February 1997 COFO-97/Inf.2/REV.
Rome, Italy, 10-13 March 1997
Agenda item Code Title
2 COFO-97/1 Provisional agenda
5 COFO-97/2 Progress towards sustainable forest management and follow-up to UNCED including implications of the work of the Inter-governmental Panel on Forests (IPF)
6 COFO-97/3 Strengthening the regional forestry commissions and their linkage to COFO
7 COFO-97/4 Implications for forestry of the Plan of Action of the World Food Summit
8 COFO-97/5 Conservation and sustainable utilization of forest genetic resources
9 COFO-97/6 Review of FAO's Regular and Field Programmes, including follow-up to the requests and recommendations of the twelfth session of the Committee
10 COFO-97/7 Medium-term strategy (1998-2003) and priorities for the Programme of Work and Budget 1998-99
10 COFO-97/7/Supp.1 Medium-term strategy (1998-2003) and priorities for the Programme of Work and Budget 1998-99 (Supplement 1)
11 COFO-97/8 Decisions of FAO Governing Bodies of interest to the Committee
11 COFO-97/9 Recommendations of other FAO Statutory Bodies in forestry of interest to the Committee
12 COFO-97/10 XI World Forestry Congress
Information documents
COFO-97/Inf. 1 Provisional timetable
COFO-97/Inf. 2/Rev. List of documents
COFO-97/Inf. 3 Statement of competence and voting rights by the European Economic Community and its Member States