del Programa y del 44°período de sesiones del Comité de Finanzas (Roma, 24 septiembre - 5 octubre 1979)

CHAIRMAN: As you can see, an effort has been made to indicate the paragraphs of the document CL 76/4 which are relevant to our discussions. The Chairman of the Programme Committee and the Chairman of the Finance Committee will introduce their respective sections of the Report. I will now call on the Chairman the Programme Committee to take the floor.

M. TRKULJA (Chairman of the Programme Committee): A fairly long list of variations to be referred to the Council are listed here under Item 15, but I have only three and the rest will be introduced by my colleague Bel Hadj Amor.

- Overlapping in major Conference documents
- Chevauchements entre les grands documents de la Conférence
- Repeticiones en los documentos principales de la Conferencia

- REVIEW of FAO Statutory Bodies
- Examen des organes statutaires de la FAO
- Examen de los Organos Estatutarios de la FAO

- Programme and Budgetary Adjustments
- Ajustements au Programme et au Budget
- Programa y reajustes presupuestarios

I will be very brief in introducing the items. The first one is on overlapping in Major Conference Documents, and the relevant references are in a joint part of the Report of the Programme and Finance Committees, 1.9 and 1.10, and in_ the Committee Report 2.239 and 2.241.

In studying the Programme of Work and Budget for 1980-81 the Committee - I am referring specifically to the Programme Committee - made full use of three documents very closely related to the Programme of Work and Budget, which are two performance documents: The Review of the Regular Programme and Review of the Field Programmes; and The Medium-term Objectives document. The Committee considered the information contained in these three documents very useful; indeed specially for the purpose of studying carefully the Programme of Work and Budget itself and the Committee further noted that all documents mentioned had been prepared in accordance with the directives adopted either by the Conference or the Council. However, the Committee - I might even refer to both Committees since the same view was of the Finance Committee, as noted in our joint report - that a considerable amount of over-lapping between the documents existed.

I would try to illustrate very briefly, pointing out only three major overlapping aspects. One is certainly between the medium-term objectives document which was to a considerable measure in duplication with the medium-term outlook of the Programme of Work and Budget, as we already discussed last time, during the last Conference.

Second, Part 1 of the review of Regular Programme paper contains much the same material as the performance narratives or progress achieved of the Programme of Work and Budget. And thirdly, various very necessary in-depth comments about the field activities in the Programme of Work and Budget report duplicate to some extent the material contained in the Field Programme review.

The Committees in a very preliminary way indeed exchanged the views as to the possible line of action aimed at rationalizing the documentation concerning the Programme of the Organization, that means all four documents concerned, I am now referring to the Programme Committee's part of the

report; you can even find some indications as to how it would be possible. Namely, we mention that it would be possible either to eliminate part one of the performance report or progress narratives from the Regular Programme which would be even more promising and we also mention the possibility of merging the two performance documents: Regular Programme and Field Programme reviews

However, the Committee had neither time nor mandate to go deeply into the matter and then, after, as I said, some preliminary exchange of views, the Committee agreed only to ask the Council to entrust the Programme and Finance Committees with the task of studying the issue in depth at the next session and report back their recommendations to the November 1980 session of the Council.

I would presume, Mr. Chairman, that you would certainly prefer me to continue introducing the remaining two items which refer to the Programme Committee's part of the report?

Then the next issue is one of FAO's statutory bodies. I have only to mention very briefly that only one new body was established since 1977, namely the Director-General established the panel of experts on agricultural organization and a number of bodies were dissolved the same period, one by the Director-General, that is the panel of experts on AGRIS which had completed fully its task. Then three working parties were abolished by their parent bodies. All three are working parties of the International Rice Commission, one on agricultural engineering aspects of rice production, storage and processing; the other is on rice, soils, water and fertilizer practices and the third is on rice production and protection. Finally the Council, at its last session, decided to abolish the Ad Hoc committee on nutrition.

Lastly, the third point I am going to refer to is programme and budgetary adjustments. As has always been the position in this case, the Committee paid some attention only to the programme aspects of the adjustments proposed and after some debate the Programme Committee was in full agreement with the proposal of the Director General and expressed the view that the programme aspects were fully justified.

Those are the three sub-items I wanted to bring to you.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Chairman of the Programme Committee. Now I think we should discuss these items in order not to get too confused by going also into the financial side. If we can take the items introduced by the Chairman of the Programme Committee and finish with that before we move on to the Chairman of the Finance Committee. You will also notice that the first item which was mentioned and which is overlapping etc. of the Report, we will go into the reports themselves later as a substantive agenda item.

Therefore your comments may be directed towards the overlapping aspects and how best this problem can be solved. The items are now open for discussion.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): La delegación de Colombia sólo desea referirse al primero de los tres puntos presentados con lucidez y claridad por el Sr. Trkulja, Presidente del Comité del Programa, porque los otros dos no nos merecen ningún comentario.

Queremos referirnos a las repeticiones en los documentos principales de la Conferencia. Creemos que los Comités del Programa y de Finanzas hicieron un buen trabajo al señalar al Consejo estas repeticiones, que ojalá se eviten en el futuro.

Sin duda, estos dos Comités, por su propia naturaleza y el medio más limitado en que trabajan, están en mejores condiciones para profundizar el estudio de estas repeticiones y hacer sugerencias útiles; por lo tanto, la delegación de Colombia apoya el párrafo 2.241 del Comité del Programa, así como el párrafo 1.10 de la reunión conjunta de los dos Comités, en el sentido de que este Consejo pida a los Comités del Programa y de Finanzas que el año próximo se sigan ocupando de este asunto en las dos sesiones que celebrarán en 1980.

Entendemos que estos asuntos competen más particularmente al Comité del Programa; sin embargo pudiera ser que especialmente en cuanto al formato del Programa de labores y presupuesto también el Comité de Finanzas tenga una acción al respecto; si no tuvieran reunión conjunta esos dos Comités, podrían confrontarse los resultados de las discusiones en uno y otro organismo y presentar un informe al Consejo en noviembre de 1980.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, delegate of Colombia. Are there any other contributions to this discussion? If not, then I take it that the joint recommendations and also the recommendation of the Programme Committee that the overlapping aspects in the way in which these reports are prepared should be looked at and reported back to Council, is accepted. I am sure that this will please the Secretariat, especially Mr. West and his colleagues who have to report, which they could probably do in one go. I am sure that examination by the Programme and Finance Committees will help them very much indeed.

I would now like to call on the Chairman of the Finance Committee to introduce both sections of the report which belong to his Committee.

M. BEL HADJ AMOR (Président du Comité financier): Merci, Monsieur le Président. Il y a plusieurs questions dans l'ordre du jour de cet après-midi qui concernent la matière budgétaire et administrative.

Je voudrais commencer par la question que je considère la plus importante, à savoir les contributions. Nous aurons trois volets pour les contributions: la situation des contributions, les arriérés de contribution, et enfin le barème des contributions que devra recommander le Conseil pour adoption à la Conférence.

- Status of contributions
- Situation des contributions
- Estado de las cuotas

- Contributions in arrears
- Arriérés de contributions
- Cuotas atrasadas

- Scale of contributions 1980-81
- Barème des contributions de 1980-81
- Escala de cuotas para 1980-81

Pour la situation des contributions, je voudrais inviter le Conseil à se référer aux par. 3.31 et 3.32 du document CL 76/4. J'attire l'attention du Conseil sur le fait qu'il y a eu la publication d'un document supplémentaire, CL 76/LIM/l, qui nous donne la situation mise à jour concernant les contributions. Je crois que le Conseil peut noter que le Comité a relevé avec satisfaction la situation des contributions, ainsi que le taux de recouvrement. En effet, nous constatons, au par. 4 du document CL 76/LIM/l, le taux de recouvrement pour 1979, et que durant les dernières cinq années nous n'avons pas atteint ce taux. Aussi nous pouvons considérer que le taux de recouvrement est très favorable.

Cependant, le Comité note également qu'il y a à peu près 40 pour cent des membres qui n'ont pas encore acquitté leurs contributions et il considère également que si l'ensemble des membres ne s'acquitteront pas rapidement de leurs obligations à échéance, ceux qui paient sans délai seraient en réalité pénalisés injustement.

