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Food Additive Search Results

Found 51 additives having the functional class "Colour":

INS No. Food Additive or Group Acceptable in Foods Conforming to the Following Commodity Standards
183 Jagua (genipin-glycine) blue
161h(i) Zeaxanthin, synthetic
CS 87-1981 (for use in surface decoration only)
CS 256-2007
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
171 Titanium dioxide
CS 221-2001
CS 256-2007
CS 283-1978
CS 306-2011
CS 319-2015 (special holiday pack canned pears only)
CS 262-2006 (for use in cheese mass only)
CS 272-1968 (for use in cheese mass only for these standards)
CS 275-1973
CS 117-1981
CS 262-2006 (see functional class table in CXS 262-2006)
102 Tartrazine
181 Tannic acid (Tannins)
110 Sunset yellow FCF
134 Spirulina Extract
CS 256-2007
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
101(i) Riboflavin, synthetic
CS 221-2001
CS 263-1966
CS 256-2007
CS 306-2011
CS 283-1978
CS 117-1981
CS 264-1966
CS 249-2006
101(iii) Riboflavin from Bacillus subtilis
CS 221-2001
CS 263-1966
CS 256-2007
CS 306-2011
CS 283-1978
CS 117-1981
CS 264-1966
CS 249-2006
101(iv) Riboflavin from Ashbya gossypii
CS 221-2001
CS 263-1966
CS 256-2007
CS 306-2011
CS 283-1978
CS 117-1981
CS 249-2006
101(ii) Riboflavin 5'-phosphate sodium
CS 221-2001
CS 263-1966
CS 256-2007
CS 306-2011
CS 283-1978
CS 117-1981
CS 264-1966
CS 249-2006
104 Quinoline yellow
124 Ponceau 4R (Cochineal red A)
160d(ii) Lycopene, tomato
CS 319-2015 (special holiday pack canned pears only)
CS 256-2007
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
160d(i) Lycopene, synthetic
CS 306-2011 (at 390 mg/kg)
CS 319-2015 (special holiday pack canned pears only)
CS 256-2007
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
160d(iii) Lycopene, Blakeslea trispora
CS 319-2015 (special holiday pack canned pears only)
CS 256-2007
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
161b(i) Lutein from Tagetes erecta
CS 87-1981 (for use in surface decoration only)
CS 256-2007
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
161b(iii) Lutein esters from Tagetes erecta
CS 87-1981 (for use in surface decoration only)
CS 256-2007
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
172(iii) Iron oxide, yellow
172(ii) Iron oxide, red
172(i) Iron oxide, black
132 Indigotine (Indigo carmine)
163(ii) Grape skin extract
143 Fast green FCF
127 Erythrosine
100(i) Curcumin
141(i) Chlorophylls, copper complexes
140 Chlorophylls
CS 221-2001
CS 263-1966, CS 264-1966 (for use in cheese mass only for these standards)
CS 256-2007
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 283-1978 (for green marbled cheeses only)
CS 319-2015 (special holiday pack canned pears only)
CS 262-2006 (see functional class table in CXS 262-2006)
CS 262-2006 (for use in cheese mass only)
141(ii) Chlorophyllin copper complexes, potassium and sodium salts
160a(ii) beta-Carotenes, vegetable
160a(i) beta-Carotenes, synthetic
160a(iii) beta-Carotenes, Blakeslea trispora
160a(iv) β-Carotene-rich extract from Dunaliella Salina
160e Carotenal, beta-apo-8'-
120 Carmines
150d Caramel IV - sulfite ammonia caramel
150c Caramel III - ammonia caramel
150b Caramel II - sulfite caramel
150a Caramel I – plain caramel
CS 249-2006
CS 319-2015 (special holiday pack canned pears only)
CS 256-2007
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
161g Canthaxanthin
170(i) Calcium carbonate
CS 281-1971
CS 306-2011
CS 263-1966, CS 264- 1966, CS 265-1966, CS 266-1966, CS 267-1966, CS 268-1966, CS 269- 1967, CS 270-1968, CS 271-1968, CS 272- 1968 (for use in cheese mass only for these standards)
CS 262-2006 (for use in cheese mass only)
CS 273-1968
CS 291-2010
CS 309R-2011
CS 275-1973
CS 105-1981
CS 319-2015
CS 221-2001
CS 256-2007
CS 141-1983
CS 87-1981
CS 117-1981 (anticaking agents in dehydrated products only)
CS 283-1978
CS 249-2006
CS 252-2006
CS 282-1971
CS 251-2006
CS 327-2017 (anticaking agents in ground cumin only)
CS 290-1995
CS 250-2006
155 Brown HT
133 Brilliant blue FCF
151 Brilliant black (Black PN)
162 Beet red
CS 221-2001
CS 256-2007
CS 283-1978
CS 306-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 249-2006
CS 319-2015 (special holiday pack canned pears only)
122 Azorubine (Carmoisine)
160b(ii) Annatto extracts, norbixin-based
160b(i) Annatto extracts, bixin-based
123 Amaranth
129 Allura red AC
160c(ii) Paprika extract

Items in uppercase (e.g. PHOSPHATES) refer to food additive groups.

Additives marked with an asterisk ("*") indicate synonyms for official names. Click to view official name and other details.

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