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10. Progress Report on World Food Day Activities (Conference Resolution 7/81)
10. Rapport intérimaire sur les activités de la Journée mondiale de l’alimentation (rés. 7/81 de la Conférence)
10. Informe sobre las actividades del Día Mundial de la Alimentación (Resolución 7/81 de la Conferencia)

R. MORENO ROJAS (Director, Dirección de Recursos Humanos, Instituciones y Reforma Agraria): Hace poco mas de un mes casi 150 países en todo el mundo celebraron el Día Mundial de la Alimentacion el que, como es del conocimiento de los miembros de este Consejo y de los observadores, lo podemos afirmar con certeza, se ha convertido en un punto de referenda internacional de la máxima relevan-cia en la lucha contra el hämbre. Tienen ustedes un breve informe bajo la denominación del documen-to CL 86/16, que contiene el Informe Provisional sobre las actividades del Día Mundial de la Alimentacion hasta agosto del presente año, y describe los esfuerzos que la FAO ha realizado y que conti-nuará realizando para apoyar de la manera más efectiva posible la conmemoración de esta actividad tan importante para nosotros.

Quisiéramos a continuación mencionar algunos de los hechos más relevantes del Día Mundial de la Alimentación de este año, los que, como comprenderán ustedes, no fueron incluidos en el momento de la redacción del informe, dado que ellos tuvieron lugar con posterioridad a la fecha en la cual la do-cumentación para el Consejo fue preparada.

En Roma la FAO tuvo el honor de recibir aquí, en nuestra sede central, el 16 de octubre a su Exce-lencia el Presidente de la República de Italia señor Sandro Pertini, al Presidente Abdou Diouf, de la Republica del Senegal, a la señora Ministro de Asuntos Femeninos y Sociales del Zaire, Sra. Ekila Liyonda, a los representantes permanentes ante la FAO y a varios otros distinguidos representantes de diversos países, así como del gobierno que nos hospeda, de la Republica de Italia.

El Director General fue invitado esa misma semana para hacer uso de la palabra en la ceremonia que fue organizada bajo los auspicios del Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York el día 19 de octubre, en donde además de las interveneiones del Director General, del Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas, del Presidente de la Asamblea, hizo uso de la palabra el destacado eco-nomista y escritor John Kenneth Galbraith quien fue el que presentó el tópico principal para discu-sion respecto de este tema.

Ese mismo día en Nueva York se organizó como uno de los aspectos técnicos importantes del Día Mundial de la Alimentación en la tarde un taller sobre la mujer en el desarrollo en el que discutieron las modalidades y posibilidades para reforzar en este sector la cooperación entre la FAO, los gobiernos, las organizaciones no gubernamentales y otros sectores de la comunidad internacional.

Quiero reiterar en esta oportunidad que la vitalidad y la creatividad se han convertido en carac-terística importante del Día Mundial de la Alimentación; se han demostrado claramente en las cele-braciones de este evento a nivel nacional, una enorme cantidad de actividades casi imposible de resumirlas en una presentación de esta naturaleza que se viene realizando bajo los auspicios y la conduccion de los gobiernos miembros, de organizaciones no gubernamentales, organizaciones religio-sas, grupos estudiantiles y entidades morales y culturales que existen en los distintos países.

Las asociaciones de campesinos, mujeres, grupos académicos, para destacar algunos, señalan la forma como esta conmemoración ha sido insertada prácticamente no sólo a nivel gubernamental o intelectual, sino que gradualmente se va convirtiendo en una fecha en torno a la cual muchos sectores de las diversas comunidades nacionales pretenden también señalar su rol y su palabra dentro de sus propias estrategias nacionales.

Ya lo dijo en su discurso inaugural del actual período de sesiones del Consejo el Director General de la FAO cuando, al referirse a este tema, señaló: “El Día Mundial de la Alimentación se ha convertido en una demostración verdaderamente notable, basada en una solidaridad y una determinacion mun-diales en la lucha contra el hambre ”.

La justeza de esta decisión adoptada por la Conferencia de la FAO para establecer el Día Mundial de la Alimentación se ve confirmada por el grado de institucionalización, cada vez mayor, que año a año va logrando esta iniciativa.

Así, por ejemplo, en la Secretaría Mundial de la Alimentación hemos percibido por parte de quienes organizan estas actividades a nivel nacional, así como también por parte de muchas delegaciones aquí presentes, un creciente interés no solo para informar lo que ocurre en el Día Mundial de la Alimentación a nivel nacional, sino para conocer cuáles son las formas, modalidades, experiencias y resul-tados que se van alcanzando en diversos países por otros gobiernos, por otras organizaciones que se asocian a esta celebración.

Por este motivo, y recogiendo la inquietud planteada por muchos delegados, estamos preparando un pro-ceso de recopilación y análisis, un informe y la documentación necesaria recibida de todos los países para ilustrar en un informe que publicaremos en el curso de las proximas semanas lo ocurrido país por país en torno a la conmemoracion de este aniversario.

Uno de los elementos que debemos señalar como signif icativos en la celebracion del año 1984 f ue la notable contribución realizado por las organizaciones no gubernamentales. Entre muchos ejemplos podrían citarse, queremos destacar en esta introducción, el trabajo realizado por ANGOC, una coali-ción de organizaciones no gubernamentales en la region de Asia y Pacífico quien promovio activa-mente el Día Mundial de la Alimentación en toda la region y preparó diversos materiales de informa-cion sobre temas específicos referentes al topico que nos ocupaba este año. En otros países, tales como en el Reino Unido, en Canada, en los Estados Unidos, en Francia, para citar países del mundo industrializado, las organizaciones no gubernamentales jugaron igualmente un rol de primera impor-tancia, ayudando con ello a movilizar la opinion pública en poyo de esta celebracion en sus respec-tivas capitales y en sus respectivos países. En Italia es digno de señalar la reciente constitucion del Comite no Gubernamental Italiano para la conmemoracion del Día Mundial de la Alimentacion, CIGMA, con sede en Milan, el cual lanzo en este año una campaña muy interesante denominada por ellos “La Semilla de la Esperanza” que consiste en un esfuerzo de largo plazo para aumentar la conciencia de la opinion pública sobre los problemas alimentarios mundiales y conseguir recursos financieros que les habiliten para poder proveerse de semillas que sean adaptables y utilizables en distintos países del mundo en desarrollo, con los cuales estas organizaciones no gubernamentales tienen contacto.

Es importante en esta introducción señalar cuál es la orientación que a esta altura se prevé para conmemorar esta fecha en el año próximo. Como ustedes bien saben, en 1985 el Día Mundial de la Alimentación coincidirá con la celebracion del 40° aniversario de la fundación de la FAO. Esto repre-senta una oportunidad muy especial para evaluar los cambios y avances que se han producido en la situacion alimentaria y agrícola mundial en las ultimas cuatro décadas; asimismo para analizar el rol, y en particular la contribucion que nuestra institucion, la FAO, ha realizado en el curso de este período.

El Día Mundial de la Alimentación constituye, por lo tanto, un instrumento muy útil para centrar a largo plazo las atenciones de la opinion pública mundial en uno de los desafíos mas urgentes de nuestra etapa en el mundo moderno, cual es la lucha por erradicar la pobreza y el hambre que por desgracia inevitablemente nos acompañan en los ultimos decenios. Es por ello que quisiéramos, por ultimo, señalar y solicitarles la reiteración de vuestro apoyo y vuestro esfuerzo para continuar el excelente trabajo realizado por los diversos países hasta la fecha en la conmemoracion de esta oportunidad historica para nosotros, y pedirles que inicien a la brevedad posible la organización de los trabajos a nivel nacional para conmemorar el 40° aniversario de la fundacion de nuestra organización.

Quizá ahora más que ningún otro momento o período de la posguerra haya quedado evidenciado a través de los distintos tópicos de la agenda que ustedes han discutido en este Consejo queda de manifiesto cual es el desafío y la necesidad que tenemos para enfrentarnos a los problemas básicos que hoy nos preocupan. No es la celebracion del 40° aniversario de la FAO una fecha para retórica, una fecha para conmemorar la organizacion o la creacion o el trabajo de una institucion internacional importante y con la cual estamos tan comprometidos todos nosotros. Creemos que el problema es mas pro-fundo. Por lo tanto, esta oportunidad nos abre el camino para poder realmente realizar unas refle-xiones sobre lo que han sido estas cuatro décadas pasadas y tener la claridad para identificar los problemas, los caminos y al mismo tiempo, si es posible, las soluciones que se nos presenten hacia el futuro.