C'est pour cela que le Comité recommande au Conseil de lancer un appel aux Etats Membres pour que les contributions courantes soient payées à temps.

Le deuxième volet des contributions concerne les arriérés. Il s'agit des par. 3.34 à 3.37 du Rapport du Comité des finances.

Le Comité voudrait attirer l'attention du Conseil sur la situation de certains Etats Membres qui risquent de perdre leur droit de vote à la prochaine session de la Conférence. Vous avez la situation mise à jour aux par. 7, 8 et 9 du document CL 76/LIM/l.

J'ajouterai une information qui vient juste de m'être communiquée concernant la République centrafricaine. On nous dit que l'Organisation vient de recevoir un montant de 17 750 dollars. Cependant, on estime que ce montant est insuffisant pour permettre à la République centrafricaine de ne pas perdre son droit de vote au cas où, d'ici la Conférence, elle n'aura pas payé tous ses arriérés.

Le Comité s'inquiète de cette situation. Il a fait un appel au Directeur général pour insister auprès des pays mentionnés et concernés, afin qu'ils payent leurs arriérés de contribution, et il voudrait inviter le Conseil à lancer de nouveau un appel à ces pays pour qu'ils payent leurs arriérés, afin de ne pas perdre leur droit de vote à la prochaine Conference.

Le troisième volet concernant les contributions touche le barème 1980-81. Les paragraphes 3.140 à 3.143 concernent ce point dans le Rapport du Comité des finances.

A cet égard, je voudrais apporter au Conseil un complément d'informations. Vous savez que le Comité s'est réuni au mois de septembre. A ce moment-là, vous avez la situation qui est décrite dans les paragraphes mentionnés. Par la suite, il y a eu un changement dans la situation. Ce changement découle de l'adoption des barèmes des contributions aux Nations Unies par le cinquième Comité. Je crois qu'à la lumière de l'adoption des barèmes des contributions par les Nations Unies on peut suggérer au Conseil que les termes du projet de la Résolution qui figure au paragraphe 3.143 et que le Conseil est supposé soumettre à la Conférence pour adoption, soient simplifiés, étant donné que la question qui regarde la demande de l'Etat Membre pour le changement de son barème a déjà été résolue aux Nations Unies, et n'oublions pas que la FAO a toujours suivi le barème qui est adopté aux Nations Unies.

Une autre suggestion que je voudrais faire au Conseil, pour éviter que le Conseil ne se transforme en Comité de rédaction, serait que l'on charge le Secrétariat de préparer un nouveau projet de résolution simplifié, qui sera soumis, bien sûr, au Conseil et ensuite à la Conférence.

Monsieur le Président, concernant ces trois points, je n'ai pas d'autres commentaires à ajouter.

CHAIRMAN: I think you are wise to advise us to take the three points that you have already dealt with so that we do not get confused with very many points. We have heard the points raised by the Chairman of the Finance Committee, these are now open for discussion. If there are no comments then I take it that members accept the recommendations of the Finance Committee, especially with respect to the resolution concerning contributions and in fact the problem has been solved for us at the United Nations level in that we follow strictly the practice and the assessment of the United Nations. In this case the Secretariat will prepare a resolution which is much simplified, as suggested by the Chairman of the Finance Committee.

- Status and Replenishment of the Special Reserve Account
- Situation et réapprovisionnement du compte de réserve spécial
- Estado y reposición de la Cuenta Especial de Reserva

M. BEL HADJ AMOR (Président du Comité financier): Je voudrais aborder à présent la question qui regarde la situation et le réapprovisionnement du Compte de réserve spécial (Rapport du Comité des finances par. 3.46 à 3.50).

Le Conseil a été déjà informé à notre dernière session de la situation de ce compte de réserve spécial. Nous savons qu'en raison de la détérioration du taux de change du dollar et des fluctuations monétaires, ce compte de réserve spécial a été mis à rude épreuve. D'après les prévisions, il est fort possible que 3, 5 millions de dollars de ce compte soient utilisés pour faire face à cette situation de l'incertitude des changes.

Au par. 3.50, le Comité des finances recommande que le réapprovisionnement de ce compte de réserve spécial soit effectué sur les excédents en espèces pour le biennium courant et il suggère que le Conseil recommande le projet de résolution qui suit le par. 3.50.

CHAIRMAN: The proposal is that the resolution which follows paragraph 3.50 on page 37 of the English document be approved for recommandation. If there are no comments then this recommendation of the Finance Committee is accepted.

- Status and Replenishment of the Working Capital Fund
- Situation et réapprovisionnement du Fonds de roulement
- Estado y reposición del Fondo de Operaciones

M. BEL HADJ AMOR (Président du Comité financier): Nous avons la même situation pour ce qui est du réapprovisionnement du compte de roulement (par. 3.51-3.54 du Rapport du Comité des finances).

Ici également, il s'agit du suivi d'une question qui a déjà été portée à l'attention du Conseil dans nos sessions précédentes. Il s'agit de rembourser au fonds de roulement la somme de 350 000 dollars qui a été prélevée pour faire face à une situation d'urgence contre le criquet pèlerin dans la zone de la mer Rouge. Nos statuts prévoient que la Conférence décide de la manière de remboursement de ce montant pour le fonds de roulement. Au par. 3.54, le Comité des finances suggère que ce montant soit prélevé sur l'excédent de trésorerie du biennium en cours et recommande au Conseil de proposer le projet de résolution qui suit le par. 3.54 à l'approbation de la Conférence.

CHAIRMAN: We have a proposal to adopt and forward with Council's approval a resolution on replenishing the Working Capital Fund.

S. MADEMBA SY (Sénégal): Evidemment, j'approuve le dernier projet de résolution concernant le rembousement au Fonds de roulement à l'aide de l'excédent de trésorerie 1978-79, mais, avec votre permission, je voudrais revenir très rapidement et très brièvement sur le projet de résolution qui suit le paragraphe 3.50. Je note que dans ce projet de résolution il y a un blanc. Il est dit qu'au 31 décembre 1979 il y a un certain montant de dollars qui ont été prélevés sur le Compte de réserve spécial, pour couvrir des dépenses supplémentaires non inscrites au budget. Le montant qui a été prélevé n'a pas été indiqué.

Alors, est-ce qu'il est d'usage de laisser, comme cela, en blanc, un projet de résolution, ou bien est-ce qu'il ne conviendrait pas, n'est-ce pas, de préciser exactement le millier, ou le million, ou les centaines de mille de dollars qui ont été prélevés au Compte de réserve spécial?

M. BEL HADJ AMOR (Président du Comité financier): Quand le Comité s'est réuni, au mois de septembre, nous n'étions pas encore à la fin du biennium, et, normalement, pour pouvoir connaître exactement le chiffre qui sera prélevé du Compte de réserve spécial, donc le chiffre qui devrait être réapprovisionné, je crois qu'il est tout à fait normal d'attendre je ne dirai pas jusqu'au dernier jour mais presque jusqu'au dernier jour du biennium, étant donné que, depuis le 30 septembre jusqu'à maintenant, le Secrétariat a certainement continué à utiliser ce fonds, puisque nous avons toujours les problèmes de fluctuation. Je pense qu'avant que la Conférence adopte ce projet de résolution nous aurons le chiffre définitif. Personnellement, je m'excuse, je ne l'ai pas ici, je n'ai pas entre les mains la situation au 6 novembre. Peut-être le Secrétariat pourra-t-il vous fournir ce chiffre?

Voila la raison pour laquelle ce blanc subsiste dans le projet de résolution.

CHAIRMAN: I have been informed that the figure is 2 496 million, as of now. We go back to the resolution on page 38 of the English text. If there are no comments then this resolution is agreed to and will be submitted to Conference.

- Audited accounts
- Comptes vérifiés
- Cuentas comprobadas

M. BEL HADJ AMOR (Président du Comité financier): Nous avons affaire à une autre résolution, qui doit être transmise par le Conseil à la Conférence. Il s'agit du projet de résolution qui concerne les comptes vérifiés. Les paragraphes relatifs à cette question sont les paragraphes 3.55 à 3.67 du Rapport du Comité des finances.

Je n'ai pas beaucoup de commentaires à ajouter à ce point, sauf que le Comité financier a souscrit aux recommandations du Commissaire aux comptes et a pris note du fait que le Directeur général a donné l'assurance que des mesures efficaces sont adoptées pour remédier aux carences relevées par le Commissaire aux comptes. Le Comité des finances recommande au Conseil de transmettre à la Conférence le projet de résolution qui figure au paragraphe 3.67 de son rapport.

