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5. Director-General's Review of the Programmes, Structures and Policies of the Organization (CL 106/2; CL 106/2-Sup.l; CL 106/6) (conclusion);
5. Examen par le Directeur général des programmes, structures et politiques de l'Organisation (CL 106/2; CL 106/2-Sup.l; CL 106/6) (conclusion)
5. Examen realizado por el Director General de los programas, estructuras v políticas de la Organización (CL 106/2; CL 106/2-Sup.l; CL 106/6) (conclusión)

Ms G. PELA (Observer for the International Federation of Agricultural Producers): The International Federation of Agricultural Producers was informed about the Director-General's Review of the Programmes, Structures and Policies of FAO during the meeting of the Director-General himself with the INGO Representatives residing in Rome; information was also received through the statement delivered on behalf of the Director-General to the IFAP World Farmers' Congress, in Istanbul, early in May.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the DG for both these initiatives which were greatly appreciated by IFAP and its membership, which is made up of 80 national level farmers' organizations all over the world.

IFAP fully supports the special focus on food security, especially in low-income food-deficit countries, and on plant pests and animal diseases, as well as on the implementation of Agenda 21 and assessment of the implications of the Uruguay Round agreements. All these are also major concerns of the world farming community represented in IFAP.

We noted with interest the Director-General's concern to maximize the impact of FAO's action through broader partnership with important actors of development, both in the non-governmental and private sectors.

IFAP is convinced that in agricultural and rural development, farmers and farmers' organizations, along with other rural people's organizations, including cooperatives, are the major partners. They would deserve greater visibility in FAO policy and structure. An appropriate mechanism for regular consultation should be envisaged at international, as well as at other appropriate levels.

The IFAP General Conference last May affirmed the importance of an explicit emphasis on farmers' organizations within the new structure of FAO. "People's Participation" should not be structurally confined to any one specific division - such as the Women in Development and People's Participation Division - as is currently proposed. It is emblematic the fact that in both document CL 106/4, paragraphs 1.25, and document CL 106/6, paragraph 19 of Appendix A, reference is made to the new division exclusively with regard to women in development; the other priority topic "People's participation" is omitted!!

In our view people's participation and organizations should be appropriately placed to cover a wide range of activities with a clear mandate to work for small farmers and farmers' organizations, and facilitate interdepartmental coordination and monitoring of implementation of the Programme of Action for People's Participation. Adequate mechanisms for facilitating dialogue with producer organizations on policy issues would also be necessary at international, as well as at other levels, as required. Effective farmers' organizations will facilitate the delivery of services to farmers in a cost-effective way.

A clear signal should be sent to all FAO staff and particularly to Country Representatives for more systematic consultation and cooperation with national farmers' organizations. The participation of farmers, especially through their representative organizations, and their institutional strengthening should be a built in component in field projects.

IFAP appreciates the effort made to deal with cross-sectorial issues under the new Department on Sustainable Development. IFAP fully shares the views expressed in document CL 106/2, paragraph 73, that FAO interventions cannot achieve impact in terms of sustainable solutions to food security on a large scale, unless a conscious effort is made, inter alia, to ensure the full participation of the farmers... We also noted with appreciation the emphasis put on cooperation with farmers and farmers' organizations throughout the section on "Technologies", paragraphs 78 to 80, where such cooperation is envisaged from the identification of projects for raising production of major staple food crops, to generation and application of appropriate technologies. The strengthening of producer organizations and services to farmers is also mentioned in paragraph 80.

Indeed, these provisions respond to the main trust of the IFAP Development Programme, and open greater scope for cooperation between FAO and IFAP, especially at national and local levels.

Structural adjustment and liberalization programmes, democratization processes in many countries, and the further decentralization of development efforts have all contributed to create greater awareness of, and a more favourable environment for the strengthening of farmers' organizations. At present, an increasing number of IGOs, donor agencies, and promotional NGOs are taking an interest in the strengthening of farmers' organizations.

Adequate mechanisms for facilitating dialogue with producer organizations on policy issues would also be necessary at international, as well as at other levels, as required.

While only farmers can strengthen their organizations; external assistance is however needed in many cases.

IFAP has recently launched a worldwide action for the strengthening of farmers' organizations to coordinate efforts within the farm movement, donors and promotional NGOs. In this important initiative, we are looking forward to partnership with FAO, within the context of its Plan of Action for People's Participation.

IFAP wishes full success to the DG in his action, and renews its support to FAO for the achievement of our common goals: to meet the nutritional requirements of the people of the world, improve the economic and social status of rural people and promote sustainable agricultural development.

Ms Francesca RONCHI-PROJA (Observer for the International Federation for Home Economics): Chairman, I will be brief. However, I want to point out that I am speaking as a representative of the International Federation for Home Economics and also as a coordinator of the ad hoc group of the INGO representatives residing in Rome, a group of 25 INGOs. You can, therefore, easily estimate how much of your time we are saving.

I have been asked by my colleagues, members of the group, to express to the Council our interest in and appreciation for the proposals submitted to the Council and illustrated by the Director-General in his introductory statement.

We support the priorities selected for FAO activities, in particular the emphasis on food security, nutrition and the protection of the environment and natural resources. We note the greater visibility given to the restructuring of the issues on women in development and people's participation. These are issues of constant and common interest to the INGO members of the group. We had the opportunity to discuss briefly recently with the Director-General his proposals in a meeting organized on the initiative of the Director-General himself, a unique initiative and the first meeting of this type, for which we were very appreciative.

I wish to recall here the interest expressed by FAO Member Governments on the expanded partnership with NGOs expressed at the last session of the FAO Conference in November 1993 and included in the Report of the Conference.

The INGO group looks forward to continuing the dialogue started, as was the desire of the Director-General at the conclusion of the meeting with him. We are ready as a group and in our individual capacities and competence to

provide support and cooperation for the implementation of the programme of the Organization as approved by the Council.

Abou THIAM (Observer for the International Organization of Consumers' Unions): The International Organization of Consumers Unions would like to thank the Chairman for this opportunity to express our views to the Council. We are appreciative of the clear commitment to a spirit of openness and collaboration with NGOs expressed not only in the Director-General's Review of the Programmes Structures and Policies of the Organization, but also in his recent actions in organizing a meeting with NGOs in Rome.

The International Organization of Consumers' Unions (IOCU), is here also representing the views of the Consumer Policy Institute (CPI) and the groups which constitute the Pesticide Action Network (PAN) . We would like to express our strong support for the general principles of the proposed reorganization, of the importance of food security at a household, local, national and regional level, and the commitment to decentralization which may provide opportunities for closer collaboration between many NGOs and FAO. We share the concern that excellence be committed to serving the poor and the ends of social justice, rooted in the principles of equity and participatory democracy.

While mindful that further details of these proposals remain to be developed, we would like to raise a number of issues that are of concern to IOCU and the NGOs whose views are represented here.

Throughout the UNCED process many NGOs have expressed their support for the work of FAO, and in particular the sustainable agriculture and rural development (SARD) initiatives, arising from the Den Bosch Declaration, which subsequently formed the basis of Chapter 14 of Agenda 21. SARD was endorsed by the 1991 Conference, with the decision to develop the approach throughout all FAO departments. While the Director-General has emphasized the commitment to ensuring that the proposed new Department of Sustainable Development should not compartmentalize these funtions, we would nevertheless echo the concerns expressed by many of the delegates that this is a possibility, and would welcome an institutionalization of the cross-cutting approach which was adopted for SARD.

The work undertaken by FAO in developing special action programmes (SAPs) to operationalize SARD provided a clear structure to which those NGOs working on these issues could contribute. Particularly important were the SAPs which focused on integrated pest management, integrated plant nutrition systems, sustainable management of natural resources. We would welcome further elaboration of how these SAPs relate to the new priorities for food security and the Department of Sustainable Development. In the new spirit of optimism, we hope that governments will now commit funds for the SAPs.

We particularly emphasize our support for the concerns raised by many delegations here, including the Latin American regional group, the European Union member States, the UK, Germany, Italy and others, that food security should not be seen as an issue only of production. Without at least equal consideration on the problems of access and distribution of food and of increasing rural incomes, the problems of poverty and social inequity will be perpetuated.

While IOCU cannot speak on behalf of all NGOs, we work with many on the issue of sustainable agriculture and rural development. NGOs in all continents have held or planned workshops to help prioritize the principles

and practices of a more sustainable approach to agricultural production: whether this is base on principles of low external input, sustainable agriculture, integrated pest management, organic production or agro-ecology. We also echo the statements of many delegations, including the Africa group, of the need to document and promote successful traditional technologies.

There is widespread recognition of the mistakes of the green revolution, high input, capital-intensive agriculture, which prioritizes investment in the high potential areas at the expense of people living in marginal zones. We appreciate the clear distinction made by Mr Diouf in assuring delegates that the proposals to promote production, and of a new green revolution, will fully acknowledge the past mistakes, and will avoid overdependence on off-farm inputs and policies which promote social inequity rather than participatory development. It may be helpful that the important work developed within FAO and the UNCED process should retain the name of sustainable agriculture and rural development rather than returning to the terminology of the green revolution. We share the concern that agricultural strategies based on high inputs for high yields reinforce, aggravate and create inequality and social injustice, contributing to landlessness and exacerbating poverty.

