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T. AHMED (Chairman, Drafting Committee): The Drafting Committee, which comprised nine members, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Cameroon, Lebanon, Senegal, Bangladesh, New Zealand, Sweden and Cuba, met four times over a period of nearly 12 hours and considered the Draft Report.

Our basic aim during our deliberations was to reflect as accurately as possible the debate which had taken place in Commission II, although, of course there were times when substantive issues were raised. Nevertheless, we tried to restrict ourselves to reflecting the debate accurately. The results of our labour have been circulated to you as REP/1, REP/2 and REP/3.

We attempted most amicably to arrive at a consensus on the Draft Report. There may be certain omissions or slight errors but, to the best of our ability we have tried to reflect what went on in Commission II.

I should like to take this opportunity of expressing appreciation of the co-operation and hard work on the part of all the members of the Drafting Committee, and also of the valuable assistance and help we received from the Secretariat and FAO staff.

That is all I have to say by way of introduction. Perhaps we can now go through the Draft Report.

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