CHAIRMAN: Are there any objections? Then it is agreed.

- Actuarial Review of the Staff Compensation Plan
- Examen actuariel du fonds de réserve du plan d'indemnisation du personnel
- Evaluación actuarial del Plan de Indemnizaciones al Personal

M. BEL HADJ AMOR (Président du Comité financier): Nous abordons la question de l'examen actuariel du Fonds de réserve du plan d'indemnisation du personnel. Pour ne pas fatiguer le Conseil, cette fois-ci il ne s'agit pas de transmettre une résolution; on change de rythme.

Les paragraphes concernés sont 3.74 à 3.78 du rapport du Comité des finances. Le Comité recommande, au paragraphe 3.76, l'approbation d'une proposition présentée par le Directeur général pour équilibrer le financement du fonds de réserve. Je n'ai pas d'autre commentaire à propos de ce point.

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on this point? As there are no comments, it is agreed.

- Headquarters accommodation
- Locaux au siège
- Locales de oficina en la Sede

M. BEL HADJ AMOR (Président du Comité financier): Je voudrais inviter à présent le Conseil à se pencher sur la question des locaux au Siège. Il s'agit des paragraphes 3.101, 3.111 ainsi que des paragraphes 3.144 à 3.147. Vous avez dans ces paragraphes la situation telle qu'elle se présentait au début du mois d'octobre. Je ne sais pas si le Secrétariat a d'autres éléments à fournir pour étoffer le tableau qui nous est tracé concernant les locaux de l'Organisation, que ce soit les locaux occupés ou inoccupés.

Je voudrais uniquement, Monsieur le Président, attirer l'attention du Conseil sur le paragraphe 3.111 ainsi que sur le paragraphe 3.109.

Le Comité a demandé au Directeur général qu'il continue à suivre cette question de très près afin que le problème des locaux soit résolu une fois pour toutes. D'ailleurs ce n'est pas du tout une nouveauté; le Comité des finances a déjà lancé cet appel dans des sessions précédentes.

Au paragraphe 3.147 il faudra relever que le Comité a noté avec satisfaction que le Gouvernement italien continuait à verser la subvention pour compenser le coût du loyer des bureaux à Rome. Nous avons noté que cette subvention est de 300 millions par an. Cependant, malgré cette satisfaction il n'a pu s'empêcher d'être préoccupé de l'effet de l'inflation sur cette somme. Aussi, a-t-il invité le Directeur général, également, à suivre de très près cette question avec la représentation diplomatique permanente de l'Italie auprès de l'Organisation.

O. BORIN (Italie): Quand on parle du problème des locaux au Siège et de la contribution spéciale du Gouvernement italien, on oublie souvent l'historique de cette question. Permettez-moi, Monsieur le Président, de rappeler très brièvement certains détails importants qui peut-être ont été oubliés.

En 1971, le Directeur général de l'Organisation, Monsieur Boerma, sollicita du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères la mise à la disposition de l'Organisation du bâtiment "D". Mais, étant donné qu'une partie du Ministère des Télécommunications aurait continué de l'occuper en attendant de pouvoir se transférer à son nouveau siège à l'EUR, j'ai suggéré à mon Gouvernement, qui a accepté, de verser à l'Organisation un montant dont la finalité n'était pas de couvrir toutes les dépenses de loyer de l'Organisation mais tout de même assez substantiel pour constituer un signe tangible de bonne volonté et une preuve de compréhension des nécessités de la FAO.

Remarquez que nous n'étions pas tenus du point de vue juridique, à ce geste de bonne volonté, et que du reste rien ne nous avait été demandé. C'était donc un acte unilatéral de libéralité, conçu de toute évidence à temps déterminé, c'est-à-dire qui n'aurait aucune raison valable pour être prolongé au-delà de la mise à disposition de la FAO du bâtiment "D". C'est ainsi qu'avec les versements en cours pour les années 1978 et 1979 nous avons fait don à l'Organisation de deux milliards sept cent millions de lires. Ajoutez les sept milliards et plus nécessaires pour mettre en état et aménager le bâtiment "D", et vous pourrez aisément calculer que notre contribution spéciale pour le Siège de la FAO se chiffre à dix milliards de lires.

L'Organisation a été informée que quatre étages de ce bâtiment seront disponibles à partir de fin janvier prochain; les trois autres restants seront consignés en mars ou avril.

La FAO peut donc déjà prendre les mesures opportunes, tant sur le plan financier que logistique, pour occuper à ces dates le nouveau bâtiment. De tout cela, aucun mot n'a été mentionné dans le rapport du Comité financier.

Mais voilà le fait nouveau: le Comité financier dans les paragraphes 3.144 et suivants, et le Directeur général dans sa lettre à la représentation de l'Italie du 22 octobre, demandent la continuation à temps indéterminé de la contribution spéciale et son accroissement de trois cent millions à quatre cent quatre-vingt-huit millions par an. A cet égard, ni le Comité financier ni le Directeur général ne donnent aucune motivation à cette requête, sauf la nécessité de couvrir les dépenses de l'Organisation pour le loyer des locaux. Dès lors, et une fois accepté ce principe, je ne m'étonnerais pas si lors de sa prochaine session le Comité financier nous demandait de rembourser l'Organisation du montant des salaires du personnel de nationalité italienne. La requête aurait en effet le même fondement.

Certes, nous sommes conscients du fait que même avec la disponibilité du bâtiment "D" la FAO'n'aura pas résolu tous ses problèmes quant aux locaux. Nous avons des projets à cet égard et nous continuons à travailler au Plan Saouma relatif à la construction d'un Centre mondial de l'Agriculture dans lequel la FAO trouverait sa place et son espace. Je m'abstiendrai à ce stade de vous fournir des détails, vous aurez en temps voulu, pour la prochaine session du Comité financier, des informations suffisantes à ce sujet. Comme vous le voyez, nous avons bien présent à l'esprit le problème mais ceci n'est pas une raison suffisante pour nous demander instamment et comme si cela était dû la continuation à temps indéterminé du versement de la contribution spéciale, voire même son augmentation. Tout cela aboutirait en effet à un accroissement direct de notre contribution au budget régulier de la FAO, en-dehors et endessus de ce que l'Italie doit déjà verser selon l'échelle établie par les Nations Unies. Ce nouveau principe est à notre avis dangereux et pourrait devenir, une fois accepté, un précédent à invoquer éven tuellement en d'autres occasions et susceptible d'application par analogie aussi vis-à-vis d'autres Etats Membres de l'Organisation.

Ayant satisfait toutes nos obligations juridiques quant au Siège de la FAO, nous désirons rester libres de déterminer en toute autonomie notre politique envers l'Organisation.

Un acte de libéralité initiale ne peut pas devenir une obligation à temps indéterminé dont d'autres établissent, les conditions et le montant. Nous avons trop de respect pour l'autorité du Conseil pour soupçonner qu'il veuille nous l'imposer.

En vérité, nous aurions aimé une approche plus réaliste et moins autoritaire du problème. Toutefois, nous ne fermons pas la porte sur la question. Laissez-nous le temps de réflexion en toute autonomie, sans exercer de pression: la bonne pratique internationale suggérait que les autorités italiennes soient sondées préalablement sur leur disponibilié éventuelle, au lieu d'être mises devant le fait accompli d'un rapport final et face à l'autorité du Conseil. Cela aurait été faire preuve de sensibilité politique, de réalisme, et d'appréciation de nos efforts. Cela n'a pas été fait; ne vous étonnez donc pas de ma réponse.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, delegate of Italy, for this intervention, which has perhaps explained a few matters for the benefit of members. Are there any comments on what we have heard on Accommodation? This is a touchy issue and has been a very long-standing one. If not, then we will note what has been said by the Chairman of the Finance Committee, the Report to us, also the response by the delegate of Italy on aspects of this particular problem.