Confiamos que la experiencia ya recogida en cuatro años de celebracion de este aniversario permitirá tanto a los gobiernos miembros como a la Secretaría el poder dar el realce que esta fecha amerita de parte nuestra.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Mr Moreno, for your clear introduction.

Item 10 is now before you for discussion.

R. MARTINEZ MUNOZ (Colombia): La delegación de Colombia se complace en destacar la importante y clara presentación que de este tema ha hecho el doctor Rafael Moreno, a quien deseamos felicitar por la manera acertada como cumple las funciones que en buena hora le ha encargado el Director General de la FAO en las actividades del Día Mundial de la Alimentacion.

Junto con Hungría y otras delegaciones, Colombia fue copatrocinadora de la Resolución 7/1981 que en la Conferencia de la FAO decidió establecer esta efemérides. Por ello nos complace sobremanera que en las cuatro ocasiones en que nemos celebrado el Día Mundial de la Alimentación se puedan observar los progresos crecientes, el interés permanente y la eficacia de estos acontecimientos.

La delegación de Colombia quiere destacar la manera seria, positiva y bien orientada como la FAO está adelantando la preparación del Día Mundial de la Alimentación. Pensamos que hay que alentar a la Secretaría de nuestra organización para que continúe con estas acertadas orientaciones que han constituido valiosos estímulos para la participación de los gobiernos y de las poblaciones.

Es evidente que el Día Mundial de la Alimentación ha contribuido a llamar la atención sobre los graves problemas agrícolas y alimentarios que afectan a los países en desarrollo. El Gobierno de Colombia ha sido muy fiel al cumplimiento de esta iniciativa. Cada año, en nuestro país, se celebra el Día Mundial de la Alimentación, y ahora en 1984, lo dedicamos a exaltar el valor y la importancia de la participación de la mujer campesina en las labores rurales.

Pensamos que el Día Mundial de la Alimentación de 1985, que va a coincidir con el 40º aniversario de la fundación de la FAO, debe levestir importancia particular. Será una ocasión propicia para que en esta oportunidad se exalte, una vez más, la manera como los bosques, la pesca, las aguas y los suelos, y todos los demás factores determinantes del sector agropecuario, puedan confluir en favor de la solución de los problemas de la agricultura.

De manera pues, que la delegación de Colombia reitera sus cordiales felicitaciones al Director General de la FAO, al doctor Rafael Moreno, y a todos a quienes aquí, en Roma y en nuestros países, siguen celebrando el Día Mundial de la Alimentación.

Mrs MARASEE SURAKUL (Thailand): First of all, may I take this opportunity, on behalf of my delegation to express our thanks to all the members of FAO Council in electing Thailand as a member of the CFA.

It is not an easy task to organize and celebrate a World Food Day in a developing food exporting country like Thailand. It needs a lot of cooperation and coordination on the part of the central Government of the country whose majority of the people are farmers. However, in response to the advice given by the Director-General of FAO, Thailand has followed and organized the World Food Day, the Third Anniversary of the World Food Day organized by the Thai Government.

The theme of World Food Day this year is "Women in Agriculture”. This year Thailand has celebrated the Third World Food Day with the great seminar on the theme of "Women in Agriculture". Both government and non-government organizations and the Women Farmers Association, altogether about 200 delegates have attended that seminar. The Deputy Prime Minister delivered a speech emphasizing the role of women in agriculture. Thailand also organized a joint TV programme between the FAO Regional Office in Bangkok, the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperations and the Thai Women Farmers Association on the topic of "The Role of Women in Agriculture".

This is really in line with reality. Women have long been participating in food production in the country. My country has also responded to tne call from the International Women's Year by setting up the Women Farmers Association under the patronage of Her Majesty the Queen of Thailand in 1976. At present, the Women Farmers Association has expanded its activities and its auxiliaries have been established throughout the country with the participation of local women farmers. The expansion of such activities augurs well the increasing role of women in food production at the small farmer level.

It is gratifying to note that Thai women farmers have been the pioneers in energy conservation technology through the development and modernization of fuel-efficient stoves. This activity is a good manifestation of energy conservation initiated and taken by our women for the benefit of the families and the country as a whole.

In organising the World Food Day in Thailand this year, the Government is in full recognition of the role of women in agriculture and grateful to their contributions in the field of food production. However, we are fully aware that the status of women in social and economic structures has not yet been fully recognised.

My delegation therefore fully supports the idea that rural development based on growth with equity will require the full integration of women.

Last, but not least, the status and role of women would certainly be elevated if they were stated in ILO's Declaration and Resolution in 1975 which aimed at promoting equality of opportunity and equality of treatment for women workers.

SUHARYO HUSEN (Indonesia): Thank you very much, Mr Chairman, for giving me the floor. My delegation welcomes and congratulates the Director-General of FAO for his excellent efforts that have been made during the last four years in celebrating the World Food Day. Also I would like to congratulate Dr Moreno for his excellent report on the progress made so far on World Food Day activities.

My Government has been actively celebrating the World Food Day every year since it was established four years ago. I observe that the ceremonies on the World Food Day in the FAO Headquarters in Rome during the last four years were successful and excellently organized. My delegation feels that such ceremonies, as previously, should be continued and my delegation supports all efforts made by FAO. My delegation is in full agreement with Dr Moreno to start the preparations as early as possible for the celebrations of the World Food Day in 1985. In this context my delegation believes that the role of the forest in supporting food for the people will be a most appropriate sign for the World Food Day in 1985.

Finally I would like also to report that in Indonesia at the present time we are considering the declaration for World Food Day in 1985.

SRA. E. HERAZO de VIII (PANAMA): Antes de todo, deseamos agradecer al Sr. Rafael Moreno la excelente presentación del documento. Panamá fue uno de los copatrocinadores de la Resolución, por medio de la cual se creó el Día Mundial de la Alimentación, cuya primera celebración se realizó en 1981.

Este año, la FAO propuso como tema del Día Mundial de la Alimentación, la mujer en la agricultura. Consideramos que la mujer debe participar no sólo en la producción de alimentos sino en todos los aspectos de carácter social, económico, político y cultural de un país; participación que debe ser activa y despojada de todo tipo de discriminación.

Creemos que la importancia que tiene para el desarrollo de los países de America Latina y el Caribe el trabajo que realiza la mujer, es igual, en esencia, al de las mujeres de las otras regiones del mundo. Sólo cambian realmente las particularidades propias, fundamentalmente de tipo cultural, entre regiones y países, así como los niveles en que objetivamente se encuentra la participación de la mujer.

Es indudable que el trabajo de la mujer contribuye a mejorar la calidad de la vida, tanto del núcleo familiar como de la comunidad.

Para finalizar, la delegación de Panamá desea, dentro del contexto del tema escogido este año para la cuarta celebración del Día Mundial de la Alimentación, rendir homenaje a la desaparecida Indira Gandhi, digna representante de nuestro mundo contemporáneo, donde la mujer juega definitivamente un papel importante. La recordaremos siempre con grande admiración y respeto.

A.M. QURESHI (Pakistan): First of all, I would like to congratulate Mr Moreno for his brilliant exposition.

We in Pakistan, in pursuance of the FAO Council's decision, celebrate the World Food Day in an elaborate manner every year. The theme for 1984 as we all know was Women in Agriculture, and the World Food Day was celebrated on the 16th October this year in Pakistan as usual. Arrangements for meetings, seminars, debates and food issues were made to which students, farmers, the general public and women were invited. The Pakistan Agriculture Research Council arranged a World Food Day function in which the importance of the Day was highlighted and the award to Dr. Borlang for Agricultural Research for the Year 1984 was confirmed by the Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture. On this occasion the messages of the President of Pakistan and the Director-General of FAO were also read out.

Exhibitions of food items, machinery, livestock, were also organised. Documentary films and some publishedmaterial on the subject was also displayed in educational institutions. Competitions were held on the subject of the involvement of women in agriculture. Special programmes such as lectures in the preparation of food for mothers and children, with the help of slides and posters, were delivered underlining the need for a balanced diet. The women's organisations arranged functions, seminars, highlighting the women's role in agriculture. Special articles, newspapers on food issues, food security and the women's role in agriculture were published. Pakistan television and radio arranged special programmes. Meetings and debates were also arranged at various national centres throughout the country. Farmers organisations arranged farm open days and meetings to discuss hunger, malnutrition and women's role in agriculture. Trips of school children to agricultural development projects were arranged in order to demonstrate what is being done to increase national food production. Journalists and writers emphasized the importance of women's participation in agriculture and the adoption of modern methods of cultivation to augment world food production. Food demonstrations were organised at various health centres, health nutrition talks were also arranged, especially for female audiences. Messages from the President of Pakistan, the Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture and Governors of the Provinces were also published in the newspapers on this occasion. Briefly,this is a resume of how we celebrate the World Food Day in Pakistan.

