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Opening Statement by the Director-General
Overture par le Director général
Inanguración por el Diretor General

LE DIRECTEUR GENERAL: Excellences, Mesdames et Messieurs les délégués et observateurs, Mesdames, Messieurs, j'ai l'honneur et le placemen qualité de Directeur général de la FAO, de vous souhaiter la bienvenue à cette vingt-quatrième session de la Conférence de l'Organisation. La Conférence de la FAO, qui réunit tous les deux ans les responsables mondiaux de l'agriculture, est une rencontre au sommet d'une importance exceptionnelle.

Je tiens à saluer de tout coeur tous les délégués qui se sont déplacés pour cette occasion, et en particulier ceux qui participent pour la première fois à la Conférence de la FAO. Je suis certain que le travail que vous allez accomplir au cours des prochaines semaines sera fécond et comblera votre attente, et que vous apprécierez votre séjour dans cette ville incomparable qu'est Rome.

Nous devons nous attacher aujourd'hui à des questions de procédure pour que la Conférence puisse dés lundi aborder les questions de fonds qui. sont inscrites à son ordre du jour. Dans cet esprit, je suis persuadé que les débats de la Conférence se dérouleront dans un climat de sérénité et d'harmonie sous la conduite du Président que vous allez élire.


1 Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairmen
1 Election du Président et des Vice-Présidents
1. Elección del Presidente y de los Vicepresidentes

L’ection du Président est le premier point inscrit à votre ordre du jour.

Conformément aux dispositions de l'Article XXIV du Règlement général de l'Organisation, le Conseil a proposé la candidature de Son Excellence M. Faisal A.R. Al-Khaled, Ministre du commerce et de l'industrie du Koweït. Le rapport du Conseil à ce sujet est soumis á- la Conférence dans le document C 87/LIM/1.

La Conférence approuve-t-elle cette candidature?


DIRECTOR-GENERAL (original language Arabie): I declare His Excellency Faisal Abdul-Razzak Al-Khaled elected Chairman of the Twenty-fourth Session of the Conference. I am certain that he has the capability to guide the work of this Conference successfully because of his skill which we are all aware of. I congratulate His Excellency Faisal Abdul-Razzak Al-Khaled and I offer him my best wishes for success. May I assure him that I am completely available, as all my staff, to support him in his task.

May I ask His Excellency Mr Faisal Abdul-Razzak Al-Khaled to step up to the podium and take his place?

M. Faisal Abdul-Razzak Al-Khaled,took the chair
Faisal Abdul-Razzak Al-Khaled, assume la présidence
Ocupa la presidencia el Sr. Faisal Abdul-Razzak Al-Khaled

Address by the Chairman of the Conference
Discours du Président de la Conférence
Discurso del Presidente de la Conferencia

CHAIRMAN (original language Arabie): In the name of Allah The Most Benevolent and Merciful, Excellencies, Excellency the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization, Ladies and Gentlemen Your choice in electing me Chairman of this Conference I deem as a -great expression of trust in my person. You would allow me, on this occasion, to express, in my name and on behalf of the delegation of the State of Kuwait, our sincere appreciation and thanks for the honour bestowed on Kuwait in entrusting us with the responsibility of the Chairmanship of the Conference. This trust, which I highly hold and which assures me of your valued help and support, gives me faith and great satisfaction and hope that our work in this Conference, sustained by active efforts and close cooperation, will be for the fulfilment of our noble aspirations and objectives.

It gives me great pleasure and pride to take this opportunity to express my high esteem and appreciation to the Director-General of FAO, Dr Edouard Saouma, for his work and efforts in promoting the role of the Organization in the field of food and agriculture.

Our Conference is being held under circumstances overshadowed by varied economic difficulties and issues. The FAO and its work, after all, are not insulated from the problems and difficulties besetting the world economy. The principle of mutual dependence between the economies of nations worldwide, and the interrelation of economic problems, confronts the international community with the need to tackle these issues in a spirit of solidarity and cooperation free from the shortsightedness of pursuing immediate narrow interests. Efforts made till now have borne no tangible results. It remains for the international community to intensify its efforts for the sake of remedying the distortion and establish the balance of equality and justice between North and South, a condition which is, bound to put an end to the increased deterioration in the economies of developing nations, and opens the door for them to pursue their developmental efforts in a world guided by principles and philosophies embodying more justice, equality and fairness in opportunity for all nations of the world. Thus, there is no alternative to the combined effort of both developed and developing countries in laying down the foundations of constructive cooperation.

The situation of food and agriculture in the world, needless to say, is not immune from the uncertainty and confusion dominating the world economy. Agriculture for the developing nations is of special importance, since the majority of their populations are dependent on it for generating employment and a source of income. Hence, the objective of improving the food potential, and the development and advancement of agricultural activities in the developing nations was greatly affected by ensuring a sound economic environment, and establishing the desired balance in the areas of funding, trade and developmental cooperation.

