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4 Current World Food Situation (continued)
4 Situation mondiale de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture (suite)
4 Situación actual de la alimentación en el mundo (continuación)

EL PRESIDENTE: Señoras y señores, se abre la segunda sesión de este período de sesiones. Tenemos todavía una lista de cinco oradores para el Tema 4. El distinguido delegado de Estonia me ha pedido intervenir lo más pronto posible, en virtud de que tiene un compromiso inmediato y por tanto si me lo permiten los otros oradores le voy a dar la palabra al distinguido delegado de Estonia.

Ruve SANK (Estonia): Estonia is a small country and a very small contributor to the world food situation. We appreciate very much the increase in the world food production. We should, on looking backward and evaluating the situation in the world food production, take into account a few things regarding Europe, and Eastern Europe especially.

I am talking about the Council Report regarding the current world food situation on page 2. There is an interesting breakdown about world food production. We see that in very few parts of the world there has been a decrease of food production and the decrease is very modest. Somehow, hidden behind the figures reflected here is the situation in Eastern and Central Europe. In some parts of Central and Eastern European countries the decrease in food production has been, during the past five to six years, up to 40 percent of their 1991 level.

It is questionable whether we should continue to count food production in the geographical terms given here, counting the area of former Soviet Union. This state has not existed since a couple of years. In this regard, it is our opinion, that it is important to evaluate the resource of food production and besides other natural resources such as water and soil ability for plant growth, social resources should also be evaluated. We think that especially in Eastern Europe and among others, also in Estonia, there is a resource available for potential use for the future. This might be a subject in connection with other items on the Agenda and especially in regard to possible TCP projects.

Ms Kajonwan ITHARATTANA (Thailand): On behalf of the Thai delegation I would like to congratulate the Secretariat for the introductory statement, as well as the concise and substantial document relating to the current world food situation. In general, my delegation is very pleased with the increase of global food production in 1996 compared to 1995. We are so grateful to the African region for the expansion in food production in 1996. Now, let me highlight on the rice situation in Thailand.

Rice is the most common staple food in Asian countries. Therefore, rice is vital to our Asian countries in terms of producing, trading and stocking. Rice production in Thailand in 1996-97 slightly decreased from the previous year. It was estimated that 3.5 percent lower than 1995-96 level, which is of 21.3 million tonnes of paddy. The decline mainly came from the second rice crop due to drought and acreage reduction policy. On the contrary the production of the main rice crop increased slightly, however with this trend, we can ensure that Thailand will remain the reliable source to supply rice to the world market.

Thailand believes that the importance of agricultural export earnings of developing countries will definitely improve their food security, thus, the increase of global rice production is the response to the world rice market. In short, trade and food security is one of the commitments that was addressed by the World Food Summit.

Kezimbira Lawrence MIYINGO (Uganda): The Uganda delegation would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you, and the other officials elected, to steer the business of this Council. Uganda notes with satisfaction, the great concern that FAO has shown by focusing on food security consistently since the initiation of the process that led the World Food Summit. It is our sincere hope that this week, as we hold the 112th Session of Council, the discussions so far done, and the recommendations so far suggested, can be operationalized attaching reasonable budgetary provision for implementation.

While the developed countries are self-sufficient, and may need little stimulation, the developing world, especially the low-income, food deficit countries, need a lot of stimulation to get them to produce to self-sufficiency and eventually to realize surpluses for sale.

In Africa, Uganda is one of the countries which is not food-deficit, yet the prevailing changes in environment have started to worry us. As we review the world food security, Uganda wishes to appeal to FAO and the international community, to focus more objectively on the following:

The adoption of irrigation in all countries so that rainfed agriculture is not the only answer to food security. Uganda is well endowed with water bodies which include Lake Victoria and the great River Nile, yet, we get disorganized by one or two months of sunshine, losing thousands of acres of immature crops. A Special Programme on Food Security, which has a component of irrigation, should be extended to all Member Nations in Africa without discrimination.

Diseases threatening the achievement of food security, which include cassava mosaic disease, should be combatted and be focused on. Cassava is a food reserve for most African countries, often not requiring granaries. Its destruction poses a great threat to food security. Uganda like many other African states, is threatened because even the tolerant varieties are now succumbing to the infection. There is need therefore that intense research and focus be directed to cassava mosaics disease, either in adopting varieties that are more resistant or adopting alternative crops.

Uganda draws the attention of Council to a problem that has occurred with coffee. Coffee is not strictly a food commodity but it contributes greatly to food security in that many communities in Africa achieve food security through money that they obtain from the sale of coffee. A fungal coffee disease, commonly referred to as coffee wilt disease is threatening the coffee industry in Africa and could greatly affect the food security if not checked.

Since FAO has a budget for transboundary diseases for both livestock and crops. I appeal to this Council, to consider as an emergency coffee wilt disease and bring it to an end.

Back home, the Government has made deliberate efforts to transform the mainly small scale subsistence agriculture to a small scale modernized agriculture. We are determined to be self-sufficient and yet, be able to feed any food- deficit areas within the Great Lake Region. We, in Uganda, welcome the new environment now ushered into the Democratic Republic of Congo which widens our common market and therefore, is a stimulus to our people for more production. Peaceful coexistence between our sister states in the region will ensure good environment for production. As African states become more homonized food security will be enhanced. We anticipate solidarity from the developed nations.

Suresh Chundre SEEBALLUCK (Mauritius): The document under consideration provides very valuable statistics which I am sure will give us all food for thought. My delegation accordingly wishes to commend the Secretariat for this document.

This document highlights the recovery in food production at global level during the last year. This is especially so in Africa where the problem of food shortage is quite rampant. However the paper

also brings out many disturbing features. Firstly, the expected stock build-up of food with focus in only a few countries. There would be no change in the volume of stocks held by the developing countries.

Secondly, the developing countries account for nearly three-fourths of the world import of cereals compared to less than half 15 years ago.

Thirdly, in many cases, the increase in food production has taken place as a result of factors which are uncertain. For example, the increase in fish production has taken place inter alia as a result of the expansion of the highly fluctuating stocks. In other cases, increased production has been achieved as a result of favourable climatic conditions which do not occur year after year. But most of all, this paper draws attention to a deduction in food aid, especially to the low-income, food deficit countries, despite increase in the global food production. It is, therefore, essential that these issues be addressed.

FAO should strengthen its efforts to ensure that food production increase takes place all around the world and in a sustainable environment. But for FAO to do so, it must be provided with the necessary means. The proposal for a real growth over the Programme of Work and Budget of the FAO for 1996-97, as the Director-General has pointed out this morning, will only bring about a substantially reduced programme of FAO activities. It is important that the present momentum of growth in food production be maintained.

Andrew PEARSON (Australia): Sustainable domestic agricultural production is recognized as a contributor to the capacity of countries to feed their populations. However, this does not correspond to a blue-print for self-sufficiency. Rather improvements in food security will flow from a combination of actions, particularly promotion of improvements in supply, demand and distribution. This is better characterized as self-reliance. Historically, management of markets, whether domestically or internationally, has led to distortions and problems.

FAO's current assessment of the world food situation introduces some concerns in this respect. In paragraph 33 of CL 112/2, there appears to be an implicit call for increased concessional export arrangements. Australia suggests that subsidization of exports, particularly of grains, has created more problems than it has solved. The accurate transmission of prices to producers is an important element in encouraging production. The current strong production response in many countries, including Australia, following previous high grain prices, should only be further encouragement for the removal of such distortions. Like many other countries noted in their interventions this morning, Australia remains committed to further encouragement of food security through open and effective trade.

In paragraph 17 of the same document, the use of the FAO ratio for stocks to trend utilization, as an accurate indicator of the world's food security, has also been a subject of considerable debate at various technical meetings. While we would not wish to take up that debate here, Australia would observe that livestock holdings do not necessarily provide insurance against food shortages and price stability. In fact, the accumulation and subsequent release of substantial stocks onto world markets has created periods of considerable price instability and interference to production.

Finally, in considering food aid, Australia would certainly agree on the importance of food aid. However, its role is not to provide sustainable food security. While food aid has been declining, and this reflects a range of pressures on donor countries, these donor countries have also been endeavouring to ensure available resources are directed towards the most needy people in the most needy countries. For example, for the World Food Programme such targeting is expected this year to result in 90 percent of its emergency and development resources being directed towards least developed and Low-Income, Food-Deficit Countries.

Constatin Mihail GRIGORIE (Romania): I would like to add to the statement presented by my delegation during the morning session, with reference to the situation of food and agriculture at global level, a series of elements defining the official position of my Government on agriculture reform in Romania.

In the current international context when world food production, according to FAO document CL 112/2, is recording a positive development while there are still regions experiencing food insufficiency, we consider that through the new governmental policies Romania will be able to benefit from its high agricultural potential and will become again a major agricultural producer and food supplier.

The rich soils and favourable climatic conditions assist in the growing of a variety of products suited to various temperatures: vegetable products, mainly cereals, approximately one-third of the gross agriculture output; vegetables, approximately one-third of gross agriculture output; fruits, grapes and others.

The resources of animal feed create the basis to support the livestock industry. Animal production consists largely of meat and milk.

The agriculture sector contributes with 20 percent of the Gross Domestic Product, and 35 percent of the total active population works in agriculture.

Romania has over 14 million hectares of agricultural land, of which 9.5 million hectares are given over to arable land, 4.5 million hectares to pasture land, 0.3 million to vineyards and 0.3 million to orchards.

As a result of the land reform, private farms now own over 80 percent of the agricultural land and 70 percent of the arable land. The present private agricultural structure is: family agricultural exploitation on approximately 5 million hectares; family associations own approximately 1.4 million hectares; and legal agricultural companies own 1.7 million hectares. The main difficulties of this sector lie in the age structure and the level and capacity of the land owners to use the production means.

The newly formed programme implies favourable conditions for the development of a dynamic private agricultural sector integrated in the mechanism of the market economy, privatization of productive accessionary agriculture, efficient use of resources and encouragement of private investments and trade.

To ensure food security, to develop a sustainable agriculture able to produce an economic surplus, to create an agriculture competition-wise environment, to dimension production and be structured in accordance with domestic and foreign demand are some of the main objectives of our policy. The achievement of these objectives will be considered under an integrated and ideally favourable rural development framework.

The main elements of the Government's programme for the agricultural sector are: reform of pricing, trade and subsidies regime for agricultural producers and the agri-food industry. This measure was accompanied by the termination of all premier subsidies and reform of the trade regime. Import tariffs were substantially lowered and export bans and other export restrictions were permanently removed. A rural financial system was developed, adapted to a market-orientated agricultural system. The State ceased to grant direct subsidies credit.

The new land legislation will ensure free land sales by individuals and the lower restitutions or sale of land owned by state farms.

Regarding institutional and infrastructure reforms in the cereals sub-sector, the Government's role in the cereals market will be substantially reduced through privatization of the National Agency for Agricultural Products.

There will be acceleration of existing privatization process and development of liquidation procedures for non-viable enterprises. The reform covers state farms, state-owned agricultural services, input enterprises, and pig and poultry enterprises. We appreciate that by mid-1998 all the commercial companies currently in the process of privatization will be privatized.

Before concluding my intervention, I would like to underline that bearing in mind the above-mentioned elements of the agricultural sector, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food will continue to change its role and will enable, by appropriate and efficient strategies, the development of a market-orientated agriculture. Its activities will be focused on agricultural policies, extension services and rural development.

Paul PAREDES PORTELLA (Observador de Perú): En primer término, nuestro agradecimiento al señor Director General de la FAO por sus esclarecedores comentarios efectuados esta mañana. En segundo lugar, nuestra satisfacción por tenerlo a usted, señor José Ramón López Portillo, al frente de nuestros trabajos lo cual, le confieso, es motivo de orgullo para nuestra región. En tercer término agradezco a la Secretaría por la documentación detallada que ha presentado.

Respecto del tema Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial, mi delegación quiere dejar constancia de su apoyo al Programa Especial de Seguridad Alimentaria. Esto siempre y cuando no afecte al volumen y al alcance de los Programas de Cooperación Técnica (PCT). Este programa, señor Presidente, considero que es necesario destacarlo por su importancia, no sólo en favor de los países en desarrollo sino también por su proyección en el contexto de la vigencia del organismo mismo a largo plazo. Creemos que es más importante trabajar temas de desarrollo y de esa manera, nuestros países puedan efectivamente llevar adelante lo que es seguridad alimentaria ya que nosotros consideramos que seguridad alimentaria es un concepto envolvedor, dinámico, que abarca autosuficiencia, pero también abarca nociones como por ejemplo, comercio y competitividad internacional.