The green revolution taught us that there is a complex relationship between food production and food security. The aim of a sound agricultural policy is to develop a strong farming sector, which serves the needs of farmers and rural communities, as well as producing a surplus to export and to feed populations living in the city. But rural communities suffer great poverty, and policies which enhance household food security and rural development are essential to contribute to development. The issues of distribution of and access to food, and its production in a manner which enhances household food security, must be prioritized. A strong and growing rural population can contribute to enriching the soil and increasing local food security.

While NGOs are diverse and have no central decision-making body, there has been considerable coordination under the umbrella of UNCED and beyond. In the interests of the closer collaboration many NGOs hope to develop with FAO in the important tasks ahead, we would like to share our concern with the increasing tendency to link public interest NGOs and the private sector. The proposed Unit for Cooperation with Private Sector and NGOs could lead to a great deal of misunderstanding, and may not have the desired effect of further enhancing cooperation between FAO and NGOs. While we appreciate that this is an important means of harnessing resources, a relatively small number of NGOs are in a position to provide grant assistance for sustainable agricultural development. Many other NGOs offer a resource and provide a bridge in other ways: from farmers and rural people's organizations, to campaign and policy advocacy groups, to research and information organizations. There is a strong and clear distinction between these NGOs, who operate either as membership or public interest organizations, and the private sector. It is important for FAO to work with both, but it is vital that a distinction is drawn between the two types of organizations, not only to ensure the trust of NGOs, but also to ensure clarity at a national level where the issues, interests, values, constituents of the private sector and NGOs is entirely different. We would ask that in working out further the structure for collaboration, the FAO seek full discussions with a range of NGOs to develop the most appropriate structures.

The goal of food security will need to be assessed against the pressures created by completion of the GATT Uruguay Round and and the creation of the World Trade Organization. There can be no automatic assumption that sustainable development will be promoted through trade. The liberalization

of markets will provide opportunities to export crops to wealthy markets, and will begin to remove unfair competition from subsidized products. However, there will also be losers under GATT. The agrochemical industry-sees liberalization of markets as an opportunity to increase its sales in the South; vulnerable agricultural industries in poor countries need protection from foreign imports to develop their strength; farmers in many areas will face cheap food imports which depress local production and undermine long-term food security. The result may be more food insecurity.

Finally, while noting the importance of systems for preventing transboundary animal and plant pests and disease, we would welcome further elaboration of the reasons for the very high priority given to this issue. Our work on the health and environmental impact of pesticides leads us to have a particular concern with proposals in paragraph 115 (a) to establish pesticide and equipment banks to provide pesticides and equipment. Past experience has demonstrated that for many African countries, the huge problems they experience from obsolete stocks of pesticides stem directly from such an approach to emergency supplies. We believe that understanding of more integrated and sustainable approaches to pest control are well advanced and should be supported.

Lino VISANI (Observateur de l'Alliance coopérative internationale): Monsieur le Président, je suis très heureux de pouvoir exprimer, au nom de l'ACI qui représente plus de 700 millions des membres individuels, notre satisfaction sur l'orientation générale contenue dans les documents présentés et notamment sur les trois points que le Directeur général a mis à la base des changements concernant l'action future de la FAO.

Dans un cadre d'évaluation positive, je voudrais toutefois ajouter quelques observations sur les propositions concernant les nouveaux départements .•

Dans le Département de la coopération technique, les rapports avec les ONG sont associés à ceux du secteur privé comme un problème de mobilisation des ressources externes et internes. Cette vision n'est pas du tout participative. En plus, les ONG ne sont pas des privés quelconques; le but des ONG vise toujours à la solidarité en fonction de l'intérêt général.

Toujours selon les documents C 106/4 et C 106/6, il résulte que, dans le nouveau Département du développement durable, la seule forme de participation populaire est l'intégration des femmes dans le développement. Mais il faut savoir que la participation populaire est une chose et que l'intégration des femmes dans le développement est une autre chose, comme la Conférence de la FAO l'a établi avec l'approbation du plan d'action sur la participation populaire dans le développement. La participation populaire, c'est la promotion d'organisations paysannes comme les coopératives et les syndicats dans la pluralité des formes, démocratiques et autonomes; c'est aussi le développement du dialogue avec les gouvernements; c'est la décentralisation du pouvoir public afin de rendre possible un développement équitable et durable. L'intégration des femmes demande ce développement participatif. Sans cela, l'intégration des femmes et la participation populaire restent de bonnes déclarations de principe. Nous demandons donc de donner à ces compositions des solutions opérationnelles qui correspondent davantage aux nécessités de changement.

L'Alliance coopérative internationale a fait ces propositions dans l'esprit positif de l'action de la FAO et pour donner sa contribution à une collaboration plus étroite avec la FAO.

Mme Lydie ROSSINI VAN HISSENHOVEN (Observatrice du Conseil international des femmes): C'est au nom du Conseil international des femmes que je désire remercier le Directeur général de la FAO de nous avoir invité à participer en tant qu'observateur à la cent sixième session du Conseil et féliciter le Secrétariat pour la clarté des documents.

Dans le document CL 106/2, nous avons pris connaissance avec un grand intérêt des changements proposés, soit la création d'un Département du développement durable qui assurerait la focalisation sur le suivi de la CNUED, que nous appuyons, et de la nouvelle division témoignant de la priorité accordée au rôle des femmes et à la participation populaire au développement, tel qu'indiqué à la page 4, ainsi que du Service de l'intégration des femmes dans le développement, tel qu'indiqué dans l'annexe 5. Cette nouvelle structure constituerait aussi un instrument important de coordination des activités concernant la préparation de la Conférence de Beijing de l'an prochain, tel qu'indiqué à la page 5 de la version anglaise du document CL 106/4, à laquelle nous offrons notre étroite collaboration, l'un de nos objectifs étant l'élimination de la pauvreté et de la malnutrition.

La FAO insiste sur le rôle des femmes dans le développement et sur leur représentation au sein de l'Organisation. Les mêmes principes sont énoncés au paragraphe 39 b), à la page 15 du document CL 106/2.

A cet effet, nous tenons à remercier les ministres et les représentants qui ont insisté sur le rôle important que jouent les femmes, sur la nécessité de rendre efficaces les projets qui leur sont destinés et sur la coopération toujours plus étroite qu'il faut avoir avec les ONG.

Le chapitre relatif au renforcement des capacités nous tient à coeur et nous sommes disposés à mettre en commun l'expérience pratique et le succès obtenu par le passé en ce qui concerne les ateliers de formation, l'échange de visites et les voyages d'études, etc., comme cela figure au paragraphe 87 du document.

C'est en Afrique même qu'il y a plus de vingt ans, le CIF a déployé ses forces et son énergie dans la mise en oeuvre de séminaires nationaux et internationaux organisés en faveur des femmes des zones rurales des pays en développement afin de les aider à réaliser des initiatives locales destinées à sensibiliser les femmes de la base. Ces séminaires furent suivis par des ateliers de formation régionaux et subrégionaux débouchant sur des plans d'action et des projets favorables à des échanges d'expériences ou de recherche de solutions dans des milieux comparables.

Pour terminer, nous apprécions à juste titre la teneur du paragraphe 131 du document relatif à l'élargissement des partenaires et nous désirons assurer le Directeur général de la pleine collaboration de notre Organisation, vieille de plus d'un siècle mais toujours jeune par son dynamisme et son esprit d'avant-garde.

Ms Elena LODI-FE (Observer for the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts): The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, an educational movement based on spiritual values, of nearly 9 million girls and young women in 12 8 countries, has been collaborating with FAO for many years.

It strengthened this active participation during the months which preceded the ICN, during the Conference, it is follow-up, and the implementation of the Plan of Action. On that occasion, FAO and WAGGGS published a joint booklet, "Food and Nutrition - A Choice for Life".

FAO's participation at WAGGGS World Conference, in Denmark - summer 1993 -has certainly led to stronger country-level plans in nutritional development projects, such as the projects carried out by the Girl Guides and Girl Scouts of Thailand, Yemen, Gambia, Argentina, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Lybia, Jordan, Guyana, Mauritius Islands, and Tanzania.

I am sure that WAGGGS and other youth movements would be eager to follow any idea elaborated by FAO in its battle for household nutritional security and household food production, They would be eager to help to solve micronutrient deficiency problems and spread knowledge about vitamins and mineral rich foods, and other nutritional values. May I dare suggest that FAO should elaborate a plan of action in this field with a particular eye to the young, their interests, their dreams and their enthusiasm; and maybe promote joint activities linked to the World Food Day, or to some other occasion, which could lead to awards to an oustanding group of young people, who have strived and accomplished a project which has led to practical results, even if limited in number and area.

We, from WAGGGS, would be happy, I am sure, to consider this way of collaboration, which would be nothing more than a way to strengthen our ongoing programmes and a further step towards peace in the world.

Giuseppe VASTA (Observateur de l'Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques): Monsieur le Président, je vous remercie de bien vouloir m'accorder la parole.

