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Forestry publications: FAO regional office for Asia and the pacific (RAP)

Forestry publications: FAO regional office for Asia and the pacific (RAP)

Readers who are interested in obtaining any of the following publications can order up to three titles. For copies, please write to: Forestry Section, FAO Regional Ounce for Asia and the Pacific, Maliwan Mansion, Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand

Serial No.

1. Community Forestry: Lessons from case studies in Asia and the Pacific region

2. Forestry and Nutrition: A reference manual

3. Forestry Education in the Asia-Pacific Region (RAPA Publication 1989/12)

4. Proceedings of the IUFRO Workshop on Pests and Diseases of Forest Plantations (RAPA Publication 1990/9)

5. Challenges in Upland Conservation: Asia and the Pacific (RAPA Publication 1993/5)

6. Report of Regional Expert Consultation on Forestry Policy Developments and Research Implications in Asia and the Pacific (RAPA Publication 1993/16)

7. Leucaena Psyllid in the Asia Pacific Region: Implications for its Management in Africa(RAPA Publication 1994/13)

8. Asia-Pacific Tropical Forestry: Ecological Disaster or Sustainable Growth? (RAPA Publication 1994/18)

9. Non-Wood Forest Products in Asia (RAPA Publication 1994/28)

10. Workshop Report: Reform of the Forestry Sector: Towards a Market Orientation in China, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, and Vietnam (RAPA Publication 1995/4)

11. Proceedings of the Regional Expert Consultation on Eucalyptus - Vol. l (RAPA Publication 1995/6)

12. After UNCED: Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Forest Principles in Asia and the Pacific (RAP Publication 1995/11)

13. Beyond Timber: Social, Economic and Cultural Dimensions of Non-Wood Forest Products in Asia and the Pacific (RAP Publication 1995/13)

14. Trees Commonly Cultivated in Southeast Asia - An Illustrated Field Guide (RAP Publication 1995/38) (Price: US$20.00 incl. postage)

15. A Guide to the Identification of Diseases and Pests of Neem (Azadirachta indica) (RAP Publication 1995/41)

16. Resource Management for Upland Areas in Southeast Asia: An Information Kit (1995)

17. 16th Session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC) Report (1996)

18. Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission: Report on the In-Session Seminar on Forestry Investment in Asia and the Pacific (MISC/93/14)

19. Non-Wood Forest Products in Bhutan (RAP Publication 1996/6)

20. Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Profiles: Second Edition (APAN Field Doc. No.4/RAP Publication 1996/20)

21. FAO Yearbook of Forest Products 19831994 (ISSN 0084-3768)


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