- Authority to borrow
- Autorisation d'emprunter
- Autorización para tomar empréstitos

M. BEL HADJ AMOR (Président du Comité financier): Je voudrais uniquement ajouter un élément concernant le paragraphe 3.33 relatif à l'autorisation d'emprunter. Le Conseil se rappelle qu'à la session de juin le Directeur général a demandé une autorisation d'emprunter, étant donné l'incertitude de la situation financière de l'Organisation à cette époque.là, et nous avons même adopté une résolution autorisant effectivement le Directeur général à avoir recours à l'emprunt. Depuis notre dernière session, vous pouvez le constater au paragraphe 3.33 du rapport du Comité des finances, la situacion a changé et le principal payeur de notre Organisation a versé une bonne partie de sa contribution. Aussi le Comité a-t-il estimé que cette autorisation d'emprunter pourrait ne plus avoir une raison d'être. C'est uniquement pour attirer l'attention du Conseil sur ce point.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Chairman of the Finance Committee. We are happy that it was not necessary for FAO to borrow, which would have been a very sad day. So it is good that the problem has been resolved and to this particular hour the authority to borrow has not been utilized. Have you anything more, Chairman of the Finance Committee?

M. BEL HADJ AMOR (Président du Comité financier): J'ai épuisé les points qui me concernent pour le moment, Monsieur le Président.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much. I think that the Chairmen of the Finance and Programme Committees should stay where they are because the next item, the reports that we are taking also appear to involve their reports.


9. UN Joint Inspection Unit
9. Corps commun d'inspection des Nations Unies
9. Dependencia Común de Inspección de las Naciones Unidas

- Regional Training Programme in African Wildlife Management
- Programmes régionaux de formation relatifs à la conservation de la faune africaine
- Programa regional de formación en ordenación de la fauna y la flora silvestres de Africa

- Inter-Organization Board for Information Systems (IOB)
- Bureau interorganisations pour les systèmes informatiques (BIO)
- Junta Interorganizacional para Sistemas de Información (JISIAC)

- Use of Consultants and Experts in FAO
- Emploi de consultants et d'experts à la FAO
- El empleo de consultores y expertos en la FAO

- Eleventh Report on the Activities of the JIU (July 1978-June 1979)
- Onzième rapport sur les activités du Corps commun d'inspection (juillet 1978-juin 1979)
- Undécimo informe sobre las actividades de la Dependencia Común de Inspección (julio 1978-junio 1979)

- Evaluation of the services of the JIU to FAO
- Evaluation des services rendus à la FAO par le Corps commun d'inspection
- Evaluación de los servicios que presta la Dependencia Común de Inspección a la FAO

CHAIRMAN (continued): We should take these reports one by one. According to the Provisional Timetable, document CL 76/INF/l-Rev.1, the status of the various reports are given - some are for information, some are for discussion and/or decision - and we will take them one by one. Mr. West is going to deal with this item, and I would like to ask you, Mr. West, to say in general if there are any salient points which you wish Council Members to note or to direct their attention to.

E.M. WEST (Director (ADG), Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): As you have pointed out, there are a number of reports. You will find comments in the reports of the Programme and Finance Committees on most of these items. The Programme Committee dealt with the one on Wildlife Management but not the Finance Committee. They both dealt with the question of the Inter-Organization Board (IOB) Work Programme, the JIU Report on the Use of Consultants and Experts, and the JIU Annual Report, which was for information. You will find the comments of the Programme Committee on pages 24 - 26 of the document in English, and towards the end of the Finance Committee Report you will find similar statements on pages 46 and 47.

On the question of wildlife, my colleague, Mr. Georgiadis, is here to answer any questions, but there are very few points that need detain the Council in our view of that particular report. The IOB Report was in effect overtaken by events, because it was considered by the ACC and then by the CPC which reached certain conclusions which are now under consideration in the ACC's mechanisms, CCSQ PROG and CCSQ OPS, and will be also discussed at a meeting of the IOB itself to be held in the near future.

The two major subjects are the JIU Report on the Use of Consultants and the FAO Evaluation of the Services of the JIU itself. On the first, I would only say that this has been the most intensive of all the work that has been culled from the Organization by the JIU. In our view the JIU Report did not open up any new ground; it simply went over again the work done by a previous Programme and Finance Committee and came to much the same kind of conclusion. On the whole, there is not much to discuss about this. You will see that the Director-General has put in the documents his comments, both general and detailed, and the two committees paid considerable attention to these comments as well as to the Report and in effect supported the positions taken by ¿he Director-General on most issues. These were not in fact greatly in contradiction with anything that you find in the Reports, but they do clarify some of the issues which might lead to misunderstanding if comments were based solely on the JIU Report itself.

Both Committees endorsed in particular the efforts of the Director General to improve the recruitment of consultants from developing countries and expressed satisfaction, which could have been put in the JIU Report but in fact was glossed over, that we had in fact made both absolutely and by comparison with others a remarkable degree of progress in the last biennium in the recruitment of consultants and the use of national institutions. They have been almost doubled in the space of two years.

The Committees also supported the Director-General's that it was necessary to maintain flexibility over this whole field whilst being careful in certain areas. The Evaluation Service of the Joint Inspection Unit is in fact your evaluation in the sense that the document reports the attitudes taken by the Programme and Finance Committees and by the Council in relation to all the reports mentioned therein.

The front part of the document only analyzes certain logistic aspects of the experience of FAO with the Joint Inspection Unit. In this respect I would say that since the Finance Committee provided you with an estimate of what it had so far cost us over and above our contribution to the JIU. You will find this in paragraph 3.131 on page 48 of the English version.

We have been involved in further JIU exercises, and there is one that just arrived on my table today, a report on United Nations System Activities in Sri Lanka in the last few years which is clearly going to involve us in a good deal more effort in this biennium as well as the next. I would say the estimate given there could now be updated so that the total required from us over and above our share of the cost of JIU is approaching or will be in the region of some $100 000 by the end of this biennium. However, I would stress that in the last few months, the degree of cooperation and the general atmosphere of relations with the JIU have improved in comparison with previous months, and we seem to be on a better wave length, if I can call it that, than we have been for some time, and the Director-General hopes that this happy development will be continued.

CHAIRMAN: Now this particular item is open for discusión, and we take first of all the Reeional Training Programmes in African Wildlife Management. Any comments on that? Then it is noted.

The next is Inter-Organization for Information Systems in which Mr. West has already said some new developments have taken place, and perhaps we need not intervene too much unless you have comments. This is noted.

Then the next one is Use of Consultants.

A. ECHEVERRIA (México). Este asunto de la utilización de consultores y expertos por parte de la FAO, resulta muy significativo porque en el contexto en que nos encontramos hoy, no podemos hacer menos que reforzar y hacer más dinámicos y efectivos los instrumentos con que cuenta, y siempre debe contar, la FAO. Resulta importante, sobre todo porque estamos en vísperas de una importante Conferencia, ya que un análisis profundo y simultáneo, de evaluación crítica en retrospectiva servirá para delinear actitudes y compromisos futuros. Para el campo de los consultores y los expertos esto es muy válido.

Hemos escuchado con mucho cuidado lo que recientemente se nos ha dicho sobre esto, así como oportunamente analizamos dinámicamente el contenido del documento 76/9 y también los comentarios del Director General. Obviamente pasaron por nuestros ojos las conclusiones del Comité del Programa y de Finanzas. Lo primero que queremos destacar es que el período de análisis que ha cubierto la Dependencia Común de Inspección, corresponde solamente a los años 1974 a 77 y que no es sino hasta mediados de 1976 cuando se aprueban las políticas vigentes en las que se considera necesario y conveniente un mayor uso de consultores, no solo para aquellas tareas incluidas en el ámbito de los criterios anteriores, sino también para trabajos que antes habían sido realizados por un número cada vez mayor de funcionarios permanentes. Esto para nosotros es muy importante.

Observamos con satisfacción el deseo y el proposito del Director General de mantener en examen esta cuestión, al señalarse en los Comités de Programa y Finanzas que se presentará un Informe sobre el tema en 1982. Seguramente en ese Informe se verá explicitado, y si no fuera así pedimos que se tome nota para que se diga que el Director General en ese Informe va a explicitar con todo detalle lo que por el momento parece que algunos consideran como un fuerte incremento en los créditos presupuestarios para la contratación de consultores durante 1978-79. Vale la pena que esa afirmación, que es muy importante, fuera justificada con algún número mayor de datos y por ejemplo se pudiera comparar lo que pasaba antes de que hubiera tantos consultores, y lo que pasa ahora; cuánto se hace ahora y cuánto ha sido hecho, ya que lo que se ha expuesto no es suficiente para mi delegación.

