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23.2 Appointment of the Independent Chairman of the Council
23.2 Nomination du President indépendant du Conseil
23.2 Nombramiento del Presidente Independiente del Consejo

EL PRESIDENTE: Buenos días señores delegados. Declaro abierta la 19a Sesión Plenaria de la Conferencia.

Según nuestro orden del día, distribuido para todos ustedes, el primer tema es el punto 23.2 que es el nombramiento del Presidente Independiente del Consejo.

Como ustedes saben, el mandato del actual Presidente del Consejo, el doctor Bukar Shaib, está a punto de concluir y tenemos que elegir a su sucesor. El documento de referencia es el C 81/15. Tenemos un solo candidato el doctor Swaminathan, de la India, que es bien conocido de todos nosotros, pero antes quisisera dar la palabra al señor Director General.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: Mr. Chairman, I wish to pay tribute to the outgoing Independent Chairman of the Council, Dr. Bukar Shaib.

At the recent session of the Council I recalled the outstanding qualifications and experience of Dr. Bukar Shaib and his association with FAO over a period of almost 20 years, culminating in the high office that he now relinquishes.

I need only say again, before this august assembly, that Dr. Bukar Shaib has followed the noble tradition of his predecessors and done a deep service to our Organization.

The association that I have had with him over the last four years has indeed been a privileged one. Dr. Bukar Shaib's wisdom and collaboration have been especially helpful to me and useful to the Organization.

Moreover, as all members of the Council have reason to know, he has been an outstanding Independent Chairman. Under his direction, sessions of the Council have been characterised by a friendly climate. His recognized neutrality and the sober and clear way in which he helped the Council to deal with issues, always led to a consensus. There were no votes and no recriminations. Because of the efficiency with which he conducted the sessions, they always ended a day or more earlier than scheduled. All these achievements accord him, without doubt, a legendary place in the history of the Council.

May I express the hope, on behalf of us all, that Dr. Bukar Shaib may continue to many successes and that FAO may continue to benefit from his commitment to the ideals of the Organization.


BUKAR SHAIB (Independent Chairman of the Council): Mr. Chairman, Mr. Director-General, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen: it is a great pleasure for me to have successfully completed the assignment you have given to me over the past four years. I would like to thank my own country for sponsoring .me as a candidate for the post and I would like to thank the African Region because it was then the turn of the African Region to produce the Independent Chairman of the Council and they sponsored me; I would like to thank them for that.

Over and above that, I would like to thank all members of this great Organization for giving me their support because without your support, without your understanding, it would have been impossible for me to do my work, because unless members cooperated in the Council-and cooperation depends on the instructions they get from their governments-it would be very difficult indeed for any Chairman to do his work.

Also, my work was made much easier and facilitated by the wonderful cooperation I had from the. Director-General, Dr. Edouard Saouma, who was of course a friend of mine before, so 1 had no problem, no difficulty in dealing with him and his colleagues. The Secretariat-Mr. Sylla and his colleagues in the Secretariat-have also helped a great deal by preparing all our Council sessions in a very efficient manner and therefore I have no doubt that when you elect Dr. Swaminathan in a few minutes, he will get the same cooperation as you gave to me, and X know that the Director-General and the Secretariat will give to my successor the same cooperation and willing services as they did to me,

I would like to thank you, Mr. Director-General, and I would like to thank you, Mr, Chairman. I thank you all.


Β.E. PHIRI (Zambia): We would like to say a few words to the outgoing Independent Chairman of the Council, Dr. Shaib. The service Dr. Shaib has rendered to the Council was really outstanding. When he was elected Independent Chairman we did not know what he was going to do; we did not know how he was going to handle the Council ser 'ons. But now that he has come to the end, we say with a happy mind that he acquitted himself verified.

Dr. Shaib was Independent Chairman of . .e Council and steered the Council through some very delicate sessions, for example the session we had in June this year when we were discussing the budget for the next biennium.It was a delicate session and with his good leadership, his good chairmanship, we managed to go through that Council and to reach some reasonable level of consensus on the Programme of Work and Budget. It is not an easy job to lead a group which is not a homogenous group, a group which believes in various ideals, because whatever ruling you make, it is bound to displease a section of that particular group. We are bound with whatever decision we make to generate opposition from certain quarters within the group.If it were a homogenous group, possibly the work of an Independent Chairman would be easy. However, we are happy that Dr. Shaib managed in difficult times to steer the Council to successful conclusions and we hope that as he goes back home he will remember us. He will probably come back to discuss issues with us either in the Council or in Conference.

When we said a few words to Dr. Shaib in the Council we mentioned that his predecessor, Ambassador Bula Hoyos of Colombia, is still with us. He rendered services to the Council for four years but he has managed to stay on the scene and is still with us. I am not saying that Dr. Bukar Shaib should also become a Permanent Representative for Nigeria, but if that were the case it would be a welcome development. However, whether that takes place or not, we value the contribution that you have made to this Organization in various capacities and particularly as Independent Chairman of the Council, and we hope that your invaluable knowledge which you have acquired in handling the affairs of the Council will help you to make further contributions-either through the delegation of Nigeria or directly-to the Council or to the Conference when an opportunity occurs.

With those words we wish you all the best in your next assignment.


J. TCHICAYA (Congo): Monsieur le Président, je suis très honoré de prendre la parole ici pour remercier et dire au revoir au Dr Bukar Shaib au nom de mon gouvernement et au nom du groupe africain, qui, il y a quatre ans, avait décidé de présenter sa candidature à ce poste. Nous sommes d'autant plus fiers que nous considérons que le Dr shaib a rendu des services inestimables à notre organisation. C'est pourquoi nous ne pouvons nous empêcher de dire que c'est avec regret que nous le voyons partir au terme de quatre années de présidence sans heurts,

En effet, le Dr Shaib a su, pendant son mandat, s'attirer l'amitié de tous les membres du conseil, singulièrement de notre groupe qui lui était attaché par la géographie et l'histoire. Mais son audience a dépassé le cadre de notre groupe et nous sommes certains que tous les membres du Conseil ne l'oublieront pas de sitôt.