Otro elemento, señor Presidente, que es menester destacar, son las iniciativas de cooperación en favor de los países en desarrollo como alcance a las negociaciones comerciales multilaterales que, en el año 1999 ocurrirán en el seno de la OMC, como bien ha dicho Canadá esta mañana.

Mi delegación, acoge con beneplácito este gesto de Canadá y señala que este es un camino a seguir en el marco de la cooperación internacional.

Señor Presidente, al tratar el tema Seguimiento de la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Alimentación, me referiré a tres temas específicos. Uno, las disposiciones institucionales; dos, plan de trabajo para determinar metas e indicadores; tres, sugerencias concretas para que nuestro esfuerzo llegue a los resultados que se esperan.

De manera preliminar quiero recoger, como bien dijo la delegación de Cuba esta mañana, que la región Latinoamericana tiene una propuesta relativa al seguimiento de la Cumbre. Es una contribución modesta, pero que valdría la pena retomarla y revisarla y que muy bien pueda ayudar en el contexto de nuestros trabajos. Por otro lado, nosotros creemos provisorias las declaraciones presentadas por el Banco Mundial, el IIPA, el FIDA, el PMA. Como se ve en el documento CL 112/15, en el contexto de seguimiento de la Cumbre Mundial de la Alimentación, así como sus propósitos para llevar adelante la seguridad alimentaria en los sectores de desarrollo rural, análisis de políticas, alivio de la pobreza y asistencia alimentaria, nosotros confiamos en que tales esfuerzos se concretizarán al más breve plazo para mejorar la situación del hambre en el mundo. De otro lado, en lo que respecta a los informes por países, esos deberían efectuarse siguiendo un patrón

simple que el Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria debería preparar para registrar el seguimiento y la forma en que se viene dando cumplimiento a los siete compromisos del Plan de Acción. Al mismo tiempo creemos que la revisión de informes de manera detallada, debe hacerse cada dos años, a efectos de que no se trate solamente de un ejercicio estadístico, sino más bien de un esfuerzo tendiente a mejorar y a presentar acciones destinadas a la ejecución del Plan de Acción.

El segundo punto, señor Presidente, es el Plan de Trabajo para determinar las metas e indicadores de la seguridad alimentaria mundial. Creemos que el FIVIMS constituye un elemento esencial en la elaboración de un esquema claro acerca de la inseguridad alimentaria. Consideramos necesario que otros organismos internacionales del sistema de Naciones Unidas, competentes también en esta materia, deberían participar más activamente en este ejercicio del FIVIMS; al mismo tiempo los países debemos apoyar el proceso, así como las entidades representativas de las sociedades a fin de que la información registrada sea cada vez más fidedigna.

Finalmente, señor Presidente, para mi delegación, el seguimiento de la Cumbre en ningún caso debe orientarse a un ejercicio deliberativo. Creemos que el seguimiento debe visualizar las acciones concretas de organismos internacionales, gobiernos, sociedad civil, en el alivio del hambre, en la aplicación del Plan de Acción. En este contexto se debe tener presente que, desde la Cumbre hasta ahora, el número de personas que sufren hambre en el mundo ha aumentado; en noviembre de 1996 era de 800 millones, ahora por una simple extrapolación es de 840 millones si nos atenemos a las últimas estadísticas emitidas por la FAO. Esta situación, señor Presidente, nos obliga a que los organismos internacionales, los gobiernos y la sociedad civil, lleven adelante acciones urgentes. Mi delegación modestamente sugiere que los informes nacionales y los de los organismos sean bianuales y que contengan información cuantificada, de forma tal que pueda apreciarse de manera evidente, clara y concisa, como se vienen aplicando los compromisos de la Cumbre, y entre otros, por ejemplo señor Presidente, el objetivo inicial de reducir a la mitad el número de personas que sufren hambre al horizonte 2015, se viene concretando año a año, bienio a bienio, con cifras y no como observamos ahora con pesar, que este número no ha hecho más que aumentar en los pocos meses que han seguido la Cumbre.

Mucho agradeceré, señor Presidente, que sea debidamente registrado este enfoque y que la Secretaría tenga a bien indicar la forma específica en que considera podrá asegurar el seguimiento efectivo de la Cumbre de manera tal que no se trate solamente de un ejercicio retórico.

Mohamed Said M.A. HARBI (Observer for Sudan) (Original language Arabic): Mr Chairman, I join the ranks of preceding speakers in thanking you for guiding our work and we appreciate the considerable transparency of what is happening here. I think the Members have been very wise in the appointment of the various officers and I congratulate the Secretariat on the documents which have been distributed to our Embassies.

Referring to the World Food Summit, where my country participated with 30 delegates lead by the President of the Republic of Sudan, our participation, as you will realize, was on a large scale. This reflects the importance given by my country to this Summit. My country wishes to effectively contribute to the abolition of hunger.

The President of the Republic, in his statement, highlighted the fact that Sudan plans to contribute to solving problems of famine by creating agricultural areas for production to be used by those who wish to assist in the form of investment. We hope to see our Organization taking this into account in creating agricultural zones of the type suggested by Sudan, so that mankind as a whole can take advantage of them.

Mr Boutros Ghali, previous Secretary-General of the United Nations, and the Director-General in his term stressed the fact that each individual has the right to a balanced diet. This was the guideline to our Summit and society throughout the world should follow their request to the letter, whatever

the political system. We should take into account pure humanitarian considerations. The wealthy countries should take into account the fact that developing countries have their own pride and they will never accept food aid subject to conditions. The poet says "Do not give me something I need after humiliating me but at least show that you have some respect for me".

The problem of the World Food Summit and financial support for the commitments of that Summit has become a moral undertaking. It is necessary that each country which has some self-respect to show respect to these commitments. It is not necessary to shrug off commitments that one has accepted, when we bear in mind the fact that so many people are suffering from famine and are faced with certain death between now and the year 2000.

The State has made a praiseworthy effort as regards food self-reliance; 4.3 million tonnes of grain and cereals have been harvested. This amount is sufficient in my country, as regards feeding the country, but there are problems of transport and the lack of roads, so distribution is not always arranged in the wisest possible manner.

The Director-General of FAO, on several occasions, referred to this question of the Special Programme. In this respect I would like to compliment those 15 who have benefitted from assistance through the programme and I trust that my country, in its turn, will benefit in the same way.

We are observers here at this session of Council but we are nevertheless convinced that Council, under your wise helmsmanship and thanks to the transparency shown in these debates, will adopt a report which will embody information that will be in the interests of our developing countries.

Paul Kipsigei CHEPKWONY (Observer for Kenya): Thank you for according my delegation this opportunity to speak as an Observer following with keen interest the deliberation on this important Agenda Item on the current world food situation. Like many speakers before us, we are gratified to note the general improved global food supply as per the Secretariat's document CL 112/2, paragraph 1. Furthermore, we are particularly pleased to see an increase in food production in the African region but we must hasten to add our concern about reduced production in the Asian, Latin American and Caribbean regions, as also reflected in Table 1 of the same document.

The increase in global food production is therefore mixed, and in this regard we would wish to appeal to FAO to continue monitoring global food security using the stock utilization ratio of 17-18 percent to determine the level of food security, as referred to in paragraph 17. We also encourage FAO to continue giving assistance to low income, food deficit countries to improve domestic food production, through appropriate programmes, for food security.

My delegation, like many others before us, is also concerned about the continuing decline in food aid deliveries, as referred to in paragraph 25 of CL 112/2, which affect many low-income, food-deficit countries including those of Saharan Africa. While recognizing the past and continuing assistance provided by donors and the international community to the food-deficit countries in need, we wish to encourage them to enhance their contributions to these countries.

EL PRESIDENTE: Hemos tenido un debate enriquecedor, informativo y para aclarar las varias cuestiones que se plantearon, voy a pedirle al doctor de Haen que haga uso de la palabra.

H. de HAEN (Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Department): Thanks to all delegates who provided interesting observations and illustrative reports about their respective food situation. I would also like to thank you for some questions which I will try to answer right now. At the outset let me say that the information provided to you, either through questionnaires or your reports here, is the basis for our assessments. To some extent we are in your hands: this is not to explain failures in our assessment but, to some extent also, I would like to remind you that we

appreciate any information that you may have that is not yet in our statistical database so that, in the interests of all, we can improve our assessment.

The distinguished delegate of the United States had such kind of observation on data and I would like to give some comments on these remarks. Firstly, I should say that the document which is before you was prepared in March and the latest figures have been revised somewhat, as I reported in my oral introduction. There is a difference between the US forecast for 1996-97 on trade and ours and this is due to a number of factors which may be of interest to the Council.

Firstly, our figures refer to world imports, whereas the US figures refer to exports. The decrease in exports is less than the one shown for imports; there are statistical differences between exports and imports on the global scale which I cannot dwell upon in further detail here, but this is to be noted.

Secondly, our year of observation and of reporting is July-June whereas the US figures refer to September-August figures for coarse grains and to June-May figures for wheat, and that explains another set of differences.

Thirdly, our latest forecast for cereal imports is for a smaller decrease and that is from 204 to 193 million tonnes, and this is not a ten but only a five percent decrease. For global exports, on the other hand, we are also forecasting a small decline by 4 million tonnes.

For 1997-98 we are projecting a small increase of overall exports and as a fourth observation FAO does not take different production figures from the United States. In our next food outlook we shall be using the same figures mentioned by the distinguished delegate of the United States and, on a point of detail, the document refers to harvested area for winter wheat even though there was a fall in the planted area. These are fine differences which may explain why we did not fully match the figures that the USDA has collected.

The distinguished delegate of the United States had two other observations which I wish to comment on. One was that he wished to see a more forward looking document. Firstly, let me remind you that at the recent session of the CFS we had a similar debate and so we have already taken note of these kinds of request. In this particular situation, it is unfortunate that this Council meets when we are just two weeks away from our next forecast for the 1997-98 period, so this will then bring us into a more medium-term forecasting period, at least until the end of the next year, and will hopefully then satisfy the interests of our Members.

It was said that it was wished that this report covered a broader range of aspects of food security and this was mentioned by a number of other delegates. Here again I would like to refer to the CFS. We are not producing a new document for Council; we are basing it on the more in-depth report to the CFS, which has already mandated the Secretariat to widen significantly the coverage of aspects including access, as was mentioned by the distinguished delegate of Mexico. So I hope that in the next report to the CFS you will find this kind of broadened view on issues of food security.

There were a few other comments -- one by the distinguished delegate of Pakistan on regional discrepancies, which we have also noted -- with regard to the world food situation. While he raised concern about the food production developments in Asia and concurred with what we have in the document, just to set the record straight, our estimates show a decline in the rate of growth of food production in Asia but not in the food production in Asia. The level is not declining; the rate of growth was declining mainly due to a slow growth in non-cereal food production, not so much in cereal production although also there. This is what I want to clarify: it is not a decline in production levels but in growth rates which is, of course, also somewhat encouraging.

The distinguished delegate of Senegal referred to the planned -- and, in fact, this is covered by the commitments in the Plan of Action -- introduction of the food and security and vulnerability

information mapping system to which the Director-General referred in some detail in his introductory speech. I just wanted to refer to it again because the Senegalese delegate suggested that as long as the improved FIVIMS does not exist we would have no instrument to target populations that need attention and support. While I would agree that much needs to be done, it is hoped that this information system, which we are building and improving with the collaboration of many agencies and experts and in fact many countries, would permit better targeting. However, I would submit that such pessimism is probably not opportune because there is already a lot of information and I only refer to the food outlook which reports not only about the acute situation but also refers to various FAO documents. I have just taken a look into the Internet and I must say there is a lot that we provide now, even at global level, with regard to acute and potential hunger and populations at risk. This is probably also a good reference to the statement made by the delegate of Peru who just noted that this is an important area of work. I want to take this opportunity to express gratitude to Peru which participated actively in the Inter-Agency Expert Consultation on this new initiative on FIVIMS.

I have two final remarks. The distinguished delegate of Argentina asked about any discrepancies in the database between figures of the USDA, the International Grains Council and FAO. We wish to assure you that, for instance, for 1996 we have almost the same figures, if not the same, for wheat production. We show a large increase for 1996. In January these databases should be fully compatible, of course with the disclaimer that there may be different interpretations sometimes, and sometimes different data series used such as those I have I just referred to when I commented on the remarks of the delegate of the United States.

My last remark regards the comments made by Pakistan and Mexico on increased monitoring of stocks, prices and export earnings. I wish to ensure Council that this is what we feel mandated to do and what we shall be doing also in fulfilment of Commitment 4 of the World Food Summit Plan of Action.