Coincidimos plenamente en que se siga aplicando la norma de utilizar consultores acreditados para misiones de breve duración, tanto en el Programa Ordinario como para los proyectos de campo. Nos preo-cupa, sin embargo, la expresión particular que aparece en los Comentarios al Informe respecto de la Recomendación 3$$$. donde se señala: "que la política de utilizar con más frecuencia a las instituciones nacionales y a los consultores de países en desarrollo dio lugar a modificaciones de muchas propuestas con la consiguiente demora en la aplicación, lo que se tradujo en un gasto insuficiente de los fondos".

Seguramente esto es una realidad, y, seguramente no habrá argumentos muy fuertes para poder aceptar lo contrario; pero consideramos que hubiera sido bueno explicar que tal fenómeno es consecuencia precisamente del ámbito del subdesarrollo y de la discriminación consuetudinaria en que han vivido las instituciones nacionales y los consultores de los países en desarrollo. Es cierto que escasean, en termino medio, pero también es cierto, señor Presidente, que los pocos que hay no han sido utilizados adecuadamente. Esto es importante, sobre todo si estamos hablando en un organismo multilateral. Los beneficios serían doblemente provechosos si su empleo, aparte de cumplir y contribuir a la labor de la FAO, que tanto nos interesa también, permite incrementar la capacitación y la investigación en los propios países subdesarrollados.

De todos es conocido que técnicos en instituciones nacionales de países en desarrollo han logrado importantes avances en materia de investigación y que en el presente no se han difundido a los demás países subdesarrollados que enfrentan cotidianamente los mismos críticos y agudos problemas, entre otras cosas muy importantes por persistencia de limitaciones propias del colonialismo.

A pesar del incremento en el empleo de consultores de países en desarrollo, resulta preocupante el señalamiento de la Dirección de Inspección respecto a que la mayoría de los consultores se han seguido contratando en países desarrollados. Debemos por tanto insistir en que en nuestra Organización se logre un mejor equilibrio en el empleo de consultores e instituciones nacionales de países con diferentes niveles de desarrollo, de regiones geográficas, experiencias profesionales y se de la prioridad que merecen los países subdesarrollados procedentes de todas las regiones que componen esté Organismo y también que se aproveche la experiencia profesional de hombres y mujeres por igual, sin discriminación, de manera que exista un pluralismo que beneficie a la Organización y no limite criterios o incluso encuadre a los países subdesarrollados en esquemas diseñados por quienes proceden de otras realidades y no precisamente las de aquellos en donde viven las mayorías mal alimentadas, quienes en lugar de soluciones realistas y adecuadas, reciben con harta frecuencia, orientaciones para vincularse depen-dientemente a estructuras transnacionales.

Finalmente, reconocemos el detallado Informe que presenta la Dependencia Común de Inspección y señalar el interés que la Dirección General de FAO le ha otorgado a elaborar el documento Comentarios al Informe, el cual es muestra clara de la necesaria comunicación que debe existir entre ambas partes.

S.S. GREWAL (India): My delegation has read carefully the document CL 76/9 on the use of consultants and experts in FAO. This is indeed a very good document, We have noted that it has been considered carefully by the Programme Committee at its meeting in the 37th Session. My delegation fully supports the recommendations made by this Committee.

There is one particular aspect I would like to highlight. This is regarding the need for greater use of experts and consultants from developing countries. This point has been touched on at length by the delegate from Mexico, so I would not like to repeat most of the points, I would like to add only that the use of consultants from the developing countries will result in generating a feeling of greater self-confidence among the developing countries and using experts from one developing country to another developing country will assist the technical cooperation amongst the developing countries.

There is another advantage - that it would lead to better functioning of the national and regional institutions which are so vital for the overall growth of the developing countries.We have noted that the pace of development varies from country to country and region to region. It is to the advantage of the developing countries that experts are drawn from an area where the conditions are more or less the same. It is then possible for the country which gets the consultants to have the type of consultants which are very suited to their conditions. If consultants are invariably drawn from countries having a totally different level of growth, it is not always possible for them fully to appreciate the local conditions and the nature of problems that arise or the type of solution that should be offered. I am not saying we should have any quota system, but a good mix of consultants from countries of differents levels of development is always useful.

Srta. M. CONCHA PRADA (Colombia): La delegación de Colombia quiere atenuar, al menos en parte, la reacción casi completamente negativa de las observaciones del Director General sobre el informe de la Dependencia Común de Inspección acerca del empleo de consultores y de expertos en la FAO; posición negativa a la cual se Sumaron en coro los Comités del Programa y de Finanzas, tal como aparece en el documento CL 76/4.

Nosotros creemos que no debe desecharse completamente la recomendación de dependencia sobre 1a necesidad de controlar a un nivel razonable las relaciones entre los gastos por consultores y los créditos totales.

La delegación de Colombia piensa igualmente que debe seguirse haciendo esfuerzos para aumentar el número de consultores provenientes de países en desarrollo. Esto debe hacerse con equidad, lo mismo en cuanto al uso de instituciones racionales.

Los anexos cuarto y quinto del documento CL 76/9 sobre distribución geográfica reflejan cierto desequilibrio que será necesario corregir en el futuro.

La finalidad de la contratación de consultores merecieron la atención de la Dependencia y creemos que tiene algunos méritos su recomendación. Hay que evitar que las consultorías se distribuyan como premio gracioso o con criterios que puedan interpretarse como concesiones políticas o de cualquier otro orden que no corresponda a los objetivos de nuestra Organización.

La delegación de Colombia considera que el Comité de Finanzas debe seguir de cerca el asunto relacionado con el uso de los consultores; a lo mejor se nos presentan espejismos al decir que se está limitando el incremento de personal contrarrestando con consultores que pudiera costar más y ser menos eficaces.

El Consejo debería pedir que al Comité de Finanzas, al presentar el informe sobre consultores, se le transmita una lista completa con el nombre de las personas utilizadas, honorarios, objetivo de la con-sultoría, etc.

Finalmente, la delegación de Colombia expresa su complacencia por las buenas relaciones que debe existir entre la FAO y la DCI, por considerar que informes como el que consideramos son de utilidad para el mejor funcionamiento de nuestra Organización.

W. J. ZISKA (Czechoslovakia): Before going to Item No.9 I want first to thank my distinguished colleagues who have proposed and seconded my candidature as a Vice-Chairman. I understand this election to such an important post is a great honour, not only for me but above all for the country I represent, the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. I would like to congratulate the other members of the Council.

The Czechoslovak delegation studied with great interest the report on the use of consultants and experts in the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization prepared by Inspectors of the Joint Inspection Unit. I would like to make a few comments on the conclusions of the above-mentioned report.

I should like primarily to assess the activities and the positive approach of the Director-General in dealing with problems by using advisers, experts and national associations in the FAO. My delegation supports the recommendations contained in Chapter 7 of the Report regarding the improvement of the geographical representation of experts and national institutions from the developing countries.

Taking this opportunity, I should like to point out that neither the experts from the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Czechoslovak institutionalists, nor those of other socialist countries, are sufficiently used, although highly qualified candidates are usually offered. This state of affairs is recommended by the Table of Gegographical Distribution of Consultants by Regions in 1974/75 and 1976/77 on page 33 of the document CL 76/9. We are aware of the fact that an improvement of the situation does not depend only on the FAO which is interested in employing only top experts in the function of consultants.

In our Republic we have at our disposal a sufficient number of suitable experts, but most of them are in responsible posts from which they cannot often be released at any time in accordance with the requirements of the FAO. We have taken some measures to allow us to act quicker on the requirements of the Organizations. We expect from these principles a general improvement of the situation.

We are convinced that one of the ways in which the imminent problems will be solved will be the proportion of informative documents prepared from the information of the Inspectors set out in paragraph 69 of their report. We believe that the plan of the Director-General for the improvement of the panel of experts mentioned in the commentary to the Recommendation of the Inspectors No.10 will lead to an im-provement of the existing unbalanced geographical representation not only of the developing but also of the Socialist countries.