The World Food Day is playing a crucial role indeed in augmenting the awareness on the global level of the problems of hunger and malnutrition. We commend the pivotal role FAO is playing in this regard to highlight the increasing importance of this Day and the deep interest evinced by the Director-General in his crusade against hunger in various parts of the world, especially Africa.

In 1985, the World Food Day will coincide with the 40th Anniversary of FAO. We all hope to celebrate it in a fitting manner and assure FAO of our fullest cooperation in this regard.

S.M. MATIUR RAHMAN (Bangladesh): My delegation would like to thank the FAO Secretariat for the excellent report on the progress of the World Food Day celebrations, and Dr Moreno for his excellent presentation of the subject.

Since 1981, the World Food Day has been a very important annual event in the world community's crusade against hunger and malnutrition. The celebration of the World Food Day has helped to create public awareness of the world food problem and to mobilize public support for development assistance, and programmes for increasing food agricultural production.

Themes selected for the occasion, such as food security, food comes first, access to food by all, women in agriculture, etc., were most appropriately selected.

My country has celebrated the World Food Day since its inception in a befitting manner in close association with the school children, religious organizations, cultural associations, etc.

We congratulate the Director-General for his relentless attempt to bring food to the forefront of all subjects and matters, and creating public opinion to the fact that food comes first and food for all.

H. REDL (Austria): The Austrian delegation notes the statement in document CL 86/16 with interest, and the introduction presented to us by Mr Moreno.

As regards the 1984 World Food Day theme "Women in Agriculture" in the preparation of the general theme for 1985, the activities undertaken by FAO’s Director-General were welcomed, in particular the decision that the World Food Day since 1984 and 1985 should be inter-related and complementary to each other.

The expansion of cultivating land at the expense of forest requires particular importance to be attached to the problem of soil conservation and forestry. In this context it may be referred to proposals made by Austria during the meeting of the world-wide Forestry Commission in May this year, and especially to the Fourteenth FAO Regional Conference for Europe in September 1984 which led to the respective resolution of the European Regional Conference. From the Austrian standpoint it seems necessary to consider the particular regional conditions when organizing World Food Day activities, as suggested in paragraph 5 of the document, FAO’s activities at both the worldwide and regional level should be used as information material.

The Fortieth Anniversary of FAO should, however, not only clearly point to the existing problems but mainly prescribe in a generally comprehensible way the measures taken under the auspices of FAO and the success achieved. The relevant press features, radio programmes, etc., should be timely prepared and made available to the individual institutions. Also the collaboration with the non-governmental organisations for the organisation of the World Food Day is welcomed.

Ms. G. LAPOINTE (Canada): Canada has been an enthusiastic supporter of the World Food Day ever since the concept was adopted at the Twentieth Session of the Conference of this Organization. Naturally we feel a special bond to this event as the date, October 16th, marks this Organization's founding conference in Canada at Quebec City.

World Food Day has been celebrated in all parts of Canada in a variety of ways. The planning for World Food Day has provided an opportunity for the Government sector, the private sector and the volunteer organizations in the country to work together to promote a better awareness of global food issues. As my delegation reported to the Twenty-second Session of the Conference last November, the responsibility for planning and organizing World Food Day has been turned over from the Federal Government to the non-governmental sector. The Minister of Agriculture remains a patron and a prominent member of the newly created World Food Day Association of Canada.

In Canada planning for World Food Day is an ongoing process. We have already begun to plan for World Food Day 1985, and while we very much appreciate the leadership and the resource material provided by FAO our experience has been that this assistance frequently arrives too late. For this reason we are pleased to note that the theme has already been chosen for 1986, which will emphasize the role of fisheries and fishery communities.

My delegation has also taken note of the various proposals for World Food Day 1985. Document CL 86/16 tells us that in 1985 emphasis will be placed on rural poverty as well as issues related to food and the environment, soil conservation, forestry, and the fuelwood problem.

We also noted with interest the comments of the Director-General in his opening address to this Council, in which he stated that World Food Day 1985 will also commemorate the 40th anniversary of the founding of FAO. We welcome the Director-General’s commitment to consult with members of the Council on this matter, but would urge the Organization to reach a final decision on the theme for World Food Day 1985 and to communicate that decision to Member Nations at the earliest possible time.

A. EL SARKI (Egypt) (original language Arabic): In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. We are very glad to congratulate the Organization for the efforts which are being made in order to make us aware of the problem of food supplies to the world through the commemoration of World Food Day. We thank Mr Moreno for introducing document CL 86/16.

We would also like to address our thanks to the Organization for underlining the role of women, which has been decided upon as the theme for this year’s celebration, because women have a key role in agricultural production. This is quite obvious. We have recognized the role of women since time immemorial in my country. The role has become much more important, and women now represent 60 to 80 per cent of the working force in agriculture. We have taken the necessary measures in Egypt in order to facilitate their work. We have adopted a programme in the interest of farm women with regard to all aspects of their activities and we have attached a particular importance to the role of women as artisans. We are also going to organise a seminar in December of this year in cooperation with FAO, a seminar which will be dealing with the role of women in agriculture.

Since 1981 my country has given particular importance to the celebration of World Food Day. This year we had the Minister of Health, the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister for Irrigation, the Minister of Social Affairs from Sudan present, and the representatives of Holland and the representatives of the various organizations of the United Nations family present at the celebration. Also we have given prizes to people who have been active in this field. We have done all that is necessary in order to make the public aware of the efforts which are being undertaken in order to increase food production and to get women to participate in this activity.

We are awaiting with impatience the celebration in 1985, which is going to coincide with the 40th anniversary of FAO.

K. SHIOZAWA (Japan): Please allow me to give you a briefing on the past World Food Day activities which took place in Japan. This year my Government appealed to the people on the importance of diet patterns and food security. Japan is one of the largest importers of food and agricultural commodities. Therefore the Japanese people are always very concerned about food programmes.

During the implementation of World Food Day activities the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries planned and promoted these activities with the assistance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Japan Broadcasting Association and the Japan FAO Association. The Japan FAO Association, which took the load of the national committee of the World Food Day also implemented various activities, including a symposium and publication of a pamphlet celebrating the World Food Day.

My Government also utilized nation-wide, area-wide and local newspapers, television, radio and other media for its publicity activities. Our symposium entitled Diet Patterns and Food Security was held in Tokyo on 16 October.

My Government considers the World Food Day to be a very good opportunity to make people further aware of the food and agriculture programmes and is planning to strengthen further the World Food Day activities for the future.

J.R. LOPEZ PORTILLO (México): Agradecemos al doctor Moreno su sintética y clara presentación.

La solución a los problemas del hambre y de la alimentación dependen en buena parte de la conciencia que sobre ellos tengan no sólo los gobiernos, sino también los pueblos. La voluntad política de los gobiernos es en su mayor parte respuesta al interés manifestado por los pueblos y ésta, a su vez, de la forma y profundidad de la información con que cuenten. Por encima de intereses económicos específicos, estamos seguros que todos los pueblos del mundo se sienten indignados por la extensión y perseverancia del hambre y por el lento avance de las soluciones alimentarias a nivel nacional y también internacional.

Por eso reconocemos y elogiamos el gran esfuerzo de la FAO por promover que en todos los países se celebre el Día Mundial de la Alimentación, y aplaudimos la labor de los gobiernos y de los particulars que la han hecho a fondo. La evaluación de los problemas nacionales e internacicnales nos hace saber dónde nos encontramos y hacia dónde vamos y es crucial para determinar actividades futuras.

Afirmamos que plantearnos los problemas es buena parte de su solución en el sentido político y en el sentido técnico. El Día Mundial contribuye a ello y el Gobiemo de México ha dado todo su apoyo a este importante evento, que ha sido punto de partida y base de importantes logros y medidas. Recordamos que México lanzó su programa nacional alimentario en el Día Mundial de la Alimentación del año pasado. La evaluación del avance de ese problema presenta ahora, año con año, el 16 de octubre, su importancia, porque abarca de manera integral todos los aspectos de la cadena alimentaria y se analiza también el desarrollo rural integral, así como la importante función de la mujer y de los jóvenes en el desarrollo agrícola y alimentario.