Son mandat, marqué essentiellement par la crise économique mondiale qui a exacerbé les égoîsmes des uns et les plaintes des autres, était propice aux confrontations entre les représentants des pays pauvres et ceux des pays riches.

Cependant, grâce à son intelligence et à son sens du dialogue, il a toujours su faire régner, au sein du Conseil, une ambiance fraternelle propice aux concertations.Il a su être l'homme de la situation. Nous lui souhaitons un bon retour et nous espérons qu'il continuera à mettre ses très grandes qualités au service de son pays et même de notre Organisation. Je vous remercie.


H. CARANDANG (Philippines): On this occassion please allow the Asia Group to convey its appreciation to Dr. Bukar Shaib of Nigeria for his invaluable services as the outgoing Independent Chairman of the FAO Council. We would like to thank him for his important contribution to the work of the FAO Council and wish him continued success.I believe that I can say without fear of being contradicted that Dr. Bukar Shaib has conducted the deliberations of the sessions of the Council in a manner that has commanded respect and admiration of all Member countries.

I have followed personally all the sessions that have been presided over by Dr. Bukar Shaib as Independent Chairman. In my opinion there are three attributes that we can give to the manner in which Dr. Bukar Shaib has acted as Independent Chairman and these are independence, firmness and justice. During the whole two-year term as Independent Chairman of the Council nobody has ever pointed an accusing finger to Dr. Bukar Shaib that he has ever been partial to anyone or to anybody, except to his own vision of what was right and just. If I may be allowed to paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, I would say Dr. Bukar Shaib has always had firmness in the right, as his own independent mission made him see that right.

This is the kind of brand of professionalism, moral rectitude and dignity which we admire most in Dr. Bukar Shaib.

We are confident that Dr. Bukar Shaib will continue to value his links with the Organization and remain a strong pillar of Africa in the FAO Council.


A. SUAREZ (Ecuador): En nombre de la delegación del Ecuador y en representación de los países miembros del Grupo Latinoamericano quiero expresar el testimonio del más vivo reconocimiento y admiración por su productiva gestión que ha desplegado el señor Bukar Shaib durante estos cuatro años en que le ha correspondido presidir el Consejo de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación.

La preparación amplia y profesional que tiene le ha permitido dirigir con gran acierto la labor del Consejo así como sus cualidades personales le han facilitado orientar con gran claridad sus trabajos, aun en los momentos más difíciles.

Tuve la oportunidad de escuchar las numerosas y justas expresiones de reconocimiento de que fue objeto el doctor Shaib en la ultima sesión del Consejo que le tocó presidir, poco antes de iniciarse esta Conferencia de la FAO. Allí se mencionaron, entre otras muchas, las cualidades personales del doctor Shaib y se destacó de manera especial el gran tino con que supo guiar los debates en el Consejo. Ahora hemos escuchado también una relación de sus méritos resaltando con toda justicia esas cualidades que, unidas a la magnífica preparación profesional y a la muy larga experiencia con que ha contado, han hecho de su período al frente del Consejo de la FAO una etapa de trabajo serio, comprometido y eficaz.

Por otra parte, y al escucharle hace un momento al propio doctor Shaib me he convencido atín más de la gran verdad que encierra aquel concepto de que la modestia en el ser humano es la virtud que mejor permite apreciar sus verdaderos méritos.


El Grupo Latinoamericano se suma complacido y reconocido a este homenaje de gratitud al doctor Bukar Shaib, hombre honesto, trabajador, competente, cuya .capacidad estuvo por veinte años al servicio de los altos y nobles objetivos de la Organización.


J. GLISTRUP (Denmark): On berhalf of the European Region I would like to pay tribute to the outgoing Independent Chairman òf the Council, Dr. Bukar Shaib. I had the privilege of first cooperating with Bukar way back in 1966 when I had the privilege of serving as a" FAO livestock development adviser in Northern Nigeria. One of the problems we were trying to tackle while I was serving there.was the problem óf the migrating Fulani population of Nigeria. Now Bukar Shaib is behaving like one of them, he is migrating and leaving us.

From our Region I would like to thank you warmly for the way you have conducted the Council session in the past four years. Some of them have been very difficult but they have all been concluded with dignity. You have, with your calm wisdom, been a source of inspiration to all of us and we would like to wish you all the best in your future very important work.


A. MALEK (Liban) (langue originale arabe) : Au nom des délégations arabes et au nom des délégations des pays du Proche-Orient, ainsi qu'au nom de la délégation du Liban, je voudrais exprimer notre considération et notre gratitude au )Dr Bukar Shaib pour les efforts qu'il a consentis lors de son mandat comme Président indépendant au cours des quatre dernières années. Nous lui souhaitons plein succès dans ses travaux et ses fonctions è l'avenir. Nous ne devons pas oublier que le soutien et la collaboration entre le Dr Edouard Saouma et le Dr Bukar Shaib ont été reflétés dans les résultats positifs du Conseil exécutif.

Nous avons connu depuis bien longtemps le Dr Bukar Shaib lorsqu'il était représentant du Nigeria au Conseil exécutif, avant qu'il ne soit élu Président indépendant de celui-ci. Nous l'avons connu en tant qu'ami fidèle, compétent pour traiter les questions concernant les pays en voie de développement; nous l'avons connu comme une personne faisant preuve de sagesse dans son comportement et dans ses relations avec les délégations. Nous le remercions car il a offert à l'Organisation de nombreux services. Il a aussi offert de nombreux services pour les pays en voie de développement et nous espérons qu'il continuera d'offrir ses services pour le monde entier dans le domaine de l'agriculture.