Some of our specialized organizations acquire valuable experience in implementing projects aimed at developing agriculture and food industries. If there is an increasing use of institutional programmes in the FAO activities, and this continues, we are prepared to participate actively and thus to contribute to the fulfilment of highly responsible and humanitarian tasks of FAO in removing hunger and malnutrition.

S.A. PERVEZ (Pakistan): The Pakistan delegation commends the Director-General's efforts in recruiting an increasing number of consultants from developing countries, as well as his views on the Joint Inspection Unit's reports on the use of Consultants and Experts in FAO, and appreciates the steps being taken by him to study the various aspects of the use of Consultants and other short-term personnel of FAO.

We would like to record here also our agreement with the recommendations of the Programme Committee on this aspect and reiterate here that Pakistan fully supports the policy for increasing the utilization of developing countries' experts in FAO's projects and programmes.

We would, however, like to point out that there should be greater equity in the recruitment of experts and consultants from the developing countries. It must be emphasized here that we are not advocating the maintenance of meticulous balances in this regard; all we would like to suggest is that equal opportunities be afforded to all developing countries so that we do not have a position in which most of FAO's experts and consultants are drawn from a very few countries.

F. ZENNY (Jamaica): Though I have listened with some interest to the call for a wider geographical distribution in terms of re-routing experts and consultants, I would like to merely enter a note of warning in the record in the hope that FAO would act accordingly. Jamaica is in a position where we do have some experts; our problem is we do not have enough and, in relation to our real needs, we would like to keep as many of them at home as possible to do the job.

So, consequently, though we would be delighted to offer some to the wider community, we would hope that in the spirit of positive collaboration, there would always be some element of consultation with the central government authorities, not in terms of security clearance or anything of that nature, but in terms of seeing to it that we can allocate our manpower resources basically with our needs as the uppermost priority.

Aside from that, we would welcome the expertise from fellow-developing countries. We would like to see more developing countries consultants and experts and therefore, in principle, we are committed and we do support what is being proposed here.

S. MADEMBA SY (Senegal): Je voudrais simplement dire que ma délégation est en principe d'accord avec le Directeur général ainsi qu'avec les orateurs qui m'ont précédé. Mais je crois que, dans cette affaire, il faut quand même voir les choses d'un point de vue pragmatique et dans toute la mesure du possible il faut laisser au Directeur général de la FAO une certaine souplesse dans le choix des experts, mais il ne fautpas oublier que cela dépend aussi du gouvernement qui demande des experts.

Sous cette réserve, ma délégation approuve les commentaires visant à parvenir à un équilibre dans la répartion géographique des experts, et que ce ne soit pas un équilibre absolu comme l'a dit tout à l'heure le délégué du Pakistan.

W.A.F. GRABISCH (Germany, Fed. Rep. of): I fully agree with the honourable delegate of India that there should be a good mix of consultants, regardless of from which member countries they are drawn. What matters, what is important is that they are fully qualified. I would go even further: there should, in the view of my delegation, be a good mix, a, proper balance, in the use of consultants, national institutions and FAO's normal staff.

I have one question, Sir, and perhaps through you, Mr. Chairman, the Secretariat would be kind enough to answer the question. It concerns paragraph 2.225 about a list of the requirements for consultants. My delegation has wondered why such a list of required consultants could not periodically be made avail able to all Member Countries of the Organization. Perhaps we could get an answer on that?

CO. KELLER SARMIENTO (Argentina): Como el distinguido colega de la República Socialista de Checoslovaquia, mi colega Vicepresidente, quiero agradecer a este Comité y a este Consejo la gentileza que ha tenido para con mi país y para conmigo al nombrarme Vicepresidente de este 76° período de sesiones.

Quiero ser breve y quisiera una aclaración: Me parece que el anexo cuarto del documento que se llama "Distribución geográfica de los consultores" donde se señalan todos los países de los cuales se han tomado consultores es sumamente útil. La pregunta mía a la Secretaría es saber si para el último bienio, o sea 1978-79, se ha incrementado el número de países presentados en esta lista y si se ha incrementado el número total de consultores conforme a la misma carencia que parece advertirse en los años 1974-75 y 1976-77.

CHAIRMAN: I have no more speakers on the list. Before we go on to the next point I think I should ask Mr. West, or somebody who is dealing with this, to respond to some of the comments.

E.M. WEST (Director (ADG), Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): We are grateful for the constructive comments which have been made by most delegations. They began with the comments of the delegate of Mexico, and I think I can say that the Director-General would fully agree with what ha says, although I think there was some misunderstanding about the Director-General's comment on Recommendation 3. This seemed to be taken as a negative comment, about the employment of consultants from developing countries and national institutions. On the contrary, it was simply dealing with the question of under-expenditure in 1976/77 which occurred partly because the Director-General was so insistent on revising all the plans which had been made at the beginning of 1976 to ensure that they were in conformity with the new policies adopted by the Council in July 1976, one of these new policies being precisely to try and increase the number of consultants being employed from developing countries and national institutions. And this was one of the reasons why under-expenditure occurred, because a deliberate effort was made to change previous plans to conform with the policies which had been supported by the delegate of Mexico and most of the other speakers. We will certainly continue this policy although it does tend to slow down the process of expenditure, particularly when one is trying to negotiate for the use of a national institution. An individual consultant is easier to come by than a national institution, where you have to negotiate and make a contract and make sure that all the rules and regulations liked by the auditors and so forth, are observed.

We have no information as yet on progress with this matter in 1978/79. We collect the statistics at the end of the year and we will certainly make a comparison with the chart mentioned by the last speaker, and, in the next report on consultants, we will provide the comparison. It would be imprudent of me to anticipate what the results would be, but I do know that the same policy has been applied with even greater pressure during 1978/79 and, a priori, there is no reason to believe that the results will be negative in comparison with 1976/77.

One delegate - the delegate of Colombia - suggested that the Director-General was negative in comparison with the Programme of Finance Committees, but I could not find any statement in either the Director-General's comments or the comments of the two Committees to suggest that one was more negative than the other. I think that they were all positive on the same line.

The delegate of Colombia suggested that a list of people with names and reasons of consultancy should be provided. This is an unprecedented demand which has not been made in any other organization and similar information has not been provided in any other organization that I am aware of. The information was of course available from the files to the JIU who used the information to produce their report; but they saw the impropriety of mentioning individuals' names and have given new statistics by nationalities and by number and by type of consultancy, just as is provided elsewhere, including the

United Nations. And I am sure that the Director-General would not consider this kind of thing to be in the interests of the Organization, particularly in relation to trying to broaden the basis upon which consultants are recruited.

The final point is the question asked by the Federal Republic of Germany: why not a list circulated to Member Governments of the requirements for consultants? The work plans of every Department and Division which will be prepared when the Conference has approved the final Programme of Work. and Budget are not available now. They will not be prepared, as I have said, until the Conference has decided what it wants to do about the Programme of Work and Budget. It is only when the work plans are prepared that schedules for consultants can be drawn up and submitted by Departments and Divisions to the Director-General. They run into hundreds of items and if we then had to circulate those items to Member Governments it would be months before we would get replies. Some governements would reply very quickly, others very slowly. We would be confronted with many, many problems. One would be whether to accept the very fast reply I am sure we would get from Herr Grabisch and to ignore the very slow reply we might get from some other governments later in the year. We would have to consider whether Herr Grabisch's proposals were better than those from, let us say, France or the United Kingdom. And we would be having a competition, as it were, for individual consultants between a selected group of countries, whilst the intended recipients of this benefit would be waiting for someone to arrive to carry out the job.

So I think, when one analyses what acually is involved - which the JIU do not appear to have done - one sees that it is simply not practical. On the other hand this does not mean that governments are devoid of any information or indications about what kind of consultancies are going to be required in what field because this is evident from the Programme of Work and Budget which describes the work to be done and indicates the ratio of expenditures by unit by major programme in terms of objective expenditure, so it is fairly obvious from the narratives to see what major fields consultants will be required in. In fact, one can say all the major programmes of FAO require a large degree of consultancy funds, comparatively that is, and therefore any government which feels that it has information at its disposal to give to the Director-General on consultants, and more particularly national institutions, which could do the kinds of jobs indicated in the Programme of Work and Budget, it would be very useful to the Director-General and he could take it into account in keeping up rosters and other sources of information within the Organization. But that is an entirely different question from what was suggested here and the Director-General was pleased that the Programme and Finance Committees, who also asked this question and had much more detailed information, considered it to be the right answer.