Je suis vraiment heureux et je me sens très honoré de participer à cette séance du Conseil que quelqu'un a justement qualifié d'historique.

Je désire féliciter son Excellence, le Directeur général Monsieur Diouf, et lui souhaiter un bon travail et des satisfactions qu'il mérite bien en raison de son dévouement, de sa compétence, de sa préparation professionnelle, et de l'amour avec lequel il organise et suit les travaux pour le bien-être du monde entier, pour combattre la pauvreté, la malnutrition, la faim et la mort.

Le document qui contient l'examen par le Directeur général des Programmes, Structures et Politiques de l'Organisation est très complet, et le magnifique discours prononcé par le Directeur général mérite toute notre considération et notre gratitude.

Je ne m'attarderai pas à faire des analyses mais je désire confirmer que l'OCDE, que j'ai l'honneur de représenter ici, ne manquera pas de collaborer avec la FAO, comme elle l'a fait par le passé.

A ce propos, je me permets d'insister sur la nécessité de tenir compte, dans le contexte de la sécurité alimentaire, de l'importance d'une nutrition complète, non seulement du point de vue quantitatif, mais aussi et surtout du point de vue qualitatif.

Sur ce point, je confirme l'intérêt que nous avons démontré à la Conférence internationale sur la nutrition organisée et tenue à la FAO avec la collaboration de l'OMS.

En ce qui concerne le vaste champ de la génétique, il faut consacrer à ce secteur tout l'intérêt, l'intelligence et les études nécessaires pour que cette branche puisse donner les résultats les plus compétitifs tant sur le plan scientifique que sur le plan éthique.

Je m'arrête ici, Monsieur le Président, en renouvelant de tout coeur mes voeux les plus sincères au Directeur général et à ses collaborateurs.

En ce qui concerne la Journée mondiale sans tabac, je désire souhaiter à toutes les femmes et à tous les hommes d'employer à ce sujet toute leur intelligence et leur amour pour leur santé et leur vie.

EL PRESIDENTE: Hemos terminado la lista de oradores referente al tema 5. Les pregunto a ustedes, señores delegados, si antes de ofrecer la palabra al Director General desean hacer alguna observación adicional. Si no es así, tengo el honor de ofrecer la palabra al Director General.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: Mr Chairman, Honourable Ministers and Delegates, friends from different intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, I wish to take this opportunity to try to answer and give clarification on some of the points that have been raised during the discussion of the Review of the Programmes, Structures and Policies of the Organization. Before so doing, I wish to say that I was very pleased that Mrs Bertini, Executive Director of the World Food Programme, attended the opening ceremony. This is an indication of the excellent relations we have with this organization. I also do appreciate the support and advice we received from the chairmen of the Programme and Finance Committees.

I wish also to say how appreciative I am of the comments that were made here during the discussion. In addition to the general support, which is very encouraging to me for the future action to be undertaken, I consider that the comments that have been made here, have been positive. They have been positive because they have given the opportunity to throw some more light on certain aspects of my proposals. They have also raised some concerns that we will take into consideration in the process of implementing the programme and, also, they have raised some questions that we have not had time to give thought to but we will, during the process, try to deepen the analysis of those aspects with a view to arriving at a more appropriate solution.

I wish first to raise one important issue, which is that FAO is part of a UN system. FAO cannot handle all the problems alone. FAO has to play its part and FAO has to do it in areas where it has a comparative advantage.

Secondly, in making my proposals, I had to take into consideration the fact that the resources of FAO are limited. External assistance to agricultue represents around $10 billion a year; FAO's budget is US$673 million for a biennium. One has therefore also to have some humility in relation to what can be done and also to see what the magnitude of the problems is. We also have to take into consideration the fact that in making my proposals I had to work within the framework of a zero-sum game. There was no possibility of initiating new action, of strengthening activities without taking resources from somewhere else. Therefore it should be understood that the exercise of prioritization, the exercise of focusing, requires that we drop certain things, that we reduce certain activities. We cannot want something and its opposite. This is a basic principle of Descartes, as the French would appreciate. Therefore one should look at the proposals in that framework. My proposals affect less than 4.5 percent of allocated resources. This is the reason why in indicating how I will use that 4.5 percent of the budget, I did not find it rational to raise all aspects of the two new priority areas of food security and prevention against international pest and diseases. Naturally, coming from a Central Bank and also with the background of a government official, I know all the dimensions of the problem of food security. I naturally believe that it has

to be considered within a framework of overall economic growth; I know that it is related to issues of incentives in macro policies; that it is related to issues of fiscal and trade policies, but how can I, in 4.5 percent of the proposed budget deal with all those problems? It would not be realistic and I will try while I am here as Director-General to present you proposals that are realistic.

Let me now address some of the issues that were raised. First, food security. Why do we keep repeating the fact that there are 800 million people who do not have adequate access to food? Why do I insist on the fact that there are 192 million children below the age of five who have deficiency in protein and calories? Because I think this is the very essence of the work of FAO. It is not politics; it is not rhetoric; FAO was created with a view to liberating humanity from want. Our motto is "Fiat Panis " . If, in undertaking our activity, we do not think of the people we are supposed to serve, if we do not have in mind the need to satisfy the requirements of those people, then what is the ethical basis of our action? I therefore think that it was right to raise those facts and I will continue to raise them over the next six years since this is the essence of the action we are undertaking.

Now the issue of focusing on food production which was raised again and again. Let me be very clear about it: as I have already said, FAO is one organization among others and each of these organizations will have to play its part in food security; short-term activities are to be undertaken in relation to the action of the World Food Programme; investment activities will have to be undertaken with UNDP, the different banks and, naturally, IFAD. Each of us will have to play its role and FAO has to act where it has a comparative advantage. It is in technology knowledge and transfer that we have expertise. We know the concept of food security and its composite elements. We have been speaking about it for the last ten years. In fact a special programme for Africa was adopted in 1984. Did it change the situation? During that period production per capita in Africa went down by 5 percent. We therefore have to try something else and, in all humility, I say let us start with a specific area where we can have an impact. Again, it is not a lack of understanding of the global conceptual framework of food security but we are talking about action, we are talking about pilot projects. We are also talking about the way of assisting our member countries on how to deal with these issues. If we have proposed to create a division that would deal with policy advice to Member Governments it is to be able, in consultation with those governments who have in the end the responsibility for deciding on plans, priorities and programmes of their country, it is to be able to advise them on the policies that would create the proper framework under which there would be an incentive for increased production and productivity. So those elements would be complementary.

The issue of world markets was also raised. Here we have a division which deals with commodities, which analyses their markets, the influences of policies adopted by different countries, the impact of barriers and different trade policies. But, again, I would not address all those issues in a document which focuses on the priority related to 4.5 percent of the budget. These matters are taken care of in other parts of the programme of work and in other components of the structure of this institution.

EMPRES was generally supported. There were just two issues raised. One was that we should address other diseases. Yes, I would like to address everything but what can I address within an initial programme which is of the amount that I indicated. I have to start somewhere. You do not run before you start to walk. I walk first and then, in the process, I gain speed and with the resources you will provide, I can go much faster.

The second issue raised was related to pesticides' use. Yes, we are very-conscious of the fact that one has to be very careful with the use of pesticides but then again one has to be balanced in judgement. When there are millions of locusts over a country eating its crops, there is no other way than to use pesticides to deal with them and this is why we do not want to wait until we reach that stage, knowing that the use of pesticides would have consequences on the environment and this is why we are taking preventive action.

A number of questions were raised regarding restructuring. Firstly, the issue of normative versus operational functions; here again I had to balance the concerns of the different Member Nations. Some countries are more interested in operational activities. They want FAO to be in the field to help them in solving their problems of agricultural development.

Other countries have solved those problems. They are more interested in the global normative functions of the institution. I am here to serve the 170 members of the Organization. Therefore I have to take into consideration both views, and I have tried to do it in a balanced way so as to be able to service the different membership of the institution.

A technical question was raised: should normative staff be involved in backstopping activities of the Technical Cooperation Department? - yes. In fact we have provided different ways of interaction. First, we have indicated that the methodologies to be used by the Technical Cooperation Department in project preparation and policy advice, would be developed in the normative departments. In addition to that, once a project is prepared in the field, it would have to go back to the normative department for scientific clearance before it is finalized. This will ensure that the Technical Cooperation Department is not judge and jury. Second, there should be an opportunity for the normative departments to be aware of what is happening in the field, to collect data and information and be in contact with realities. We have thought about that. Again we did not enter into those details because, as I explained, we will undertake the restructuring and organizational planning in four phases. We are only at the first phase of the exercise, which is the easiest and consists of putting boxes together in the most effective way. But to determine what would be the optimum mix of staff and expertise within each of these divisions, services, regional offices and so on, will be part of the second phase. It is an exercise which will take time.

When we get those staff, we will have to define what their relationships are within the units, and divisions and between units and divisions? All functional relationships will also need some more thought, analysis, and we will undertake it. This is the third phase. However, we are dealing with human beings, with staff who have families, who are located in certain places. They have their associations and professional organizations. We have to involve them in the last phase of the exercise. All these will take time, will need consultation to arrive at a decision, and again we could not present all these things in the document before you.