Nous lui souhaitons bonheur, succès et longue vie..


R.A, SORENSON (United States of America): On behalf of my country and the North American Region I would like to join with my colleagues here in paying tribute to Dr. Bukar Shaib for the magnificent service that he has rendered FAO.

Unfortunately I have only been in Rome in the past two years so I have not had the pleasure of benefiting throughout the entire period of his tenure in office but during the time I have been here I have noted the great success with which he has tended to bring us all together, even at times when the discussion sometimes tended to be difficult.

He has received many accolades from my colleagues here today; wonderful things have been said about his humility, his great sense of personal rectitude. I have always found him to be a man of great dignity and with a great diplomatic skill for unifying people rather than dividing them and I have personally-appreciated the friendship that he has extended to me and the help he has given to me in the Programme Committee, where we have often benefited from his presence and his wise and sage counsel.


We wish him well. We regret that he shall no longer be guarding our deliberations in the Council. We hope, however, that FAO will continue to benefit from his wisdom and his advice and his counsel over the years ahead.


T.J.KELLY (Australia)": We in the South West Pacific countries watched with growing respect the performance of Dr. Bukar Shaib as Independent Chairman of the Council. That chairmanship was not always an easy task, only his ability, patience and personal tranquillity made it appear that way. We would therefore like him to know particularly that we did appreciate and understand the problems that he was facing and we think the same of him for his resolute approach to solving them personally.I would be a proud and happy man if I could ever come to acquire the reputation for confidence and integrity which Dr. Bukar Shaib wears so graciously. All of us in the Region thank him and wish him well.


C MUSZALSKI (Poland): On behalf of the Eastern European Socialist Countries allow me to express our thanks to Dr. Bukar Shaib, the outgoing Chairman of our Council, for his successful work as Chairman in this Council. We hope that Dr. Bukar Shaib will continue his activity for the benefit of our Organization.

B.F.DADA (Nigeria): I should like to seize this opportunity on behalf of the Government and people òf Nigeria to express our profound gratitude to all Member Nations for extending such warm support and cooperation to Dr. Bukar Shaib since he has assumed the great office of Independent Chairman of the Council in 1977.

Dr. Bukar Shaib is a man of stature, an eminent veterinarian who has contributed immensely to the development of agriculture in Nigeria. He is a much respected and distinguished personality. It has been a pleasure for my country to have made available the valuable experience of Dr. Shaib during these past four years.

The tributes which you have all paid this morning are overwhelming and eloquent testimony to his outstanding achievements in office. As many delegates may be aware, Dr. Bukar Shaib is now the Special Adviser to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on agriculture.

Once more I would like to thank you for the great honour done to Nigeria and for your kind words on Dr. Bukar Shaib's contributions to FAO.


EL PRESIDENTE: Excelentísimo señor Bukar Shaib, yo desearía unir mis palabras a las de todods lo que aquí han expresado su pensamiento como un reconocimiento sincero a la labor que usted ha desarrolado como Presidente Independiente del Consejo. Yo no he tenido la suerte de conocerle a usted antes que ahora, pero puedo decir que en estos días que llevo en Roma todos me han dicho de sus cualidades excelentes y de su criterio equilibrado para el tratamiento de los asuntos, y cuando esto ocurre siempre es porque la verdad es más grande que las opiniones.

Le deseo, con sinceridad, todos los éxitos que usted merece en su vida futura. Muchas gracias.


BUKAR SHAIB (Independent Chairman of the Council): Mr. Chairman, Mr. Director-General, Honourable Delegates: I do not think I can add anything on the tributes you have paid to me. I cannot thank you more. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

I know that while I was Independent Chairman I offended lots of people but they seemed to forgive me forit and now say very nice things.

I am sure that what I have tried to do is to be fair to all; therefore from that point of view my own approach has been undertstood. For example, I remember once when my friend from the Philippines had something wonderful to say I thought it was not going to be conducive to unity in the Council and I stopped him and he almost walked out. But I think later on he understood and came to me and said, "Yes, what you did proved to be right in the end". This sort of approach is what has made my work easy. This has happened with the United States and with all the countries who have any very strong feelings about things.

I hope that this attitude will continue, because unless we take the FAO as an Organization that has a purpose-that is, a mission-not a forum to come and find each other's faults, but a forum to find solutions to the great problems of malnutrition and hunger in the world, then the the Organization will not succeed. But if you take the approach that this Organization has a mission I am sure that in future years the Council will continue to grow in stature, the Council will continue to help the Conference and the nations that are needy in order to make peace in the world,

Mr. Chairman, I would like to thank you also for your contribution. I am very proud of the way you have conducted our own Conference here with calmness and dignity which has made this Conference one of the best I have ever known. 1 am sure that all the delegates will agree with me about the efficient way in which you conducted the business of this Conference. I thank you very much.I thank all of you for the tributes you have paid to me.


EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas Gracias Doctor Bukar Shaib.

Recordarán todos que hemos aprobado una Resolución expresando un homenaje al Doctor Bukar Shaib como Presidente Independiente de nuestro Consejo, que nos recomendó el Comité General en su Segundo Informe (Documento C 81/LIM/24).

Esta Resolución aparece también en la primera parte de nuestro proyecto de informe de la Plenaria (Documento C 81/REP/1), que hemos aprobado ayer por la mañana.

Podemos pasar ahora a la votación para el nombramiento del nuevo Presidente del Consejo. Hay una sola candidatura para este puesto y es la del Doctor M.S. Swaminathan, como indica el Documento C 81/15.