I hope that I have answered" most fully all of your questions.

EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas gracias doctor de Haen por sus respuestas y sus comentarios. Pregunto si hay algún otro comentario que los distinguidos delegados deseen hacer. Bien, si no es así me voy a permitir muy brevemente resumir los debates.

El Consejo tomó nota con satisfacción de la posición o del reconocimiento por parte de muchos delegados acerca del contenido y concisión del documento preparado por la Secretaría, así como de la visión integral de este documento, de la exactitud del panorama que reflejaba, con respecto a los suministros alimentarios, los problemas de mercado y los precios internacionales.

No obstante, en algunos casos varios delegados hicieron notar, como en el comercio internacional de cereales y otros, existen discrepancias con la información y los análisis de tendencia de otros organismos internacionales así como con agencias nacionales; se subrayó por tanto la importancia de compatibilizar y actualizar la información, de contar con datos de los movimientos del mercado, de los precios, de las existencias así como una visión de las tendencias a más corto plazo y de reportarlos sistemáticamente. La Secretaría obviamente aseguró que esto se hace rutinariamente y que se mantendrá informado a este Consejo y, desde luego, a los delegados a través de los Comités correspondientes.

A pesar de la mejora general de la producción alimentaria de base mundial, se expresó preocupación ante el gran número de países que sufren situaciones de inseguridad alimentaria y, en particular, de emergencia alimentaria debido a su situación precaria. Se destacó muy en particular el caso de los países africanos que, a pesar de haberse mejorado las cosechas en dicha región, siguen sufriendo este tipo de circunstancias. También se hizo notar situaciones de inseguridad alimentaria y de alta susceptibilidad a emergencias climáticas y a otras situaciones generadas por la mano del

hombre que prevalecen aún en muchos países de bajos ingresos y con déficit de alimentos en todas las regiones del mundo y sobre todo entre la población pobre en cualquier lugar del orbe. En este sentido se subrayó también el papel primordial que juega la promoción de la infraestructura agrícola, las medidas sanitarias, la lucha contra enfermedades transfronterizas, la reducción de pérdidas post-cosecha, y la promoción en general, de la autoconfianza agroalimentaria y de la agricultura comercial.

Varios países hicieron asimismo, un renovado llamado para considerar y responder a la situación agroalimentaria muy particular de Europa Central y Oriental que merecía una evaluación y un tratamiento particular e independiente de antiguos órdenes geopolíticos.

Se ha notado en el contexto de la situación agroalimentaria mundial, la necesidad, cada vez mayor, de solidaridad internacional, sobre todo en una época de globalización que contrasta, según lo hicieron notar muchos delegados, con la triste tendencia actual de disponibilidades decrecientes de ayuda alimentaria o de asistencia al desarrollo. Se reconoció asimismo, que las reservas internacionales de alimentos se encuentran por debajo de lo deseable.

Se subrayó la importancia de continuar con el proceso de reforma y de liberalización de mercados en conformidad con los compromisos de la Ronda Uruguay, reconociendo al mismo tiempo que, incrementar el potencial de la producción agrícola de manera sostenible, así como lograr la disponibilidad y el acceso más pleno a los alimentos, constituye la mejor garantía de seguridad alimentaria en todos los países.

Se destacó en particular, el papel de la biotecnología en el logro de estos objetivos, asimismo se subrayó la importancia de la cooperación entre todas las instancias involucradas, incluidas las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales. En particular se mencionó el papel catalítico de la FAO, algunos delegados advirtieron la conveniencia de fortalecer los programas normativos de la Organización que según ellos representaban su máxima ventaja comparativa.

Asimismo se argumentó en favor del fomento a la cooperación Sur-Sur y del efecto positivo de la cooperación técnica entre los países.

Bien señores delegados, hubo muchas otras cuestiones que ustedes tocaron, quizá las he dejado fuera, pero se recogerán con toda claridad y equilibrio el informe que ustedes aprobarán.

EL SECRETARIO GENERAL ADJUNTO: Se ruega a las delegaciones que deseen participar en el grupo informal de trabajo sobre la Convención Internacional de Protección Fitosanitaria, que se inscriban en la Secretaría del Consejo en la oficina A-141, en este piso, teléfono interno 57608 antes del mediodía de mañana martes 3 de junio.

La primera reunión del grupo tendrá lugar el miércoles día 4, se anunciará oportunamente en la Orden del Día del miércoles, la hora y la sala en que tendrá lugar esta reunión. Como dijo el señor Presidente esta mañana, el grupo queda abierto a todos los países miembros de la FAO.

EL PRESIDENTE: Recuerdo nuevamente la necesidad de volver a subrayar que el mandato de dicho grupo informal es revisar el texto que se encuentra aún entre corchetes y no revisar la totalidad del texto que ha sido ya acordado en principio. De otra manera abriremos un debate y será completamente inútil que este grupo informal se reúna.

Vuelvo a repetir el mandato del grupo informal es revisar exclusivamente el texto entre corchetes. Yo entiendo, y así lo hicimos notar, que el grupo africano que se reúne ahora, está estudiando el texto pero esperamos, como así se ha asegurado, que las contribuciones sean positivas y que no representen ningún obstáculo para acelerar la finalización del texto de la Convención.

Bien, distinguidos delegados, el Tema 4 queda concluido y si no tienen ustedes ninguna otra observación o pregunta lo cierro.

Moussa Bocar LY (Sénégal): Monsieur le Président, je voudrais dire que le groupe africain aborde avec beaucoup d'ouverture et de disponibilité le travail sur la révision de la CIPV et que nous sommes tous d'accord avec vous pour l'accélération de ces travaux, mais je crois qu'on ne peut pas, en tout cas, préjuger des travaux. Moi je ne suis pas expert, je ne peux pas en préjuger. J'espère simplement - et j'en suis même sûr - que ces contributions seront positives, mais je crois qu'on ne peut pas en préjuger. Nous sommes conscients avec vous et avec le Secrétariat qu'il faut tout faire pour accélérer ces travaux, ce qui est dans l'intérêt de tous, mais il faut également une convention acceptée universellement dans l'intérêt de tous.

EL PRESIDENTE: Efectivamente yo expresé una esperanza. La esperanza de que no se tenga que reabrir un debate que iría en detrimento de la aprobación del texto, pero obviamente el grupo africano está en plena libertad de hacer los comentarios que desee. Sin embargo, vuelvo a subrayar que para que el grupo informal tenga sentido y pueda avanzar debería concentrarse, repito concentrarse, en los textos que aún se encuentran entre corchetes y tomar nota de las posiciones del grupo africano si es que discordan del resto del texto que ha sido ya acordado.

5 Follow-up to the World Food Summit
5 Suivi du Sommet mondial de l'alimentation
5 Seguimiento de la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Alimentación

EL PRESIDENTE: Como ustedes saben, la Conferencia en su Resolución 2/95 pidió al Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial que informara por conducto del Consejo a la Conferencia en su 29° período de sesiones de 1997 acerca de todos los aspectos de la Cumbre.

Por tanto, el Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial pide al Consejo que transmita a la Conferencia los resultados de sus deliberaciones acerca del seguimiento de la Cumbre, tal como se consignan en el informe del Comité que ustedes tienen delante. Los párrafos 28 al 48 contienen las conclusiones de la CSA y el Apéndice E trata con más detalle los preparativos y resultados de la Cumbre.

Bien, deseo solamente mencionar algunos puntos específicos sobre los cuales el Consejo puede, también, expresarse. Las disposiciones institucionales para el seguimiento y la presentación de informes sobre la ejecución del Plan de Acción, el sistema de información y cartografía sobre la seguridad alimentaria y la vulnerabilidad, los resultados del examen del seguimiento de la Cumbre realizado por el Comité Administrativo de Coordinación de las Naciones Unidas, la cooperación entre la FAO y el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, las medidas recomendadas para asociar más estrechamente las organizaciones de la sociedad civil a la labor del Comité y de la FAO y, también si ustedes lo consideran conveniente, podría incluir en esta parte de nuestros debates, los avances del Programa Especial de Seguridad Alimentaria (PESA) en esta fase piloto.

Los otros puntos discutidos por el Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria serán considerados, como ustedes saben, en los puntos 6 y 20 de nuestra agenda, el día jueves 5 de junio próximo. Antes de ofrecer la palabra al señor Hjort, le voy a pedir al señor Vicepresidente del CSA, señor Sands Smith que en representación del Presidente de dicho Comité nos presente el informe que hace al Consejo.

David SANDS SMITH (Vice-Chairman, Committee on World Food Security): I think you yourself have largely introduced the report. 1 would make one or two remarks. The first thing is that Ambassador Medrano, the Chairman of the Committee on World Food Security, has asked me

to say how extremely sorry he is that it is not possible for him to be present today to present this agenda item.

I think many of you were in fact participants in the deliberations of the Committee on World Food Security in April. The report of that meeting is available to you. In these circumstances, I do not think 1 need to do more than to point to the wish that was clearly expressed at that meeting, to see action in implementing the Summit Declaration and Plan of Action. Rightly, if I may say so, attention was focused very much on reporting arrangements under which national governments, United Nations agencies, and other relevant international institutions will report on the action that they are taking towards the specific objectives under each of the seven Summit commitments.

An interim reporting arrangement will operate in 1997, a standard reporting format will be established for the following years. I would add that the World Food Summit set a noble objective, the halving of the present level of under-nourished people in the world no later than 2015. The reporting is the means of finding out what action is being taken. Self-evidently, it is the action itself which is essential.

Perhaps, I would just add one other word, there has been considerable reference already to vulnerability mapping. I think all I would say on this is that, as the Director-General himself said this morning, there was an Expert Consultation earlier this year. I myself was able to take part in that Expert Consultation as a member of the Bureau, and I think it was an extremely valuable occasion, it lasted for two years and I think it shows that the process has got off the ground.

With those few words of introduction I think that I need say no more.

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: In view of the Director-General's statement this morning, where he referred explicitly and at some length to the follow-up to the World Food Summit, and the introductions that have just been received by the Council, I really see that there is no need for me to add anything and I would await with eager anticipation your comments and questions.

EL PRESIDENTE: Se que todos ustedes están conscientes de la situación y tienen frescos en su mente los debates del Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial y del informe que resultó; me voy a permitir, por tanto, ofrecerles la palabra.

Juan NUIRY SANCHEZ (Cuba): En primer lugar queremos agradecer la presentación del señor Sands Smith; lo único que lamentamos es que con su experiencia y capacidad reconocida es una verdadera pena que nos abandone.

Señor Presidente, esta ocasión que nos reúne hoy tiene como fundamental valoración la de constituir el primer Consejo de la FAO que tiene lugar después de la Cumbre Mundial efectuada el pasado mes de noviembre. No creemos necesario repetir lo que este magno encuentro representó tanto en el orden interno como en su repercusión internacional, particularmente para nuestros países en desarrollo, los más despiadadamente azotados por el flagelo del hambre.

Pero sí creemos necesario hacer referencia a algunos aspectos a manera de reflexión. El promover internacionalmente la búsqueda de una seguridad alimentaria en el mundo, es sólo el propósito de tomar consciencia de su urgente necesidad. La Cumbre fue un desafío y se cumplió. Su objetivo, su valiente y oportuna convocatoria, su proceso previo, su organización y como colofón, su alto nivel de participación. Recordamos como parte de la historia cuando el Director General, señor Jacques Diouf, invitó a la Conferencia de la FAO a convocar una Cumbre Mundial sobre la Alimentación en noviembre de 1996 aprobada en octubre de 1995 y refrendada el mismo año en diciembre por la ONU, luego aprobado en distintos Consejos de la FAO y conferencias regionales, etc.

Naturalmente no pueden dejar de mencionarse su complejo y difícil proceso de debates y negociaciones, los cuales llegaron a acuerdos que sentaron un precedente al llegar a sus conclusiones 15 días antes de comenzar la Cumbre, no exenta de dificultades, pero que surgieron señalando la voluntad política de su cumplimiento como piedra angular. De ahí salieron sus documentos, la declaración política, la llamada Declaración de Roma y su Plan de Acción.

Todo este trabajo desarrollado desde el principio en el seno de esta Organización nos lleva de la mano a discernir que a la FAO le corresponde ser el centro catalizador de la Cumbre dentro del sistema de las Naciones Unidas. No creo que nadie pueda discutir este derecho. Pero bien, una vez precisado este aspecto comenzamos otra etapa, otro desafío íntimamente ligado como a un todo a un mismo proceso: hacer cumplir lo acordado.

