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GIEWS Update - The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Food Supply and Demand Outlook in 2020/21 (November/October)

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    GIEWS Update - the Democratic Republic of Korea 2016
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    The 2015 aggregate food1 production is estimated at 5.42 million tonnes, 9 percent less than in 2014 and the first decline since 2011 due to poor rains and low availabilities of water for irrigation. The sharp reduction follows an already disappointing output in 2014. Production of paddy rice, the country’s main staple, dropped by 26 percent and output of maize also decreased, although to a lesser extent. Total food requirements for the 2015/16 marketing year (November/October) are forecast by F AO at 5.48 million tonnes of cereal equivalent (rice in milled terms), resulting in a cereal import requirement of 684 000 tonnes. Assuming the official import target of 300 000 tonnes of cereals is met, an uncovered food deficit of 384 000 tonnes for the current marketing year is forecast. This gap is almost four times larger than in 2014/15 and the highest on record since 2011. Given the tight supply outlook, the food security situation in 2015/16 is expected to deteriorate from the previous y ear when most households were already estimated to have poor or borderline food consumption rates. Government-distributed food rations, which provide the main access to food for 18 million people, have been sharply reduced since July 2015.
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    GIEWS Special Report-BANGLADESH, 28 August 2008 2008
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    The Mission assessed the 2008 Boro rice production, which was being harvested in many parts of the country in April and May and wheat production, which was harvested in March. The Boro rice output is estimated at 17.54 million tonnes, increased by some 17.2 percent from the previous year and 29.3 percent above the five-year average. • This increase of production was mainly due to favourable weather conditions and extra efforts made by farmers and Government in response to the high rice prices and production loss of 1.4 million tonnes in 2007 Aman season following severe flooding and Cyclone Sidr. • Total cereal output in the 2007/08 marketing year (November/October), including 2007 Aman, 2008 Boro and Aus seasons, is estimated at 28.85 million tonnes, 5.6 percent above the previous year. Total cereal (rice and wheat) import requirement in the 2007/08 is estimated at about 3.07 million tonnes, of which 2.57 million tonnes are expected to be imported commercially. Foo d aid received or committed is estimated at 155 000 tonnes. • Though good production of Boro season is achieved nationally, this Boro production does not fully compensate for the heavy losses some farmers suffered in the previous Aman season in the south and east of the country. The total annual rice output of the 10 worst cyclone-affected districts in 2007/08 is expected to be about 2 million tonnes, 276 000 tonnes or 12 percent below the two-year average of those districts. Agricul ture assistance, including seeds, fertilizer, tools in those districts in the worst affected districts and the food aid/assistance programmes of WFP to more than 1.5 million vulnerable people will continue to be needed to the end of the year.
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    FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to DPR Korea, 28 November 2013
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    In the DPRK, despite a small reduction in planted area, overall crop production in 2013/14 is estimated to increase by about 5 percent. 2. A total of 5.98 million tonnes of food output (including paddy, cereals, soybeans, and cereal equivalent of potatoes) from cooperative farms, plots on sloping land, and household gardens for 2013/14 is expected. This estimate includes the 2013 main season harvest that was concluded and the forecast for 2014 early season crops. When paddy is converte d to milled rice and soybeans to cereal equivalent, total food production is estimated at about 5.03 million tonnes. 3. Unusually early and heavy rains in July and early August compromised maize and soybean yields but had little effect on paddy. 4. Soybean production recorded a second consecutive year of decline, due to a 6 percent reduction in yield. Main-season potatoes performed well this year, which bodes well for the seed supply for the 2014 early crop. However, supply of seed s for minor winter and spring wheat as well as barley is a constraint due to declining production over consecutive recent years.

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