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Publications - Ouvrages nouveaux - Publicaciones

Environmental monitoring handbook for tsetse control operations
Working equines: proceedings of the second international colloquium on working equines, Morocco, 19 to 22 April 1994
Planning with pastoralists: PRA and more - a review of methods focused on Africa
Procesamiento de subproductos animales comestibles
Manuel pratique d'élevage caprin pour la rive sud de la Méditerranée
World watch list for domestic animal diversity

Environmental monitoring handbook for tsetse control operations

Peter Nagel. 1995. Weikersheim,
Germany, Margraf Verlag. 323 pp.
ISBN 3-8236-1249-2. Price: DM65.00.

Tsetse flies, as transmitters of human and animal trypanosomiasis, have considerable influence on tile distribution of livestock and the use of natural resources in much of sub-Saharan an Africa. Similarly, their control through various insecticide-dependent techniques may also have environmental consequences. This handbook is the result of practical experience in several tsetse control programmes in Africa. It deals with all aspects of monitoring insecticide use and impact, including methods for examining effects on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and provides useful discussions on wider aspects of risk assessment and evaluation. Basic background information is given on tsetse biology and control. Although specific to tsetse, the information and guidelines provided can be useful in other fields of vector-borne disease control.

This publication can be obtained from the publisher: Margraf Verlag, Hohenloher Strasse 2, 97990 Weikersheim, Postfach 105, 97985 Weikersheim, Germany. Tel. 0049 (0) 7934 3071, Fax 0049 (0) 7934 8156.


Working equines: proceedings of the second international colloquium on working equines, Morocco, 19 to 22 April 1994

M. Bakkoury and R.A. Prentis, eds.
Rabat, Morocco, Institut Agronomique
et Vétérinaire Hassan II. 412 pp.
ISBN 9981-80111-9.

This publication records the papers presented at the above colloquium, providing a comprehensive review of current knowledge and experience in all facets of the equine as a work animal. Considerable attention is paid to health aspects, to the prevention and control of disease in particular, as well as nutrition. The papers presented on farriery and effective animal harnessing provide the reader with insight into modern develop-meets in an ancient science where, although there is basically nothing new, a better understanding of the principles can achieve not only increased efficiency but also greater animal comfort.

To obtain this publication, contact: Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, BP 6202-Instituts, 10 101 Rabat, Morocco, Tel. (07) 77 43 51, Fax (07) 77 81 35/77 81 77. B H.

Planning with pastoralists: PRA and more - a review of methods focused on Africa

A. Waters-Bayer and W. Bayer. 1994.
Eschborn, Germany, German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ).

This state-of-the-art review of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) focuses on a participatory situation analysis and planning specifically related to the mobile assets (livestock) of mobile people. The review arose from concern that conventional "participatory" land-use planning based on village territories excludes consideration of pastoralists. The publication contains an annotated and indexed bibliography of over 100 reports on participatory inquiry and planning, a description of rapid appraisal methods used in pastoral settings and a critical analysis of experiences with these methods. The publication will be of particular interest to both governmental and non-governmental agency staff, policy-makers and training institutions, especially those in Africa.

This publication can be ordered from the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Division 422, POB 5180, D-65726 Eschborn, Germany. Fax 0049 6196 796103

B H.

Procesamiento de subproductos animales comestibles

Estudio FAO: Producción y sanidad
animal, No 123.1995. 167 págs.
ISSN 1014-1200.

En el sacrificio de los animales de abasto, se obtienen numerosos subproductos comestibles que son valiosas fuentes de proteínas y otros nutrientes que requiere la dieta. Estos subproductos tienen una considerable importancia para la industrial cárnica, pues pueden contribuir a una reducción de los costos, sobre todo si se utilizan como materias primas en los productos cárnicos. En esta publicación se describen las principales características de los subproductos comestibles y los métodos de obtención y preparación de los mismos, así como su durabilidad y las formas más apropiadas para utilizarlos en los productos cárnicos.

Los cuadernos técnicos de la FAO pueden obtenerse en los puntos de venta autorizados de la FAO, o directamente en la Sección de Distribución y Ventas, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Roma, Italia.

Manuel pratique d'élevage caprin pour la rive sud de la Méditerranée

Chunleau, Y. 1995. 123 pages.
Prix: 150 FF.

L'élevage caprin ne retient pas encore l'attention qu'il mérite dans les pays du Sud de la Méditerranée. Ainsi, ce manuel vise à aider les personnes qui travaillent dans le cadre du développement agricole, et les institutions, à mieux accomplir leurs tâches dans le domaine de la promotion de l'élevage de la chèvre, et plus particulièrement de la chèvre laitière.

Pour ce faire, cette publication fournit au lecteur 123 pages d'informations sur l'élevage caprin en général, et plus spécifiquement sur la production laitière et l'élevage de la chèvre laitière dans ces pays. L'information bien structurée est accompagnée de dessins et de photos qui illustrent de façon claire les sujets mentionnés. De plus, une bibliographie très complète indique au lecteur où trouver des informations plus spécifiques.

Ce manuel s'adresse en particulier aux techniciens-animateurs chargés de la vulgarisation Il leur sera précieux pour transmettre le message technique aux éleveurs lors des sessions de formation

La publication est disponible auprès de CILF, 11 rue de Navarin, 75009 Paris, France (fax: 331-48 78 49 28).


World watch list for domestic animal diversity

B. Scherf, ed. 2nd ed. 1995. Rome, FAO.
769 pp.ISBN 92-5-103729-9. Price: US$75.

The second edition of the World watch list for domestic animal diversity (WWL-DAD:2) is the voice of the Global Early Warning System for Animal Genetic Resources, the aim of which is to help in the preservation and encourage the more effective use of far m animal genetic diversity. This much expanded edition non covers 28 avian and mammalian species of farm animals and more than 120 species of their relatives. Within the farm animal species, breeds at high risk are defined as critical (Critical Breeds List) or endangered (Endangered Breeds List) based 011 the number of breeding females or breeding males found worldwide Further divisions of Critical-Maintained Breeds and Endangered-Maintained Breeds were made to distinguish breeds of different risk status and to begin monitoring management level. Although some basic statistics of the 28 domestic species are still incomplete, at the time of going to press more than 873 breeds were known to be at risk, although this figure understates the seriousness of the situation. A projected I 200 to 1 500 of the world's 4 000 to 5 000 domestic animal genetic resources are now at risk of being lost. If a mere 5 percent were to be lost over the next year, two to three breeds of domestic animals would disappear every two weeks. Opportunities for action are also listed in the book.

Breeds at risk are also divided into six FAO-designated geographical regions. Each regional section opens with an outline of the area's geography and agro-ecology, highlighting special contributions to animal genetic diversity in the region. This is followed by descriptive lists outlining available details on the region's critical and endangered breeds. A further chapter considers how and why domestic breeds become extinct (Extinct Breeds List), and lists over 300 examples of breeds already recorded as vanished. The 3 882 breeds currently in FAO's Global Databank for Farm Animal Genetic Resources are also listed. and readers are encouraged to help complete the information gaps, using the enclosed correspondence form.

To provide the necessary interface with wildlife, this second edition of WOOL-DAD introduces the wild relatives of domestic animal species. Some of these wild relatives already make significant contributions to maintaining humankind. Their geographical distribution, current status in the wild, threats to their survival and economic importance are outlined. Some speculations are made for other species that are not related to domestic animals but that are, or could be, in the process of becoming domesticated for the benefit of humankind.

Finally, the book provides an outline of FAO's new Global Programme for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources, also listing its country contacts.

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