La FAO es de hecho el organismo encargado, a través de su Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria, de su Consejo, de su Conferencia, de debatir, analizar y evaluar estos acuerdos, velando para que los mismos no constituyan un punto más de la agenda, sino la propia agenda, así como de otros organismos del sistema de Naciones Unidas que tienen relación con estos acuerdos aprobados por los más altos niveles de todos nuestros países. Cuidando que sus acciones y medidas se estructuren de forma tal que permita, periódicamente, año tras año, conocer de aquí a la meta fijada, es decir el año 2015, lo que de manera modesta se acordó para ser cumplida.

La Cumbre en sí constituyó un mandato y de esta manera fijar objetivos y prioridades suficientemente claros como para ponerlos en práctica a través de una verdadera y efectiva cooperación internacional. Esta estrategia debe ser operacional para poderse medir en la práctica y concretarse por regiones para así garantizar su resultado.

No cumplir lo acordado sobre estos textos, señor Presidente, sería una verdadera vergüenza. Textos que, por demás, no fueron aprobados para interpretarlos sino para cumplirlos. La región de América Latina y el Caribe elevó un documento que fue entregado en la pasada reunión del Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria, la cual solicité, como Presidente del GRULAC, sea puesto también a disposición de este Consejo cuyo texto precisa estos aspectos como modesta contribución.

Señor Presidente, como planteamos anteriormente, los documentos básicos de la Cumbre, son muy claros en cada uno de sus aspectos. El seguimiento a la Cumbre, como bien se expresa en el Compromiso 7, objetivo 7.3, se realizará a todos los niveles con igual importancia y, en consecuencia, se elaborarán los informes de seguimiento a nivel nacional, subregional, regional e internacional. El proceso de restructuración iniciado en la Organización, otorga un papel fundamental a los procesos de descentralización y fortaleciendo cada vez más a las conferencias regionales. En ese sentido corresponderá también a las conferencias regionales, cada dos años, analizar el cumplimiento de los compromisos acordados en el Plan de Acción de la Cumbre y la presentación de su informe.

Señor Presidente, también corresponde a los gobiernos a nivel nacional, el cumplimiento y análisis de cada uno de los compromisos de la Cumbre, en coordinación con la sociedad civil basada en la voluntad soberana de cada uno de los gobiernos. Debe quedar claro que los gobiernos son los responsables, a nivel nacional, del seguimiento de los acuerdos de la Cumbre.

Señor Presidente, solicitamos que se utilice como modelo de proyecto de informe el mismo esquema del Plan de Acción aprobado por la Cumbre. De esta manera, se podrá informar acerca del cumplimiento de todos los compromisos, aspectos tan importantes como el acceso a los alimentos, el desarrollo rural, el derecho a la alimentación, la cooperación internacional, el sistema de información y cartografía, de la inseguridad y la vulnerabilidad alimentaria. Sobre este particular, proponemos que los informes se realicen analizando cada uno de los compromisos contenidos en el Plan de Acción de la Cumbre aprobado por todos nosotros. En este orden de cosas, entendemos

necesario reiterar consideraciones que nuestra región expresó en el 23° período de sesiones del Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria.

Nuestra región, señor Presidente, apoya el PESA. Es más, muchos países latinoamericanos y del Caribe se han incorporado a ese programa y están dando pasos hacia el objetivo de insertar acciones de la cooperación Sur-Sur y de la cooperación técnica entre países en desarrollo. Debemos dejar muy claro que dentro de nuestras características propias, somos una región donde un alto porcentaje de la población vive en la pobreza, el desempleo, la indigencia, donde se agudiza el hambre y la miseria de millones de seres humanos. Existen sobradas causas para que nuestros países luchen por salir del subdesarrollo, razón por la cual la cooperación internacional es imprescindible y, dentro de ésta, el PCT, por lo cual apoyamos la independencia y el fortalecimiento del PCT como herramienta indispensable para la cooperación en el seno de la Organización.

Señor Presidente, finalmente todas estas consideraciones han sido analizadas por nuestro grupo regional que, agrupadas, las elevamos a su consideración y las presentamos. Como Presidente del GRULAC me reservo, para no hacer más larga esta presentación, el poder ampliar y profundizar en las mismas en otras oportunidades.

Aidan O'DRISCOLL (Ireland): I do not wish to make a statement on this Agenda Item, but I wish merely to ask you to give the floor to the delegation of the Netherlands, who will then make a statement on behalf of the European Community and its Member States. You are aware, I think, of this procedure, Chairman, which has emerged from contact with the Legal Counsel, to deal with the difficulty caused by the fact that the Netherlands, which currently holds the Presidency of the EU, is not a member of Council.

EL PRESIDENTE: Efectivamente, el Consejo ha seguido este procedimiento en el pasado y no tiene inconveniente. Le voy a pasar la palabra al señor Observador por Países Bajos que hablará a nombre de la Unión Europea y sus estados miembros.

J.B. PIETERS (Observer for the Netherlands): Thank you, Ireland, outgoing Chairman of the European Union.

Mr Chairman, at the session of the CFS in April this year, we have already expressed, on behalf of the European Community and its Member States, our views on a number of initiatives taken by FAO on the follow-up of the WFS. At this stage, we want to confirm these remarks and, as a result, I can be brief.

Mr Chairman, after the Summit, we have concluded that it has met its three objectives. One, mobilizing public opinion and national governments with regard to the issue of World Food Security; two, providing a framework and a concrete Plan of Action to tackle this issue; and three, putting back the issue of World Food Security on the political agenda.

In the Rome Declaration on World Food Security, all States have emphasized the urgency of taking action now to fulfil our responsibility to achieve food security for present and future generations. Governments, all actors of civil society and international institutions, therefore, must take their responsibility and put this commitment into practice.

Mr Chairman, this momentum should be kept.

Member States of the European Community have already set in motion a national process of follow-up of the WFS, identifying approaches and possible actions at different levels, be it national, European or international.

In preparing for the WFS, we went through a process of long and detailed negotiations, which resulted in a text of the Declaration and Plan of Action acceptable to all. This text provides us with a well-balanced approach of the concept of World Food Security and how it could be achieved with an immediate view to reducing the number of undernourished people to half their present level not later than 2015.

Mr Chairman, the European Community and its Member States, hope that this attitude of cooperation will be maintained in the follow-up process. In discussing the implementation of the Plan of Action, in particular at international and inter-agency level, we must take full account of the on-going process of the United Nations' reform in the social and economic sector. It is worth recalling that the EU, as well as the Nordic countries, presented proposals in this respect. The outcome of this process will largely determine the framework of the integrated follow-up to the major UN Conferences in which the implementation of the Plan of Action is clearly embedded.

We call on FAO to take all necessary measures to cooperate with other UN Organizations in the follow-up process to the World Food Summit.

To conclude, Mr Chairman, after having brought up the so-called Country Briefs on Food Security and Agricultural Strategies in the CFS in April this year, the preparation of such a series of Country Briefs continues to raise concerns on our part. We reiterate that we are in favour of a country-driven implementation process and ownership of the respective governments. This implies that FAO should offer support to countries only upon their request. We cannot accept that the FAO Secretariat continues to prepare such Country Briefs on its own initiative.

Mr Chairman, we insist, therefore, that on-going activities which do not follow the principle of a country-driven approach, under the country's responsibility, be stopped.

Jalal RASSOOLOF (Iran, Islamic Republic of): The follow-up to the World Food Summit is fully and in length discussed in Documents CL 112/8, 9, 10 and 15. All these documents have been deeply considered and adopted in other FAO fora. My delegation once again fully endorses all these documents and commends the FAO Secretariat for the excellent job in preparation of these documents.

However, in spite of the unprecedented success of the World Food Summit, the documents do not reflect the sincere spirit which is needed if the World Food Summit's recommendations and commitments are to be materialized. Almost all of the FAO Member Nations and especially the developing countries, hoped that the Summit would mark a milestone and turning point in FAO's roles in combatting hunger and malnutrition, but it seems that this feeling is not universal.

My delegation was surprised to see that, in paragraph 8 of document CL 112/9, a few members expressed the belief that a reduction from the current budget level would be necessary, so that the next budget could be fully financed. In addition, some delegates this morning pointed to zero nominal growth in the budget for biennium 1998-99. The question is, how is it possible to do much more, as is recommended by the Summit, with a decreased budget, unless, we believe that there are major inefficiencies in the Organization. We believe that most of the possible logical cost savings have been achieved since 1994, and any further budget reductions would cause major quality decreases and a proportional setback to the objectives of the World Food Summit Plan of Action.

In this regard, my delegation fully agrees and supports what is mentioned in paragraph 25 of document CL 112/15, that is, "Increased resources and technical assistance would also contribute to boosting food production in a sustainable way". To achieve this, many delegates suggested that international cooperation should be strengthened, both among developing countries and in the form of assistance on the part of the developed countries.

My delegation also seizes the opportunity to thank the Director-General for all his sincere efforts in the follow-up to the World Food Summit, including regular visits and discussion with Permanent Representatives of Member Nations here in Headquarters. We also endorse the proposal of a Telefood Day in the 1997 World Food Day, as a major step forward in the direction of increased awareness and resource mobilization for the implementation of the World Food Summit Plan of Action.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has already set up a special committee, consisting of all members of the National Committee for the World Food Summit to closely cooperate with the FAO Representative in Iran and the FAO Secretariat for active participation in this very noble initiative. I am pleased to say that the Islamic Republic of Iran, regardless of some economic difficulties, stands ready to contribute its share to the full realization of the World Food Summit objectives.

Tang ZHENGPING (China) (Original language Chinese): More than six months have gone by since the World Food Summit, which aroused the interest of the whole world since that meeting. On several occasions, we have discussed the implementation of the results; during the 23rd Session of the Committee on World Food Security, where we gave special attention to this aspect. It is perfectly clear, and everyone agrees, that there is no denying that it is necessary to reflect, in concrete terms, the results of the World Food Summit. We have had an opportunity to refer to this during the CFA Meeting.

I would like to embroider on a number of specific aspects. First, the implementation of the spirit of the Summit calls for active measures, effective steps to be taken by the international community at large. We know full well that the most important issue, which is the very nub of the work of the Summit, is the combatting hunger and malnutrition, that is, food security throughout the world. Everyone knows that hunger and malnutrition are a phenomenon which exists particularly in the developing world, especially in the low-income, food-deficit countries. For historical and natural reasons, and others, those countries' capacity is weak. We have witnessed serious inadequacy in economic development. Poverty, then, is the main feature in those countries. Varying view points are expressed as to how those countries should develop. One thing is perfectly clear, from the historical point of view, is that international efforts are vital, that is why international organizations and regional bodies, and the NGOs, should harness every effort to propose a concrete plan in accordance with the Declaration and Commitments of the Summit.

It is up to FAO to play its role as being the lead organization in this respect, in order to implement the Commitments and the Plan of Action of the World Food Summit. Governments should also play a dynamic role. Developing countries themselves need to shoulder their own responsibilities, in order to apply those policies which will encourage the development of agriculture in rural economies, in order to guarantee the success of the combat against malnutrition. Every factor, every force needs to be harnessed to achieve this struggle in an effort to obtain food security.

In my country, China has taken measures to increase agricultural inputs and improve agricultural infrastructure, which will enable 65 million people who, at present, still live in tremendous poverty, to get out of that situation. The Chinese Government is also strengthening the extension of agricultural techniques and agricultural research, in order to ensure that science and technology play their proper role, their full role, in achieving increased food production.

I also believe that developed countries should also honour their commitments with full will and determination, bearing in mind the needs of hunger and malnutrition, because this is part and parcel of their international duty to take this into account. It is an international responsibility that they have, a humanitarian duty. They should also take effective and concrete measures to combat malnutrition and hunger.

Further, as regards the supervision of the Plan of Action, this point has been the subject of serious discussion during the 23rd Session of the CFA. We agree with the report of the Committee. I do not need to repeat the viewpoint of my delegation but we are going to send in a national report on this problem, in due course. In a word, I trust that the monitoring and drawing up of reports should be both practical and accurately reflect, in a timely manner, the results of the follow-up to the World Food Summit.

Dato Ahmad Zabri IBRAHIM (Malaysia): My delegation is grateful to the Secretariat for the document on the Follow-up to the World Food Summit, CL 112/15, and would like to make a brief comment.

The Rome Declaration, and specifically the World Food Summit Plan of Action, has provided us with a comprehensive framework and clear direction as to how countries and international communities, including civil society and private sector, must act to ensure global and household food security, and hence contribute to the reduction of malnutrition and hunger. In this regard, FAO has a lead role to coordinate the implementation of the Global Plan of Action and monitor its progress, as elaborated in the Plan. As much as we would like to see a monitoring system, that is, comprehensive and cost-effective, guided by a set of principles of simple and reliable indicators, my delegation is of the opinion that there are some essential elements of the Plan that need close monitoring.

