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Ecologie, culture et utilisations du figuier de barbarie

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Ecología del cultivo, manejo y usos del nopal 2018
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    The FAO-ICARDA International Technical Cooperation Network on Cactus (CactusNet) was established in 1993 to support the promotion of this underutilized crop. The first edition of this book "Agro-ecology, cultivation and uses of cactus pear", was published in 1995. During the last 20 years much knowledge on cactus pear has been generated, and this is refelcted in this extensively revised edition in 2017. This edition contains completely updated information on the state of the art of Opuntia so. in the world. Due to climate change and extreme weather conditions felt around the world, specifically in arid and semi-arid countries that are experiencing prolonged drought situation, the interest on the crop for human consumption as well as animal fodder is increasing. Opuntia can be used to restore degraded land, and can contribute to a more resilient crop livestock system.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Crop ecology, cultivation and uses of cactus pear 2017
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    Climate change is one of the biggest challenges the world must meet today and in the future. Prolonged droughts and desertification are among the issues faced by many countries, especially in Africa and Asia, where the rural poor and smallholders are most heavily affected. If people are to survive in these ever harsher conditions, their crops need to withstand drought, high temperatures and poor soils. Cactus crops are gaining increasing interest across the globe, in particular cactus pear (Opun tia ficus− indica), because of its unique characteristics which provide resilience to the above mentioned harsh conditions. Cactus pear is able to grow on land where no other crops are able to grow; it can be used to restore degraded land and in many countries, such as Ethiopia, it is the only crop that can be relied on when everything else fails. The crop originates in Mexico – still the largest producing and consuming country in the world – but other countries, including Morocco, Ethiopia, Sou th Africa, Kenya, India and Pakistan, are increasing their production and use.
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    Élaboration d'une stratégie de développement de la filière du figuier de barbarie (opuntia ficus-indica l.) en Algérie - TCP/ALG/3702 2022
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    Le figuier de Barbarie figure parmi les espèces les plus intéressantes pour valoriser les terrains marginaux en zones arides et semi arides et lutter contre la désertification Toutes les parties de la plante sont utilisables les fruits et les raquettes pour l’alimentation humaine et animale, mais aussi les fleurs et les graines, qui constituent une matière première pour les produits pharmaceutiques et cosmétiques L'huile de pépins possède des vertus antioxydantes et bénéficie d'une forte demande Les plantations d’ Opuntia ficus indica occupent en Algérie une superficie estimée à 100 000 hectares Cependant le potentiel de cette ressource n’est pas encore pleinement exploité la chaîne de valeur doit être organisée et gagner en efficience (logistique et transport, développement d’unités de transformation, établissement de certifications et de normes) afin d’accéder et de développer les marchés Le projet devait contribuer à l’élaboration d’une stratégie nationale de développement de la filière figue de Barbarie, tout en renforçant les capacités des acteurs pour permettre sa mise en oeuvre.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Ecología del cultivo, manejo y usos del nopal 2018
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    The FAO-ICARDA International Technical Cooperation Network on Cactus (CactusNet) was established in 1993 to support the promotion of this underutilized crop. The first edition of this book "Agro-ecology, cultivation and uses of cactus pear", was published in 1995. During the last 20 years much knowledge on cactus pear has been generated, and this is refelcted in this extensively revised edition in 2017. This edition contains completely updated information on the state of the art of Opuntia so. in the world. Due to climate change and extreme weather conditions felt around the world, specifically in arid and semi-arid countries that are experiencing prolonged drought situation, the interest on the crop for human consumption as well as animal fodder is increasing. Opuntia can be used to restore degraded land, and can contribute to a more resilient crop livestock system.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Crop ecology, cultivation and uses of cactus pear 2017
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    Climate change is one of the biggest challenges the world must meet today and in the future. Prolonged droughts and desertification are among the issues faced by many countries, especially in Africa and Asia, where the rural poor and smallholders are most heavily affected. If people are to survive in these ever harsher conditions, their crops need to withstand drought, high temperatures and poor soils. Cactus crops are gaining increasing interest across the globe, in particular cactus pear (Opun tia ficus− indica), because of its unique characteristics which provide resilience to the above mentioned harsh conditions. Cactus pear is able to grow on land where no other crops are able to grow; it can be used to restore degraded land and in many countries, such as Ethiopia, it is the only crop that can be relied on when everything else fails. The crop originates in Mexico – still the largest producing and consuming country in the world – but other countries, including Morocco, Ethiopia, Sou th Africa, Kenya, India and Pakistan, are increasing their production and use.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Élaboration d'une stratégie de développement de la filière du figuier de barbarie (opuntia ficus-indica l.) en Algérie - TCP/ALG/3702 2022
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    Le figuier de Barbarie figure parmi les espèces les plus intéressantes pour valoriser les terrains marginaux en zones arides et semi arides et lutter contre la désertification Toutes les parties de la plante sont utilisables les fruits et les raquettes pour l’alimentation humaine et animale, mais aussi les fleurs et les graines, qui constituent une matière première pour les produits pharmaceutiques et cosmétiques L'huile de pépins possède des vertus antioxydantes et bénéficie d'une forte demande Les plantations d’ Opuntia ficus indica occupent en Algérie une superficie estimée à 100 000 hectares Cependant le potentiel de cette ressource n’est pas encore pleinement exploité la chaîne de valeur doit être organisée et gagner en efficience (logistique et transport, développement d’unités de transformation, établissement de certifications et de normes) afin d’accéder et de développer les marchés Le projet devait contribuer à l’élaboration d’une stratégie nationale de développement de la filière figue de Barbarie, tout en renforçant les capacités des acteurs pour permettre sa mise en oeuvre.

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