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For simplicity, references have not been annotated in this document in the academic style. For any formal quotations readers are advised to refer to the relevant organization's original submission for this paper, available from HEDON.

Intermediate Technology Development Group Publications and Sources.

Ashley, C. Appleton, A. and Chavangi N. "Project evaluation: Rural Stoves West Kenya", ITDG, January 1992.

Ashley, C. "How many benefits can a stove cook up? More than most planners expect", ITDG, August 1993.

Baker, J., "A gender inventory: methodology and practice in IT Kenya", ITDG, March 1995.

Brown, K., "Social and economic aspects of pottery production by women's groups in Western Kenya", ITDG, October 1992.

Crewe, E., "Working with rural women in Kenya", ITDG, December 1992.

Economic Planning Associates, "1992 Triennial review of Intermediate Technology Development Group (working papers)", E.P.A., October 1992.

Fischedieck, B. Environmental Concept: "Umweltverträglichkeitsstudie über den Einsatz verbesserter Herde in den Sahelländern Mali und Niger". GTZ/HEP, Berlin, August 1993.

Gitonga, S. and Njoroge, W., "ITDG West Kenya Upesi Stove Study: Summary of Findings", Bellerive Foundation, March 1994.

Habermehl, H.: "Micro- and Macroeconomic benefits of Fuelwood saving Stoves in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger", GTZ/HEP, Eschborn 1994.

Habermehl, H.: "Micro- and Macroeconomic benefits of Household Energy Conservation Measures in Rural Areas of Kenya". GTZ/HEP, Eschborn 1994.

Hibajene S.H., and Chidumayo E.N., "Review of Stockholm Environment Institute Report" (Energy, Environment and Development series), in "Charcoal Industry Workshop: Policy and Management: Challenges for the Future", Siavonga, Zambia, 1993. Foundation for Woodstove Dissemination, 1993.

Hübner, Ute: "Impact Assessment of the Duma Community-Stove". GTZ/HEP, Eschborn 1994.

Kammen, D.M. and A., Energy Food Preparation and Health Care in Africa: "The Role of Technology, Education and Resource Management". Africa Technology Forum, Feb/March 1993.

Karekezi S. "Improved charcoal production and efficient cookstoves", FWD Nairobi, 1993.

Karekezi S. "Dissemination of renewable energy technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa", AFREPREN and FWD Nairobi, 1994.

Karekezi S. "Photovoltaics and Solar Water Heaters in Kenya", AFREPREN, RETS Theme Group, 1994.

Khennas, S., Walubengo D. and Weymann A., "Evaluation of the Rural Stoves West Kenya Project", ITDG, 1995.

Klingshirn, A./Wagner, P. Integration and Networking: "Household Energy Working Principles and their Application in German Technical Cooperation Projects". GTZ/HEP, Eschborn 1995.

McGranahan G. and Kaijser, A. "Household Energy: Problems, Policies and Prospects". Energy, Environment and Development Series No. 19, Stockholm Environment Institute, 1993.

Mutere, A. "Estimation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and Particulate Emmissions (TS-Ps) from Improved Woodburning Cookstoves in Kiambu, Kenya". GTZ, Nairobi 1992.

Mutere A., "Summary of the report on particulate and carbon monoxide emissions from traditional and Maendeleo woodburning stoves", ITDG, January 1989.

Nyoike, P.M., Mutitu C.N., "Structure of the Petroleum Sector in Kenya" Paper prepared for the African Regional Energy and Environmental Policy Seminar, March 1994, APREPREN Working Paper No. 9., 1994.

Omollo, B. "What it takes to make or break a business". National Newspaper, Nairobi, March 14, 1995.

Otiti T, "Improved Stoves in Tanzania" Stove Notes 6, FWD and ACTS Press, Nairobi, Kenya, 1991.

Otiti T, Bachou S., "Modem Fuels and Efficiency Use in Sub-Saharan Africa - The case of Uganda". Paper prepared for the African Energy Charter Preparatory Meeting, Nairobi, Kenya, 11-14 November 1994.

Peskin, H.M, Portney R.P, "Environmental Regulation and the U.S. Economy", Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981.

Soussan A., "Fuel Transitions Within Households", University of Surrey Discussion Paper, 1987.

Tolessa S., "Ethiopia Renewable Energy Technologies and Major Stove Activities". Seminar Proceedings, KENGO International Outreach Department and Renewable Energy Group, University of Oldenburg, 1993.

UNDP/World Bank, "Draft energy management assistance programme report.", World Bank 1991.

Vermande, P., "Partnership Industry/University and Tertiary Research Institutions". Paper for Symposium on Science and Technology in Africa". UNESCO, Nairobi, 1994.

World Bank Energy and Industry Department. "Accounting for traditional Fuels Production: The Household Energy Sector and its Implications for Development process", World Bank 1992.

World Bank, "Assessment of Biomass Energy Resources - A Discussion on its Needs and Methodology". World Bank Industry and Energy Department Working Paper No. 48, World Bank 1991.

US Congress Office of Technology Assessment: "Fuelling Development", 1992.

Wagner P.: "Blockbusters or Shelf Warmers? Approaches for the successful Dissemination of Improved Household Technologies". GTZ/HEP, Eschborn 1995.

Wagner P./Appleton P.: "Environmental Energy Awareness Raising. An Example of Practical Teaching and Training within a Household Energy Project in Pakistan". GTZ/HEP, Eschborn 1995.

World Bank Issues Paper, "Kenya Poverty Assessment", World Bank, January 1994.

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