Para el próximo año México prepara un evento singular y reiteraremos la forma dramática en que está vinculada la pobreza y sus ciclos a las condiciones de la malnutrición y el hambre, así como a los avances en la reforma agraria y el desarrollo rural, a la paz, al bosque y al medio ambiente. La funcion de la juventud en la nutrición merecerá, sin duda, una consideración especial.

Apoyamos, por ultimo, al Director General en todos sus esfuerzos en favor de esa cruzada por la conciencia universal sobre los problemas del hambre y de la alimentación.

J.D. AITKEN (United Kingdom): I would like to join in the praise for the very comprehensive opening statement from the Secretariat.

The United Kingdom Group for World Food Day continues actively to encourage wider public awareness of World Food Day and its role in spreading knowledge and understanding of world food problems. A series of events in the United Kingdom on 16 October was promoted by the Group. These included special displays in 160 public libraries, items on radio and television, and a special lunch at the Commonwealth Institute to demonstrate the unequal distribution of food in the world.

For the future we suggest that the Secretariat give consideration to making some of the publicity more specific and aiming it at particular target groups. In the case of World Food Day this could mean even more emphasis on reaching the public through action by local neighbourhood schools, church and other non-governmental organizations. While listing the activities in Member Countries is useful, we also suggest that thought might be given to some impact studies to assess the effect of FAO-funded information material on opinion formers in selected countries.

Finally, on a personal note I should mention that in talking to non-official groups about the problems of food and agriculture I have made extensive use of FAO material very kindly supplied by the Secretariat and the photo library. I can assure members of this Council of the excellence of this material and the strength of its impact.

J.-M. TRAVERS (France) : La délégation française souhaite adresser ses félicitations au Secrétariat de l’OAA et à son Directeur général pour la façon dont ils ont préparé la Journée mondiale de l’alimentation en 1984.

Conformément aux recommandations formulées par le Conseil, le Gouvernement français a veillé à ce que soit renforcée la participation des organisations non gouvernementales aux manifestations prévues au titre de la Journée. La coordination de ces manifestations a d'ailleurs été confiée à un comité présidé par le Secrétaire général de l'une des principales ONG françaises qui se consacrent à la lutte contre la faim dans le monde et à l'appui au développement agricole et alimentaire. Une vaste campagne de sensibilisation, orientée vers le grand public et mobilisant les médias et plus particulièrement la première chaîne de télévision, a eu lieu le 16 octobre. Le Ministre de l’agriculture et le Ministre de l'économie et des finances sont intervenus dans ce cadre pendant les journaux télévises. Nous considérons que le thème retenu, celui des femmes dans le développement rural, était d'une importance primordiale. A l'initiative de l’Institut français des recherches scientifiques pour le développement en coopération, un réseau de recherche interorganismes a été créé sous la responsabilité de Mme Jeanne Bisilliat, Directeur de recherche dans cet Institut. Celle-ci a participé au Séminaire organisé à New York dans le cadre de la Journée mondiale afin d'assurer un prolongement national à ce Séminaire. Un colloque sera organisé à Paris du 14 au 19 Janvier 1985 sur la place des femmes dans l'autosuffisance et les stratégies alimentaires.

Nous ne doutons pas que grâce aux efforts de tous, et notamment du Secrétariat de l'OAA et de son Directeur général, la Journée mondiale de l’alimentation connaîtra à nouveau un très grand succès en 1985.

M. FRANCISCI di BASCHI (Italie) : Je voudrais d'abord féliciter M. Rafael Moreno pour l’exposition qu’il nous a faite du problème à l’ordre du jour. Je veux aussi me féliciter très vivement de l'activité qui a été déployée au plus haut niveau par le Secrétariat, personnellement par le Directeur général dans l'organisation de la Journée mondiale de l’alimentation dans les années passées.

Je voudrais maintenant annoncer au Conseil que le Gouvernement italien, considérant que cette fois-ci la célébration de la Journée mondiale de l'alimentation coïncide avec le quarantième anniversaire de l'Organisation, a décidé de créer un Comité gouvernemental pour célébrer cet événement. A ce Comité participeront les ministères intéressés aux problèmes de la faim et de l’alimentation dans le monde : le ministère des affaires étrangères, le ministère de l’agriculture, le ministère de l’éducation et le ministère de l’environnement.

Ce Comité naturellement travaillera en étroite liaison avec le Comité des ONG qui vient d'être créé à Milan et aussi et surtout avec le Secrétariat de l'Organisation.

Je pense que dans cette célébration de l'année 1985 les thèmes principaux seront d'abord la lutte contre la faim et la pauvreté rurale; deuxièmement, le rôle de la femme dans le développement général et dans le développement de l'agriculture; aussi le rôle des femmes dans l'équilibre nécessaire entre population et ressources alimentaires et finalement le thème de l'équilibre entre le développement de la production agricole et la protection de l'environnement. Je crois que le rôle de la femme cette fois-ci sera particulièrement souligné dans le programme que l'Italie a l'intention de réaliser parce que le Président de ce Comité gouvernemental est une femme très connue en Italie, membre de la Chambre des députés, Mme Anselmi.

Je veux encore une fois remercier M. Rafael Moreno et le Directeur général pour leur activité dans cette initiative de mobiliser et de sensibiliser l'opinion publique universelle ainsi que les opinions nationales sur ce thème angoissant de la faim et de la pauvreté rurale.

B.H. DJIBRIL (Bénin) : La délégation du Bénin voudrait féliciter M. Moreno pour son introduction claire et concise et exprimer sa satisfaction sur la façon dont la FAO celèbre la Journée mondiale de l'alimentation.

Cette année mon pays a célébré la Journée mondiale de l'alimentation sur le thème de la femme dans l'agriculture. Les manifestations se sont déroulées avec la participation effective de l'Organisation des femmes révolutionnaires du Bénin qui ont organisé des tables rondes et des séminaires couverts par la presse, la radio et la télévision. Ces manifestations se sont déroulées dans tous les chefs-lieux de province ainsi que dans la capitale pour connaître un éclat particulier le 16 octobre avec la remise des prix aux enfants qui ont participé aux concours de dessins et de poèmes autour du thème de la nutrition et de l'alimentation.

Pour terminer, ma délégation voudrait rendre hommage à la FAO pour le concours qu'elle apporte à la réussite de la Journée mondiale de l'alimentation dans mon pays.

W.A.F. GRABISCH (Germany, Federal Republic of): My delegation supports the establishment of World Food Day and welcomes the holding of such a day. We have always welcomed it, the last time being at the Twenty-second Session of the FAO Conference.

As in previous years, we have carefully prepared special events in 1984. Each year since 1981, the Federal Government has entrusted one of the German Federal States with the implementation of central celebrations - a regulation which we consider useful in view of the Federal constitution of our country. In this way, we meet with a growing interest and response of our citizens, of the Press, as well as of radio and television, all of which is welcomed by us.

This was also the case this year on the occasion of our central celebrations held in the smallest German Federal State, the Land of Bremen. The purpose of that celebration was to make the population aware of the greater extent of world-wide problems relating to food and agriculture and to call upon them for greater solidarity and more effective action in the fight against hunger and poverty. This purpose was fulfilled.

The Federal Government made its final report on the World Food Day activities available in German and English to the FAO Secretariat, and also some information material which was prepared in German. I think I should refrain from going into detail, but if fellow delegates wish to share our experience, we are prepared to give them the report which we presented to the Secretariat. We have it here in English and German; if anyone wishes to have a copy, please approach us. We were successful in creating a stamp which is being used now in all of these activities.

Having said this, there remains little to say, though I would like to add a few remarks. First of all, we feel that the policy of selecting one central theme for World Food Day activities has proved a correct one. Taking into account that next year will be the 40th Anniversary of FAO, World Food Day will have a special impact. We hope very much that together with the 40th Anniversary, the forestry issue can be taken up as a central theme which would be, of course, in accordance with the decision we have taken earlier that next year forestry should become a global concern.

One further point, of which we hope that the Secretariat will take it constructively. We have ourselves prepared a lot of information papers for public distribution. We found that from among the useful papers we received from the Secretariat, we were missing one short paper which could be called "the current world food situation in brief", a small leaflet with the latest figures as they appear in the food outlook monthly, but perhaps put together in a more understandable way for the public. This would have been very useful as a background information paper.

Another point - in the two papers we had received about farmers and women, the missing link in the chain of developing programmes, the information was somewhat overlapping. So for public distribution, we would like to see in future such overlapping avoided.