Now the Department of Sustainable Development: I think the issue is very simple. Again it is a basic principle of logic. I cannot at the same time want a structure that is completely integrated and a structure that also deals individually with each of the different aspects of sustainable development; it is not possible. It therefore has to be complementary. The issues would be dealt with vertically by each of the different departments. The issue of sustainable development of forestry would be dealt with by the Forestry Department; the issue of sustainable development of fisheries would be dealt with by the Fisheries Department; the issue of sustainable development of agriculture would be dealt with by the Agriculture

Department, and so on, but someone has to integrate and coordinate the work.

When we attend the meetings of the CSD, I cannot send all four Heads of Departments. Someone also, at some time, has to ensure that the principles the methodologies, the policies regarding sustainable development are the same within the Organization. Who will design them? Shall we ask each department to do it? This is why we have proposed to create the Department of Sustainable Development. Within the department, we made sure that each of the different divisions had a trans-departmental nature; none is vertical - Technology with the three aspects of research, extension and education, women in development and people's participation.

By the way, if I did not specifically address the issue of people's participation, it is because this matter has been taken care of already. There was nothing that I was adding, so I did not feel the need to address it again, but this was not due to a lack of interest or that no importance was given to it. I strongly believe that agricultural development, like any development, is an issue of human beings. If people are not participating in irrigation schemes, in production programmes or whatever, and do not have the capacity to decide (because they are not empowered to do so) nothing will happen.

The third element is covered by the Division of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform. This again is a cross-sectoral division which cuts across fisheries, forestry, agriculture and so on, and that is why we put it in the Department of Sustainable Development. Naturally we will try to make sure that some of the concerns raised are duly taken into consideration in the work of the department which in particular will help FAO in its role of Task Manager. It will be the focal point for our relationship with the CSD and the implementation of Agenda 21.

On the question of new structure, one delegate made some calculations arriving at the conclusion that there would be four units more. I think this is due to the fact that we changed the names of some focal points into units and so on. In fact, there has been a creation of one new department, which is the Department of Sustainable Development. We have nine divisions more and nine divisions less. That is the new structure. So there is a regrouping and no addition.

With regard to the question of the review of AF and GI Departments, again I would like to have been able to do everything in the period of two months but I had to make choices, particularly after having assessed the situation and realizing that we have not only problems of administrative and financial rules that have to be reviewed, streamlined and made more efficient, but that our two management systems, FINSYS and PERSYS, are not operational. I have put together two teams that are already working on those two issues of procedures and rules and of management systems, but it will take time and I do not make any commitment that I will be able to give you a response at the next Council meeting. In fact, it took five years to design the existing system. So, I will take the time necessary to do the work properly and come to you with proposals that are sound.

Now the issue of decentralization: There have been several requests for additional subregional offices, which I understand, but again we have to go step-by-step. We are proposing to start with one subregional office in each region. We will experiment with that, we will learn in the process. If we make mistakes, we will correct them to arrive at the most appropriate structure in the subregional offices. If we are then convinced and if we have more resources (because I will not be able to draw from the other parts of the Organization) then we will open new offices, but I think that

by that time our case will be so convincing that we will be able to get the additional resources to do the work.

The concept of subregional offices is very specific. These are small units of experts - multidisciplinary but specialized teams - to deal with the specific problems of the subregions. They will have nothing to do with our national programme in the country except for the provision of specialized technical support to ongoing projects. The only thing that we said was that in order to avoid another layer of bureaucracy and additional costs, after having selected a location, we will make sure that the FAOR in that location is the head of the subregional team. Naturally, in Eastern Europe, where we do not have a regional office or a national office, we will have to appoint a head in that particular case.

On the issue of joint divisions with Regional Economic Commissions, let us consider the facts. Firstly, we said that we were cooperating with the Economic Commissions. We want to continue this fruitful cooperation with these commissions, but not necessarily in the form of a joint division. Why? Because today FAO is the only organization within the UN which has joint divisions with Economic Commissions. None of the others have ever had them except for UNIDO, which had an arrangement of that nature, but which has, for financial reasons, withdrawn its staff from the Economic Commissions, and today there is not a single UNIDO division in an Economic Commission. I am paid to defend the interest of FAO first and my responsibility is to ensure that I implement the programme of FAO first. When the resources of FAO are put at the disposal of an institution, however friendly, and I am asked to make an exercise in a zero-sum game framework, then I first look at my programmes and my priorities. This is what I did in this particular case.

In fact, one should also add that FAO does not have a joint division in all regions. So why should it be a rule, particularly at a time when we have received a letter from the Secretary-General of the UN asking us to review the whole issue of cooperation with each of the Economic Commissions in order to arrive at the most appropriate mechanisms of cooperation? So my commitment is to continue the cooperation and to make it as effective as possible, yet I would give priority to the programmes of FAO and to the structure of FAO.

Now decentralization of normative functions, which eventually could break up the centre of excellence concept? No, on the contrary, I believe that different normative departments should have the opportunity, the choice to decentralize. Nobody would oblige them to do so. For example, I have in mind the issue of servicing a regional agreement that has been developed by the normative function following international consultations. Why shouldn't we decentralize the staff member who would service this agreement if this is the place where he would most effectively carry out his functions. So this is not something which is set right from the beginning, it is an opening for the most effective use of staff in the normative functions.

Delegation of authority - yes, within limits of control and within limits of things that the Director-General is confident with, because he is in the end responsible to you in the use of the resources of the Organization. How we will do it is a matter that we will have to analyse bearing in mind, in particular, that this should be in parallel with the overall exercise of looking at the financial rules, regulations and procedures and the streamlining of those procedures, not to mention the software systems that would be necessary to manage the financial resources at Headquarters and in the field. If I do not have the instrument which would allow me to exercise control, I would not decentralize and I would not delegate. When I have the instrument, I am prepared to do it and I will be working towards that

situation where I will be able to do it in a way that I would feel comfortable with.

Cost efficiency is the overall objective of the exercise. We did not want to take the risk of providing the figures at our disposal, because everybody would tell me, after some time, "but you said that". I can however, say that the preliminary figures available show that the costs would be much lower in the field than at Headquarters.

With regard to national professional officers and national staff, I think this is a logical and simple matter. Between 31 December 1993 and 1 January 1994 I moved from the position of national expert to the Director-General of FAO, so what is wrong with using national expertise? And that is not to mention that most of the officers here were one day national experts anyway, so I think we should be open to those ideas.

I believe that the question of partnerships is really a very important area. We have started as much as possible to try to improve relations with our partners. We have excellent relations with the World Food Programme with whom we are increasing our programme of cooperation. We have started holding regular meetings to review our activities and arrive at a joint exercise.

We are now having contacts with the different financial institutions - the World Bank and UNDP at international level; the Inter-American Bank, the European Bank for Development and Reconstruction, the Asian Development Bank, the African Development Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank at regional level; and at subregional level with the Caribbean Development Bank, the Central American Bank of Economic Integration and the West African Development Bank. We are now having contacts with all of them. I forgot the Islamic Development Bank in Jeddah. We have started having exchanges of missions with a view to seeing how we can work out joint programmes, joint activities, for a period of two years in which we would focus on areas of common interest. I believe that this is important. As I said in the beginning, external investment in agriculture dropped from 12 billion in 1980 to US$10 billion in 1990. When we asked the financial institutions, "why? Is it a policy when you see that the world population during that period has grown by 19 percent?" they said "no, we do not have enough bankable projects for the agricultural sector." We hope that by pulling together our technical, economic and financial expertise we will be able to present, naturally, in cooperation with each country, an adequate number of bankable projects to increase investment in agriculture.

We also consider the NGOs as our natural partners. We have already started having meetings with them because we think that if you want to cooperate in the sense of operating together, you have to think together before you come to action, and that is why we consulted them at the early stage of our review process, as we did with member countries. Let me clarify one issue. When we say that we will cooperate with NGOs at the level of resource mobilization, our idea of resource is generic, it is intellectual resource, it is knowledge and experience, it is not financial resources. I think that clarification ought to be provided.

Why did we put the NGOs with the private sector? Again, if I separated them, someone would have said that we had an additional unit. So for the time being, until we have more resources, our cooperation with NGOs and the private sector will remain in the same unit.

I have tried to respond to some of the questions you raised. I hope that to a certain extent I have clarified the issues. Thank you.

EL PRESIDENTE: Este Consejo agradece al Director General la forma clara. directa, detallada y abierta con que planteamientos que aquí se nan vertido, y que s muchas de las cuestiones aquí planteadas.

Ruego a los distinguidos delegados indiquen si desean hacer alguna observación respecto a este tema número 5.

Juan Carlos VIGNAUD (Argentina): Los cometarios de Director General transuntan una vez más el entusiasmo de nosotros mismos en Buenos en Buenos Aires por el documento con las propuestas de reformas que analizamos. Y cuando vimos ese entusiasmo, entendimos que debíamos analizarlas con un entusiasmo equivalente y por eso es que mi Gobierno decidió crear un grupo multidisciplinario en el Gobierno para que las analizara y enviar dos delegados a Roma, a costa de quienes pagan los impuestos, para que transmitiéramos ese entusiasmo de Argentina, para apoyar las propuestas que se nos habían presentado. Y eso nos llevó a tomar mucho tiempo. Pero quiero decirle que no estamos en absoluto arrepentidos de haber tomado excesivo tiempo, porque las propuestas así lo merecían y creo que el apoyo que había que dar a esas propuestas debía ser bien fundado. Y eso es precisamente lo que intentamos hacer.