One such element, relates to the investment by the international community in the agricultural sector that contributes the achievement of the Plan's goals. We strongly believe that, unless there is a commitment to mobilize and reallocate new and additional financial resources in the agricultural sector by national governments, the international community and the private sector, the growth of the sector in developing countries will continue to lag and the targets of the Plan will not be achieved, within the desired time frame envisaged by the Plan.

Mr Chairman, the other important element that needs closer attention and focusing, is the monitoring of progress made by vulnerable groups, children and women, including pregnant and lactating women. In this connection, FAO should work closely with other UN agencies, such as WHO, UNESCO, World Food Programme and IFAD, to develop appropriate indicators and coordinate the exchange of data and information. At the same time, case studies on successful projects for these vulnerable groups should be carried out by FAO and these should be highlighted to Member Countries, so as to enable replication efforts to be undertaken.

Ms Deborah MALAC (United States of America): We appreciate the Director-General's report this morning of what FAO is doing on Summit follow-up. We would like to take this opportunity to inform the Council of what actions the United States is currently taking in this regard and to make a few additional comments.

The United States believes that the World Food Summit built awareness for the need for actions to achieve global food security with the goal of reducing the number of chronically undernourished people in the world by half, no later than 2015. My country takes the commitments made at the Summit very seriously. We have adopted the Summit global target for 2015 as a domestic target for ourselves as well, to assure that we are doing our part to achieve food security both at home and abroad. We have undertaken, in partnership with civil society, the development of an action plan for the United States that complements our pre-Summit activity and also strengthens activities already underway. This plan will be completed by the end of this year.

We have just completed a national consultation to elicit views as to what priority topics should be included in this US Action Plan and to identify issues, possible actions and areas of disagreement with respect to those topics. These consultations took place simultaneously in 17 sites around the United States on 21 May. On 1 June, we will hold a follow-up meeting in Washington D.C. with

rapporteurs from each of these 17 sites. This meeting will synthesize the results of those consultations and reach consensus on priority topics to be addressed in the drafting of the Action Plan. Later in the month, we will establish drafting teams composed of government and civil society representatives to begin work on the actual plan.

FAO is also, clearly, actively pursuing what it sees as its role in the follow-up process. We applaud the seriousness with which FAO views the Summit Plan of Action. Collaboration within the UN system remains an essential element of the Summit commitment. The FAO-IFAD co-chairing arrangement of the ACC follow-up Committee is a good first step. We encourage FAO to also participate fully in the UN system's coordinated response to follow-up on all UN conferences, in addition to the Food Summit. We are, however, concerned by FAO's apparent willingness to ignore the emphasis on national responsibility contained in the Summit's Plan of Action. The Plan of Action clearly recognized the need for beneficiaries to participate at the outset in designing programmes that address food security, rather than rely on donor or institutional packages that may not respond to individual countries or communities needs. This disregard for a country-driven and participatory approach is manifest in FAO's country strategy and country brief process.

In the case of the right to food, we welcome FAO's initiative with the UN Human Rights Centre but note that the Plan of Action clearly invited the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to assume the primary action on this question. We would expect the new High Commissioner to have views on this matter. We firmly believe, however, that the expert human rights bodies, especially the Commission on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, have the mandate and resources within the UN system to direct, as was envisaged in the Summit Plan of Action, the follow-up on this issue and to report back to the CFS on a regular basis. FAO's contribution to ensuring all people have access to safe and nutritious foods is most appropriately aimed at its normative and programme activities that ensure countries can effectively implement their World Food Summit commitments.

Finally, on the issue of Telefood, we would have vastly preferred that the Director-General submit a work plan, including the cost of regular budget personnel involved in supporting this initiative, to the Finance Committee and the Council for approval prior to moving ahead. In the light of the Director-General's assurances, however, that no FAO Regular Programme funds would be used to support Telefood, and given that arrangements for this event are already underway, we accept this as a one-time experiment. We expect the Director-General, however, to provide governing bodies with details of the full costs, how those costs were covered, and the benefits of the Telefood event in order to determine if such fund-raising activities should become a permanent feature.

The report should include information on the impact of FAO fund-raising on other organizations involved in raising funds for food security activities. We are very concerned that the entry of FAO into such fund-raising activities could result in a net reduction in overall voluntary contributions to food security activities. FAO should coordinate with national and international Non-Governmental Organizations to ensure that Telefood attracts additional incremental resources to food security initiatives and does not compete for existing resources. Finally, the report should also include specific information on how and where money raised is to be used.

Mario MOYA PALENCIA (México): Como dijo el señor delegado de Cuba, Presidente del GRULAC, sin duda alguna la Cumbre Mundial de la Alimentación representó un avance significativo en los esfuerzos que la comunidad internacional debe conceder a la situación del hambre y la malnutrición en el mundo, al asumir un compromiso político de alto nivel. El reto que compete ahora, señor Presidente, es el de aplicar los acuerdos alcanzados para lograr una alimentación adecuada a las poblaciones de los países, muy en especial a los países en desarrollo y de sus grupos más vulnerables. Para lograr dicho objetivo se requiere la participación de todos los actores incluyendo los gobiernos nacionales, los organismos internacionales y otros agentes de la vida nacional e internacional.

Pero, señor Presidente, han pasado ya más de seis meses que se realizó la Cumbre. Ha crecido la población del mundo en otros 45 millones de habitantes, porque crece más o menos 90 millones al año, y de los números que hemos analizado y sobre todo de los problemas de desarrollo y de acceso a la alimentación que se perciben en la comunidad internacional, la situación no parece haber mejorado sino parece estarse agravando. Ya hemos hecho notar que aunque haya algunos indicios de mayor disponibilidad de alimentos, en realidad el crecimiento de esta disponibilidad es menor que hace varias décadas, las reservas también, y que, sobre todo, ha aumentado el número de países con déficit de alimentos y con situaciones de economía cada vez más precaria. Parece ser, señor Presidente, como si la Cumbre de la Alimentación se hubiese hecho una mañana en la isla de Itaca donde Penelope, ayudada por la FAO, tejía una tela muy hermosa y muy positiva, pero después tenía que destejerla porque, pasada la euforia de los compromisos políticos de los más altos directivos del mundo, las cosas seguían exactamente igual o peor, quedando esa tela destejida para tener que volverla a tejer.

El solo hecho de que la ayuda para el desarrollo y, en especial la ayuda para el desarrollo rural y alimentario siga descendiendo después de la Cumbre, es verdaderamente lamentable; ya se anuncian recortes también a los presupuestos de los organismos internacionales, especialmente de la FAO, que tratan de estos asuntos y hasta un pago menor en las cuotas ordinarias de los países más importantes.

Pero por otra parte, señor Presidente, éste es un fenómeno que se tiene que ver como algo compartido, y mi Gobierno quiere subrayar que está haciendo esfuerzos en su ámbito propio, para superar la pobreza y erradicar el hambre y la malnutritión. Mañana mismo, el Presidente de la República va a anunciar el programa de financiamiento del desarrollo en México, de 1997 al año 2000, en que concluye su período, en donde se dedicará una suma sin precedentes al desarrollo social, donde está comprendido, por supuesto, el desarrollo rural y la producción así como el acceso a los alimentos.

Dentro de este esfuerzo, señor Presidente, los esfuerzos a nivel nacional que realizamos para superar la pobreza y erradicar el hambre y la malnutrition, conjugan la promoción integral para atender tres aspectos básicos de las familias en condiciones más desventajosas. De esta manera se responde a uno de los tres ejes básicos de la política de nuestro país: primero, la superación de la pobreza o su conjuración; segundo el desarrollo de la infraestructura básica municipal del empleo y del desarrollo regional; y tercero, propiamente dicho, el Programa de Alimentación, Salud y Educación que para nosotros no pueden separarse. Este programa se llama PESA. Es Programa de Alimentación, Salud y Educación y tiene como objetivo apoyar a las familias en situación de pobreza extrema para que tengan acceso a una alimentación básica, a servicios primarios y preventivos de salud y nutrición, así como la educación primaria y secundaria.

Después de pasar una crisis económica muy seria, con el PESA se atenderá de manera integral las deficiencias alimentarias, los bajos niveles educativos y la deserción escolar, así como las precarias condiciones de salud, nutrición e higiene de las familias en pobreza extrema y así, de esta manera, incidir directamente en tres de las principales causas de la pobreza y la desigualdad: la desnutrición, el bajo nivel educativo y la atención a la salud.

A veces se reprocha a los países en desarrollo que no tienen programas de aplicación de las decisiones de la Cumbre; esto prácticamente es imposible señor Presidente; ningún Gobierno puede mantenerse en su puesto si no tiene unos programas más agresivos que le permita su capacidad económica para hacer frente al desarrollo rural, a la malnutritión y sobre todo al hambre del pueblo. Lo que sucede es que estamos escasos de recursos, sobre todo en el mundo del desarrollo, para poder realizar esta tarea en la mayor profundidad y porque tenemos índices demográficos y rezagos ancestrales que dificultan nuestro camino.

También quiero subrayar aquí, como dijo el señor Embajador de Cuba, Presidente de nuestro Grupo, que debemos proceder a la ampliación del Programa Especial sobre Seguridad Alimentaria de la FAO, 'PESA', de forma equilibrada, permitiendo a todas las regiones beneficiarse igualmente del mismo. Esa ampliación debería hacerse, señor Presidente, de tal manera que además de considerar a los países con bajos ingresos y déficit alimentario, la Secretaría de la FAO haga un análisis a nivel de poblaciones, comunidades marginadas y poblaciones vulnerables en los países, en particular de las regiones como América Latina y el Caribe, incluyendo, incluso, mi país México, los cuales no están exentos de situaciones de extrema pobreza, no obstante su nivel de desarrollo.

Para concluir, señor Presidente, creo que la Cumbre Mundial de la Alimentación fue sin duda un hito en las labores de nuestra Organización e implicó un serio y grave compromiso, pero no podemos dejarla morir, no podemos dejarla naufragar en el mar proceloso de la indiferencia o sólo pensando que las leyes del mercado van a resolver los ingentes problemas de la desigualdad del hombre.

N. SHIBANI (Syria) (Original language Arabic): Mr Chairman, since this is the first time we take the floor during this Session of the Council we too wish to congratulate you on your wise guidance through this meeting and through past meetings as well. We also thank the Secretariat for preparing these excellent documents and the serious follow-up given to the implementation of the commitments of the World Food Summit. This appears in the statement of the Director-General which was read this morning.

We also express our satisfaction for the remarkable improvement in the production of food commodities in accordance with the conclusions of the aforementioned Summit. We also wish to stress that some points are still unsatisfactory, such as food commodity reserves and the volume of development aid for which there has been no improvement in the field. We would like an improvement in these areas in future reports, especially since we are at the early stages of the implementation of the agreements adopted by the Summit.

Briefly, I would like to stress the fact that my country, Syria, in accordance with its commitments, is implementing the conclusions of the World Food Summit and attaches a great deal of importance to this matter. In the months since the Summit ended, my country has adopted a number of measures which has allowed us to increase grain production in 1997 by 10 percent compared to 1996. My country has also made special efforts to encourage investments in all sectors, the private and public sectors, and my country has also started economic development projects aimed at promoting the least favoured segments of society living in low-rainfall areas. My country has also adopted other measures in line with the conclusions of the World Food Summit.

However, we wish to underline certain difficulties which are an obstacle to our development efforts and prevent us from developing the food element in Syria. Forty percent of food production in Syria requires rainfall and is therefore rainfed, and climatic conditions certainly condition food production and its possible increase. We have therefore found great difficulty in marketing agricultural products, however good, in past years. This is because some countries provide subsidies to their exports. There is also a lack of credits, credits which are necessary to attain higher development rates. To conclude, we wish to support the documents submitted during this Session in general.

We also believe that it is necessary to underscore the following: firstly, to encourage broader participation of centres and agricultural research institutes. We believe that the Secretariat could come up with a formula allowing such broad cooperation. Secondly, to accord priority to the follow-up of international commitments for plant genetic resources so as to allow all countries to benefit. And thirdly, to provide the necessary support to the agricultural information centres and allow developing countries to benefit from the data that are at the disposal of these centres.