It is unfortunate, indeed, that millions of humans continue to suffer shortages of food, even in the basic needs for their survival. The, challenge that faces the international community is in eradicating hunger and malnutrition in all parts of the world, especially in Africa, the other least developed countries and rural areas, as well as supporting agricultural development with the aim of increasing local production to help improve the living conditions of the populations in the developing countries, and enabling them to actively participate in all aspects of the economic and social process. The hungry or the ailing are hardly expected to play a role, or fulfill their tasks, as progress, development and growth would demand.

World food security is not an impossible objective to achieve as long as there is a combined international effort and better understanding and recognition. However, the interrelation and interdependence of the problems and interests of the international community require an exchange of views, coordination, and unified action to save hundreds of millions of humans from the dangers of hunger and malnutrition. These noble objectives require the existence of the necessary basic conditions for their achievement. It is in this light that the FAO which undertakes major tasks needs to continue its activities and intensify its work in providing technical assistance to developing nations in the fields of its specialization, and give advice on the development and promotion of agricultural production drawing from its expertise and practical experiences in the field of food and agriculture. And undoubtedly, agricultural development work needs adequate funds, which requires that able donor countries should increase the development assistance to the levels specified by the United Nations, giving due attention to the agricultural sector in directing resources and investments with the aim of preparing for the future when the expected growth in world population will exert more pressures on the limited resources.

Finally, I should like to point out that we have, before us, a long agenda containing a great number of topics that you arc going to deliberate and discuss. I am much assured that you will spare no efforts in making all the contributions that promote international cooperation, and assist the work of the Organization, for the achievement of our aspirations and objectives,

Saalam al-Ykum wa rahmat o' Allah wa Barakatuh.


CHAIRMAN: May I now give the floor to the distinguished delegate of New Zealand.

Colin J. MOYLE (New Zealand): I would like to be the first to congratulate you on your election to this important office. The New Zealand delegation wishes you well in your task- as I am sure do all delegates. FAO is one of the world's most important international organizations: Food production and distribution is the single most important physical requirement for human survival and well being.

May I say, as one who has attended three of these meetings, as New Zealand's Minister of Agriculture, that I am acutely aware of the potential for good that FAO can achieve; and as the Minister of Agriculture in a country which is the largest single contributor in world trade in three world food commodities, and a leader and a sharer in the technology of food production, we know the importance of the role that FAO can exert in smoothing the problems of food production and distribution. This Conference can make a tremendous contribution in these respects.

So, again Sir, we wish you guiding this meeting towards achieving its full potential.

Y. BUKHARI (Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of) (original language Arabic): In the name of Allah the most gracious and merciful: your excellency. Chairman of the General Conference, it is with great pleasure and pride that I express to you on behalf of the Group of 77 in Rome, and on my own personal behalf, our sincerest congratulations on your election to the Chairman of the Twenty-fourth Session on this Conference.

You are certainly aware of the importance of this Session as delicate questions are put before its main Committees. However, we are sure that, with your wide experience and know-how in the field of international cooperation, in addition to your youthful vitality and energy, with God's will this Session will reach historical results and decisions under your faithful administration. These historical results are, in fact, the hope of the developing countries' peoples.

You would be right in saying, Mr. Chairman, that this responsibility is certainly a burdensome one, requiring a sincere, constructive cooperation on the part of all member countries in this pioneer organization. We would like to assure you, sir, that we will stand beside you in solidarity. We shall do our utmost to facilitate this ardous task and to crown this Session with success. our peoples, the people of the developing world, are looking forward to our work, awaiting our results, our decisions, with patience. These peoples are praying to God and hoping, as we do, that our decisions will fulfil the hopes and aspirations of these countries and peoples, safeguarding their dignity and their sovereignty. These decisions would be able to achieve the highest possible and continuous level of food security.

Mr Chairman, we also pray to God that success will accompany you in this Session. We also pray that understanding and brotherhood will prevail during our work. We also pray that peace, security and welfare will prevail among all the peoples of the world.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, distinguished delegate from Saudi Arabia. May I give the floor now to the delegate from Italy?

Elio PASCARELLI (Italy): Thank you, Mr Chairman. In the name of the host government, let me briefly join in the congratulations and good wishes of the distinguished delegates from New Zealand and Saudi Arabia. This is a return of your Excellency to Rome. We wish you a very pleasant stay. We have done our best to have a glorious day, as you can see. We hope it will last during the whole Conference over the three weeks of our work and that we shall be blessed by God in the wisdom of our decisions, under your guidance. Welcome again.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): Thank you, distinguished delegate of Italy. If there are no more speakers, I think we can proceed with our work. Excuse me, I will now speak in Arabic.

Paragraph 1 of Rule VIII of the General Rules of the Organization provides that the Nominations Committee shall propose to the Conference candidates for the three posts of vice-chairmen of the Conference.

