GSFA Online

Food Additive Search Results

Found 122 additives having the functional class "Emulsifier":

INS No. Food Additive or Group Acceptable in Foods Conforming to the Following Commodity Standards
181 Tannic acid (Tannins)
322(i) Lecithin
CS 275-1973
CG 95-2022 (For use at 5000 mg/kg as emulsifier)
CS 141-1983
CS 282-1971
CS 207-1999
CS 319-2015 (canned mangoes only)
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 290-1995
CS 87-1981
CS 252-2006
CS 291-2010
CS 251-2006
CS 309R-2011
CS 250-2006
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
CS 117-1981
CS 281-1971
322(ii) Lecithin, partially hydrolysed
CS 66-1981
CS 309R-2011
CS 105-1981
CS 141-1983
CS 282-1971
CS 256-2007
CS 207-1999
CS 319-2015 (canned mangoes only)
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 290-1995
CS 87-1981
CS 291-2010
CS 281-1971
325 Sodium lactate
CS 275-1973
CS 253-2006
CS 309R-2011
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 302-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 290-1995
CS 262-2006 (for use in cheese mass only)
CS 291-2010
CS 319-2015
326 Potassium lactate
CS 275-1973
CS 253-2006
CS 309R-2011
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 290-1995
CS 262-2006 (for use in cheese mass only)
CS 291-2010
CS 319-2015
331(i) Sodium dihydrogen citrate
CS 275-1973
CS 89-1981
CS 282-1971
CS 273-1968
CS 207-1999
CS 221-2001
CS 57-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 302-2011
CS 290-1995
CS 262-2006 (for use in cheese mass only)
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 252-2006
CS 291-2010
CS 13-1981
CS 251-2006
CS 309R-2011
CS 250-2006
CS 256-2007
CS 96-1981
CS 117-1981
CS 319-2015
CS 97-1981
CS 281-1971
CS 98-1981
331(iii) Trisodium citrate
CS 89-1981
CS 282-1971
CS 207-1999
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 57-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 302-2011
CS 290-1995
CS 252-2006
CS 291-2010
CS 13-1981
CS 251-2006
CS 309R-2011
CS 250-2006
CS 256-2007
CS 96-1981
CS 117-1981
CS 319-2015
CS 97-1981
CS 281-1971
CS 98-1981
339(i) Sodium dihydrogen phosphate
339(ii) Disodium hydrogen phosphate
339(iii) Trisodium phosphate
340(i) Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
340(ii) Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate
340(iii) Tripotassium phosphate
341(iii) Tricalcium phosphate
400 Alginic acid
CS 275-1973
CS 94-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 309R-2011
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 119-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981 (for use in packing media only)
401 Sodium alginate
CS 275-1973
CS 94-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 309R-2011
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 96-1981
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 119-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 97-1981
402 Potassium alginate
CS 275-1973
CS 309R-2011
CS 94-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 96-1981
CS 221-2001
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 119-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 97-1981
403 Ammonium alginate
CS 275-1973
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 309R-2011
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
405 Propylene glycol alginate
406 Agar
CS 275-1973
CS 94-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 309R-2011
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 96-1981
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 119-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 262-2006 (for use in cheese mass only)
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 97-1981
407 Carrageenan
CS 275-1973
CS 94-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 282-1971
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 119-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 262-2006 (for use in cheese mass only)
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 252-2006
CS 70-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 309R-2011
CS 250-2006
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
CS 96-1981
CS 117-1981
CS 97-1981
CS 281-1971
407a Processed eucheuma seaweed (PES)
CS 275-1973
CS 94-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 309R-2011
CS 250-2006
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 119-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 252-2006
CS 70-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 262-2006 (as anticaking agent only, see functional class table in CXS 262-2006)
410 Carob bean gum
CS 275-1973
CS 94-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 309R-2011
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 119-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 262-2006 (for use in cheese mass only)
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981 (for use in packing media only)
412 Guar gum
CS 275-1973
CS 94-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 309R-2011
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 119-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 262-2006 (for use in cheese mass only)
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 327-2017 (anticaking agents in ground cumin only)
CS 70-1981 (for use in packing media only)
413 Tragacanth gum
CS 275-1973
CS 94-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 309R-2011