Philip MOUMIE (Cameroun): Je voudrai joindre la voix de notre délégation à celle des délégations qui nous ont précédé pour vous adresser nos félicitations et essentiellement aux vice-présidents qui ont été élus ce matin. Le Cameroun a pris part activement à toutes les phases préparatoires du Sommet mondial de l'alimentation ainsi qu'à la phase finale. Beaucoup d'efforts ont été déployés pour définir les objectifs à atteindre en matière de sécurité alimentaire à l'Horizon 2015 mais beaucoup plus pour arrêter un Plan d'action pour y arriver. Nous sommes actuellement à la période critique de mise en oeuvre de ce plan d'action. La délégation du Cameroun souhaite rappeler à la mémoire collective la nécessité qui s'était fait sentir de déterminer les responsabilités des uns et des autres à savoir les Etats, le secteur privé la Communauté internationale notamment à travers ses Organisations internationales dont la FAO, maître d'oeuvre dudit Sommet. Conformément aux engagements pris lors du Sommet, notre pays est en train de tout mettre en oeuvre pour amorcer la résolution des problèmes nombreux et divers qui entravent la sécurité alimentaire de ses populations. Notre délégation voudrait revenir, pour les appuyer, sur les dispositions que la FAO doit prendre pour remplir son rôle annoncé aussi bien en ce qui concerne l'appui aux pays en développement en vue de définir le programme pour l'exécution des projets du Programme spécial pour les pays à faible revenu et à déficit vivrier. Notre délégation appuie fortement cette approche réaliste dont la traduction dans les faits doit être visible dans le programme et budget du biennium 1998-99. Nous avons en tout cas la crainte que si tel n'est pas le cas, beaucoup de retard pourrait être pris et il sera illusoire de vouloir évaluer les choses sans une base claire et simple d'ou l'appui que notre délégation apporte aux actions engagées par le Directeur général dans ce sens, et qui ont fait l'objet de discussions pointues lors du dernier Comité de sécurité alimentaire.

Shahid RASHID (Pakistan): The World Food Summit, which marked a threshold in the life of this Organization, laid down an elaborate range of commitments, objectives and actions for reducing the hungry and malnourished by half by the year 2015. The primary responsibility for this rests with the national governments, but we are all aware that this responsibility is of such a magnitude, it cannot be borne by any single actor. The full involvement and commitment of international institutional bodies, as well as all of the relevant actors of civil society, is necessary for the achievement of the goals established at the Summit. In this regard we are glad that FAO, through its Committee on World Food Security, enjoys a pivotal position in monitoring the implementation of the Plan of Action.

We are heartened to see that the CFS has already initiated a number of steps to ensure the discharge of its mandate. We are also pleased to observe that FAO is working in close collaboration with its partners. The endorsement by the ACC of the arrangements proposed by FAO, jointly with IFAD, for elaborating the work plan for the implementation of the Plan of Action augurs well for the follow-up of the Summit. We would therefore urge FAO to vigorously pursue further steps in the follow-up of the Summit in collaboration with its partners.

We also welcome the initiative taken up by FAO for the development of formulae as a tool to monitor food security and vulnerability. We expect formulae to be elaborated in close consultation with all the relevant bodies, as well as the national governments. In this regard, we are pleased to note the Inter-Agency cooperation and hope it will be further strengthened too.

The steps taken to elaborate the reporting procedures and mechanisms, as well as the reporting format, have also been initiated. We trust this process will be further refined and clarified so that all actors involved in the implementation of the Plan of Action can proceed without any ambiguity, in an efficient manner and without any wastage of resources. We would stress that duplication and overlapping should be avoided so there is no wastage of effort, or resources or extra burdens imposed upon reporting countries.

The role of FAO in assisting in formulation of national strategies for food security and agriculture development is one which can provide the countries in need with necessary boosts such assistance,

taking into account international plans and priorities, will contribute to the realization of the Summit cause. This is a useful input in the process of implementation of the Plan of Action at the national level and we support this initiative.

In conclusion we would also like to state that efforts to raise resources to meet the objectives of the World Food Summit are essential, as the regular resources of the Organization cannot cater to the multifarious needs. We therefore urge exploration of new and innovative methods to increase the resources for the implementation of the Plan of Action and are happy to see that steps have already been taken in this regard, especially in collaboration with financial institutions and other regional bodies.

Patrick PRUVOT (France): La délégation française souhaiterait d'abord apporter un complément à la déclaration faite par le représentant des Pays-Bas au nom de la Communauté européenne et de ses Etats membres. Ce complément concerne les moyens de promouvoir le suivi du Sommet mondial de l'alimentation auquel le Directeur général se référait ce matin lorsqu'il évoquait par exemple l'opération alimentaire. La France entend participer à cette promotion du Sommet en relayant au niveau national la campagne d'information et de communication sur les thèmes de la sécurité alimentaire et sur les résultats du Sommet mondial sur l'alimentation. Elle le fera tout particulièrement en direction des médias francophones comme elle l'avait déjà fait dans la phase de préparation du Sommet, à savoir, en mettant des moyens et les compétences de ses experts en appui au service de la FAO. La France veillera par ailleurs à ce que cette campagne soit réalisée en France en parfaite concertation avec les organisations non gouvernementales nationales.

En second lieu, nous voudrions aussi rappeler à propos des stratégies nationales que la France avait remis, lors du Sommet, un rapport national qui détaillait les moyens disponibles ou envisagés en France pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire nationale mais aussi pour participer à la réduction de l'insécurité alimentaire mondiale. Nous avons d'ailleurs noté avec intérêt que le Secrétariat avait adopté un plan proche de celui du document français pour établir celui des documents de stratégie nationale proposé aux Etats membres. Des dispositions ont été prises au plan intérieur pour assurer en France le suivi des progrès qui seront réalisés. Ces dispositions permettent d'assurer une coordination interministérielle indispensable et d'associer étroitement les Organisations non-gouvernementales aux actions spécifiques qui visent à atteindre les objectifs fixés par le Plan d'action.

T. SUDO (Japan): I would like to remind the Member Nations of the significance of the result of the World Food Summit, where many Heads of State and Government discussed and re-pledged their political view to achieve food security for all and to eradicate hunger and malnutrition in all countries. The follow-up to the World Food Summit has a multi-dimensional nature which requires actions at the national, inter-governmental and the inter-agency levels and among these, above all, efforts at the national levels are indispensable.

Regarding measures to achieve world food security, Japan recognizes the importance of the adequate combination of three elements: domestic production, food imports and stock piling. From this point of view, I would like to stress the importance of commitment in Commitment 3 of the World Food Summit Plan of Action, which reads as follows: "We will pursue sustainable food, agriculture, forestry, fisheries and rural development policies and practices which are essential to adequate and reliable food supplies at the household, national, regional and global levels considering the multi-functional character of agriculture." To this end I would like to stress the important role of sustainable food production in each country. With regard to countries suffering from hunger and malnutrition, efforts will be made not only to implement emergency food aid effectively, but also to improve food production through the technical and economical assistance of international society.

With regard to the standard procedure and format of the report on implementation of the Summit Plan of Action, it should be concise, flexible and realistic, bearing in mind the importance of its implementation by all Members.

Luigi FONTANA-GIUSTI (Italy): Mr Chairman, first of all let me congratulate you for the excellent way you are leading our work and for your important Chairmanship.

Let me raise a few points in line with the statement made by the Presidency of the European Union and suggest a few complementary elements. First of all we are convinced that the target of 2015, to reduce by half the number of the undernourished people, will be achieved if national governments and other organizations will take their responsibilities, undertaking urgent actions in accordance with the commitment in the objectives of the plan. Therefore, we think that the reports on the follow-up action should contain information on the measures taken in relation to each commitment and, at that point, I think that the Telefood programme, for which we are also in an advanced stage of organization, could help to recall those commitments.

We would like to also express satisfaction with the statements made by the Director-General of FAO this morning, as well as by the President of the World Bank, by the Executive Director of the World Food Programme and by the President of IFAD, which confirmed the willingness to provide each Organization's support for the implementation of the World Food Summit Plan of Action.

It is our view that a very important result of the World Food Summit is the new comprehensive framework it offers for looking at the food situation in a food security perspective. Within this new framework, supply and demand factors are well balanced in assessing the nature of food insecurity and in drawing up a plan of action aimed at improving the situation for the future. It is our impression that the documents we are examining here, while accurately referring to the present situation on the supply side, tend to pay comparatively less and not fully adequate attention to the demand side. We obviously have nothing contrary to the attention paid to factors influencing production, trade, aid and thus food availability. We think, however, that there is a risk here of confusing the global food situation with food supply, the latter being only part of the former, although certainly a most important one. Should this be the case, we would also risk confusing the specific factors influencing food supply with the broader set of factors responsible for the present food situation and the unacceptable level of insecurity associated with it. This is not a criticism to otherwise accurate documentation, but a warning and a call to all of us on the need to constantly keep a balanced view in line with the result reached in the Summit, never forgetting that ultimately food insecurity is the insecurity of individuals and families deprived of an adequate access to food.

Another point referred to paragraph 21 of document CL 111/8, which recalled the vital contribution that forest and forest products made to food security and poverty alleviation. This is something in which I would like to stress the role of FAO, which has the institutional vocation of guaranteeing the balanced utilization of natural resources. I will come back to this point when we discuss the COFO report, but I would like to stress now the importance we attach to the role of FAO. We think that after the panel in New York has concluded its mandate, competencies on forestry should come back to FAO, which has the longest and largest experience in the sector and the primacy that nobody could contest.

J.C. MACHIN (United Kingdom): Allow me first to say that the United Kingdom delegation fully endorses the statement that was made earlier by the delegation of the Netherlands, on behalf of the European Community and its Member States, and in particular the recommendation that FAO prepare country briefs on food security and agricultural strategies only at the specific request of Member Countries. We too are strongly of the view that the progress must be country-led and under the ownership of the respective governments.

Allow me to make some other observations, but specifically on the Special Programme for Food Security. My delegation's fundamental wish is to ensure that FAO's resources are used to the very best advantage of those suffering from hunger and poverty in developing countries. We are seriously concerned that the Special Programme is not an effective use of FAO's resources. I will deal with our concerns under three headings: first the rationale for this Programme, secondly its content and thirdly the all-important question of the resources required to fund it.

First of all, on Programme rationale, the World Food Summit made clear that alleviating poverty is the first requirement for improving food security. While increasing sustainable food production is essential to food security in the long term, and one in which FAO has a crucial role to play, the Special Programme does not, in our view, effectively address the needs of the poorest and cannot live up to FAO's claim that it is the "spearhead" for achievement of FAO's goals in each country. A focus on food production alone will not, in our view, deal adequately with the multiple and complex causes of the lack of access to food experienced by the poorest. There is no point in farmers producing more food if there is no effective demand for it. Farmers often respond very well to increasing demand without external assistance.

Where assistance to food production is justified, the first priorities are often policy and administrative improvements rather than technical interventions based on demonstrations of standard packages. In our view, FAO will have a greater impact on poverty alleviation by working with others in the areas of policy and administrative reform than by implementing small projects. Technical interventions are, most likely, to be justified in lower potential areas to support the poorest and least food secure communities, most exposed to risk and with least access to resources, not, again in our view, in the areas with better potential targeted by the Special Programme.

Let me now turn to the Programme's content. Any technical interventions require three things: first, very carefully considered problem analysis and design; secondly, particular attention to sustainability in specific local circumstances; and thirdly, comprehensive monitoring and evaluation. It is not clear to my delegation that FAO is meeting these requirements in the Special Programme.

Next, and this is a fundamental point, of the four main components of the Programme's pilot phase an analysis of constraints should have the first call on resources. 1 think that is self-evident. But in a number of countries it has not been carried out at all under the pilot phase. Where a constraint analysis has been carried out, the constraints identified have been at an administrative and policy level. They were not technical constraints. The pilot phase activities, therefore, appear to be addressing the wrong questions. This reinforces our earlier point about the rationale for the Programme.

No information is available on what the Programme has achieved so far, in particular for the poorest groups. We believe that individual projects and the direction of the Programme as a whole should be subject to objective evaluation before any extension is considered.

Finally, let me turn to the matter of resources, which as I said is all- important. FAO has not said what total resources it intends to devote to the Special Programme. Secondly, it appears to us, that other FAO services to developing countries will be deprived of resources by the focus on the Programme. FAO has not made clear what the impact on these services will be. It follows that the Programme has an opportunity cost. Until that cost is made clear, the membership of the Organization is not able to make an informed choice as to the future of the Programme.

ByungHA CHUNG (Korea, Republic of): First of all, my delegation appreciates the Secretariat's efforts to take concrete follow-up measures of the World Food Summit. I believe that all contents in the Secretariat's documents will be helpful and useful guidance for each country. In addition to the Secretariat's documents, I would like to express some points concerning the follow-up measures of the World Food Summit.