Espero que hayan leído todos este Documento antes de proceder a la votación.


DIRECTOR-GENERAL:I wish to congratulate Dr. Swaminathan on his election to the high function of Independent Chairman of the FAO Council.

His election reflects the high esteem in which he is held by our Organization. It honours not only the individual, but his country India, and indeed the whole of Asia.

Dr. Swaminathan's impressive qualifications are known to you all, as is his distinguished reputation. His achievements in scientific scholarship and agricultural development are extensive. I need hardly enumerate them in this brief salutation.

Suffice it to say that through the election of Dr. Swaminathan as Independent Chairman of the Council, the Organization is gaining on a wide front.

His service of the Government of India spans from responsibilities for advanced scientific work to his present functions of Member of the Planning Commission and its Acting Deputy-Chairman.

His contribution to scientific and professional bodies embraces not only a large number in India, but also the Royal Society of London, the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America and the Ail-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences in the USSR.

He has been associated with FAO for over 20 years through expert consultations and technical meetings. He was Vice-Chairman of the Technical Advisory Committee to the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. He led the delegation of India to the FAO Council at its 75th Session and was Chairman of Commission II of the 20th Session of the Conference.

With such a background, Dr. Swaminathan brings to his office, high intellectual capacities, a deep experience of the agricultural problems and achievements of India, a close association with the problems of agricultural development internationally and above all, a dedication to the ideals and objectives of our Organization.

I wish to extend to Dr. Swaminathan the assurance of the full collaboration of my colleagues and myself in the important office he has just assumed, and look forward to a very close and harmonious association.


BUKAR SHAIB (Independent Chairman of the Council): I would like to add my own words of congratulations to those of the Director-General on the election of Dr. Swaminathan to succeed me as Independent Chairman of the Council. Dr. Swaminathan' s achievements in making India from a food-deficit to a self-sufficient grain-producing country is'well known. He has made tremendous contributions to science, agricultural sciences in the research and development area and we have all benefitted from his experience in the developing countries. He therefore brings to the work of the Council a very deep knowledge of what it is and how it feels to be hungry, and how it feels to do something about it. I have no doubt that Member countries will give him as much support as they have done to me in order to make his work easier and to make the work of the Council progress to a level where we can achieve the objectives of the Organization.

Nor have I any doubts whatsoever that the Director-General and his colleagues will, as promised, give him all the cooperation to make the work of Dr. Swaminathan a success, because the success of the Council is the success of this Organization and there is no doubt that Dr. Swaminathan has the qualifications to achieve this success.I congratulate you, Dr. Swaminathan.



Β. E. PHIRI (Zambia): It is with great pleasure that we welcome the appointment of Dr. Swaminathan to the post of Independent Chairman of the Council, Dr. Swaminathan comes from a country which has an invaluable contribution to make to the world in the field of agriculture.In welcoming you as Independent Chairman of the Council we wish to say that your only misfortune is that you come to head the Council at a time when some members of this Organization are beginning to question its efficiency, its usefulness, its impact on development etc. You may probably wish to have a word aside with the outgoing Chairman, Dr. Bukar Shaib, on this.

To preside over such an Organization will therefore not be easy for you, Dr. Swaminathan. The economic situation is still in bad shape and so developing countries will be running to and fro looking for assistance. The Director-General will have sleepless nights because of constant banging on the door by developing countries coming to seek assistance.In turn, the Director-General will make himself a nuisance at the doors of donor countries for resources with which he can answer the requests from developing countries. In this game of give and take, therefore, Dr. Swaminathan, you will be playing a central role as Independent Chairman of the Council.

So much about your misfortune.Now, a word about your fortune.I wish to assure you that in spite of the urgent problems of developing countries and the urgency with which they want to resolve them, they will be willing enough to follow your leadership. You can therefore count on the Group of 77 to do everything possible to see to it that it minimizes your problems and makes your work as smooth as possible.

With those few words we wish to heartily welcome you as Independent Chairman of the Council, for at least the next two years and probably another two years thereafter.


J. TCHICAYA (Congo): Monsieur le Président, notre groupe africain voudrait joindre sa voix à celle qui vient de s'exprimer pour présenter ses chaleureuses félicitations au Dr M.S. Swaminathan qui vient de remporter un brillant succès ce matin. Cette élection, qui honore en premier lieu l'intéressé, au-delà du pays et de la région qu'il représente, constitue également un gage de succès pour notre Organisation.En effet, l'expérience acquise par le Dr Swaminathan, durant plusieurs années de travail au service de son pays, est, à nos yeux, un capital dont il ne manquera pas de faire profiter la FAO durant son mandat.

Comme chacun le sait, le rôle du Président indépendant du Conseil est d'une importance capitale pour la marche de l'Organisation puisque, entre les sessions de la Conférence, le Conseil est appelé à trancher, et même à décider, sur un certain nombre de problèmes afin de faciliter la mission du Directeur général.

Nous avons quant à nous bon espoir que le Conseil, sous la direction du Dr Swaminathan, jouera pleinement son rôle. Le Président indépendant élu offre, dans tout les cas, suffisamment de références pour nous rassurer sur l'avenir de l'Organisation. Nous savons que la tâche qui attend le Dr Swaminathan est difficile et souvent délicate. Mais, d'ores et déjà, notre nouveau président indépendant peut être assuré de l'appui et du concours actif du Groupe africain, au nom duquel jfai l'honneur de m'exprimer.


Ms R. TIRONA (Philippines) : On behalf of the Asia group, the Philippine delegation as its current head would like to offer congratulations to the new Independené Chairman of the FAO Council, Dr. Swaminathan, a distinguished and illustrious son of India and of Asia. His appointment to this new post is a fitting tribute to his important contributions to the work of the Organization and to world efforts in food and agriculture.

