How can agriculture become a bigger part of the solution to climate change?
Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use causes almost one-quarter of human greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time agriculture absorbs 26 percent of the economic impact of climate disasters, rising to 83 percent for drought in developing countries. With climate change expected to push 122 million more people, mainly farmers, into extreme poverty by 2030, we can no longer think about agriculture and food security without addressing climate change. The KJWA acknowledges that while agriculture is part of the climate change problem, it can also be part of the solution. No other sector holds the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the same way. Short and long-term adaptation measures can help strengthen the resilience of those most vulnerable while ensuring food security.
Why is the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture important?
The KJWA is the only programme to focus on agriculture and food security under UNFCCC. By mainstreaming agriculture into UNFCCC processes, the KJWA can drive transformation in agricultural and food systems, and address the synergies and trade-offs between adaptation, mitigation and agricultural productivity. It can provide concrete solutions to the climate and environmental challenges we are facing today, including the COVID-19 pandemic. The KJWA complements country Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) under the Paris Agreement, while contributing to the overall achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
How does FAO support countries?
Working in close collaboration with UNFCCC and other actors at international and national level, FAO is committed to supporting the development and implementation of the KJWA. FAO supports countries by providing technical support to adapt to and mitigate climate change through webinars, workshops and knowledge products allowing agriculture experts under the UNFCCC to prepare their submissions and informally share their views on how to develop and implement the decision.