Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Dear moderators

I do take strong exception to Robynne's statement that: "...the question set out a ‘private-sector’ – ‘civil-society’ dichotomy, but we all know that real life doesn’t work like that. Just look at the wide range of academics, farm organisations, private companies and others involved since the discussion began on-line and it’s easy to see that this division seems somewhat artificial and not necessarily helpful".

Indeed, real life does work like that. The dichotomy is there, and it is marked. The fact that in our consultation we have had inputs from the sectors Robynne mentions is certainly no proof that the division is somewhat artificial and not necessarily helpful. This is a dangerous blanket statement. Does anybody have a doubt about the negative effects Big, Food, Big Beverage and the baby food industry are having on nutrition the world over?  ...and this is just one example. What about corporate land grabbing? Multinational, family owned  and corporate international oligopolistic grain traders? Speculators in futures markets?


Claudio Schuftan

Ho Chi Minh City

[email protected]