EL PRESIDENTE: El Consejo, desde luego se benefició con la profundidad y el carácter técnico y sustancial de su intervención el día de ayer. En ningún momento hubo queja alguna, simplemente esta Presidencia sintió la necesidad en todo momento de incentivarles a reducir sus intervenciones para que pudiéramos terminar a tiempo. Ya ven ustedes que estamos un poco en retraso.

Señor Director General, si no hay ninguna otra intervención por parte de los distinguidos delegados, me voy a permitir hacer un breve resumen de nuestros trabaj os.

El Consejo discutió las propuestas del Director General en relación con su examen de los Programas, Estructuras y Políticas de la FAO, según lo solicitado por la Conferencia en su Resolución 10/93. Felicitó al Director General por haber cumplido puntualmente con el mandato que se le había encomendado por medio de dicha Resolución y se congratuló de la amplia, clara, transparente, detallada información que pudo presentar en los documentos que se pusieron a consideración de este Consejo, en virtud de la brevedad del tiempo disponible para ello.

Apreció el hecho de que usted, Director General, hubiera consultado a una amplia gama de gobiernos y de representantes de los Estados Miembros de la Organización.

Reconoció el carácter político y normativo de sus propuestas, que representan, como usted bien lo indicó, un primer paso, una primera fase.

Reconoció también que estas propuestas se inscriben en un marco de transformaciones estructurales similares en el sistema de Naciones Unidas y en un proceso de adaptación y reforma constante.

Se concluyó que todos los Estados Miembros de la FAO continuarán participando activamente y de cerca en el proceso de cambio y adaptación de la FAO y en la formulación de sus políticas, de sus programas y en el seguimiento y evaluación de los mismos.

Reconoció las limitaciones que enfrentaba especialmente en cuanto al margen de maniobra, tanto para la preparación de sus propuestas, como en relación al marco presupuestario sin crecimiento y que la distribución de los recursos había afectado a menos del 4, 5 por ciento de lo presupuestado y aprobado para este bienio.

En el contexto de las modalidades y las recomendaciones, por ustedes vertidas durante nuestros debates, que han sido recogidas en el verbatim y que, sin duda, serán reflejadas en el informe, el Consejo aprobó el establecimiento del Programa Especial sobre la Producción de Alimentos en apoyo de la Seguridad Alimentaria en los países de bajos ingresos y con déficit de alimentos (PBIDA).

Aprobó el Sistema de Prevención de Emergencia de las Plagas y Enfermedades transfronterizas de los animales y las plantas (EMPRES).

En lo que se refiere a las estructuras, el Consejo aprobó la transformación del presente Departamento de Desarrollo en un nuevo Departamento de Cooperación Técnica, con la estructura interna indicada en el documento CL 106/2.

Asimismo, el establecimiento de un nuevo Departamento de Desarrollo Sostenible, basado en las dependencias actuales de los Departamentos de Agricultura y de Política Económica y Social, con la estructura interna indicada en el documento CL 106/2, con las precisiones por ustedes vertidas al respecto.

Asimismo, el establecimiento de una nueva Dirección de Análisis del Desarrollo Económico y la Agricultura en el Departamento de Política Económica y Social y, en este aspecto igualmente, el establecimiento de una oficina de coordinación de las actividades normativas, operacionales y descentralizadas.

En cuanto a los aspectos de política, el Consejo aprobó su política de descentralización, en particular el fortalecimiento de las Oficinas Regionales, el establecimiento de las Oficinas Subregionales para cada una de las siguientes subregiones: Africa del Norte, Africa Austral y Oriental y las del Pacífico y Caribe y Europa Oriental.

También el establecimiento progresivo de un cuadro de funcionarios profesionales nacionales en las oficinas de representación en los países.

Hasta aquí lo que aprobó el Consejo, con las modalidades y con las recomendaciones que ustedes han indicado. Me voy a permitir escoger algunas. No las puedo incluir todas. No encontrarán aquí tampoco el énfasis o las prioridades que ustedes han marcado. Las señalaré en términos generales, para guiar el informe de nuestro Consejo.

Se tomó nota de que este marco de propuestas de carácter normativo deberá irse precisando, a fin de evaluar el proceso realizado y la efectividad del cambio de nuestra Organización.

Se destacó la necesidad urgente de que la FAO mantenga su carácter de centro de excelencia de evaluación internacional y de referencia mundial en las esferas de su mandato, limitando en lo posible los efectos del período de transición sobre el Programa de Labores y Presupuesto del presente bienio y de que minimicen esos efectos para el próximo bienio.

En lo que se refiere a los PBIDA y el esfuerzo en materia de seguridad alimentaria, se indicó que la labor en este asunto pertenecía a la esencia del mandato de la Organización y que el esfuerzo extraordinario propuesto por el Director General no va, en ningún modo, en contra de otros esfuerzos para apoyar la seguridad alimentaria.

Se reconoció que las propuestas consideraban la amplia labor conceptual y empírica de la FAO en apoyo de la seguridad alimentaria y la enorme complejidad de este tema.

Se destacó igualmente la importancia, no sólo de la producción sino de la disponibilidad y el acceso a los alimentos y el vínculo de la pobreza con condiciones de seguridad alimentaria.

Se preciso que el esfuerzo para apoyar a los países de bajos ingresos y con déficit de alimentos no debe buscar la autosuficiencia alimentaria como finalidad exclusiva o principal necesariamente.

Se destacó la importancia de incrementar la producción alimentaria en los PBIDA, en particular en el continente africano, con la finalidad de aumentar los ingresos en zonas rurales pobres, la disponibilidad de alimentos locales y el acceso a los alimentos.

Se insistió en que debe evitarse que estos países tengan que pagar indefinidamente facturas cada vez mayores por la importación de sus alimentos.Varias delegaciones mencionaron también que deben aplicarse tecnologías experimentadas con buenos resultados, así como la ayuda alimentaria utilizada para generar empleo entre los agricultores, programas de bienestar alimentario, actividades de alimentos por trabajo, medidas para apoyar la acumulación de existencias reguladoras y mejorar la capacidad de almacenamiento, entre otras.

Asimismo se coincidió con el Director General en la importancia y potencialidades de integrar las experiencias de los agricultores y las del personal local de extensión en la mayor medida posible y explorar y fortalecer los intercambios CTPD y CEPD.

Se pidió al Director General que no disminuya el énfasis en las actividades de desarrollo en su sentido más amplio ni tampoco respecto a todas las regiones y países donde se ubica población en circunstancias de inseguridad alimentaria y que continúe actuando como hasta ahora lo ha hecho la FAO, conforme a las necesidades de los distintos países, regiones y subregiones, con énfasis en el problema, entre otros, de producción, acceso y disponibilidad de alimentos.

Se insistió en continuar con la importante labor y papel catalizador y promotor del Programa de Cooperación Técnica y con un enfoque más integral.

Se tomó nota igualmente de que para llevar a cabo esta acción en los PBIDA, el Director General combinara fuentes de financiamientos extrapresupuestarios con recursos catalíticos del Programa Ordinario.

Se esperó que habrá, a raíz de este esfuerzo adicional y catalítico de la FAO, una reacción positiva y abundante de parte de la Comunidad de Donantes.

En relación al proceso preparatorio de la Cuarta Conferencia Técnica sobre Recursos Fitogenéticos, deberá ser participativo y supervisado por los países a través de la Comisión de Recursos Fitogenéticos y su Grupo de Trabajo. Un objetivo importante de la Conferencia es el desarrollo pleno del sistema global sobre recursos fitogenéticos establecido por la FAO a partir de 1983. Se anunció por parte de una delegación la disposición de sus Gobierno de hacer una importante contribución financiera en apoyo de la realización de dicha Conferencia y se le dio por ello el apoyo.

Se insistió también en potenciar las actividades de la FAO en el campo de la zoogenética. Se destacó la importancia de la formulación del Código Internacional de Conducta para la Pesca Responsable y la necesidad de apoyar la fase preparatoria de consultas y reuniones, tanto con recursos del Programa Ordinario como con generosos recursos extrapresupuestarios. Se espera también que la reunión a nivel ministerial del próximo período de

sesiones del COFI esté adecuadamente apoyada por expertos independientes y con el asesoramiento indispensable.

El Consejo, unánimemente, apoyó la propuesta y las recomendaciones del Director General en torno a EMPRES e hizo hincapié particularmente en la necesidad de mejorar los mecanismos de coordinación y de seguimiento en la lucha contra la langosta del desierto y en la erradicación de la peste bovina.