The World Food Summit provided an insight into various causes of food insecurity, including hunger and malnutrition, and has broadened the range of food security issues. In this connection, one declaration established not only reducing the number of undernourished people to half by 2015, but also achieving food security for all, as well as the global food security. Accordingly, they should not be limited to eradicating hunger and malnutrition but they should face the various causes of food insecurity, including difficulties which the food importing countries are confronted with. The follow-up measures should also be handled from this prospective.

I would also like to point out that clear conveyance of the outcome of the World Food Summit to other international organizations, such as the WTO and OCD, is an important follow-up measure to the World Food Summit.

The World Food Summit holds its significance in that agricultural issues related to food security were not limited to trade issues, but were approached from an overall agricultural prospective. I hereby urge that the Secretariat exerts more efforts to convey this, of the World Food Summit, more accurately to other international organizations.

Felipe H. PAOLILLO (Uruguay): Mi delegación ve en el seguimiento del Plan de Acción de la Cumbre Mundial de la Alimentación una de las principales tareas, si no la principal, que tendrá la FAO en los próximos años. No vamos a insistir aquí en la importancia de la Cumbre, en lo que todos estamos de acuerdo, ni en su carácter de hito decisivo en la evolución de la cooperación internacional, que hace que podamos hablar con relación a FAO de un antes y un después de la Cumbre.

La Cumbre ha impuesto a los gobiernos y a la FAO responsabilidades y tareas adicionales de cuya ejecución depende de que el Plan de Acción cristalice en un esfuerzo de cooperación efectivo y material, para lograr la seguridad alimentaria a todo nivel. Por eso es que me ha sorprendido mucho, probablemente porque soy un recién llegado a este Foro, cuando comprobé que en momentos en que se habla de la consecución de los ambiciosos objetivos de la Cumbre Mundial y de la ejecución del Plan de Acción, se manejen las hipótesis de crecimiento nominal cero o incluso, como se habló en algún momento, de reducción de presupuesto cuando se trata de proveer recursos a la Organización en cuyas manos precisamente está buena parte de esta tarea. Esto sin duda le quita credibilidad a los compromisos que nuestros gobiernos asumieron al más alto nivel y, desde un punto de vista de la opinión pública mundial, le quita credibilidad también a la cooperación internacional en general. Lo que deja más perplejo es que todo esto ocurra en un área de la cooperación que involucra valores tan delicados, al referirse a millones de seres humanos que padecen hambre.

Para mi delegación, en ningún momento de la historia de FAO ha sido más inapropiado que el momento actual para hablar de reducción de presupuesto o de crecimiento nominal que, como el Director General lo reconoce en su introducción al resumen del Programa de Labores y Presupuesto, implica una reducción substancial de las actividades y del producto substantivo de los programas en beneficio de los Miembros. A la Cumbre Mundial nuestros gobiernos acudieron para solucionar un problema y de la Cumbre salieron con un nuevo compromiso de cuyo cumplimiento la FAO constituye un elemento fundamental. En esta situación, las alternativas de reducción o de crecimiento nominal cero no son alternativas verdaderas porque son simplemente abortivas de los objetivos propuestos.

En cuanto a las tareas que le incumbe a la FAO en el futuro de materia de seguimiento, la del establecimiento de instituciones y procedimientos para la presentación de los informes, es una de las principales y una de las más delicadas; en este sentido, en el Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria se discutió ampliamente el asunto y se dieron los lineamientos generales sobre los que deberían de organizarse estos procedimientos.

Nuestra delegación insiste que en esta tarea se tenga en cuenta la experiencia generada en otros ámbitos de la cooperación internacional, en lo que se refiere al control del cumplimiento de obligaciones y presentación de informes. En particular, en las áreas de obligaciones relacionadas con el medio ambiente y en el respeto de los derechos humanos. Deberá asegurarse que este ejercicio de presentación de informes sea simple pero completo, reflejando la información relativa a todos los compromisos asumidos en la Declaración de Roma, se eviten duplicaciones y se haga todo lo posible para facilitar las tareas de los gobiernos.

Debe a toda costa evitarse lo ocurrido en otros campos, en que los estados que deben informar sobre el cumplimiento de ciertas obligaciones substantivas, no pudieron cumplir ni siquiera con la obligación procesal de informar, porque los requerimientos excedieron la capacidad institucional o los recursos de que disponían dichos gobiernos. Por lo tanto, deberá de actuarse con mucha cautela y basándose en experiencias de otros Foros a los efectos de una organización de los procedimientos que haga efectivo el cumplimiento de la obligación de informar.

Moussa Bocar LY (Sénégal): Monsieur le Président, il convient de rendre hommage au Comité de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale et à son Bureau et pour cela vous me permettrez de faire une mention spéciale à M. David Smith dont on mesurera l'absence qui sera vraiment ressentie.

En lançant l'idée du Sommet mondial de l'alimentation, beaucoup étaient sceptiques mais la préparation a montré une synergie qu'on ne soupçonnait pas des Etats Membres de la FAO, des ONG, des différents acteurs de la société civile. Et pourtant, après un dur travail, on est arrivé à élaborer une Déclaration politique et un Plan d'action adoptés au plus haut niveau par nos chefs d'Etat et chefs de Gouvernement. En lançant ce processus au Comité de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale, on nous disait qu'il fallait faire en sorte que cette Conférence ne fût pas une conférence de plus. Mais à qui revenait cette tâche ? A nous tous, et nous avons tous fait en sorte que cette Conférence puisse aboutir à une Déclaration politique et à un Plan d'action. Maintenant, pour que cette Conférence ne soit pas "une de plus", c'est à nous, en mettant en oeuvre le Plan d'action et la Déclaration politique, qu'il revient d'assumer nos responsabilités. Le Plan d'action l'a bien compris qui met l'accent sur la responsabilité nationale tout en accentuant au niveau de l'Engagement 6 cet esprit de coopération et de collaboration internationale; du reste le Paragraphe 53 e) exhorte les partenaires au développement à mobiliser et à optimiser l'utilisation des ressources techniques et financières au niveau nécessaire pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire durable. Le Plan d'action a tracé de façon claire et précise les responsabilités qui reviennent aux différents acteurs que nous sommes tous ensemble.

2015 permettra de mesurer les réalisations concrètes de notre volonté politique qui a conduit à l'adoption du Plan d'action et de la Déclaration politique et de voir notre volonté réelle de ne pas faire de ce Sommet une conférence de plus.

Le Comité de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale a bien commencé son travail en traçant les lignes d'action qui nous attendent. L'élaboration des rapports nationaux à ce sujet constitue un élément fondamental de ce processus. De même, bien que il y ait eu beaucoup de scepticisme nous sommes confiants, et nous devons le dire satisfaits, qu'à travers des consultations inter-agences, on ait abouti à une approche commune sur la proposition conjointe de la FAO et du FIDA pour le suivi au niveau du CAC inter-institutions de ce Plan d'action. Nous pensons que les bases d'une réussite sont là jetées, bases d'une collaboration inter-agences qui trouve sa source à Rome même où se trouvent la FAO, le FIDA et le PAM. De même, le Secrétariat de la FAO a pris des initiatives concrètes. L'une de ces initiatives évoquée ce matin par M. de Haen constitue la consultation sur le système d'information et de cartes sur l'insécurité et la vulnérabilité alimentaires. C'est un outil précieux dont il s'agit de poursuivre l'élaboration. Mais ici nous rappelons que malheureusement pour nous autres pays en développement et surtout pour les pays africains que mon pays a l'honneur de présider en cette année, la tâche est difficile, comme l'avait rappelé du reste il y a quelques mois de cela l'éminente Représentante du Canada.

En effet, dans notre continent, la collecte et le traitement des statistiques constituent une tâche léonienne. Aussi attendons-nous de la FAO qu'elle nous apporte une assistance concrète pour faire de ce système à naître, le SICIVA, une réalité concrète au service de nos populations les plus démunies. De même, la FAO, en associant bien sûr les gouvernements, a pu procéder avec ceux-ci à la conception et à l'élaboration de stragégies de développement national agricole Horizon 2010. A condition que les services nationaux intéressés puissent intervenir dans tout ce processus, et je crois que c'est assuré dans la mesure où l'adoption finale se fera au niveau des différents conseils ministériels des différents Etats, je crois que cette initiative vient à son heure et, ayant eu à participer à cette table ronde ici même, nous avons mesuré le degré d'utilité de ce processus. En effet, autour des représentants d'Etats Membres, les différentes institutions internationales financières et de développement se sont réunies et ont analysé chacune en ce qui la concerne l'aspect de stratégie qui l'intéressait, faisant ainsi converger les différents efforts vers l'élaboration finale de la stratégie qui ressort de la responsabilité suprême et ultime des Etats Membres et d'eux seuls. Nous ne voyons donc pas ici où devrait se situer le problème dans la mesure où au fond l'objectif d'augmentation de la production alimentaire trouve sa place centrale dans le Plan d'action que nos chefs d'Etats ont adopté.

De même, nous avons pu mesurer combien les organisations internationales ont trouvé cela utile dans la mesure où cela leur permettait de définir une action complémentaire. De même, l'initiative de Telefood, comme l'a bien souligné le Représentant de la France, permet de sensibiliser toutes les composantes de la société aux résultats du Sommet mondial de l'alimentation. Mon pays, tout comme la France, l'a prise très au sérieux en créant un groupe de travail qui puisse réunir tous les acteurs de la société dans cette initiative de Alimentel de façon à pouvoir concrétiser nos engagements, rechercher des ressources supplémentaires pour financer les décisions du Sommet mondial de l'alimentation.

Nous voudrions pour finir souligner le caractère essentiel et prioritaire du Programme spécial de sécurité alimentaire. Ce n'est pas nous pays à faible revenu et à déficit vivrier, ni nous pays en développement qui l'avons inventé. C'est le Conseil, organe directeur suprême après la Conférence, qui l'a adopté comme programme prioritaire en 1994 ici même, devant nous tous ici présents, du moins, la plupart peut-être. Nous nous souviendrons que le Conseil l'avait déclaré programme prioritaire après en avoir analysé toutes les composantes. Or, voilà qu'on nous pose des problèmes de conception et de philosophie. En tout cas, en ce qui nous concerne au Sénégal, après une phase pilote réussie, le Programme spécial est entré en 1997 dans une phase opérationnelle élargie qui voit la convergence de l'intervention des organisations paysannes maîtresses d'oeuvre du programme, des experts compétents de la République démocratique du Viet Nam, des services techniques nationaux et de la FAO.

Au niveau de ce Programme, formé de petits projets ruraux adaptés au milieu et à moindre coût, la participation paysanne, la responsabilisation des bénéficiaires, l'exécution par les organisations paysannes elles-mêmes constituent les mots-clés de ce programme. Ainsi les organisations paysannes ont en charge la mise en oeuvre et l'exécution de ce programme. Il s'y ajoute un programme de formation inter-organisations paysannes de façon à ce que celles-ci puissent vraiment prendre en main leur destin. Au plan de la conception, je crois que la Banque mondiale est une organisation indiquée pour mesurer le degré de conceptualisation de ces différentes stratégies et programmes et pourtant c'est la Banque mondiale elle-même qui a souligné ici devant nous au CSA la pertinence de ce programme, mieux qui, par une action concrète, s'est engagée en signant avec le Directeur général un accord pour appuyer le programme spécial. Qui mieux que cette institution internationale pouvait donner un crédit à ce programme? De plus, la Banque africaine de développement qui vient juste de se réunir à Abidjan, a donné une évaluation positive de ce programme.

Je signale en outre que la Banque africaine de développement a également signé un accord dans le même sens que la Banque mondiale en faveur de ce Programme spécial. Je crois que le processus va se poursuivre avec les autres organisations régionales financières qui couvriront les autres

régions que connaît notre monde. Je crois que la preuve est faite de l'utilité et de la pertinence de ce programme. Maintenant je crois qu'il s'agit, par nos différents concours, par nos différents apports - car je souligne que le Sénégal apporte financièrement sa contribution à ce programme -que chacun au niveau national et au niveau international s'y mette pour faire de ce programme une réussite et, en passant, nous devons souligner la contribution financière italienne importante ainsi que la Coopération sud-sud magnifiée par la participation des experts vietnamiens à ce Programme spécial au Sénégal. D'ailleurs nous pensons que d'autres pays partenaires du Sud pourront également participer à ce programme. Il s'agit de mesurer par une contribution concrète, la détermination et la volonté politique de chacun de nous de faire de ce Sommet mondial de l'alimentation, comme je le disais au départ, mieux qu'une conférence de plus.