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 119-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 262-2006 (for use in cheese mass only)
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981 (for use in packing media only)
414 Gum arabic (Acacia gum)
CS 249-2006
CG 95-2022 (For use at 10 mg/kg as carrier)
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 309R-2011
CS 87-1981
CS 105-1981
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 256-2007
415 Xanthan gum
CS 275-1973
CS 94-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 309R-2011
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 119-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 262-2006 (for use in cheese mass only)
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981 (for use in packing media only)
416 Karaya gum
CS 275-1973
CS 309R-2011
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 262-2006 (for use in cheese mass only)
419 Gum ghatti
CS 117-1981
CS 296-2009
CS 306-2011
CS 309R-2011
CS 66-1981 (as a thickener in table olives with stuffing only)
CS 256-2007
CS 243-2003
423 Octenyl succinic acid (OSA) modified gum arabic
CS 13-1981
CS 254-2007
CS 256-2007
CS 66-1981
CS 309R-2011
425 Konjac flour
CS 256-2007
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 309R-2011
427 Cassia gum
CS 256-2007
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 309R-2011
430 Polyoxyethylene (8) stearate
431 Polyoxyethylene (40) stearate
432 Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monolaurate
433 Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate
434 Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monopalmitate
435 Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monostearate
436 Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan tristearate
440 Pectins
CS 94-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 309R-2011
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 87-1981
CS 119-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 262-2006 (as anticaking agent only, see functional class table in CXS 262-2006)
442 Ammonium salts of phosphatidic acid
444 Sucrose acetate isobutyrate
445(iii) Glycerol ester of wood rosin
450(i) Disodium diphosphate
450(ii) Trisodium diphosphate
450(iii) Tetrasodium diphosphate
450(v) Tetrapotassium diphosphate
450(vi) Dicalcium diphosphate
450(vii) Calcium dihydrogen diphosphate
451(i) Pentasodium triphosphate
451(ii) Pentapotassium triphosphate
452(i) Sodium polyphosphate
452(ii) Potassium polyphosphate
452(iii) Sodium calcium polyphosphate
452(iv) Calcium polyphosphate
452(v) Ammonium polyphosphate
460(i) Microcrystalline cellulose (Cellulose gel)
CS 309R-2011
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
CS 263-1966, CS 264-1966, CS 265-1966, CS 266-1966, CS 267-1966, CS 268-1966, CS 269- 1967, CS 270-1968, CS 271-1968, CS 272-1968 (for surface treatment only, of sliced, cut, shredded or grated cheese for these cheese standards)
CS 221-2001
CS 283-1978 (for use in sliced, cut, shredded or grated cheese only)
CS 306-2011
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 327-2017 (anticaking agents in ground cumin only)
CS 117-1981 (anticaking agents in dehydrated products only)
CS 262-2006 (as anticaking agent only, see functional class table in CXS 262-2006)
460(ii) Powdered cellulose
CS 309R-2011
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
CS 263-1966, CS 264-1966, CS 265-1966, CS 266-1966, CS 267-1966, CS 268-1966, CS 269- 1967, CS 270-1968, CS 271-1968, CS 272-1968 (for surface treatment only, of sliced, cut, shredded or grated cheese for these cheese standards)
CS 221-2001
CS 283-1978 (for use in sliced, cut, shredded or grated cheese only)
CS 306-2011
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 327-2017 (anticaking agents in ground cumin only)
CS 117-1981 (anticaking agents in dehydrated products only)
CS 262-2006 (as anticaking agent only, see functional class table in CXS 262-2006)
461 Methyl cellulose
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 256-2007
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 309R-2011
463 Hydroxypropyl cellulose
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 256-2007
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 309R-2011
464 Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 256-2007
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 309R-2011
465 Methyl ethyl cellulose
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 256-2007
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 309R-2011
466 Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (Cellulose gum)
CS 275-1973
CS 94-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 309R-2011
CS 105-1981
CS 273-1968
CS 256-2007
CS 221-2001
CS 319-2015 (canned mangoes only)
CS 249-2006
CS 117-1981
CS 302-2011
CS 306-2011
CS 262-2006 (for use in cheese mass only)
CS 119-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981 (for use in packing media only)
467 Ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose
CS 256-2007
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 309R-2011
470(i) Salts of myristic, palmitic and stearic acids with ammonia, calcium, potassium and sodium
CS 275-1973
CS 327-2017 (anticaking agents in ground cumin only)
CS 256-2007
CS 309R-2011
CS 117-1981 (anticaking agents in dehydrated products only)
470(ii) Salts of oleic acid with calcium, potassium and sodium
CS 275-1973
CS 327-2017 (anticaking agents in ground cumin only)