I have already mentioned that we found the Harare Declaration of that importance that we have translated it into German, and have distributed it to the public.

One last point. Unfortunately, the special Section on World Food Day of CERES reached us rather late, so we could not make use of that information. Therefore, this year we hope that the Secretariat will try to find a way of distributing in due time all material which Member States need who are actively celebrating World Food Day.

H.T. JENNINGS (United States of America): I will attempt to be brief. I shall say, first of all, that the delegation of the United States of America joints with those others who have spoken in expressing its appreciation for both the document and the introduction which we have had on this subject, which have been very informative.

The United States delegation is pleased to note the success of World Food Day activities in heightening public awareness of the food and agricultural needs of the world, and the measures being taken to address those needs. We have listened with interest to the reports of other delegations as to the activities carried out in furtherance of World Food Day. We appreciate the kind reference made by Dr. Moreno to United States' support for World Food Day, and would like briefly to give the Council a little more information on what has been done last year in the United States in commemoration of the event.

Again this year, the United States Congress passed a joint resolution on World Food. Day, and the President issued a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe the Day with appropriate activities. The Governors of all 50 of the United States issues similar proclamations. We were quite pleased that the North American Representative of FAO participated in the governmental observance of World Food Day at our Department of Agriculture.

It is certainly of equal, if not greater, importance that there was also widespread participation in observing World Food Day by private individuals and groups within the United States. A nongovernmental national committee for World Food Day chaired by Miss Patricia Young, including representatives of more than 330 organizations, organized quite a number of observances of the occasion.

W.A.F. GRABISCH (Germany, Federal Republic of): My delegation supports the establishment of World Food Day and welcomes the holding of such a day. We have always welcomed it, the last time being at the 22nd Conference of FAO.

As in previous years, we have actively prepared special events. Each year since 1981, the Federal Government has entrusted one of the German Federal States with the implementation of central celebrations - a regulation which we consider useful in view of the Federal constitution of our country. In this way, we meet the growing response and interest of our citizens, of the Press, as well as radio and television, all of which is welcomed by us.

Such was also the case this year on the occasion of our central celebrations held in the smallest German Federal State, the Bund of Bremen. The purpose of such a celebration was to make the population aware of the greater extent of worldwide problems relating to food and agriculture and to call upon them for greater solidarity and more effective action in the fight against hunger and poverty. This purpose was fulfilled.

The Federal Government made its final report on the World Food Day activities available in German and English to the FAO Secretariat, and also some information material which was prepared in German. I think I should refrain from going into detail but if fellow delegations wish to share our experience, we are prepared to give the report which we presented to the Secretariat also to fellow delegations. We have it here in English and German, if anyone wishes to have a copy. We were successful in creating a stamp which is being used now in all of these activities.

Having said this, there remains little to say, though I would like to add a few remarks. First of all, we feel that the policy of selecting one central theme for World Food activities has proved a correct one. Taking into account that next year will be the 40th Anniversary of FAO, World Food Day will have a special impact. We hope very much that together with the 40th Anniversary, the forestry issue can be taken up as a central theme which would be, of course, in accordance with the decision have taken earlier that next year forestry should become a global concern.

One further point, which we hope that the Secretariat will take constructively. We have ourselves prepared a lot of information papers for public distribution. We found that from among the useful papers we received from the Secretariat, we were missing one short paper which could be called "the actual world food situation in brief", a small leaflet with the latest figures as they appear in the food outlook monthly, but perhaps put together in a more understandable way for the public. This would be very useful as a background information paper.

Another point - in the two papers we have at the moment we see farmers and women, the missing link in the chain of developing programmes, but the information was somewhat overlapping. So for public distribution, we would like to have all that information in one paper or the other.

I have already mentioned that we found the Harare Declaration of such importance that we have translated it into German, and have distributed it to the public.

One last point. Unfortunately, the special part of CERES reached us rather late, so we could not make more use of that information. Therefore, this year we hope that the Secreatariat can try to find a way of distributing in due time the material they need to member States who are actively celebrating World Food Day.

H.T. JENNINGS (United States of America): I will attempt to be brief. I shall say, first of all, that the delegation of the United States of America joins with those others who have spoken in expressing its appreciation for both the document and the introduction which we have had on this subject, which have been very informative.

The United States delegation is pleased to note the success of World Food Day activities in heightening public awareness of the food and agricultural needs of the world, and of the measure being taken to redress those needs. We have listened with interest to the reports of other delegations as to the activities carried out in furtherance of World Food Day. We appreciate the kind reference made by Dr. Moreno to United States' support for World Food Day, and would like briefly to give Council a little more information on what has been done last year in the United States in commemoration of the event.

Again this year, The United States' Congress passed a joint resolution on World Food Day, and the President issued a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe the Day with appropriate activities. The Governors of all 50 of the United States issued similar proclamations. We were quite pleased that the North American representative of FAO participated in the governmental observance of World Food Day at our Department of Agriculture.

It is certainly of equal, if not greater, importance that there was also widespread participation in observing World Food Day by private individuals and groups within the United States. A non-governmental national committee for World Food Day chaired by Miss Patricia Young, included representatives of more that 330 organizations, organized quite a number of observances of the occasion. I might also state

I might also state that we were quite proud that Miss Young received a citation from the North American Representative for her activities. We are happy to report that the 1984 World Food Day activities in the United States of America involved possibly millions of people, and we look forward to more widespread participation in the future.

I. DIAZ YUBERO (España): En España también se ha celebrado, como en todos los demás países, el Día Mundial de la Alimentación que ha tenido como objeto fundamental sensibilizar la opinión pública sobre la importancia que la mujer tiene en la agricultura y en la alimentación, especialmente rural.

Durante este día se celebró una sesión técnica con presencia del Ministro de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación y se fallaron unos premios escolares y periodísticos que cada año venimos estableciendo en este sentido. Este día, tradicionalmente, en España se ponen en cultivo una serie de parcelas en distintos colegios cuyos productos posteriormente se donan a la UNICEF.

España, sin embargo, desea mantener cambio de opiniones con las delegaciones de otros países para hacer algo más eficaz y más productivo en el futuro y propone, además, que el óptimo aprovechamiento de los recursos propios, o alimentos propios, debería ser un tema a considerar en el futuro de la FAO. Esto quiere decir que los alimentos que naturalmente se producen en cada uno de los países puedan ser objeto de difusión en la alimentación de cada uno de los pueblos.

B. MARTIN (Observer for Australia): Reflecting the importance my Government attaches to World Food Day, Australia's principal activity this year was a televised address to the nation by the Governor General, Sir Ninian Steven, on world food problems and the role of women in agriculture. The address was carried by all major Australian television networks.

To mark the occasion of World Food Day 1984, the Australian Government has also established a special post-graduate scholarship which will enable the successful applicant to proceed to a Masters degree by thesis on the topic of the role of women in agriculture in developing countries.

F.G. POULIDES (Cyprus): I would not like to give the impression that Cyprus does not celebrate World Food Day. That is why I have decided to speak. Every year we report in detail to the FAO Secretariat our activities during World Food Day. From its inception, Cyprus has celebrated the Day by issuing commemorative stamps and coins, by special publications and by using all the media at our disposal to emphasize the problem of food security as the paramount goal of agriculture. Special ceremonies take place in schools calling the children's attention to the problem of world hunger, and there are all kinds of other ceremonies. I would also like to stress the importance of selecting a particular theme to be celebrated each year. So far as 1985 is concerned, I think a special programme could be planned on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of FAO.

Finally, I wish to thank Mr Moreno for his succinct and clear document.

J.E. MENDES FERRAO (Observateur pour Portugal): Je serai très bref. J'aimerais féliciter M. Moreno pour son travail et pour l'enthousiasme qu'il donne et qu'il imprime à la réalisation de la Journée mondiale de l'alimentation.

Au Portugal, nous avons fait la commémoration de la Journée mondiale de l'alimentation conjointement à des activités semblables à celles des années passées. Je n'en ferai pas référence. J'aimerais seulement faire une petite référence à quelques nouvelles choses que nous avions réalisées.

La préoccupation centrale de la campagne de cette année, c'était d'appeler l'attention sur les erreurs de l’alimentation et de la santé et l'utilisation des aliments de production locale. Par cela les principales activités, coordonnées par la Commission nationale de la FAO on été réalisées par des centres régionaux de santé qui, pendant l'année, ont appelé l'attention sur les problèmes déjà existants au moyen de conférences, radio, presse nationale et régionale, campagne, au niveau national et terminé avec le Jour mondial de l’alimentation, avec la réalisation de nombreuses réunions au niveau régional, où se faisait la condensation de tout ce qui s'était passé pendant l'année au niveau de l'alimentation.

