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Nansen scientific expedition off Mauritania and Senegal 2021

Findings and recommendations for the management of offshore oil and gas development

FAO. 2022. Nansen scientific expedition off Mauritania and Senegal 2021 – Findings and recommendations for the management of offshore oil and gas development. Rome.

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    Policy brief
    Campagne scientifique du navire de recherche Dr. Fridtjof Nansen au large de la Mauritanie et du Sénégal en 2021
    Résultats et recommandations pour la gestion de l’exploitation pétrolière et gazière
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    Depuis 1975, le Programme EAF Nansen soutient lespays partenaires dans leurs efforts pour une pêche durable. Plus récemment, outre la pêche, des travaux ont été consacrés à la lutte contre les pressions liées à l’activité humaine sur les écosystèmes marins, notamment les activités d’exploitation pétrolière et gazière, reconnaissant que celles-ci peuvent représenter une menace pour la durabilité des pêches et des écosystèmes. L’augmentation des activités d’exploitation pétrolière et gazière en l’absence de programmes de suivi adéquats représente une source majeure de préoccupation. Dans ce contexte, le Programme EAF-Nansen, avec le N/R Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, aide les pays partenaires à établir des bases de référence pour la mise en place de systèmes de suivi dans les zones où des activités pétrolières et gazières sont en cours de développement. Suite à une demande des Gouvernements de la Mauritanie et du Sénégal, une campagne scientifique a été organisée entre le 22 octobre et le 16 novembre 2021 avec l’objectif principal d’élaborer une base de référence pour le suivi futur des impacts possibles des activités pétrolières et gazières en mer dans la région située entre les 17º et 15º sud. Le plan d’échantillonnage a suivi les «Directives pour la suivi de l’impact environnemental des activités pétrolières et gazières en mer de la Convention OSPAR pour la protection du milieu marin dans l’Atlantique Nord-Est». Des résultats préliminaires sont déjà disponibles sur les habitats benthiques. Ils sont présentés dans cette note en raison de leur pertinence pour les développements en cours dans l’exploitation du gaz en Mauritanie et au Sénégal.
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    The first EAF-Nansen project Annual Forum was held at FAO headquarters in Rome, on 16 December 2008 under the theme: The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries – Opportunities for Africa. It was attended by 35 persons made up of national experts, representatives of partner projects, the Institute of Marine Research in Norway, Norad and FAO. The agenda was made up of presentations on the EAF-Nansen project, results of some of the project activities and case studies. The Annual Forum is for progress reporting, dissemination of experiences, identification of best practices and discussion of strategies. The objectives of the 2008 Forum were to provide the platform to exchange views on the EAF-Nansen project implementation and on proposals for future collaborative activities that will speed up understanding and uptake of the principles of EAF and most importantly its implementation to ensure more effective management of fishery resources in Africa. The keynote presentation on Global Pers pective and Applicability of EAF in Africa made reference to the World Bank/FAO report entitled “The Sunken Billions: The Economic Justification for Fisheries Reformâ€Â and highlighted the need for change in fisheries management that involves improving human well-being and equity, applying the precautionary approach, developing adaptive management systems, ensuring compatibility of management measures and broadening stakeholder participation among others. Other presentations were on the ecos ystem surveys conducted by the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN in African waters and some of the results obtained, legal aspects of EAF and the development of a Communication Strategy and the GIS component for the EAF-Nansen project. The case studies were from Norway, Australia, Mozambique and the EAF pilot project in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem area involving Angola, Namibia and South Africa. The opportunities that the EAF-Nansen project offers as building blocks to putting EAF into p ractice were outlined. There was an observation that the human dimension aspects of the EAF-Nansen project are relatively weak and the need for greater involvement of economists in the project was highlighted. It was suggested that political support is required to realize the benefits to be gained from implementation of the new management approach.
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    Report of the Consultation on a collaborative programme to assess and monitor climate-related changes in marine ecosystems in tropical/subtropical regions and in the high seas using the research vessel “Dr Fridtjof Nansen” 2013
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    The Consultation on a collaborative programme to assess and monitor climate-related changes in marine ecosystems in tropical/subtropical regions and in the high seas using the research vessel “Dr Fridtjof Nansen” was held at the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris on 5 and 6 September 2012. The Consultation was held within the framework of the EAF-Nansen project (Strengthening the Knowledge Base for and Implementing an Ecosystem Approach to Marine Fisheries in Developing Countries) and was attended by a total of 19 participants, representing six UN agencies, and four national institutions. Dr Wendy Watson-Wright, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO opened the consultation. The principal objective of the consultation was to discuss the possible components of the new EAF-Nansen project and the involvement of partners other than FAO and IMR, espe cially other UN Agencies. The project is expected to contribute to answering questions in relation to climate change and impact on the oceans. It is intended to set baselines and develop a system to monitor marine ecosystems in change as a result of climate variability and other drivers of change such as fisheries and pollution, in close cooperation with relevant on-going processes.

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