W.A.F. GRABISCH (Germany, Fed. Rep. of): Regardless of whether myself or my colleagues are quick or slow in doing our job, I think there is a little misunderstanding. I did not expect that such a list published periodically about the overall requirement of consultants should be taken as the basis for recruitment. We are quite happy with the way in which the recruitment of consultants is being done so far by the Secretariat. It would be considered just as additional information of what overall requirements of consultants the Organization has and later on, of course, it could serve as a basis for information of what has happened. So it is not the question that it should be considered as a basis for recruitment. I want to make this quite clear so that there should be no misunderstanding.

CHAIRMAN: Any more comments? We go on now to the 11th Report on the activities of the JIU. No comments? Noted. The last one, Evaluation of the Services of the JIU to FAO. These also noted.


13. Medium-Term Objectives
13. Objectifs à moyen terme
13. Objetivos a plazo medio

E.M. WEST (Director (ADG), Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): The document has been produced on the basis of instructions given by you at your previous session in 1978 which was based on previous reports of the Programme and Finance Committee. It takes into account other major Conference documents, in particular the State of Food and Agriculture, the work we had been doing on the

provisional results on Agriculture Towards 2000, our contribution to the New International Development Strategy and our major documents submitted to COAG, COFI and COFO. As already indicated in the introduction by the Chairman of the Programme Committee, there is, inevitably, therefore, a certain overlapping of material between the medium-term objectives paper and what you will find in other major documents, in particular, the Programme of Work and Budget. There is no inconsistency between the presentations, although we have tried, as far as possible, to vary the presentation and to include different level of material in various documents because the effort to produce all these various documents has been very much a unified or integrated team work within the Organization. We do not have individuals or individual groups working on their own, in their own ways, for different committees producing different things. The same minds are being applied to the same subject, albeit with a different aspect in view when approaching different bodies. The outlook, of course, does not differ materially from the review made in the previous biennium because the objectives in food and agriculture do not change rapidly. There are, however, some interesting new developments foreseen for future biennia, in particular arising from the work done by COAG, COFI and COFO and I need mention only one example, the example of the programme for the exclusive economic zone for fisheries. There is of course, a certain amount of concern about the longer term arising from our work towards Agriculture Towards 2000.

I think to sum up the conclusions we reached in producing this document there are two points I would emphasize. One is fairly obvious but can bear a great deal of repetition and that is the overwhelming primary importance of food and agricultural development in the overall development efforts of member countries whether you are considering them in the context of FAO policies and programmes or in the context of a new international development strategy.

The second point is the need for intensive effort at the field level in particular to ensure that the objectives that we are discussing here are translated into effective programmes at the country level backed up by adequate investment and adequate resources for technical cooperation from all funds, including regular programme. I do not know whether the Chairman of the Programme Committe is going to say anything on this subject, but I should point out that, of course, the document was discussed there as well as in the Finance Committee.

CHAIRMAN: I think perhaps we should refer to the chairmen of the Programme and Finance Committees to see if they have anything to add? No. Now the item is open for discussion.

A. ECHEVERRIA ZUNO (México): Mi delegación le agradece al señor West su muy concisa y ubicadora introducción, de la que hacemos totalmente nuestra la parte que dice que las características generales del documento CL 79/9 casi no difieren de otras, porque las cosas no cambian muy rápido.

Una Organización congruente, como siempre quisiéramos que fuera la FAO, está obligada a proceder, sin embargo, dinámicamente, es decir, a evaluarse crítica y permanentemente por el origen de sus propósitos? es decir, para qué creamos la FAO, qué queremos de la FAO y la naturaleza final de lo realizado.

Como la XV Conferencia Regional de América Latina concluyera, estamos a una altura vital de la FAO, en que vale la pena que nos auto-evaluemos. En un mundo y época como los nuestros donde se registran profundas transformaciones, es fundamental romper con moldes tradicionales que han comprobado su ineficiencia, e incorporar novedades importantes que vayan más allá de lo rutinario y lo pasajero. Al menos, la cabal consecución del Nuevo Orden Económico Internacional en la que la FAO tiene un compromiso y papel singulares, no puede llevarse a cabo de perpetuarse la falsificación de la realidad y de mantenerse como ideales las metas que no corresponden a los intereses y prioridades de las mayorías.

El subdesarrollo es un producto del desarrollo y no otra cosa, y ha sido espectacular en unos pocos países y grupos humanos, sobre todo por las relaciones de dependencia en que se ha afincado, por lo que la FAO debe mantenerse como instrumento primordial de análisis e inspiración esencial en todo tipo de programas, la necesidad de erradicar las causas reales e históricas de la pobreza, la marginación y en hambre.

Como desde hace décadas bien se sabe y queda perfectamente aclarado en la reciente Conferencia sobre Reforma Agraria y Desarrollo Rural, medidas superficiales, parciales y meramente técnicoadministrativas, pudieron tener algún atractivo pero sólo contribuyen a posponer la solución real de los problemas nacionales, entre los que destacan los que debe afrontar la propia FAO.

Ahora en el plazo medio y aún más adelante, este importante componente de las Naciones Unidas debe caracterizarse por su capacidad informativa e instrumental al servicio de los más, no lo contrario. Por ejemplo, debe profundizar sus estudios sobre las verdaderas causas que han provocado que la dependencia alimentaria del Tercer Mundo se haya incrementado alarmantemente y llegue a niveles que atentan contra la soberanía de muchos países subdesarrollados; fenomeno importante y piedra angular de la guerra economica que debe observarse a la luz, entre otras cosas, del incumplimiento de multitud de compromisos y de ciertas actitudes obstaculizantes de pocos países importantes y los grupos de que forman parte.

El objetivo en este caso, sería demostrar si realmente existe voluntad política por quiénes gozan de mayores capacidades y si lo que proclaman resulta coincidente com lo que realizan.

Sin duda alguna, que el horizonte alimentario mundial sería muy distinto si el cúmulo de resoluciones y recomendaciones aprobadas colectivamente, solo en esta Organización, se estuvieran aplicando y materializando desde que se acordaron.

Sin embargo, y sin duda este fenómeno no se debe a la positiva actitud de los países subdesarrollados, a veces gastamos tiempo y energía para encontrar soluciones, que son vigentes hace décadas y que bien se conocen por la FAO.

Bien se sabe que el problema central no es la existencia actual de alimentos, sino su distribución y capacidad popular para adquirirla; donde no son ajenos ni las prácticas monopólicas y las corporaciones transnacionales, ni la existencia de relaciones sociales y políticas que perpetúan sometimiento e injusticia. La FAO, cree nuestra delegación, si ha de continuar vigente, debe orientar todos sus esfuerzos y capacidades para contribuir intelectual y técnicamente al desarrollo de esquemas que hagan frente a estas circunstancias y contradicciones. Por ejemplo, debe enriquecer y activar sus posibilidades en materia de reforma agraria, desarrollo de formas asociativas -democráticas y autónomas- de productores y consumidores, agroindustrias de propiedad social, el desarrollo de tecnologías adecuadas y, en fin, diversas medidas y programas de amplia y contundente participación estatal y popular que distribuyan la riqueza social y el ingreso actuales y futuros.

Asimismo, la FAO puede y debe contribuir a estudiar y difundir la manera en que los más importantes renglones de la agricultura de la mayoría de los países periféricos, está sujeta a un profundo proceso de desnacionalización y privatización. 0 también, a localizarlos puntos neurálgicos que impiden que la producción agrícola se oriente hacia la generación de bienes nacionales y socialmente indispensables, y se perpetúe un modelo neocolonial orientado hacia otros bienes y mercados, donde las posiciones desiguales se sintetizan en intercambios dañinos para los proveedores.

Queremos remarcar, señor Presidente, que un tema que debe abordarse prioritariamente consiste en los medios de comunicación masiva, que muchos se esmeran en modificar culturas y hábitos alimentarios en particular, con meros propósitos mercantiles y de acumulación muy alejados de consideraciones humanitarias y nacionales. El caso de los preparados infantiles, los refrescos embotellados y muchas golosinas, son bastantes conocidos. En la misma línea de pensamiento encontramos una importante gama de prácticas y alimentos tradicionales que por no gozar de marca y publicidad no sólo han sido desechados por sustitución extralógica, sino combatidos fieramente. En este campo de la formación de la cultura de nuestro pueblo y del rescate de lo nacional, como todos aquí lo saben, la Unesco realiza esfuerzos muy serios y nuestra delegación no observa razón alguna para que FAO, en lo suyo, haga lo que le corresponde.