Dr. Swaminathan has had a long and impressive carreer, both in the Government of India and in international and regional organizations. He served, inter alia, as Chairman of the International Scientific Committee constituted to review the research contributions of the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines in 1975.In recognition of his contribution as scientist, educator both of students and farmers, and administrator, towards generating a new confidence in India's agricultural capabilities, the Philippines awarded him the most coveted Ramon Magsaysay Award for community leadership in 1971.

The Asia Group is confident that Dr. Swaminathan's wealth of experience, his skilled conception of global food and agricultural issues and his hope and vision for a better world for all will result in the further strengthening of the FAO Council. As we wish Dr. Swaminathan success in the discharge of his new functions, the Asia Group is sure that he will be able to continue the finest traditions associated with the position of Independent Chairman of the FAO Council.

In welcoming Dr. Swaminathan we also wish to pledge our cooperation and full support for the realization of the objectives of the Council on a basis of neutrality of interests.


P.J. MCLEAN (United Kingdom): It is a great honour and an even greater pleasure for my delegation to speak for the European Region in welcoming Dr. Swaminathan’s appointment as Independent Chairman of the Council. It is not only Dr. Swaminathan but also the whole Council who should be congratulated on its very wise choice.

My country, and especially the professional advisers in our own Overseas Development Administration, have for many years known and worked with Dr. Swaminathan and his team in our programme on international cooperation. We have striven together to tackle the problems of the application of research, the problems which face the farmer in his fields every day, both at their simplest and at their most profound. We have learnt much from his wisdom. His immense professional integrity and knowledge, his utter devotion to the eradication of hunger and his wonderful insight into the realities of everyday human existence all make him the perfect candidate to guide the Council over the next few years.

We thank him for agreeing to take on this difficult and important task and we thank the government of India for releasing him to undertake it.


A.SUAREZ (Ecuador): Quiero en nombre del Grupo Latinoamericano manifestar la más calurosa felicitación al Sr. Doctor Monkombu Sabasivan Swaminathan por haber sido electo como nuevo Presidente Independiente del Consejo de la FAO. Su extensa hoja de servicios habla por sí sola de su preparación y capacidades, las cuales, estoy seguro, se entregarán por entero a beneficio del Consejo y de nuestra Organización que, de hecho, ha contado ya con la participación y aportes, por muchos años, de tan distinguido ciudadano de un gran país como es la India.

Estamos seguros de que el compromiso que hoy adquiere frente a la FAO y todos los Países Miembros el Doctor Swaminathan lleva implícito el afán de servicio más entusiasta de su parte, que es desde ya una garantía de que su período como Presidente del Consejo sera pleno de aciertos y de realizaciones positivas, teniendo en cuenta sus méritos profesionales, su amplia experiencia y su reconocida calidad personal.

Como delegado del Ecuador y como representante del Grupo Latinoamericano, me honro en dar una calurosa bienvenida, así como anticipar la más constructiva colaboración al distinguido nuevo Presidente Independiente del Consejo de la FAO, Doctor Monkombu Swaminathan, y la aseguro, al mismo tempo, el éxito más completo en su gestión para beneficio de la Organización y de todos los Países Miembros de la FAO. Gracias señor Presidente.


M. GHAZZI (Syria)(Original language Arabie): I am very happy indeed, on behalf of my country and on behalf of the Near East countries, to congratulate Dr. Swaminathan who will now be the new ' Independent Chairman of the Council. When we put our trust in Dr. Swaminathan we wanted to show that we are convinced that he will help solve problems that the Organization has to face and also developing countries have to face in the area of agriculture and will help to implement the ideals and targets of the Organization.

The promises that were given by the Director-General to collaborate closely with Dr. Swaminathan shows that the Council will no doubt be very successful during the coming term of office.

Ms. J. McQUEEN (Canada) : On behalf of the North American Region I would like to congratulate Dr. S.waminathan on his election as the Independent Chairman of the FAO Council. We cannot but be very impressed on reading your curriculem vitae, sir, because you have achieved so many honours from so many countries and you have a very wide experience in the agricultural sciences right into the heart of the decision-making levels of the Indian Government.

As others have noted your country has been one of the success stories in what we used to refer to as the "green revolution" and is a shining example of miracles that can happen when a nation establishes a clear priority for agricultural and rural development and plans its activities accordingly. I am sure that your experience in this process will make an immense contribution to our work and will certainly serve as an inspiration to all of us.

We in Canada are already aware of your many qualities through contributions you have made to the work in our International Development Research Centre and we join with others in knowing that we owe a deep vote of thanks to the Government of India in making you available to us.

On behalf of the United States of America and of Canada I assure you we are looking forward to working with you, Dr. Swaminathan, and we wish you well in your new office.

E.J. STONYER (New Zealand) : On behalf of the six nations of the South-West Pacific I would like to extend our congratulations to Dr. Swaminathan on his election as Independent Chairman of the Council for the next few years.

His long association with FAO, with international organizations generally, should fit him well for the onerous task ahead. The position of Chairman of the Council over the next few years will be a demanding one. Economic conditions are likely to remain difficult at a time when the work of FAO needs intensification. This will mean the Council Chairman will need considerable skill, considerable patience and wisdom if genuine consensus is going to be reached in our Organization.

Dr. Swaminathan, we congratulate you. We wish you every success in the onerous task that lies ahead of you.

P. VANDOR (Hungary): It is a special privilege for me to express the warmest congratulations of the Socialist Countries in Eastern Europe to Dr. M. S. Swaminathan on his election to Independent Chairman of our Organization. Dr. Swaminathan has not only outstanding qualifications for his task but he comes from a Member Nation of our Organization which is playing an important and constructive role in agri culture and food at national and international levels, including FAO. We are convinced that he, as the new Independent Chairman of the Council, will continue the good tradition of this country and he will share with all of us his country's and his personal wisdom while deliberating the difficult and sometimes delicate food and agricultural issues of the Council.

