Main topics

This section highlights FAO’s main Initiatives, thematic areas of work, projects, partnerships, frameworks and services

In the spotlight

In Focus: FAO response to global food security challenges

Data analyses, policy recommendations, and actions on the ground.

Desert Locust

FAO has long-standing expertise in monitoring Desert Locust populations and helping countries cope with this devastating crop pest.

Main Initiatives

Thematic Areas of Work


Partnerships, frameworks and services


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is convinced that hunger and malnutrition can be eradicated in our lifetime. To meet the Zero Hunger Challenge, political commitment and major alliances with key stakeholders are crucial.

Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock

The livestock sector needs to produce more, using fewer resources, with benefits to all

Global Soil Partnership

Soil is an essential resource and a vital part of the natural environment from which most of the global food is produced. At the same time, soil provides living space for humans, as well as essential ecosystem services which are important for water regulation and supply, climate regulation, biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration and cultural services. But soils are under pressure from increases in population...

The Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP)

The Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) Partnership is a multi-stakeholder initiative that seeks to improve the environmental sustainability of the livestock sector through harmonized methods, metrics, and data. LEAP leads a coordinated global initiative to accelerate the sustainable development of livestock supply chain and to support coherent climate actions...


GACSA is an inclusive, voluntary and action-oriented multi-stakeholder platform on Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA). Its vision is to improve food security, nutrition and resilience in the face of climate change. GACSA aims to catalyse and help create transformational partnerships to encourage actions that reflect an integrated approach to the three pillars of CSA...

Mountain Partnership

The Mountain Partnership is a United Nations voluntary alliance of partners dedicated to improving the lives of mountain peoples and protecting mountain environments around the world.

Codex Alimentarius

Codex Alimentarius is about safe, good food for everyone - everywhere.

Environmental and Social Standards

FAO is at the forefront of work towards sustainable agriculture by promoting protection and sustainable use of natural resources while meeting society’s growing needs for decent and resilient livelihoods.


FAOLEX is a comprehensive and up-to-date legislative and policy database, one of the world's largest online repositories of national laws, regulations and policies on food, agriculture and natural resources management.

Governance of Tenure

Tenure is crucial to the livelihoods of billions of people. For many, their food security is linked to their tenure security.

Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing

Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing remains one of the greatest threats to marine ecosystems due to its potent ability to undermine national and regional efforts to manage fisheries sustainably as well as endeavours to conserve marine biodiversity.

International Plant Protection Convention

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is an intergovernmental treaty signed by over 180 countries, aiming to protecting the world's plant resources from the spread and introduction of pests, and promoting safe trade.

Legal Services for Development

Sound legal and institutional frameworks are essential to achieving sustainable agricultural development and food security.

Policy Support and Governance

This corporate portal is a gateway to FAO’s policy and governance support work to build sustainable food systems that can help countries achieve the vision of the 2030 Agenda.

Agreement on Port State Measures (PSMA)

The Agreement on Port State Measures (PSMA) is the first binding international agreement to specifically target illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

Knowledge sharing

As the world’s population grows, the climate changes and people increasingly migrate from rural areas to cities, global food and agriculture systems will need to transform in order to be able to provide everyone with enough safe and nutritious food. Access to scientific knowledge, research and information for food and agriculture is crucial for this transformation to happen sustainably...

Pastoralist Knowledge Hub

The Pastoralist Knowledge Hub is an initiative bringing together pastoralists and the main actors working with them to join forces and create the synergies for dialogue and pastoralist development.

Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Agroecology is based on applying ecological concepts and principles to optimize interactions between plants, animals, humans and the environment while taking into consideration the social aspects that need to be addressed for a sustainable and fair food system.

FAO elearning Academy

The FAO elearning Academy provides learning opportunities and multilingual e-learning courses for professionals working in food and nutrition security, social and economic development and sustainable management of natural resources, with the overall goal of strengthening capacity of member countries to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
