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Rapid woodfuel assessment 2017 baseline for the area around the city of Goré, Chad

Woodfuel supply/demand, associated multi-sectoral challenges and recommendations for a peaceful management of natural resources

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    Rapid Woodfuel Assessment - 2017 Baseline for Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement, Uganda 2017
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    Uganda is host to more than 1 million refugees who have fled famine, conflict and insecurity in the neighbouring countries of Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan. The recent influx of refugees from South Sudan prompted one of Uganda’s most severe humanitarian emergencies and led to the establishment of the Bidibidi settlement in Yumbe District in August 2016. The Bidibidi refugee settlement is now the largest refugee-hosting area in the world with 272 206 refugees. It h as increased pressure on the environment due to tree felling for settlement establishment and to meet ongoing household demand for woodfuel for cooking and heating. FAO and UNHCR initiated a joint rapid woodfuel assessment in March 2017 to determine the supply and demand of woodfuel resources in the area. The assessment had three components: 1) an assessment of woodfuel demand; 2) an assessment of woodfuel supply; and 3) the identification of interlinkages, gaps, opportunities and alternative sc enarios. Data and information were obtained through a desk review of existing documents, field surveys, and remote sensing analysis.
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    Woodfuel supply and energy demand assessment for Borno State, Nigeria (2013–2018)
    Assessing changes in woodfuel availability and multi-sectoral challenges associated with woodfuel in displacement settings
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    Globally, the number of conflicts is increasing which is the main cause of much of the recent deterioration of the global food security situation.  This situation is exacerbated by climate related shocks. Since 2009, a combination of man-made and natural disasters has disrupted livelihoods, threatened food security and forcibly displaced millions of people in northeast Nigeria. The conflict, in northeast Nigeria, takes on a central role in the ongoing food crisis by severely curtailing the ability of populations to access land and other natural resources such as woodfuel, the central object of this analysis. Access to energy is a precondition to food security, both are often highly constrained during crises. The ways in which energy is produced and used, can aggravate the vulnerability of populations to a number of risks and challenges by exposing them to malnutrition and other health conditions, reduced resilience to natural hazards and to environmental degradation, a disproportionate work burden for women, protection risks, conflicts and unsustainable livelihood activities. FAO, UNHCR and WFP have been promoting the multi-sectoral Safe Access to Fuel and Energy approach (SAFE) in the context of forced displacement to support an effective response and to contribute to building the resilience of vulnerable populations. The starting point of such a response in northeast Nigeria is this woodfuel supply and energy demand assessment, which provides a baseline for designing comprehensive interventions that take into account the energy needs of affected populations. The desired outcome of the SAFE approach is to “satisfy the fuel and energy needs for cooking, heating, lighting, and powering in a safe and sustainable manner, without fear or risk to health, well-being, and personal security of crisis affected populations”. The SAFE approach could make an effective and significant contribution to improve food security and nutrition, and ensure the sustainable management of natural resources. In addition, it will positively affect livelihoods, women and youth empowerment, protection and health risks. By taking adequate climate change mitigation and adaptation measures, the SAFE approach will also help to increase the resilience of vulnerable populations in the face of natural hazards and disasters, and contribute to peaceful coexistence between IDPs and local communities.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Assessing woodfuel supply and demand in displacement settings 2016
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    This manual presents a methodology for assessing woodfuel supply and demand at the level of the displacement camp through the collection of primary data in the field and remote sensing analysis. The methodology uses a multi-sectoral approach to assess the energy-related needs and challenges of people in both displaced and host communities. The first part of the manual presents the methodology for assessing demand for woodfuel, which is structured around four sequential steps. Each step provides guidance and tools for collecting data and information, based on the specific targeted area and population. The second part of the manual describes the methodology for assessing the woodfuel supply of the targeted area, based on a combination of field measurements and temporal change analysis of very high resolution satellite imagery for the different land cover classes that provide woody biomass. This section is also structured around four sequential steps.

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