I would like to assure Dr. Swaminathan that the Socialist Countries, on whose behalf I have the honour to speak, fully support him and will personally cooperate with him in order to solve our not easy tasks and to achieve as soon as possible the noble aims of this Organization.

In conclusion I would like to add my best personal wishes to Dr. Swaminathan on his election and wish him good health and many successes in this high office.


S.P. MUKHERJI (India): On behalf of the Government of India and the Indian delegation may I extend our heartfelt thanks to all the delegations here who have so overwhelmingly elected Dr. M.S. Swaminathan to this august office. We are also grateful to the distinguished speakers for their words of cooperation and appreciation of Dr. Swaminathan and his office to which he has been elected. We are very deeply touched and moved by this occasion.

Dr. Swaminathan is one of the most distinguished sons of India in the field of science, agricultural research and development. He is, as a matter of fact, one of the architects of modern Indian agriculture and Indian agriculture today has become synonimous with Dr. M.S. Swaminathan. The fact that at present he is holding the high office of membership of the Planning Commission in charge of policy and programme of agriculture and rural development is an indicator of the high confidence that our Prime Minister has in him. But more than everything else, and the scientific excellence that he has, I value in him the spirit of human compassion which he has evidenced in every office that he has held so far. His compassion for the poorest of the poor, his compassion for the landless and his concern for the welfare of the rural population and especially the women and children of the rural population, is an index of the values that he holds near to his heart. He is one of those unique persons in India who, apart from their scientific excellence, have the ability of a very competent administrator. As secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture during 1979-80 he managed the great drought of the century in a very excellent fashion and he has laid down certain policies and programmes for drought management which have become the guidelines for all others to follow in future. The fact that he has won awards of national and international importance from India, USA, the UK and the USSR, from both the hemispheres, shows the excellence he possesses in the field of the scientific profession as such.

But the fact also remains that the Magsaysay Award and the Borlaug Award that he has won also indicates the human sympathies to which I have referred.

I think I cannot do better to describe him than to quote from the citation which is indicated in this document which was given to him during the Borlaug Award for 1978:

"For profound appreciation of his catalytic role in providing deep insights and inspiring fellow scientists of set goals, share experience in the process of social change and transformation to a society which treats of Man at the centre; for evolving a strategy for agriculture rooted in science, but tempered by concern for ecology and human values and for the amplitude of his perceptions which has encouraged community effort directed to a synthesis in the movement of agriculture."

I think in these few words most of his accomplishments, aspirations and efforts have been indicated. I feel that mankind needs men like Dr. Swaminathan at the helm of affairs connected with agriculture, food, anti-poverty programmes, anti-hunger programmes and programmes for maintaining human dignity as such.

My delegation and my government are fully confident that Dr. Swaminathan will not only come up to but excel the expectations from this high office to which he has been so overwhelmingly elected today.


EL PRESIDENTE: Antes de pedirle al Doctor Monkombu Sambasivan Swaminathan que nos haga el honor de dirigirnos su palabra desde el atril que se ha colocado aquí en el podio, quisiera decir a los señores delegados que con la elección del Sr. Swaminathan de la India se ha cumplido, una vez más, con el espíritu de la Organización en el sentido de que cada región presida a su turno el Consejo de la FAO, pero por encima de todo al elegir al Doctor Swaminathan, los Estados Miembros han designado a un hombre de sólidos antecedentes científicos y académicos con una vasta experiencia en su propio país y en cargos internacionales. Al entregársele el Premio Boerma en 1978 se destacaron las aptitudes renovadoras y visión profunda del Doctor Swaminathan en su actuación científica. Estoy seguro, por lo tanto, que esas mismas' aptitudes guiarán en el futuro las labores del Consejo de la FAO.

Doctor Swaminathan le agradeceré mucho que usted ocupe el atril para dirigirnos su palabra.


M.S. SWAMINATHAN (Independent Chairman of the Council Elect): Mr. Chairman, Mr. Director-General, Dr. Bukar Shaib, distinguished delegates, ladies end gentlemen: I feel both humble and grateful on this occasion. I am aware that my election is really a tribute to the efforts of my country to raise food production above the level of population growth. To over 70 percent of India's population agriculture is the source of not only food but jobs and income. Hence, our ties with great Organization have been strong from the beginning. One of the greatest Indians of our time, Dr. B.R. Sen, served as Director-General of this Organization for several years. It gives me personal pleasure to have the privilege of strengthening these bonds further.

My pride in being an Asian has been further enhanced by the Report of Commission I which was adopted just a few minutes ago. One paragraph of this Report states; "Among all the developing market economy regions only the Far East has achieved a gain in agricultural export earnings in real terms in 1980."

When I read the work entrusted to the Council under the Constitution, I feel overwhelmed at the importance and enormity of the task ahead. The support extended by the distinguished delegates and the kind words spoken by the Director-General, by you, Mr. Chairman, by Dr. Bukar Shaib and distinguished representatives of regions will however serve as sources of strength and inspiration. I am indeed deeply grateful.

My thoughts on this occasion go to the following words of Albert Einstein, the great scientist: "How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But with deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people-first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by ties of sympathy. A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labours of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving".

It will be appropriate in this context to recall the monumental contributions made by the earlier Independent Chairmen of the Council, starting with Viscount Bruce of Melbourne, who established valuable conventions relating to the role of this position in the Organization. During the 1970s, when the world food position oscillated between hope and despair, Prof. Michel Cépède of France, Dr. Gonzalo Bula Hoyos of Colombia and Dr. Bukar Shaib of Nigeria guided the deliberations of the Council and assisted the Organization to achieve greater levels of effectiveness.