Adicionalmente, en cuanto a la unidad de propósito, se manifestó que la separación propuesta entre las actividades normativas y las operacionales tiene por objeto mejorar la calidad y oportunidad del trabajo de la FAO. Sin embargo, muchos delegados han expresado la opinión de que esta separación consensual no debe llevar a un divorcio. Hay que esforzarse por mantener a la FAO como una organización unida, recurriendo incluso a mecanismos de coordinación apropiados. De igual manera, se enfatizó la necesidad de la máxima colaboración y coordinación con otras organizaciones de Naciones Unidas, con organizaciones internacionales, organizaciones no gubernamentales y el sector privado, como el señor Director General ha enfatizado y nos ha informado de actividades que ha realizado al respecto.

Se destacó la necesidad de mantener una masa crítica suficiente de conocimientos técnicos en la sede, a fin de que la FAO pueda seguir actuando como centro de excelencia. Esto se aplica en particular al sector de pesca y al forestal y a iniciativas de política importantes como el Código de Conducta de Pesca Responsable y otros esfuerzos internacionales en materia de Conservación de Recursos Forestales.

Existe, asimismo, la opinión general de que una política eficaz de descentralización debe ir acompañada de medidas apropiadas para la delegación de facultades, a fin de evitar estratos burocráticos y de un ajuste de las políticas de personal, por ejemplo, para facilitar la movilidad y la rotación de personal entre las oficinas. La utilización propuesta de oficiales profesionales nacionales deberá conducir a la creación de capacidad a ese nivel, pero deberá estar en consonancia con las normas ya establecidas en el sistema de Naciones Unidas.

Varias intervenciones han subrayado la conveniencia de mantener la fructífera cooperación entre la FAO y las comisiones económicas regionales de las Naciones Unidas, tal como se realiza actualmente por medio de las divisiones mixtas, teniendo en cuenta las circunstancias específicas de cada región.

En dichas intervenciones se ha invitado a buscar acuerdos alternativos, en consulta con las citadas comisiones. El Director General ha dicho que no afectará dichas relaciones, pero que hará un uso apropiado de los recursos humanos y financieros que están invertidos quizá inapropiadamente actualmente en esas comisiones, como un caso extraordinario en el contexto de las Naciones Unidas.

Se aprobó plenamente la política propuesta de descentralización mediante el fortalecimiento de las Oficinas Regionales, el establecimiento de las Subregionales, y la utilización de oficiales nacionales del Programa ONP en las oficinas de la FAO en los países. Deberá ser la FAO la que se encuentre más cerca de la constitución de las modalidades de acción que sean también pertinentes y que sean económicamente viables. Deberán quedar aclaradas las responsabilidades respectivas en todos los niveles para lograr una auténtica sinergía, como ustedes lo indicaron, y asimismo estas oficinas no deberán convertirse en una FAO en miniatura, trabajando aisladamente una de otra.

Varios grupos de países consideraron que las propuestas de creación de Oficinas Subregionales no estaban suficientemente maduras como para actuar rápida o precipitadamente y solicitaron mayores estudios al respecto. Se solicitó al Director General, en particular, establecer otras Oficinas Subregionales a las consideradas y propuestas por él, por ejemplo, en el istmo centroamericano.

Se acogió favorablemente la creación propuesta de un Departamento de Desarrollo Sostenible utilizando dependencias ya existentes en los Departamentos de Agricultura y de Política Económica y Social. Quedó bien entendido que la finalidad es dar una visibilidad adecuada a la labor de la FAO relativa a las actividades complementarias con la CNUMAD y dedicar mayor atención a las prioridades intersectoriales sobre la mujer en el desarrollo y la participación popular. Sin embargo, se expresó cierta preocupación en el sentido de que en este nuevo Departamento debería conservarse eficazmente la función a que se le destina, que es la de promover y coordinar, pero no sustituir las actividades que deberán seguir realizándose en los Departamentos sectoriales y en otras oficinas.

Creo que debo aplicarse a mí mismo la regla de los diez minutos. Sé que me estoy extendiendo y voy a concluir en un minuto más.

Se consideró que la consolidación en el propuesto Departamento de Cooperación Técnica de los servicios prestados a los Estados Miembros en los sectores de las políticas, la inversión y las operaciones de campo son una iniciativa oportuna que debería proporcionar una mayor coherencia en la prestación de dichos servicios.

También en este caso se expresó cautela con respecto a la necesidad de mantener interacciones adecuadas entre las actividades normativas y las puramente cooperacionales en beneficio mutuo, el Departamento no debería convertirse, pues, en una casa dentro de la casa.

Finalmente, muchas intervenciones han refrendado ciertamente los distintos aspectos de las propuestas que de una u otra forma se refieren a la reducción de los costos; por ejemplo, en lo relativo a la simplificación de los procedimientos administrativos, la mejora de los sistemas de información, o la utilización de capacidades locales.

El sentido de todas las intervenciones que no deberá ahorrarse esfuerzo alguno para elevar la relación costo-eficiencia en ejecución sin sacrificar en modo alguno la calidad y la tempestividad.

Sé, distinguidos delegados, que hay muchos otros comentarios que ustedes hicieron y que no he incluido aquí. No se preocupen porque estoy seguro de que han sido recogidos en el verbatim y que nuestro Comité de Redacción sabrá reflejar. Sin embargo, yo sugiero y propongo que el informe de nuestro Consejo sea, en la medida de lo posible, preciso, claro y conciso ya que los verbatims reflejan de forma extensiva las posiciones, y lo que el Director General seguramente va a ver de este Consejo son sus líneas generales. Repito de nuevo, este es un primer paso, esta es una primera fase, ha habido consenso, se han aprobado sus propuestas, y no me queda nada más que felicitarle, Director General, por esta tónica que ha usted implantado a la FAO y por el nuevo rumbo que toma nuestra Organización.

Christophe KIEMTORE (Burkina Faso): Monsieur le Président, je dois vous féliciter pour la qualité de votre résumé qui rend compte de la situation exacte de nos discussions.

Cependant, je voudrais revenir sur une proposition que ma délégation, avec d'autres, avait formulée, et qui est en droite ligne avec votre dernière remarque, qui consiste à simplifier le travail du Comité de rédaction dont je suis membre. Je voudrais revenir sur la proposition qui consiste à adopter toutes ces dispositions à travers une résolution. La FAO aborde un nouveau chemin à travers un processus de restructuration. Une résolution est bien indiquée pour engager ce processus. Les délégations pourraient se mettre d'accord sur une résolution, et le rapport contiendrait les commentaires des différentes délégations.

Je voudrais avoir votre point de vue sur cette proposition.

EL PRESIDENTE: Esta Presidencia no tiene nada en contra de un Proyecto de Resolución; sin embargo, deseo expresar mi opinion en el sentido de que no es estrictamente necesario que se produzca una Resolución para dar un mandato claro al Director General. Creo que en sus debates lo han recogido, pero ustedes pueden ponerse de acuerdo y formular un Proyecto de Resolución en el Comité de Redacción, este Consejo lo estudiaría el día de mañana, y espero que se apruebe. Repito, no es indispensable; pero si es su voluntad estamos a las órdenes.

Alvaro GURGEL DE ALENCAR (Brazil): I think I understand the concerns of my neighbour to my right, the distinguished delegate of Burkina Faso, but perhaps there is a simpler way of making it abundantly clear that there is a decision.

As I recall, you yourself, Sir, at our first meeting yesterday morning read out the decisions which Council was asked to take. We know what they are. They are on a piece of paper which was produced for our consideration. I think, if this is required, if I may make a suggestion, I would simply ask the Council to confirm that there is no objection to accepting those points, that the Council is prepared to adopt those decisions as you have read them out yesterday.

EL PRESIDENTE: En mi resumen yo empecé por dar respuesta a aquellos puntos que mencioné ayer en la mañana, y que habían sido distribuidos a todos ustedes, indicando que al parecer de la Presidencia de este Consejo, esos puntos habían sido aprobados. Ahora, si ustedes quieren que en su informe aparezca la introducción, el listado de puntos que han sido aprobados en forma de resolución, o sin que sea forma de resolución, les vuelvo a repetir que no es necesario estrictamente. Se puede comenzar, quizá, si les parece bien, por identificar ese listado de puntos que han sido aprobados y continuar luego con las recomendaciones y posiciones del Consejo respecto de ellos.

¿Otro comentario, señor delegado del Brasil?

Alvaro GURGEL DE ALENCAR (Brazil): It is not really a comment. I apologize for perhaps not having been clear enough. I was not suggesting that we make out a list. I was suggesting that the list which you read out to us yesterday morning, which purports to be the decisions which the Council was asked to take, is the list to which we should now in one second give our full approval. We do not need to prepare anything else. The list is right there in the document. You have read it out to us. We just have to adopt it, Sir.

EL PRESIDENTE: Yo estoy de acuerdo señor delegado, yo al resumir la reunión he indicado que el Consejo aprobó, y luego leí la lista de puntos que el Consejo aprobó. Creo que queda claro; no hay nadie que rebata esta opinión y, por tanto, espero que el informe refleje claramente lo que el Consejo aprobó, con las recomendaciones que se reflejarán en el informe. Si le parece bien, el Comité de Redacción tomará nota de esto y nuestro informe así lo precisará.

¿Alguna otra observación? Si no la hay, pasamos entonces al Tema 6 y damos por concluido el Tema 5 de nuestra Agenda.

