
“Look, education simply changes you”, stated Thierno after participating in a Farmer Field School (FFS) in Senegal. “In FFS, I realized how much potential women have to learn, what kind of really good decisions they are able to make. In...

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Join us next Tuesday 12 December 2023 to better understand how to empower women and young farmers through climate resilient and sustainable policies and practices!

Click here to join the livestream. Click on the bell to receive a notification when...

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Webinaire sur l'agriculture biologique
30 November 2023 - 30 November 2023

Organisé par le Réseau Régional des CEP en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre (R CEP AOC)

Jeudi 30 novembre 2023
09:00 à 11:00 GMT


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Mot de passe: 17797395

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Join this hybrid seminar to learn about the importance of the strategic mobilization and scaling-up of forestry and agroforestry extension and capacity building for producer organizations, smallholders and forest communities to enhance sustainable forestry and food production.

This seminar...

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FAO together with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka (MASL) implements the project “RiceUp” with funding from the European Union (EU). Its main objective is to respond to the economic and food security crisis in...

Production system: Cereals