I would like to add my own words of appreciation and gratitude to Dr. Bukar Shaib for discharging the heavy responsibility of this position with such dedication and distinction. It will be my sincere endeavour to follow the footsteps of these great men and work closely with the dynamic Director-General, Dr. Edouard Saouma and his colleagues in the effective implementation of the decisions and resolutions of this Conference.

In this address to this Conference on November 9, 1981, Dr. Saouma warned us that the scenario in global agriculture particularly in what may be termed as the "economy class portion of our spaceship earth" where the people of LDC and MSA countries live is not a pleasant one. The Prime Minister of India, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, in her Frank Mc Dougall lecture delivered on the same day reminded us that since the unpleasant nature of the agricultural scenario in developing countries is largely man-made, the process can be reversed, provided we do not remain silent spectators of this dismal landscape. Human achievement in development is not a museum of finished constructions. We can add and alter if there is a requisite blend of brain, brawn and bank-and I am using the word bank here to indicate all resources, financial and natural resources.

I regard some of the resolutions and decisions of this Conference to be significant milestones in our march towards the conquest of hunger. The opportunity provided by the activities associated with the "World Food Day" can be used effectively to spread the message and meaning of the World Soil Charter. Recent advances in space exploration have reconfirmed that we will have to rely on mother earth for our food and water. Land is a shrinking resource for agriculture and the use of land has hence been rightly regarded as a down to earth index of a civilization. A priority task awaiting the Council is to assist the, Director-General and Member Nations in giving life to the letters of the soil charter.

Another area which deserves priority attention is the pathway of generating a symphony approach among all nations while determining the priorities and programmes of this Organization. We must develop a common wave length and resolve differences by analysis and discussion. Sharp rhetoric does not shorten the path to success. So long as there is a commitment to the cause for which this Organization stands for, I have no doubt that we can all work together as members of a joint family, sharing joys and sorrows together.


My thoughts on this occasion go to the farmers and fishermen on whose smiles and well being life on earth is so dependent. They toil in sun and rain, snow and wind. Their women work long hours doing a variety of jobs, many of which involve heavy drudgery. Many farmers and fishermen in the Third World are illiterate. They however are endowed with the wisdom arising from experience. They hence attach greater importance .to non-verbal communication, since to them "seeing is believing". They live in a world of action. In contrast, we live in a world of words. Being familiar with both the worlds, it will be my sincere endeavour to work closely with the Director-General, his staff as well as the Members of the Council and representatives of Member Nations in bridging the growing gap between resolution and action.

I once again thank you for the confidence you have reposed in me and for the very many kind words spoken.


23.3 Appointment of Member Governments' Representatives to the Staff Pension Committee
23.3 Nomination des représentants des Etats Membres au Comité dela Caisse des pensions
23.3 Nombramiento de Representantes de los Estados Miembros en el Comité de Pensiones del Personal

EL PRESIDENTE: Vamos a continuar con nuestro orden del día y trataremos el punto 23.3 que es el nombramiento de representantes de los Estados Miembros en el Comité de Pensiones del Personal. El Documento de referencia es el C 81/16 que ha sido distribuido ya oportunamente.

Como saben ustedes la FAO participa en la Caja Común de Pensiones del Personal de las Naciones Unidas, administrada por un Comité Mixto que se compone de representantes de los Organos Directores de las Organizaciones Miembros, de sus Directores Generales y de los participantes en la Caja.Cada Organización Miembro tiene un Comité del Personal con la misma composición tripartita, que se ocupa de la mayor parte de las cuestiones relativas a las pensiones de su personal.

Esta sesión de la Conferencia tiene que nombrar tres miembros y tres suplentes del Comité de Pensiones del personal de la FAO para el período que va desde el 1 dé enero de 1982 hasta el Io de diciembre de 1983. Los nombramientos, por lo tanto, son por un período de dos años. En vista de la necesidad de asistir a frecuentes reuniones en la Sede, la Conferencia generalmente nombra a representantes que residen en Roma.

En el documento C 81/16 figuran los actuales representantes de los gobiernos en el Comité. Uno de los miembros, la distinguida representante de Panamá, Embajadora M. Ivankovich de Arosemena ha pedido ser relevada de sus funciones a causa de otros compromisos y ha propuesto que se designe en su lugar al distinguido representante de Yugoslavia, señor Milan Zjalíc.

Me informan que las siguientes personas, miembros de delegaciones presentes en esta Conferencia y residentes en Roma aceptarían ser miembros titulares o suplentes del Comité por el período que va del 1° de enero dé 1982 al 31 dé diciembre de 1983.

Voy a pedir al señor Secretario que nos lea la lista de estas personas.

LE SECRETAIREGENERAL: Les personnes suivantes, membres de délégations à la présente Conférence, ont accepté de participer au Comité de la Caisse des pensions pour la période du 1er janvier 1982 au 31 décembre"1983, à savoir: comme membres M. Horatio Mends, Conseiller ministériel, représentant permanent de la République du Ghana auprès de la FAO; Ramadhar, Conseiller, représentant permanent suppléant de la République indienne auprès de la FAO, M.M. Zjalic, Conseiller ministériel, représentant permanent de la République fédérale socialiste de Yougoslavie auprès de la FAO; comme membres suppléants, M. R. de Meira, Conseiller, représentant permanent de la République du Portugal auprès de la FAO, Son Excellence M. Sayed Amir Abdalla Khalil, Ministre plénipotentiaire, représentant permanent de la République démocratique du Soudan auprès de la FAO, M. C, Palmer, Attaché agricole, représentant permanent suppléant de la République de Sierra Leone auprès de la FAO.