La Journée mondiale de l'alimentation au niveau national a été une journée de radio, ouverte, où pendant toute lajournée la population présentait des questions sur l'alimentation rationnelle avec des réponses données par des médecins nutritionnistes.

Des restaurants ont aussi collaboré à la Journée mondiale de l'alimentation, en offrant un certain nombre de repas gratuits, préparés avec la collaboration des médecins nutritionnistes.

Je voudrais vous dire que mon pays porte aujourd'hui un grand intérêt á la jeunesse, pour les problèmes de l'alimentation et le manque d'aliments au niveau mondial. Je pense que c'est l'effet des actions que nous avions faites au niveau des professeurs pendant ces deux dernières années. Au niveau des écoles primaires et secondaires, il est aujourd'hui une règle presqu'obligatoire de présenter des travaux préparés par des goupes d'étudiants, suivis d’une discussion avec leurs professeurs.

La Commission portugaise de la FAO a préparé un ensemble de textes dont les étudiants s'inspirent pour leurs travaux.

R. MORENO ROJAS Director, Dirección de Recursos Humanos, Instituciones y Reforma Agraria): En primer término, quisiéramos expresar nuestras palabras de gratitud por los comentarios, asf como por las sugerencias que se han hecho tanto el Director General, la Secretaría, como la Organización, para mejorar aún incluso más de lo que ya se ha logrado, la Organización y realización de las ceremonias y actividades en tomo al Día Mundial de la Alimentación.

Se ha hecho por distintas delegaciones referencia a la importancia que tiene el seleccionar oportunamente un tópico central que sirva como idea movilizadora de las acciones del Día Mundial de la Alimentación. La Secretaría toma nota de los distintos comentarios que aquí se han realizado. Compartimos el criterio señalado por las distintas intervenciones en que esto no sólo unifica el material o la temática, sino que también sirve para crear una conciencia colectiva internacional en torno al tema.

Teniendo en cuenta que el año 1985 coincide con el 40 aniversario de la fundación de la FAO, obviamente la selección de un tema central deberá ser cuidadosamente escogido. Sabemos y hemos seguido con preciso interés, los distintos debates no sólo durante este Consejo, sino que en otros foros, tal como aquí se ha mencionado, Conferencias Regionales, Comisiones Especializadas, en las cuales distintas delegaciones han hecho valiosas sugerencias respecto de cuál debería ser la temática central para el año 1985.

En particular, se ha mencionado el tema de los bosques, la relación entre los recursos naturales, los habitantes, el problema de la pobreza, el problema de la conservación de alimentos, el problema de la mujer, que no obstante haya sido el año 1984 el tema central, obviamente no puede ser dejada de lado dentro de lo que es esa percepción importante de lo que sea la celebración del año próximo.

Por lo tanto, el tema sera comunicado oportunamente. Pero vuelvo a insistir en lo que aquí algunas delegaciones también han hecho referencia: cada país tiene una manera como enfrenta la celebración del día , y gradualmente, a través de los tiempos han ido, no sólo a través de los comités nacionales o puntos específicos de contactos que se han designado al interior de los gobiernos o las organizaciones no gubernamentales, creando una cierta manera de aproximarse al punto.

Por lo tanto, el material si bien es cierto, es preparado con un tema central que sugiere una idea global para su tratamiento, debe dejar también abierta la posibilidad a la flexibilidad y a la peculiaridad que, al igual como se ha mencionado, a nivel nacional, existe en algunas regiones.

Por lo tanto, nuestro primer esfuerzo es que el tema sea seleccíonado dentro de las características que señalan que el año 1985 es un año especial para el Día Mundial de la Alimentación. Por lo tanto, al señalar que es la coincidencia del 40° aniversario, la relación con los recursos naturales, el bosque, la pobreza, el rol de la mujer y otros tópicos que se interrelacionan, serán cubiertos dentro del material a preparar. Lo que no quiere decir que va a ser esto un caleidoscopio, o sea un tema tan global que no permita concentrarse en nada.

Hay indicaciones precisas, y la Secretaría procederá en torno a ellas. Acogemos igualmente con humildad, y procuraremos mejorar nuestra eficiencia para que todo el material, no sólo uno, dos o tres elementos, lleguen oportunamente. Obviamente, la logística cuando se relaciona con 150 o 160 países no siempre trabaja, y obviamente no siempre también es responsabilidad del correo el que las cosas no lleguen. Es parte también responsabilidad nuestra. Acogemos con humildad la cuota que nos corresponde y haremos lo que esté a nuestro alcance para superarnos. Finalmente, acogemos con mucho entusiasmo también, los anuncios que distintos países han hecho de la designación de comités nacionales; en particular el del país hospedante, Italia, quienes han hecho el anuncio a través del distinguido Embajador, de la forma como desean jerarquizar la ceremonia y las distintas actividades que se realizarán con motivo del 40°aniversario. E igualmente, tomamos nota de los interesantes e importantes desarrollos que en distintos países, a través de estos Comités, se vienen realizando.

Creo que hemos establecido, a lo largo de estos cuatro años, una estrecha asociación entre la FAO, el Director General, Representantes de los Gobiemos ante el Consejo y ante la Conferencia. Por lo tanto, en un clima de gran sinceridad y cooperación, podemos no sólo en estos debates sino también a través de una relación directa, recibir vuestras sugerencias, y sobre todo ver cómo podemos reforzar las fiestas, o las celebraciones, o las actividades que estén organizando para el año 1985 los respectivos países.

CHAIRMAN: This brings us to the conclusion of the discussion on Item 10. Mr Moreno has just given you a very wide range of summation which does not make it necessary for me to say very much. It has, however, been a very positive debate, all delegates have expressed their agreement on the importance of World Food Day to their respective countries, have indicated what they have been doing at the national level, have encouraged FAO to continue the good work it has been doing in this regard. As you have heard, all your comments, comments of praise and comments where you drew certain minor deficiencies to the attention of the Council, will be taken into consideration by the Secretariat.


12. First Report on Unscheduled and Cancelled Sessions in the 1984-85 Biennium
12. Premier rapport sur les réunions hors programme et les réunions annulées pendant l'exercice 1984-85
12. Primer informe sobre reuniones no previstas y anuladas en el bienio 1984-85

CHAIRMAN: Mr Shah will introduce this item.

V.J. SHAH (Director, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): This item is before you with document CL 86/13, "First Report on Unscheduled and Cancelled Sessions in the 1984-85 Biennium".

The sessions approved for each biennium form part of the Programme of Work and Budget of the Organization, which is approved by the Conference, and it is approved normally in the form of a list of sessions, which is a document supplementary to the main document with which the delegates are familiar, the Programme of Work and Budget for 1984-85. The item is for the information of the Council, and I hope that the document is clear enough with the explanations which we felt were necessary, but it might assist the Council if, with your permission, I were to give a few additional clarifications.

Firstly, you can well imagine that a list of sessions which is prepared several months before it is approved by the Conference cannot remain intact during the course of a whole biennium. This was recognized by the Conference itself earlier enough, and in fact, it was in 1967 at the Fourteenth Session of the Conference that a Resolution was passed by which the Director-General was authorized to convene unscheduled sessions and to report on them at the next session of the Council. The present practice of reporting has been in effect since 1968. The Council established that information on approved sessions, reasons for convening unscheduled sessions, and reasons for cancelling or postponing approved sessions should be reported to the Council in two reports in each biennium.

As it may be noted by the delegates, this time we report on 22 unscheduled sessions with the reasons for holding them, and we report on 17 sessions which have been cancelled, likewise the reasons for that. It may interest you to recall, first of all, what this represents in terms of the total number of sessions. The total number of sessions approved by the Conference for this biennium is over 300-307, to be precise - so my first point is that the number of unscheduled and cancelled sessions is a rather small part of the total number of sessions which have been scheduled to be held in this biennium.

Secondly, you may wish to note how these numbers compare with earlier years. I should point out here that one should not look for any trend from year to year because after all, the reason for holding an unscheduled session or the reason for cancelling a session is either because of programme justification or because of needs and developments which become evident in the course of the year. Nevertheless, the numbers which we report this time compare with the following for the last two years, if I may give an example.

The number of unscheduled sessions which have been approved for 1984 are 22. In 1983, they were 24; in 1982 there were 13. The number of cancelled sessions this year is 17; in 1983 there were 48; in 1982, there were 16.

