FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

In their pursuit to ensure an equitable and sustainable future, governments can rely on FAO expertise in food and agriculture. Responding to the needs of Europe and Central Asia, the Organization is offering support in many specific areas. Find out more

Regional Priority Programmes
The three Regional Priority Programmes provide an integrated, programmatic approach to addressing the region’s priority issues, and guide the implementation of country programmes. Most of FAO’s work in the region contributes to one or more of these priority programmes, with food and nutrition security as a cross-cutting area of work.
Recent and upcoming events

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Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), 16/09/2024 - 17/09/2024

This workshop is part of the FAO project under the “Global Health Security Program”, aiming to enhance Kyrgyzstan's One Health approach and its capacity to control zoonotic diseases. The workshop will train veterinary inspectors from various border control points across Kyrgyzstan, equipping them with essential skills in risk assessment and management for the import and export of animal and ani...

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Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), 17/09/2024

The workshop will address the development of a risk-based plan for managing zoonotic diseases, which are critical for maintaining public and animal health. The event will involve the Kyrgyz State Veterinary Services and laboratory staff, who will collaborate on creating a draft risk-based surveillance plan for at least one zoonotic disease.

Featured publications

This edition of FAO Europe and Central Asia Gender Newsletter highlights the pivotal findings of FAO’s new report on women-responsive rural advisory services, critical updates on the revised Country Gender Assessment for Tajikistan, the story of a leading woman beekeeper from Uzbekistan, and the progress on climate resilient economic empowerment for women in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


This book examines the importance and potential of geographical indication (GI) in Central Asia, drawing insights from global experiences in promoting GI products. It includes successful case studies and provides recommendations for Kyrgyzstan. It illustrates a number of good practices in the promotion of GIs and appellation of origin (AO) products by showing the quality and other positive impacts of geographical indication (GI) value chains.

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