CS 256-2007
CS 309R-2011
CS 117-1981 (anticaking agents in dehydrated products only)
470(iii) Magnesium stearate
CS 327-2017 (anticaking agents in ground cumin only)
CS 256-2007
CS 306-2011
CS 309R-2011
CS 117-1981 (anticaking agents in dehydrated products only)
471 Mono- and di-glycerides of fatty acids
CS 275-1973
CS 251-2006
CS 309R-2011
CS 105-1981
CS 141-1983
CS 256-2007
CS 207-1999
CG 95-2022 (For use at 4000 mg/kg as emulsifier)
CS 249-2006
CS 117-1981
CS 290-1995
CS 87-1981
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
472a Acetic and fatty acid esters of glycerol
CS 275-1973
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 256-2007
CS 117-1981
CS 309R-2011
472b Lactic and fatty acid esters of glycerol
CS 275-1973
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 256-2007
CS 117-1981
CS 309R-2011
472c Citric and fatty acid esters of glycerol
CS 275-1973
CG 95-2022 (For use at 9000 mg/kg as emulsifier)
CS 319-2015 (canned mangoes only)
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 309R-2011
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 256-2007
CS 291-2010
472e Diacetyltartaric and fatty acid esters of glycerol
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
473 Sucrose esters of fatty acids
473a Sucrose Oligoesters, Type I and Type II
474 Sucroglycerides
475 Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids
476 Polyglycerol esters of interesterified ricinoleic acid
477 Propylene glycol esters of fatty acids
479 Thermally oxidized soya bean oil interacted with mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
480 Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate
481(i) Sodium stearoyl lactylate
482(i) Calcium stearoyl lactylate
484 Stearyl citrate
491 Sorbitan monostearate
492 Sorbitan tristearate
493 Sorbitan monolaurate
494 Sorbitan monooleate
495 Sorbitan monopalmitate
541(i) Sodium aluminium phosphate, acidic
541(ii) Sodium aluminium phosphate, basic
542 Bone phosphate
900a Polydimethylsiloxane
901 Beeswax
902 Candelilla wax
965(i) Maltitol
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 309R-2011
CS 87-1981
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
965(ii) Maltitol syrup
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 309R-2011
CS 87-1981
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
966 Lactitol
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 309R-2011
CS 87-1981
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
967 Xylitol
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 309R-2011
CS 87-1981
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
999(i) Quillaia extract type I
999(ii) Quillaia extract type 2
1201 Polyvinylpyrrolidone
1400 Dextrins, roasted starch
CS 275-1973
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 309R-2011
CS 105-1981
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
1401 Acid-treated starch
CS 275-1973
CS 119-1981
CS 309R-2011
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981
CS 94-1981
1402 Alkaline treated starch
CS 275-1973
CS 119-1981
CS 309R-2011
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981
CS 94-1981
1403 Bleached starch
CS 275-1973
CS 309R-2011
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
1404 Oxidized starch
CS 275-1973
CS 119-1981
CS 309R-2011
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981
CS 94-1981
1405 Starches, enzyme treated
CS 275-1973
CS 309R-2011
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
1410 Monostarch phosphate
CS 275-1973
CS 119-1981
CS 309R-2011
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981
CS 94-1981
1412 Distarch phosphate
CS 275-1973
CS 119-1981
CS 309R-2011
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981
CS 94-1981
1413 Phosphated distarch phosphate
CS 275-1973
CS 119-1981
CS 309R-2011
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981
CS 94-1981
1414 Acetylated distarch phosphate
CS 275-1973
CS 119-1981
CS 309R-2011
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981
CS 94-1981
1420 Starch acetate
CS 275-1973
CS 119-1981
CS 309R-2011
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981
CS 94-1981
1422 Acetylated distarch adipate
CS 275-1973
CS 119-1981
CS 309R-2011
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981
CS 94-1981
1440 Hydroxypropyl starch
CS 275-1973
CS 119-1981
CS 309R-2011
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981
CS 94-1981
1442 Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate
CS 275-1973
CS 119-1981
CS 309R-2011
CS 256-2007
CS 273-1968
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 306-2011
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 70-1981
CS 327-2017 (anticaking agents in ground cumin only)
CS 117-1981 (anticaking agents in dehydrated products only)
CS 94-1981
1450 Starch sodium octenyl succinate
CS 256-2007
CS 249-2006
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 309R-2011
1451 Acetylated oxidized starch
CS 256-2007
CS 249-2006
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 309R-2011
1503 Castor oil
1505 Triethyl citrate
1518 Triacetin
CS 256-2007
CS 117-1981
CS 309R-2011
1520 Propylene glycol
1521 Polyethylene glycol

Items in uppercase (e.g. PHOSPHATES) refer to food additive groups.

Additives marked with an asterisk ("*") indicate synonyms for official names. Click to view official name and other details.

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