The important thing, if I may draw it to the Council's attention, is that the proportion between unscheduled and cancelled sessions is not out of the ordinary. I would not wish to take the time of the Council by repeating the explanations which are contained in the document. Normally, the Council is satisfied only to take, note of this document. If it so wishes to do so this time, we shall be satisfied with the knowledge that we have given the information which we are expected to give, but if there are any questions, I will be glad to answer them to the best of my ability.

CHAIRMAN: I thank you very much, Mr Shah. Distinguished delegates, document CL 86/13 is now before you. As you have heard, normally this document is placed before you for information and for you to note. Is it the view of the Council that we should proceed as is normally the case? We shall so proceed.


17. Other Constitutional and Legal Matters including:
17. Autres questions constitutionnelles et juridiques, notamment:
17. Otros asuntos constitucionales y jurídicos en particular;

17.1 Invitations to Non-Member Nations to attend FAO Sessions
17.1 Invitations à participer à des réunions de la FAO adressées à des Etats non Membres
17.1 Invitaciones a Estados no miembros para asistir a reuniones de la FAO

Le SECRETAIRE GENERAL: Il s'agit là aussi de deux questions qui figurent à l'ordre du jour du Conseil pour information et non pas pour décision, ni même peut-être pour discussion, sauf si vous avez des points à soulever.

Le premier des deux points a trait aux invitations à participer à des reunions de la FAO qui ont été adressées à des Etats non Membres. Vous êtes saisis à ce sujet du document CL 86/INF/8 qui rappelle dans queues conditions des Etats qui ne font pas partie de. l'Organisation peuvent être invités à participer à des réunions de l'Organisation en tant qu’observateurs, et dans queues conditions, en particulier, des invitations peuvent être émises par le Directeur général sans avoir à en référer au Conseil, pour des raisons d'urgence.

Il n'y a eu, vous le noterez, qu'une seule invitation qui entre dans cette catégorie depuis la 84ème session du Conseil. Il s'agit d'une invitation adressée à la République démocratique allemande pour la Consultation spéciale sur l'amélioration de la coordination des mesures zoosanitaires en Europe, qui s'est tenue à Budapest les 28 et 29 juin 1984.

Peut-être souhaiteriez-vous, M. le Président, demander aux membres du Conseil s’ils désirent poser des questions à ce sujet.

CHAIRMAN: Distinguished delegates, as you have heard, document CL 86/INF/8 is before you for information. The Secretary-General has just introduced the document. Does anyone have any questions to ask.of the Secretary-General on this document? No questions? Thank you very much.

17.3 Changes in Representation of Member Nations on the Programme and/or Finance Committees

17.3 Modifications dans la représentation des Etats Membres au Comité du Programme et/ou Comité financier

17.3 Cambios en la representación de los Estados Miembros en el Comité del Programa y/o en el de Finanzas

Le SECRETAIRE GENERAL. Je passe au point 17.3: modifications dans la représentation des Etats Membres au Comité du Programme et au Comité financier. Ces modifications éventuelles font l'objet de l'art. XXVI-4(a) du Règlement général de l’Organisation qui stipule qu’en cas de changement le Conseil est informé des qualités et des compétences du remplaçant.

Il y a deux cas à signaler, l’un au Comité du Programme, le Gouvernement du Pakistan ayant désigné M. Qureshi pour remplacer M. Ahmad au Comité du Programme.

Le document CL 86/INF|9 donne les renseignements sur les qualifications et l'expérience de M. Qureshi. Je tiens à signaler que, dans l'annexe au document où est indiqué le curriculum vitae de M. Qureshi, il a lieu de supprimer les deux premières lignes de la rubrique se rapportant à la participation à des réunions ou activités des Nations Unies et de leurs institutions spécialisées pour 1976 et 1977.

Le second cas a trait au Comité financier et fait l'objet du document CL 86/INF|9-Sup.1. L'ambassadeur de Madagascar a informé le Directeur général au nom de son Gouvernement que M. Rabe, qui est maintenant représentant permanent suppléant de Madagascar auprès de la FAO, a remplacé M. Rajaona comme représentant de Madagascar au Comité financier. En annexe, page 2 du document, vous trouverez un bref curriculum vitae de M. Rabe.

CHAIRMAN: Distinguished delegates, here again there are two documents for information, document CL 86/INF/9 and CL 86/INF/9-Sup.1. Does any delegate have any questions on this item?

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Tal vez conviene, señor Presidente, interrumpir un poco la monotonía de esta tarde, aquí en la Sala Roja; por ello, la delegación de Colombia desea intervenir sobre este tema para manifestar nuestro deseo de que el informe al respecto se haga constar la complacencia del Consejo por las decisiones adoptadas por los Gobiernos de Pakistán y Madagascar en relación con el uso de las atribuciones de esos Gobiernos en cuanto a quienes deban representar en esos dos importantes Comités. Decimos esto, particularmente, porque tenemos el honor de ser amigos personales durante muchos años y, el señor Qureshi, de Pakistán, ahora nos acompaña en el Consejo, y nos causa placer su vinculación al Comité del Programa. También con el amigo de Madagascar, quien hace poco dejó Roma, a quien apreciamos y nos unen vínculos de amistad y simpatía, que nos han inducido a hacer esta breve declaración.

CHAIRMAN: I thank the distinguished Ambassador of Colombia. The Secretariat will take due note of your comments.

17.4 Abolition of the Regional Commission on Farm Management for Asia and the Far East

17.4 Suppression de la Commission régionale sur la gestion des exploitations en Asie et en Extrême-Orient

17.4 Supresión de la Comisión Regional de la FAO sobre Administración Rural para Asia y el Lejano Oriente

A.L. MOLLE (Assistant du Sous-Directeur général et inspecteur hors siège) : Les activités de la Commission régionale sur la gestion des exploitations agricoles en Asie et en Extréme-Orient a déjà retenu l'attention du Conseil à sa 82ème session. En effet, en novembre 1982 le Conseil a examiné la proposition du Directeur général tendant à supprimer la Commission en raison de son faible niveau de performance. Le Conseil a cependant conclu qu'en raison de la proposition essentielle de la gestion des exploitations au développement rural, une décision concernant la suppression de la Commission ne devrait être prise en considération qu’après que la prochaine conférence régionale ait pu examiner cette question dans le cadre d'un examen des commissions opérant dans la région.

Un document passant en revue les commissions régionales de la FAO opérant dans la région a done été présenté à la 17ème Conférence régionale de la FAO pour l’Asie et le Pacifique qui, comme vous le savez, s'est tenue à Islamabad du 24 avril au 3 mai 1984. Il faut noter au passage que le document en question n’a pas procédé à un examen de toutes les commissions régionales de cette région. En effet il a tout d'abord omis la Commission régionale de la sécurité alimentaire qui ayait été créée par une décision précisément du Conseil en sa 82ème session et du fait que la date récente de la création de cette commission ne lui permettait pas d’avoir des performances qui soient en quoi que ce soit comparables aux autres commissions existantes.

De même il existe pour l'Asie et le Pacifique deux commissions régionales des pêches maritimes dont les activités devraient être traitées dans le cadre de la Conférence mondiale sur les pêches en juin et juillet 84. Il apparaît done inopportun de préjuger des conséquences de cette Conférence mondiale et on a écarté de l'examen et de l'établissement des performances des autres commissions régionales ces deux commissions.

De plus il y a lieu de remarquer que les commissions des pêches en général débordent largement, du point de vue de la compétence propre, les conférences régionales correspondantes et s’attachent généralement à deux conférences régionales différentes.

Au total l’examen qui a été fait done au cours de la Conférence régionale a porté sur cinq commissions dont celle relative à la gestion des exploitations agricoles. Le présent Conseil a à sa disposition, en annexe au document CL 86/17, l’extrait du rapport de la 17ème Conférence régionale de la FAO pour l'Asie et le Pacifique qui rend compte de l'examen et des discussions auxquels le bilan de l'oeuvre accompli par certaines commissions a donné lieu.

Il semble à première vue incontestable que la Commission sur la gestion des exploitations agricoles n’a pas fonctionné d'une manière aussi satisfaisante que les autres. Tout en reconnaissant ce point le débat, au cours de la Conférence régionale, a montré qu’il était difficile de dégager un consensus sur la question de la suppression de la Commission. Simultanément le Secrétariat a été chargé de relancer les activités de cette Commission et les Etats Membres ont été instamment priés de s’y intéresser concrètement.