Enfin, et dans le cadre de ces engagements pris au sein de ce Sommet mondial de l'alimentation, je devrais finir là où j'aurais dû commencer en redisant notre fierté de vous voir vous, membre du Groupe des 77, présider avec tant de brio et depuis le début, notre Conseil, organe appelé à jouer un rôle essentiel dans le suivi du Sommet mondial de l'alimentation. Avec vous je veux féliciter également le Bureau qui est composé d'hommes compétents. Nous soulignons que,comme par hasard, malheureusement, nous ne trouvons aucune femme dans ce Bureau, contrairement aux engagements que nous avons tous pris ici au sein du Sommet mondial de l'alimentation.

Roberto O. VILLAMBROSA (Argentina): Señor Presidente, mi delegación concuerda con los esfuerzos que deben realizar los países a nivel nacional para mejorar la situación alimentaria de sus poblaciones y en tal sentido, próximamente transmitirá a la Secretaría varios documentos y elementos relativos a la situación de la nutrición en la Argentina cumpliendo con los postulados que se han previsto en la Cumbre Mundial de la Alimentación.

Como usted nos invitó, señor Presidente, a referirnos no solamente a la Cumbre Mundial de la Alimentación sino también al Programa Especial de Seguridad Alimentaria, quiero decirle que la Argentina, fiel a los postulados y a los objetivos que se ha fijado la Organización, desea ratificar su tradicional compromiso de contribuir a disminuir las dificultades que enfrentan los países respecto de su seguridad alimentaria. No obstante su característica de país en desarrollo, es consciente de otorgar, una sustentabilidad a los proyectos que ha encarado la Organización. En tal sentido, y ya nos referiremos cuando llegue el momento, mi país es donante del Programa Mundial de Alimentos y ya nos concentraremos en el punto a que se refiere esto, que creo que es el 19. Ello, sin perjuicio de otras iniciativas que mi país ha diseñado y puesto en práctica para la Cooperación Sur-Sur, como es el caso del Fondo Nacional de Cooperación Horizontal para la Cooperación Sur-Sur.

Quiero destacar, señor Presidente, que, como lo hiciera en su momento el Grupo Latinoamericano del Caribe, la República Argentina ratifica el compromiso asumido ante la Organización con respecto al apoyo al Programa Especial para la Seguridad Alimentaria, y en tal sentido quiero anunciar que mi país está analizando detalladamente la posibilidad de implementar su participación en el esquema de dicho programa, a través del componente de Cooperación Técnica. En este sentido, entendemos que el proyecto Bolivia ofrece un adecuado marco que es un proyecto que se encuentra en su fase piloto. En este entendimiento, mi país espera llevar a cabo, en el momento oportuno, un encuentro de carácter técnico al fin de intercambiar ideas con los diferentes aspectos involucrados en este proyecto y evaluar adecuadamente las eventuales formas de cooperación en un análisis concreto del proyecto Bolivia.

Somos conscientes de la responsabilidad que tenemos para hacer efectivos los fines que ha trazado la Organización, pero también los países en desarrollo y en particular los países del área de América Latina, que cuentan con desigualdades en las diferentes regiones internas de sus propios países. Los llamados en mi región "bolsones de pobreza rural" son una realidad en América Latina y es por eso que mi región requiere de la cooperación internacional en el marco del Programa de Cooperación Técnica. Y por otra parte, también las obligaciones que las últimas negociaciones comerciales en el marco de la Ronda Uruguay nos han establecido y que, como en el caso del

Codex Alimentarius, nos llaman a ratificar la necesidad de una cooperación del Programa de Cooperación Técnica para nuestra propia región y para los temas de desarrollo rural, es decir que con esto, señor Presidente, quiero terminar mi intervención en la esperanza de que el componente de Cooperación Internacional y los objetivos que la propia Cumbre Mundial de la Alimentación nos fijó, contribuyan para poder mirar con un espíritu abierto las posibilidades en el marco de esta Cooperación Internacional que nos ofrece la FAO.

Nasreddine RIMOUCHE (Algeria) (Original language Arabic): Allow me, Chairman, to thank you for the presentation of this Agenda item. We also wish to express our satisfaction about the many explanations and clarifications provided by the Secretariat on a number of occasions and especially during the sessions of the Programme and Finance Committee, in particular concerning the relationship between the Programme for Technical Cooperation and the Special Programme for Food Security.

We are convinced that the misunderstandings and ambiguities have now disappeared. We would like to seize this opportunity to reaffirm our support of the SPFS and also the interest we feel for the Technical Cooperation Programme and the need for increasing its resources so that this Programme can meet the expectations of developing countries.

With regard to the follow-up for the implementation of the Commitments of the Summit, we believe that it is necessary to stress the responsibility that national governments have for the implementation of these decisions in line with the principles of national sovereignty.

Furthermore, we also wish to stress the importance of international cooperation on an equal basis among states. It is also necessary to ensure that all those parties which are in society and all states cooperate in the implementation of the Commitments and Resolutions.

We also stress the importance of the coordinating role of this Organization in the follow-up to the Summit, in collaboration with Member Nations and the various institutions concerned, this through the CFS.

Furthermore, with regard to what is to be done from now to the year 2015, although FAO has an important catalyst role to play, it is states which are responsible and national reports should be provided. The Organization can very well help draft these reports, provide coordination and use the information provided by states. In this regard I would like to say that my country has received a draft report from FAO which was circulated to all departments concerned, and preliminary remarks have already been provided on this draft report.

With regard to the reports on the progress achieved in the implementation of the World Food Summit, we believe that we should further analyze the matter and lay down concerted criteria, agreed upon by Member Nations, so that there can be a common approach in the preparation of these reports which should be submitted regularly to the CFS. We also believe that it is necessary to have a common, joint procedure and a single format for national reports as well.

We are in a pilot phase in the preparation of these reports and, though these reports do not respond to a clearly defined methodology, we subscribe to the suggestions made by the CFS, which urges us to follow the outline and format of the Commitments of the World Food Summit, at least for the time being until a new meeting of the CFS is convened.

The implementation, the field of decisions and recommendations of the Summit cannot take place unless assistance is provided to the countries that require such assistance for the implementation of decisions and resolutions. This aid, which should be provided to these countries, is an imperative. If these countries had had their own resources to achieve their own food security, they would not have needed a World Food Summit. The attainment of the food security objective is the very raison

d'être of the support that countries gave to holding such a Summit. Food security cannot be achieved unless there is collective responsibility. These are the Commitments adopted during the World Food Summit. This should also help do away with imbalances, both domestically and internationally. There is a legitimate urge not to ignore the commitments and the pledges made during the World Food Summit.

Mohammad MEJBANUDDIN (Bangladesh): After the Food Summit the commitments made at the highest political levels, we believe the Summit commitments have generated a momentum towards reducing hunger and malnutrition around the globe. But even with all our commitments things have not improved as we have all desired, we understand that although the national governments will take major responsibilities for removing hunger, concerted international actions are also needed. In this regard, we welcome this Special Programme for Food Security that has been launched to address problems of food security and poverty.

We appreciate greatly the Director-General of FAO's initiative to mobilize resources, necessary funds for this purpose. In this respect the signing of agreements between FAO, the World Bank and the African Development Bank is a step in the right direction. However, in order to concentrate activities on all countries, SPFS, at least for the time being, should focus more on LIFDCs.

At our national level the Government of Bangladesh has taken seriously the commitments it had made during the Summit. The Government of Bangladesh, UNDP and FAO have agreed on the undertaking of a comprehensive review and analysis of the policy, institutional and investment programming issues affecting the food security of poor households. We believe that joint and concerted actions and cooperation will go a long way in alleviating the poverty and ensuring food security for vulnerable groups in the society.

Adel Mahmoud ABOUL-NAGA (Egypt) (Original language Arabic): We have given our support to the implementation of the recommendations of the World Food Summit. We have dealt with all these different points during the meetings that were held and I would like therefore to confine myself to making just a few points.

Regarding document CL 112/9, we wish to stress what is said in paragraph 11 that FAO should use its best endeavours to participate in the control of desertification and also ensure cooperation with the international agricultural research bodies, and paragraph 24, the strengthening of WTO- related activities and the strengthening of national capacity in developing countries. We likewise support what is stated in paragraph 26 of the document concerning research, programmes and the management of natural resources and technology transfer. We also support paragraph 27 which concerns the crucial role played by women in agriculture.

With regard to document CL 112/15, my delegation wishes to support what is stated in paragraph 36, which concerns the participation of the Organization in designing a strategy for food security as well as the role of the governments concerned and their participation, with the support and assistance of FAO. Likewise, we support what is stated in paragraph 38, the three different approaches suggested for the preparation of reports, and we likewise underscore the follow-up of the Summit on a regional and sub-regional level. We likewise endorse paragraph 39; we believe that national reports should be submitted every two years as suggested in paragraph 41.

Furthermore, we also attach great importance to the food insecurity and vulnerability information and mapping system, and we support what was stated by Algeria and Senegal concerning the assistance that should be provided to the countries that require such aid in preparing national reports. With regard to Special Programme on Food Security, we have stressed the importance of this programme and the great interest that developing countries, be they African or whatever, attach to it. We have stressed this at the CFS and we support what was stated by a colleague and friend, the Honourable delegate of Algeria, with regard to the clarity that should exist between these

programmes and the Technical Cooperation Programme. I wish to stress that these programmes should be considered as programmes which belong to the countries concerned. I also stress the importance of national strategies. We also attach great importance to South-South cooperation in this regard and we welcome the support provided by international financial institutions that have provided funds for the implementation of such programmes.

B. SANDAMU (Zimbabwe): Mr Chairman, we would like to join other delegations on complimenting FAO for the detailed papers they have prepared for discussion. We are pleased to learn that agricultural production increased in the last years and particularly so in Africa.

Zimbabwe has also been fortunate in the past two years with agricultural production, growing by over 40 percent in 1996, albeit coming from a drought-induced low base of 1995. Estimates for 1997 show an increase of over 7 percent in total agricultural production; however staple food crops, such as maize, sorghum and millets will register a slight decline compared to 1996 due to excessive rains experienced in January and February which resulted in waterlogging, leaching of plant nutrients, pests and weed infestations.

There is once again, after two devastating droughts in the 1990s, food self-sufficiency at national level. Food insecurity at household levels is still experienced by a large section of the population. Access to food at affordable prices on a continuous basis is the primary national food security problem.

The fundamental goal of the Government of Zimbabwe's agricultural policy is to raise the productivity and incomes of smallholder agriculture through a process of commercialization leading to enhanced rural purchasing power, an expanded base for industrial growth and improved backward and forward linkages with other sectors. Long-term goals are to reverse land degradation and to raise sectoral output above population growth on a sustainable basis that ensures food security at both household and national levels.

Zimbabwe has benefitted from external assistance in agricultural development and would like to acknowledge FAO's intervention in irrigation development; development of a framework for national agricultural research planning; elaboration of a national programme for the development, processing and marketing of small grains; and elaboration of a training programme in marketing for the agricultural unions.

Zimbabwe now has an almost free market for the production, marketing and export of agricultural products, providing exceptional incentives for farmers. The policy options that are being pursued by Zimbabwe in agriculture are consistent with goals and commitments of the World Food Summit as contained in the Rome Declaration on World Food Security and the World Food Summit Plan of Action.

We have indicated our willingness to participate in the Special Programme for Food Security in an effort to improve household food security and alleviate poverty.

Arrangements for Telefood in Zimbabwe have already been set in motion working very closely with the FAO Sub-regional Office for Southern and East Africa. To show the measure of our support for the initiative, the task force on Telefood is being chaired by the Permanent Secretary for Agriculture.

Finally, Mr Chairman, we are honoured to host the FAO Sub-regional Office for Southern and East Africa, and given that Zimbabwe co-ordinates Food Security in the Southern African Development Community, FAO can easily link the Southern African Region through Zimbabwe.1

EL PRESIDENTE: Con esto se cierra esta sesión sobre el Tema 5 de nuestra Agenda; me quedan todavía varios Miembros del Consejo que me han pedido hacer uso de la palabra: Tailandia, Rumania,

1 Statement inserted in the verbatim records on request.

Uganda, Sudáfrica e India. Bien, la lista obviamente queda abierta y les convoco para que mañana nos encontremos en esta sala a las 09:30 en punto. Recuerden ustedes que la interpretación está ya pagada y que cada minuto que pase resta eficiencia a este Consejo y por tanto son recursos perdidos.

The meeting rose at 18.00 hours
La séance est levée à 18 h 00
Se levanta la sesión a las 18.00 horas

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