Creemos que la FAO está en capacidad de poder calcular en cuánto ha contribuido, en un plazo medio la los países subdesarrollados al bienestar de otros sectores, grupos y países. Si se completara el análisis con la cuantificación de lo que se ha invertido y reinvertido en el mismo sector, sería muy positivo. Aclarar algunas incógnitas sobre la creación de excedente agrícola, su magnitud y destino final, no sería ocioso. Si se pudiera precisar cuánto se expatría en países en desarrollo a través de la estructura transnacional, mucho mejor. Cifras que nos interesan mucho y que facilitarían la visión globalisi las comparamos y conjugamos, por ejemplo, con los subsidios que reciben los productores agrícolas de las economías avanzadas o con los niveles de la llamada ayuda oficial para el desarrollo; o también con el impacto monetario de las políticas proteccionistas de los países industrializados, sobre las exportaciones y economías de los países subdesarrollados que intentan proveerlos, con muchos problemas por cierto.

La angustiosa perspectiva en que se debaten las poblaciones del Tercer Mundo, que dolorosamente también sufragan una profunda crisis que en nada han contribuido a crear, exigen que entre los objetivos permanen tes a todo plazo, la FAO se incorpore sustantivamente a la campaña permanente contra el armamentismo. No podemos concebir que este foro, cuya función esencial gira en torno al bienestar y la consecución del derecho más elemental, se quede a la expectativa y afónico. No podemos pasar por alto que al mismo tiempo

que crece el número de hambrientos, la humanidad gasta en un año cerca de 400 000 millones de dólares, cerca de tres mil veces más de lo que se le proporcionará a duras penas a la FAO, o de 1 300 veces más de lo que se le proporciona al FIDA. Con el agravante de que lo destinado al bienestar crece más lento que lo producido para la destrucción.

Esta generación, señor Presidente, quedará seriamente comprometida si como huella histórica deja registrado que, al tiempo que permitió que el número de hambrientos llegase prácticamente a mil millones de seres humanos, logró que por persona y unidad de peso, el mundo dispusiera de mayor potencial explosivo que de alimentos; y que la actividad más floreciente de la economía mundial fuese, precisamente, la de los negocios de las armas. Por esto no nos extraña que, mundialmente, la tecnología del aniquilamiento obtenga más atención y fondos públicos que, incluso, los asuntos energéticos o los fenómenos del desempleo, pobreza, insalubridad, hambre, etc. Por eso tampoco nos sorprende que uno de los países militarmente más fuerte tenga también alrededor de 25 millones de malnutridos. Si una porción de tales erogaciones se destinara al desarrollo real de los pueblos, mucftas cosas podrían lograrse, incluso erradicar las razones de la propia belicosidad.

El panorama del hambre, señor Presidente, nos obliga a la radical sinceridad y a subrayar que la FAO ahora y en el futuro inmediato, carga sobre sus espaldas una gran responsabilidad. La FAO debe continuar sus esfuerzos y facilitar la cooperación internacional, independientemente de su origen, sea respetuosa de la soberanía y las prioridades de los receptores; debe estimular la cooperación y asociación franca y solidaria entre pueblos y Gobiernos de los países subdesarrollados; debe contribuir a que las relaciones en su campo sean justas y equitativas. Si en este marco normativo se gastan programas y proyectos, entonces estaremos haciendo de la FAO y sus políticas y acciones lo que del mundo queremos en el plazo medio.

Discúlpeme, señor Presidente, por esta disertación tan larga, pero mi delegación se ha visto obligada a hacerla en este tema.

CHAIRMAN: Does anybody want the floor? Then we have noted the Medium-Term Objectives document is going forward to Conference of course, and it will again be discussed in the various Commissions.

I think we should now, if you are prepared to do so, continue and let Mr. West introduce the next item, which is the Review of the Regular Programme, because if we can do as much as possible now and tomorrow the Drafting Committee will have something to work on and then we will not be rushed at the end waiting for the Drafting Committee to complete its work. If there are no objections I will ask Mr. West to introduce item 11.

11. Review of the Regular Programme, 1978-79
11. Examen du programme ordinaire, 1978-79
11. Examen del Programa Ordinario para 1978-79

E.M. WEST (Director (ADG), Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): This document is a team effort with every department and divison making its contribution on the basis of auto evaluation which they have been carrying out during the past year or so. I want to stress that what you have before you is just one product albeit a major product of our new evaluation system of the Regular Programme. In addition to what you have before you there are the auto evaluations carried out internally by every department and division and the Regional Offices. There are special papers that are provided to the Director-General for the purposes of his formulating policies and programmes. Some of these found their way into Programme Committee or Finance Committee documents or Council documents. So whilst it is right and proper that the Council and Conference should have biennially an overall review I am stressing that it is only one product of what is now probably the most developed evaluation service overall in the family of United Nations. I can say that with some degree of confidence because recently the head of our Evaluation Service attended an informal session arranged by the Joint Inspection Unit in Geneva of evaluation staff from all the agencies. It may be that one agency has a slightly more sophisticated system of Regular Programme evaluation than we do and it may be that some agencies have almost parallel systems of field programme evaluations. But if you put the two together and consider the joint product, I think we have the most wide-ranging as well as deep evaluation system in the United Nations family. That is not to say that we are satisfied or complacent: we are not. We are very much aware that what we have placed before you is in the nature of an experiment which will have to be progressively refined and improved. We hope that the refinement will not mean increased length. We would like to produce the refinement without increasing the length so as to keep down the burden of documentation. Therefore, what the Chairman of the Programme Committee said earlier today is very relevant because if we can save some length either in this document or in other documents, then we can produce a better product without increasing cost.

As to the substance, the review is in two parts. The first part is essentially a review of performance under the whole of the Regular Programme in its technical sectors. I have in other discussions called it a performance' report, but since that term is used for other purposes I must be careful to say what I mean In some organizations a performance report is in fact a statement of expenditures prior to a of supplementary allocations. Fortunately or unfortunately we do not have that system here of supplementary allocations, so it is not that kind of performance report. The kind of performance report I am talking about is a summarized account of how departments and divisions have been carrying out the programme that was approved by the last Conference. In providing that they are under some handicap insofar as they have to prepare this document the opening months of the second year of the biennium, so they have only one year's complete performance to go on plus an estimate of what they are going to achieve in the second year of the biennium. This was deliberately decided in the discussions you had about a year ago as being what you wanted. I felt that perhaps it would be easier for the Secretariat and better for you if we gave a report of what we had done, if we are discussing this period let us say in 1977-78 rather than in 1978-79, because then we could have provided you with an account of two completed years of work. However, you preferred to have it this way, so we have done our best on that basis. That is the first part of the document.

The second part is more in the nature of evaluation, it is a more in-depth study of certain selected programmes and activities of the Organization with a view to providing indicators of changes of either policies, or, more likely, means to achieve the stated objectives of the Organization in future biennia. In this regard you will see that to the extent possible the selected evaluations take into account the relationship of the programme under review to other programmes and to extra-budgetary resources. In that way it provides some overlap with the review of the field programme which you will be dealing with next. That is why it has been thought that if the two reviews were combined we could provide more in-depth evaluation of more subjects.

However, I am sure that whichever way you wish to have it, we will continue to provide the same degree of quality on the field programme that you have commended in the past whilst trying to bring the quality of this review up to that level.

CHAIRMAN: I notice that most members do not have the document, and I would therefore, if you agree, adjourn the meeting until tomorrow morning, since we are beginning at 09.00. As this subject is also very important, we should have a proper discussion on it. If this is agreed, then with the introduction by Mr. West, tomorrow we will go straight into discussions of this item.

Then we also have tomorrow some very important items, especially the Programme of Work and Budget, which I recommend to you to bring along with you so that we do not have to look around for it if we do get to it, because it is the crux, of our work, the recommendation to the Conference.

The meeting rose at 16.50 hours
La séance est levée à 16 h 50
Se levanta la sesión a las 16.50 horas

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