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Appendix 2: A profile of HEDON


In January 1992, a number of individuals and representatives of organizations active in household energy programmes met in Lund, Sweden, to discuss the possibility of creating a network. At the first meeting a clear, common understanding was formulated that the main aim of this Northern network would be to provide better supporting services for the Southern partners at various levels where they were needed. The network was named Household Energy Development Organization Network - HEDON.

The specific goals are:

· to provide a forum for information exchange in the national and international context; serving as a basis for cooperation and avoiding duplication in country programmes;

· to improve the quality of the support services by pooling the different expertise available in the various organizations concerned;

· to use the combined competence for elaborating realistic and applicable household energy strategies;

· to assist each other in correctly assessing the situation without the intention of having one common strategy;

· to lobby international organizations and our own governments for continued support to household energy programmes in developing countries; and

· to act as an external pressure group to support Southern NGOs in influencing their own governments and decision-makers.

HEDON Associated Members

There is no fixed membership in HEDON although a core group of participants exists.

Biomass Technology Group (Enschede)
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency (FAO/GTZ)
East - West Centre, Hawai (GTZ)
EEC - European Economic Commission (Brussels)
ESMAP, World Bank (Washington D.C.)
FAO - Food and Agricultural Organizations of the United nations (Rome)
FWD - Foundation for Woodstove Dissemination (Nairobi)
GTZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (Eschborn)
ITGD - Intermediate Technology Development Group (Rugby)
LCHS - Lund Centre for Habitat Studies (Lund)
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Environment Programme
SAREC - Swedish Agency for Research Coop. With Developing Countries
SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute (Stockholm)
SIDA - Swedish International Development Authority (LCHS)
Woodburning Stove Group, Technical University (Eindhoven)
World Health Organization (Geneva)

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