Par ailleurs la Conférence régionale a exprimé le désir qu’il soit rendu compte à sa dix-huitième session de l'ampleur de la participation aux prochaines réunions de la Commission.

Etant donné les recommandations décrites ci-dessus, le Conseil souhaitera peut-être remettre à plus tard toute décision au sujet de la suppression de la Commission régionale sur la gestion des exploitations agricoles sur l'Asie et le Pacifique et laisser la question en suspens jusqu'à ce qu'elle ait fait l’objet d’un nouvel examen à la dix-huitième Conférence régionale de la FAO pour l’Asie et le Pacifique.

E.W. DENNEY (United States of America): The United States agrees with the Secretariat that the Council should defer action on the future of the Farm Management Commission until after the 1986 Asian Regional Conference. Although the United States was strongly opposed to retaining the Commission during the 1984 Regional Conference, in our view the Council might allow for another session in case it proves to be more useful in the future.

As was mentioned in the introduction, the Director-General’s review of the five existing Asian Commissions resulted in an FAO recommendation which was presented at the 1984 Regional Conference in Islamabad that the Farm Management Commission be abolished. Despite the considerable evidence that the Farm Management Commission has not been a useful body in recent years, several Member Countries led by the ASEAN Group, persuasively argued that the Commission should be revitalized. We look forward to the Secretariat's report on this revitalization effort at the 1986 Regional Conference.

While the United States still questions the role of the Farm Management Commission in FAO's overall programme in Asia, we firmly believe that the Asian Region, to which we belong, should be given an opportunity to reassess the Commission's value. Therefore, the United States supports the recommendation that the question of abolishing the Commission be postponed until it has been discusse'd at the 1986 FAO Regional Conference.

DATO’ALNI JANTAN (Malaysia): First of all I should like to thank Mr Molle for his very clear introduction to this Item. On behalf of the delegations of the four Member Nations of the Association of South-East Asia, namely Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia which are members of the Council, I would like to convey our position with regard to this item.

We fully support the proposal as contained in paragraph 5 of document CL 86/17, that is to defer any decision on this matter until it has been further considered by the Eighteenth Regional Conference of Asia and the Pacific. In our part of the world farm management is a very important issue as we are more and more going into modernization and commercialization of farming.

We regard the Farm Management Commission, therefore, as a very useful forum for the exchanges of information and ideas. Indeed, we would request the Secretariat to do the necessary follow-up to the recommendations of the last meeting of the Commission held in Korea, and also to draw up specific programmes of assistance and cooperation in this area for the consideration of the next meeting of the Commission to be held in Sri Lanka. In short, we fully agree with the distinguished representative of the United States that this Commission should be revitalised.

R.C. GUPTA (India): While thanking Mr Molle for his introduction I would also like to express our appreciation for the pragmatic attitude of the United States delegation. It is heartening that there is a feeling that we should not judge the performance of this Commission prematurely. There could be various reasons why this Commission has not been active, why it has not played the useful role which it was expected to play.

We would strongly urge the Organization to strive to activate this Commission because, as our distinguished friend from Malaysia said, the agriculture scenario in our part of the world is fast changing - modernisation of agriculture, more irrigation, high use of inputs, and various questions arise about the substitution of labour by machinery and all those things which need detailed study and analysis, and farm management holds a key to greater productivity, because in our part of the world the land frontiers have more or less been reached and it is necessary to increase per unit area yield rather than bring more areas under agriculture. If we do so we will only be encroaching upon permanent woods, permanent vegetative cover, which would be extremely disastrous.

So this Commission has a very important role to play and we would like the Organization to make efforts to revive its activity. We agree with the recommendations contained in paragraph 5 of this document, namely CL 86/17, that the matter may be further discussed in the 1986 FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific, and the Council may therefore make no decision on this issue for the time being.

A.M. QURESHI (Pakistan): First of all, I would like to thank Mr Molle for his clear presentation of the matter regarding the proposal to revitalise the Regional Commission on Farm Management for Asia and the Far East. If I recall, the matter was discussed at length in the Regional Conference which was recently held in my country in April/May 1984.

Farm management indeed is essential to rural development. Agriculture is the major industry, an industry without a roof in the Asia and the Pacific region which affords sustenance to the majority of the populace, and my delegation more than whole-heartedly endorses the proposal of the distinguished delegate of the United States that the proposal given in paragraph 5 of document CL 86/17 should be supported by this Council, so that we could hear from the Secretariat the efforts that it has undertaken in the meantime to revitalise the activities of the Regional Commission until the Eighteenth Regional Conference to be held in Sri Lanka in 1986.

S.M. MATIUR RAHMAN (Bangladesh): The question of the abolition of this Farm Management Commission for Asia and the Far East and its implication and importance have been discussed and explained by all the distinguished delegates who have spoken before me. Instead of repeating those matters, I agree with all the distinguished delegates and with the recommendation that this Commission should be revitalised instead of thinking of abolition, because once we think of abolition the course of revitalisation takes a second place. So we should first try to revitalise the Commission, because it is very important in our area as explained by our distinguished delegates from India, Pakistan and Malaysia because we have less land and more people, and farm management is very important to get more yield from the limited amount of land.

So, I am in entire agreement that the positive step should be taken to revitalise this Commission, and a report on the steps taken to revitalise this organization should be submitted along with the report to the Eighteenth Session of the Regional Conference.

SUHARYO HUSEN (Indonesia): I wish to thank Mr Molle for the introduction on the item under discussion. First of all my delegation associates itself with the other delegations in supporting the continuation of the Regional Farm Management Commission for Asia and the Ear East and stresses the need to reactivate the work of the Commission, especially to deal with farming systems development. Since the development of agriculture in Asia and the Pacific Region is concentrated on the rural poor with the limit of land as well as other resources, the development of farming systems in the Region is absolutely important in order to help the rural poor to increase their income from the agriculture sector and to improve their living conditions.

Finally, my delegation supports the Malaysian delegation's position on this item.

J. BELGRAVE (New Zealand): First, I would like to thank Mr Molle for his explanation and introduction of the Item. I think it goes without saying that New Zealand attaches considerable importance to the question of farm management, not only in Asia and the Far East but in the world generally.

We agree very much with the previous speakers on this Item that adequate farm management practices, particularly as emphasized by the delegate from Malaysia, are an essential prerequisite for any long-term successful agricultural development programme, particularly, as has been said, in the region for which the Commission is responsible.

I think it should be said that New Zealand was disappointed that when the Commission met last, I think it was in Seoul in 1983, attendance was not all that satisfactory. I think something like a third of Member Nations were able to attend. I think if that were taken in isolation one would arrive at the conclusion that the activities of the Commission, certainly at that time, might have been of less importance than before to members in the region.

My delegation notes, however, that at the Seventeenth FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific held in Islamabad, it was decided to leave over the question of the Commission's fate until the extent of participation at its next meeting can be determined. As has been said by previous speakers, we are confident that a clear indication of the ongoing need for the Commission will emerge from its next session, and I am sure will reflect the support expressed by a number of delegations, both at the Regional Conference in Islamabad and just now in our debate on the Item.

We therefore agree, as is recommended in the paper, that the Council defer a decision on the matter until after the 1986 Regional Conference and we hope that the expressions of support can be reflected in the run-up by the Secretariat to the Commission's next meeting so that it is well attended and can be set on a positive course for further development.

A.L. MOLLE (Assistant du Sous-Directeur général et inspecteur hors siège): Je pense pouvoir dire que les opinions qui ont été exprimées ici par les Membres du Conseil sont pratiquement unanimes à reconnaître qu'il serait sage d'attendre une nouvelle épreuve de cette Commission qui serait ainsi capable de montrer qu'elle a une raison d'etre importante dans la région. Je note done cette recommandation du Conseil, cette orientation déterminée et j'en ferai part, bien sûr, aux Membres du Secrétariat qui sont responsables du fonctionnement de cette Commission, en particulier, du fait que certaines des interventions ont indiqué les voies dans lesquelles le Conseil souhaiterait avoir un rapport après la prochaine conférence sur les activités et sur les efforts déployés par le Secrétariat pour encourager une performance meilleure et une tendance supérieure à cette Commission.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Mr Molle. That concludes the discussion under Item 17.4. As you heard, the consensus is that recommendation 5 be accepted and this is the decision of the Council. This brings us to the end of our work for this evening.

The meeting rose at 16.50 hours
La séance est levee à 16 h 50
Se levanta la sesión a las 16.50 horas

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