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XV. Membership, elections and appointments

A. Admission of new member nations and associate members
B. Election of council members
C. Appointment of the independent Chairman of the council
D. Appointment of the director-general
E. Appointment of FAO staff pension committee

A. Admission of new member nations and associate members

586. The Conference had before it:

  • (a) Applications for membership from:
  • The Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
    The Kingdom of Burundi
    The Republic of Rwanda
    The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
    The Republic of Uganda
  • (b) Applications for associate membership on behalf of:

  • Kenya
  • 587. All the above applications were submitted within the time limit prescribed by Rule XIX of the General Rules of the Organization. They contained or were supplemented by the formal instruments required under Article II of the Constitution and were thus found to be in order.

    588. The applications for associate membership on behalf of Kenya, Malta and Zanzibar applied to nations which were to become independent in a matter of months. The metropolitan power that presented these applications had requested that the status of associate membership, if granted to them, be changed to that of full membership when they attained independence, as had occurred in the case of other applications for membership before the Conference in 1959 and in 1961. The Conference concurred with this request.

    589. It was decided that, if Kenya, Malta and Zanzibar obtained the required two-thirds majority of the votes cast, they would forthwith be admitted to associate membership; that the status of each of them should become that of full membership after it attained independence and the government of the new independent nation had submitted to the Director-General an instrument confirming its desire to be a Member of the Organization and declaring its acceptance of the obligations of the Constitution; that this change of status should take effect on the day on which the aforesaid instrument was received by the Director-General, if found valid; and that all Member Nations should immediately be notified accordingly.

    590. The Conference proceeded to a secret ballot on the eight applications in accordance with Article II.2 of the Constitution and Rule XII.9 of the General Rules of the Organization.

    591. The results of the voting were as follows:


    Votes cast:




    Algeria 84 81 3 5
    Burundi 87 86 1 2
    Rwanda 88 87 1 1
    Trinidad and Tobago 88 87 1 1
    Uganda 88 87 1 1
    Kenya 89 89 0 0
    Malta 89 88 1 0
    Zanzibar 87 86 1 2


    B. Election of council members

    592. In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the General Rules of the Organization, the Conference elected the following Member Nations to membership of the Council, taking each group in succession:


    First Group

    Second Group

    Third Group


    (Nov. 1963 to 31 Dec. 1966)

    (1 Jan. 1965 to Nov. 1967)

    (1 Jan. 1963 to Nov. 1965)

    Africa: Senegal Ethiopia  
    Asia and the Far East: India Japan  
      Pakistan Korea  
    Europe: Finland Germany  
      France Greece  
      United Kingdom Poland  
    Latin America: Venezuela Argentina Costa Rica (Nov. 1963 to Nov.1965)
    Near East: Jordan    
    Southwest Pacific: New Zealand    


    C. Appointment of the independent Chairman of the council

    593. After having proceeded to a secret ballot in conformity with Rule XXIII of the General Rules of the Organization, the Conference appointed Mr. Georges Haraoui Independent Chairman of the Council for a period of two years (i.e. until the end of the next regular session of the Conference) and decided that the allowance attaching to this office should remain at $ 6,250 per annum.

    D. Appointment of the director-general

    594. The Conference proceeded to a secret ballot as laid down in Rule XII.9 (a) and, acting in conformity with Article VII.1 of the Constitution, appointed Dr. B. R. Sen to the office of Director-General for a period of four years, i.e. until 31 December 1967, this new term of office being nonrenewable.

    595. Having considered the recommendations of the General Committee submitted in accordance with Rule X.2 (j), the Conference decided:

  • (a) that the emoluments of the Director-General should be fixed at U.S. $ 24,000 per annum and that he should in addition receive a representation allowance of U.S. $ 6,500 per annum payable half in U.S. dollars and half in Italian fire;

    (b) that the appointment should remain subject to the conditions other than the above, which are set out in Resolution No. 95/59) of the Tenth Session of the Conference.

  • E. Appointment of FAO staff pension committee

    596. In accordance with Article XX of the Regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, the Conference appointed:

  • Dr. Carolus Eygenraam,
    Agricultural Attaché,
    Royal Netherlands Embassy,

    Mr. Hussein Sadegh,
    Agricultural Attaché,
    Imperial Embassy of Iran,

    Dr. Vittorio de Asarta,
    Italian National FAO Committee

  • as members of the FAO Pension Committee, and

  • Mr. M. Krishan,
    Agricultural Attaché,
    Embassy of India, Rome

    Mr. Gad Elron,
    First Secretary,
    Embassy of Israel, Rome

    Mr. Louis E. Frechtling,
    Deputy Director,
    Office of International Administration,
    Department of State, Washington D.C.

  • as alternate members of the Committee for the period 1 January 1964 through 31 December 1965.

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