Si me permiten voy a despedir al Director General que nos tiene que abandonar. Inmediatamente después continuaremos nuestros trabajos.

6. Measures to Improve the Collection of Assessed Contributions
6. Mesures visant à améliorer le recouvrement des contributions ordinaires
6. Medidas para mejorar la recaudación de las cuotas

K. MEHBOOB (Assistant Director-General, Administration and Finance Department): The paper before you is a very short one, and is self-explanatory, Mr Chairman.

You will recall that the last session of the Conference had considered the question of accepting local currency in respect of assessed contributions and had directed that an in-depth review be carried out on this question and proposals submitted to this special session of the Council.

In carrying out the review, the Director-General considered that the question of currency convertibility, foreign exchange exposure and currency management were complex issues. Therefore, he is not submitting any proposals to this session but he will take the matter back to the Finance Committee at an appropriate future time.

EL PRESIDENTE: Espero que hayan tomado nota de que no se presenta a este Consejo ninguna cuestión para debate o decisión, sino simplemente para información. Les pregunto a ustedes si tienen alguna información que hacer respecto de este punto. Me parece que no hay Delegación que desee hacer uso de la palabra. Por tanto colijo que este Consejo ha tomado debida nota de las medidas para mejorar la recaudación de las cuotas.

7. Trust Funds - Support Costs Reimbursement
7. Fonds fiduciaires - remboursement des dépenses d'appui
7. Fondos Fiduciarios - Reembolso de los gastos de apoyo

V.J. SHAH (Deputy Director-General, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): Mr Chairman, I hope that you and the Council will deem it appropriate to take action on this matter as swiftly as you did on the preceding point.

At the last Conference there was a proposal before the Conference on revised arrangements for support costs reimbursement on Trust Funds. The matter had been dealt with comprehensively but, unfortunately, without a meeting of minds among the Member Nations. The Conference therefore requested the Director-General to pursue consultations with all interested Member Nations with a view to arriving at a consensus solution. It

requested the Director-General to submit the outcome of these consultations to you at this session through the Programme and Finance Committees.

The consultation with interested Member Nations was held. The Director-General indicated his preference to settle the issue by a determined effort to reduce administrative costs rather than by putting forward various options for possible reimbursement at this stage. This is the course which was reported to the Programme and Finance Committees. I am pleased to point out to the Council that both Committees have endorsed this approach. That is the intention of the Director-General. We will pursue the matter in the context of the next Programme of Work and Budget.

If it should so please the Council, Mr Chairman, you may wish to take note of this development.

EL PRESIDENTE: Agradecemos al Dr. Shah por introducir este tema. Espero que hayan tomado debidamente nota, igualmente de los documentos y párrafos correspondientes para información.

Les pregunto si tienen alguna observación que hacer. Veo que ningún Miembro del Consejo tiene ninguna observación; por tanto concluyo que este Consejo ha tomado debida nota del tema sobre Fondos Fiduciarios - Reembolso de los gastos de apoyo y de los avances reportados por la Secretaría.


8. Any Other Business
8. Questions diverses
8. Otros asuntos

EL PRESIDENTE: Lo que voy a hacer es pasar al otro aspecto del tema 8, que son los métodos de trabajo, y le voy a ceder la palabra al Dr. Bommer.

D.F.R. BOMMER (Chairman, Programme Committee): The last point to report to you and even ask endorsement, even decision by the Council on discussions we had in the Programme and Finance Committee on the methods of work of both Committees. You recall last year the Council asked both Committees to study their method of work, various aspects of it and we in the Programme Committee, had a rather lengthy debate last fall and the Finance Committee repeated this in depth this year. The Programme Committee returned to it in our meeting in April. A number of items we finally dropped for further consideration, a few we left for revisiting in later sessions, but one both committees agreed upon which should be made operational because it is so much the request of members of the Council, to have information on what these two obscure Committees are going to discuss and to have access to the documents which are made available. Therefore it is that both Committees in the joint session have recommended that the invitation with the agenda and the list of documents for meetings of both Committees will be made available to the membership of the Organization and the documents available can be sent to respective governments on request. So there is not a general distribution, to avoid unnecessary cutting of wood to prepare paper, to provide to those who have a special interest on the specific item they can have the document. The Programme Committee's documents are usually documents that are already prepared for Council and Conference. It is more in the Finance Committee that there are some issues, and this we cannot

exclude from our Rules and Procedures, which might have to be kept confidential but most of the documents we have agreed in both committees are more or less non-confidential stuff and should be easily available. The Director-General in preparing for our last meeting had difficulties to allow us to act on this procedure as we proposed because he said the Council had never endorsed it. So it is put forward to the Council now for final endorsement that in future the agenda and the list of documents of both Committees are going to be made available to the membership of the Organization, and that the non-confidential documents are available on request to be sent to Member Nations; certainly not 100 copies but one or two to avoid the unnecessary reproduction of documentation.

Gian Luigi VALENZA (Vice Président Comité des finances): Je ne peux que confirmer ce qui avait été dit par mon ami et collègue le Président du Comité des Programmes. En effet, ce point a été discuté la dernière fois. Il a de nouveau été discuté cette fois-ci pendant les séances du Comité financier et ensuite on en a discuté ensemble avec le Comité du Programme. Ce qui a été dit reflète fidèlement ce qui s'est passé et nous demandons que le Conseil approuve ce document avec néanmoins une réserve sur certains documents du Comité financier. Dans ce cas-là, seulement on ne distribuera pas les documents dans l'immédiat, et nous attendrons un certain délai. Mais il apparaît clairement que beaucoup de délégations sont favorables à notre démarche et j'espère que le Conseil pourra approuver cette requête.

EL PRESIDENTE: Han sido ustedes informados de las conclusiones y propuestas a las que llegaron los comités del Programa y Finanzas respecto de sus métodos de trabajo ¿Hay alguna delegación que desee hacer alguna observación al respecto? En ese caso, creo que este Consejo está informado y endosa las propestas de los dos comités del Programa y Finanzas respecto de sus métodos de trabajo, y espero que ustedes hagan buen uso de las conclusiones y propuestas a las que se ha llegado. Ahora sí paso la palabra a la distinguida Delegación de Canadá respecto del punto que solicitó al aprobar el ordén del día sobre el 50° Aniversario de la Organización que se celebrará en su país.

Mme Michelle COMEAU (Canada): Le 16 octobre 1995 marquera le 50° anniversaire de la fondation de la FAO. Comme vous le savez, c'est au Canada, dans la ville de Québec que fut signé par 44 pays fondateurs, le 16 octobre 1945, l'acte constitutif de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture, c'est également à Québec, durant ces jours mémorables, qu'eut lieu la première Conférence des Etats Membres.

Cinquante années plus tard, la FAO poursuit son oeuvre avec la participation de la presque totalité des pays du monde. Bien que notre planète n'ait pas encore atteint la sécurité alimentaire pour chaque être humain, il n'en demeure pas moins que la contribution de la FAO en regard de cet idéal est remarquable et qu'elle mérite d'être soulignée à maints égards.

Au nom du Gouvernement du Canada, il me fait grand plaisir de vous présenter les activités commémorâtives que nous organisons, sous le patronage de la FAO, pour souligner cet anniversaire, en octobre 1995, à Québec.

En premier lieu, le Gouvernement du Canada, en collaboration avec le Gouvernement du Québec et la ville de Québec, organise un symposium international qui se tiendra dans la ville de Québec, les 11, 12 et 13

octobre 1995. Un kiosque est monté près de la sortie de cette salle et des affiches vous seront offertes avant votre départ.

Le thème retenu pour ce symposium sur: "l'humain au cours du développement - La sécurité alimentaire par son savoir-faire".

Le Comité organisateur a retenu les objectifs suivants:

• Proposer, dans le cadre du développement durable de l'agriculture, des forêts et des pêcheries, des changements aux politiques nationales et internationales liées à la sécurité alimentaire;

• Offrir à la FAO un contexte où elle pourra faire le bilan des 50 dernières années et, à l'aube du 21ème siècle, envisager les orientations qui guideront les années à venir;

• Faire participer le secteur privé et les organisations non gouvernementales à la réalisation de la sécurité alimentaire et du développement durable.

Ce symposium s'adresse aux décideurs, ainsi qu'aux praticiens. On y retrouvera des spécialistes et des représentants et représentantes des gouvernements, des universités, de l'industrie et des organisations non gouvernementales.

Ceux-ci auront pour mandat de préparer des recommandations et de présenter des solutions concrètes faisant appel au savoir-faire des individus pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire. Pour y parvenir, les participants seront invités à rechercher des moyens inédits.

Ainsi, lors de la séance d'ouverture, d'éminents experts feront le point sur la situation mondiale actuelle et lanceront le débat. Je profite de l'occasion pour remercier le Directeur général, Monsieur Diouf, d'avoir accepté de présider et de participer à la séance d'ouverture du symposium international de Québec.

A la fin du symposium, les recommandations qui surgiront des discussions et des analyses des divers ateliers seront rapportées et rediscutées dans les trois groupes reconstitués afin d'en tirer les conclusions qui s'imposent. Celles-ci feront l'objet des recommandations qui seront présentées à la séance plénière de fermeture pour adoption officielle par les délégués.