EL PRESIDENTE: Señores delegados, si no hay comentarios u objeciones a los nombres que han sido propuestos e indicados por el señor Secretario, declaro adoptada tal propuesta.


24. Date and Place of the Twenty-second Conference Session
24. Date et lieu de la vingt-deuxième session de la Conférence
24. Fecha y lugar del 22° período de sesiones de la Conferencia

LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL : Monsieur le Président, le Directeur général avait proposé à la Conférence les dates suivantes pour la Conférence générale de 1983 : du samedi 5 novembre au jeudi 25 novembre 1983.

EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas gracias. Si la Conferencia no tiene comentarios u objeciones que formular adoptaríamos como fecha y lugar del 22° período de sesiones de la Conferencia lo que ha sido recientemente mencionado por el señor Secretario.

Queda aprobada la fecha propuesta en este punto.

25. Any Other Business
25. Autres questions
25. Otros asuntos

En el punto 25 no hay asuntos que tratar.



Vamos a tratar el informe de la Comisión I, documento C 81/REP/2 y C 81/REP/3 que todos ustedes tienen en su poder.

Vamos a tomar en primer lugar el informe de la Comisión I sección por sección. L,e voy a pedir al señor Presidente de la Comisión I si quiere acercarse al estrado.

Como he dicho recién, vamos a tomar enseguida el informe de la Comisión I sección por sección, documento de referencia C 81/REP/2.

Antes de empezar la adopción de este informe quisiera recordar que no estamos aquí para abrir de nuevo el debate de fondo. Los informes de las tres Comisiones han sido discutidos y adoptados por las Comisiones que son, lo saben ustedes, órganos plenos. El fondo y la forma ya han sido discutidos y no podemos abrir de nuevo aquí el debate. Vamos, entonces, a examinar este informe sección por sección sin discutir la cuestión de fondo; si hay un desacuerdo sobre algunos puntos tendremos simplemente que votar a mano alzada. Las delegaciones que hagan objeciones a una u otra parte de este informe pueden consignar sus objeciones en las actas, y si insisten,en el informe mismo. Todas las enmiendas o correcciones de estilo deben ser dadas al señor Secretario General; yo las examinaré con él, pero solamente cambios de forma podrán ser considerados.

Estoy seguro que después de los largos debates que han tenido lugar en el seno de las Comisiones no se votará aquí inútilmente, pero si esto fuera inevitable votaremos en todos los casos, primero sobre el texto sometido por la Comisión y pediré a las delegaciones que apoyan el texto alcen sus tarjetas; después las delegaciones que voten en contra; y finalmente las delegaciones que se abstengan.

Procederemos con una votación nominal solamente en el caso que una delegación lo solicite específicamente, como lo explicita el párrafo 7 inciso a) del artículo XII del Reglamento General.


Las declaraciones de las delegaciones que deseen explicar sus votaciones serán incluidas en las actas para no perder tiempo.

Vamos a ir tratando este documento y mencionando los párrafos. El señor Presidente de la Comisión tiene la palabra.

J. ΤCHICAYA (President de la Commission I): Merci Monsieur le Président. Je ne désire pas intervenir sur le fond des rapports puisque vous les avez devant vous. Ils ont été amplement discutés, et c'est le résultat de nos débats qui sont consignés dans ces rapports. Mais avant d'en commencer l'examen, je voudrais avant tout remercier la Conférence qui a bien voulu manifester sa confiance en nous élisant au niveau de cette commission, c'est-à-dire moi-mime et les deux vice-présidents-je veux parler de l'Ambassadeur Stuyck et de M. Denis Noël, de Grenade. Les travaux au sein dé cette Commission se sont déroulés dans un climat serein ce qui a favorisé des débats larges et constructifs sur tous les points à notre ordre du jour.

A cet effet, je tiens à remercier tous les membres de la Commission qui ont travaillé dans l'harmonie afin que nos travaux se terminent dans les délais impartis.

Quant aux résultats de nos travaux, comme je l'ai dit, ce sont ceux consignés dans les documents C 81/REP/2 et C 81/REP/3. Je vous remercie.

EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas gracias señor Presidente de la Comisión.

Procederemos como hemos dicho y mencionaremos párrafo por párrafo para que ustedes puedan hacer las consideraciones que estimen necesarias o den su aprobación a los mismos.

Este informe se refiere al estado de la agricultura y la alimentación. Están a consideración de ustedes los párrafos 1 al 34.

Paragraphs 1 to 34 approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 34 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 34 son aprobados

Draft Report of Plenary-Part 2 was adopted
Le Projet de rapport de la pléniere, Partie 2, est adopté
El Proyecto de informe de la Plenaria, Parte 2 es aprobado


EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas gracias. Bueno, señores delegados, vamos a continuar con el tratamiento del orden del día y por lo tanto trataremos ahora el documento C 81/REP/3 que es la continuación del informe de la Comisión I.

Vamos a poner a consideración de ustedes este informe párrafo por párrafo:

Paragraphs 1 to 11 approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 11 sont approuvés
Los párrafos lall son aprobados

Paragraph 12 approved
Le paragraphe 12 est approuvé
El párrafo 12 es aprobado

Paragraphs 13 to 21 approved
Les paragraphes 13 à 21 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 13 a 21 son aprobados


Paragraphs 25 to 45 approved
Les paragraphes 22 à 45 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 22 a 45 son aprobados

Paragraphs 46 to 60 approved
Les paragraphes 46 à 60 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 46 a 60 son aprobados

Draft Report of Plenary-Part 3, was adopted
Le projetde la plénière, Partie 3, est adopte
Elproyecto de informe de la Plenaria, Parte 3, es aprobado

The meeting rose at 12.00 hours
La séance est levée à 12 heures
Se levanta la sesión a las 12 horas

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