The three Vice-Chairmen will be announced now, after which the seven member nations of the General Committee of the Conference required under paragraph 1 of Rule X of the Rules of Procedure will be mentioned by the Chairman of the Nominations Committee. After that we shall be mentioning the nine members of the Credentials Committee as laid down in paragraph 3 of Rule III of the General Rules. The Nominations Committee which made these proposals was elected by the FAO Council at its Ninety-second Session held from 3 to 6 November, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5 (.b) of Rule XXIV oí the General Rules of the Organization.

This Committee met on Friday 6 November, and drew up its recommendations for the posts just mentioned. I shall now ask to the Chairman of the Nominations Committee, Mr Patrick Alleyne from Trinidad and Tobago, to place before the Conference the nominations agreed to by this Committee, starting with the three vice-chairmen of the Conference.

E. Patrick ALLEYNE (Chairman, Nominations Committee): Mr. chairman, distinguished Ministers, other heads of delegations, delegates, observers, permit me first of all on behalf of the Nominations Committee to extend warmest congratulations to you on your selection. I also wish to convey my appreciation to the Committee members in respect of the work which we conducted yesterday.

In accordance with Rule VII-2 of the General Rules of the Organization, the Committee submits the following nominations to the Conference: Mr Jõa Pereira Silva of Cape Verde, Minister of Rural Development and Fisheries; Mr L.B. Hertog of the Netherlands, Minister Plenipotentiary to FAO, Mr Mahbub-uz Zaman, Minister of Agriculture and Forests of Bangladesh.These are the three nominations, Mr Chairman.

CHAIRMAN (original language Arabic): You have just heard the proposals of the Nominations Committee in respect of the three vice-chairmen of the Conference. Are there any objections to these nominations? If there are none, I shall Consider these proposals adopted.


2. Appointment of General Committee and Credentials Committee
2 Constitution du Bureau et de la Commission de vérification des pouvoirs
2. Nombramiento del Comité General y del Comité de Credenciales

CHAIRMAN: Let us move on now to item 2, "Appointment of General Committee and Credentials Committee". That is to say, the appointment of the General Committee and the Credentials Committee. I will ask the Chairman of the Nominations Committee to proceed with his report. We shall first have the Committee's proposal for the membership of the General Committee.

E. Patrick ALLEYNE (Chairman, Nominations Committee): Mr Chairman, in accordance with Rule X of the General Rules of the Organization, the Committee submits the following nominations to the Conference: Belgium, Brazil, China, Kenya, New Zealand, Nicaragua, and the United States of America.

CHAIRMAN (original language Arabic): You have just heard the nominations for the seven Member nations to be elected to the General Committee. Are there any objections? If there are none, I shall consider the. seven Member nations to be duly elected to serve on the General Committee of the Conference.




CHAIRMAN: Once again I will call upon the Chairman of the Nominations Committee for proposals concerning the Credentials Committee.

E. Patrick ALLEYNE (Chairman, Nominations Committee): Mr Chairman, in accordance with Rule III of the General Rules of the Organization the Committee submits the following nominations to the Conference: Australia, Canada, Cyprus, El Salvador, Lebanon, Pakistan, Spain, the United Kingdom and Zaire.

CHAIRMAN (original language Arabic): We have just heard the Nominations Committee's proposals regarding the nine Member nations to comprise the Credentials Committee. Are there any objections?

Edgar Noel FITZPATRICK: (Australia): Thank you Mr Chairman. The South-West Pacific Group has consulted and agreed that Samoa will replace Australia on the Credentials Committee, if that is acceptable to the Conference.

CHAIRMAN: (original language Arabic): II there are no objections, I think that we can accept this replacement. Therefore, the proposal is accepted, Samoa will replace Australia on the Credentials Committee. If there are no further objections, then we will take it that we have accepted those nine members on the Credentials Committee as proposed, with Samoa replacing Australia.


CHAIRMAN (original language Arabic): On behalf of you all, I should like to thank the Chairman of the Nominations Committee for his efforts. The General Committee should meet as soon as possible to consider matters pertaining to the arrangements for the Conference; in particular it will have to make proposals to the Conference on the adoption of the agenda, the allocation of agenda items to the various Commissions as well as the admission of observers.

It should report to Plenary at 15.00 hours this afternoon. I therefore propose to adjourn this first Plenary Meeting of the Conference. The General Committee - that is, your Chairman, the three Vice-Chairmen of the Conference and the seven Member Nations just elected to the General Committee - will meet in the King Faisal room, D236 on the second floor of Building D, immediately after the closure of this meeting. The Credentials Committee will also hold its first meeting now. It will convene in the Malaysia room, B227 on the second floor of Building B.

Ladies and gentlemen, this completes our Agenda for this morning. I hereby declare the adjournment of the first Plenary meeting of the Conference. I thank you all. The meetings stands adjourned.

The meeting rose at 10.45 hours
La séance est levée à 10 h 45
Se levanta la sesión a las 10.45 horas

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