Le symposium international de Québec précédera la commémoration spéciale du 50ème anniversaire de la FAO ainsi que la Journée mondiale de l'alimentation qui, le 16 octobre 1995, auront lieu à Québec, au Château Frontenac, à l'endroit même où s'est tenue la première Conférence de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture.

Ces cérémonies donneront lieu à une déclaration mondiale puisque, lors de la dernière Conférence de la FAO, les participants ont adopté une résolution dans laquelle ils réclament l'élaboration d'une "Déclaration sur l'alimentation et l'agriculture" qui devrait être soumise à l'approbation des Etats Membres et qui réaffirmerait leur engagement et leur respect envers les principes fondamentaux de l'Organisation.

Ce projet de résolution devrait être présenté aux Etats Membres lors des Conférences régionales et devrait être entériné par l'ensemble des représentants des pays présents à Québec, dans le cadre des événements du 50ème Anniversaire de la FAO. Permettez-moi de vous dire que l'occasion ne pourrait être mieux choisie.

En raison de ces circonstances et avec l'appui et l'approbation de pays membres, nous souhaitons que cette déclaration passe à l'histoire sous le nom de "Déclaration de Québec".

Avec la perspective d'un sommet sur la sécurité alimentaire mondiale en 1996, le Directeur général a avancé l'idée d'organiser après le symposium une réunion des ministres, dont le but serait d'examiner un document préliminaire sur la sécurité alimentaire, qui serait présenté lors du sommet. Cette Conférence des ministres aura lieu les 14 et 16 octobre et deviendra partie intégrante des célébrations du cinquantième anniversaire.

Grâce à une approche dynamique, les recommandations et les solutions du Symposium seront acheminées à la Conférence des ministres présents, conférant toute l'importance et l'impact du travail des délégués au symposium.

L'ensemble des événements prévus pour souligner le 50ème Anniversaire de la FAO, notamment le Symposium, la Journée mondiale de l'alimentation, et la déclaration de Québec, constituera une tribune exceptionnelle pour les discussions sur l'alimentation et l'agriculture du prochain millénaire. Ces événements attireront l'attention à nouveau sur les très graves problèmes de la sécurité alimentaire, notamment sur le fait que 800 millions de personnes ne mangent pas à leur faim. Des progrès remarquables ont été faits mais il reste beaucoup à faire.

Au nom du Gouvernement du Canada, je félicite la FAO pour sa contribution importante des 50 dernières années et je l'assure de notre support pour l'atteinte de son objectif dans les années à venir: faire disparaître la faim de notre planète.

D'ici là, nous vous attendons aux célébrations du 50ème Anniversaire de la FAO, puisque leur succès dépend de votre participation.

EL PRESIDENTE: Agradezco mucho a la distinguida delegada su abundante información tan atractiva y tan completa respecto a la forma en que su Gobierno, su pueblo, va a dar acogida a la FAO para la celebración de su 50° Aniversario. El Consejo ha tomado nota con agradecimiento.

Ricardo VELAZQUEZ HUERTA (México): La Delegación de México quisiera brevemente felicitar y agradecer a la Representación y al Gobierno de Canadá por la magnífica, rica y abundante información y que nos ha proporcionado para preparar los festejos del 50° Aniversario de la FAO. Estamos absolutamente seguros que la eficiencia del Gobierno de Canadá nos permitirá tener eventos que seguramente van a desembocar en beneficio de nuestra Organización y de los países a los que ésta sirve. Pensamos que esta oportunidad, aunada y vinculada ahora a las propuestas que recientemente hemos aprobado de reforma, que ha presentado el Director, señor Diouf, darán un nuevo impulso a los esfuerzos internacionales en favor de los países menos adelantados y más pobres.

El programa que nos ha presentado Canadá nos deja muy esperanzados. Hay mucho que hacer y nosotros queremos felicitar y agradecer al Gobierno y a la Representación del Canadá y hacer un exhorto, a nuestra vez, a todos los Países Miembros de esta Organización para que pongan su mejor esfuerzo al objeto de que este Aniversario sea el inicio de una nueva Organización para la Alimentación.

Ms Lynnett M. WAGNER (United States of America): The Delegation of the United States welcomes the information provided by the Delegate of Canada

on the plans for the commemoration for the 50th Anniversary of FAO to be conducted in October 1995 at Quebec. As the partner of Canada in the North American Group and a founder member of FAO the United States has been fully supportive of Canada's initiative to host this event. We want to cooperate further in this effort.

As other Member Nations will note the food security focus of the Symposium parallels and re-emphasizes the Director-General's new emphasis for FAO and provides an opportunity for experts to exchange views on this complex problem. The proposal to follow this expert session with a M inisterial meeting is a useful one and builds on the Symposium's discussion toward a later session where policy-makers can focus on the vital discussion of how to feed the world in the 21st century. We applaud Canada's leadership in this area and look forward to a successful meeting in Quebec.

Christian BERGER (France): Je tiens à remercier la Délégation du Canada pour les informations qu'elle vient de nous donner sur la participation du Gouvernement du Canada à la préparation des événements importants qui marqueront le 50° anniversaire de notre Organisation. Je voudrais aussi très simplement transmettre un message d'encouragement à tous ceux qui d'ores et déjà à la FAO comme ailleurs travaillent au succès de cette journée. Enfin, je voudrais vous dire que nous nous réjouissons déjà d'y participer avec vous tous en terre francophone.

Tim MACKEY (Australia): Canada's NAFTA colleagues have expressed their enthusiasm for the Canadian proposal and I think it is only appropriate that one of the Canada CAIRNS Group colleagues should also express the same enthusiasm, and I certainly do that from the Australian perspective. After all, if Australia can have its CAIRNS Group why can't Canada have its Quebec Declaration? Australia, as members will know, was a founding parent of FAO in 1945 and we have been very active members ever since and we intend to be just as active in the future. Of course, the theme identified by Canada is extremely important. It is indeed the same as the new Director-General's basic objective, his top priority. Australia will certainly attend the conference and be an enthusiastic participant. Thank you, Mr Chairman.

Soetatwo HADIWIGENO (Indonesia): Mr Chairman, we are gratified to hear that the Canadian Government is not only going to commemorate the 50th anniversary of FAO but is also going to place the emphasis on food security. I have to take the floor here to thank them, because it was two years ago that the Non-Aligned Movement and Summit in Jakarta expressed concern over food security and launched an effort to try and help our brethren in Africa in trying to assuage their plight. On behalf of Indonesia and the Non-Aligned Movement we thank Canada for that.

John J. GAULE (Observer for Ireland): Mr Chairman, as the host country of the European Regional Conference being held next week in Killarney, Ireland, where one of the specialist themes is food, we also have enthusiasm for organizing events, and we would like to warmly welcome the initiative of Canada to host the Symposium on Food Security to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of FAO and we wish them every success with the event.

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I simply want to take the floor to say two things, first on behalf of the Director-General to express our appreciation to Canada not only for the activities that they have been working toward for

some time, but in particular for their readiness and willingness to collaborate with him in the Ministerial Meeting to be held immediately-after the Symposium and to which reference has been made.

Secondly, I want to assure you that, God willing and the translators willing, the first Draft Declaration will be before the European Regional Conference. It will be tabled at the Conference and will appear at each of the subsequent Regional Conferences. We are inviting your comments on the Draft Declaration in this round of Regional Conferences so as to have it perfected and move it on to the Council in June 1995, then to the World Food Day ceremony, the Ministerial Meeting, and then for formal adoption at the Conference in 1995. Thank you, Mr Chairman.

EL PRESIDENTE: El Consejo ha tomado nota. Distinguidos delegados, si no hay ningún otro aspecto que quieran tratar en este tema ocho, voy a darlo por concluido.

9. Date and Place of the Hundred and Seventh Session of the Council
9. Date et lieu de la cent-septième session du Conseil
9. Fecha y lugar del 107° período de sesiones del Consejo

EL PRESIDENTE: Pasamos al último tema, el nueve. Fecha y lugar del 107° período de sesiones del Consejo. Para decisión. Documento CL 106/INF/7. Les hago notar que el Consejo está previsto, de acuerdo al documento mencionado, del 15 al 24 de noviembre. En Roma. ¿Hay algún comentario en este sentido?

Distinguidos delegados, se ha aprobado el lugar y la fecha del próximo 107° período de sesiones del Consejo. Será del 15 al 24 de noviembre.

Doy por concluido el tema nueve y me queda solamente indicarles que el Comité de Redacción se reunirá en la Sala de México a las 20.30 horas y el Consejo se reunirá mañana a las 15 horas. Creo que este Consejo se ha probado a sí mismo que puede desarrollar sus trabajos de una manera ejecutiva y sustancial y que hemos logrado en este relativamente breve tiempo, darle un mandato muy claro a nuestro Director General y haber así respondido a lo que la Conferencia esperaba de nosotros. Les felicito. Les agradezco mucho.

The meeting rose at 17.00 hours.
La séance est levée à 17 heures.
levanta la sesión a las 17.00 horas.

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