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Food Additive Search Results

Found 34 additives having the functional class "Flour treatment agent":

INS No. Food Additive or Group Acceptable in Foods Conforming to the Following Commodity Standards
170(i) Calcium carbonate
CS 252-2006
CS 256-2007
CS 291-2010
CS 262-2006 (for use in cheese mass only)
CS 87-1981
CS 283-1978
CS 105-1981
CS 117-1981 (anticaking agents in dehydrated products only)
CS 327-2017 (anticaking agents in ground cumin only)
CS 250-2006
CS 263-1966, CS 264- 1966, CS 265-1966, CS 266-1966, CS 267-1966, CS 268-1966, CS 269- 1967, CS 270-1968, CS 271-1968, CS 272- 1968 (for use in cheese mass only for these standards)
CS 141-1983
CS 275-1973
CS 319-2015
CS 273-1968
CS 290-1995
CS 281-1971
CS 309R-2011
CS 306-2011
CS 221-2001
CS 249-2006
CS 282-1971
CS 251-2006
220 Sulfur dioxide
221 Sodium sulfite
223 Sodium metabisulfite
224 Potassium metabisulfite
300 Ascorbic acid, L-
CS 256-2007
CS 291-2010
CS 96-1981
CS 57-1981
CG 95-2022
CS 88-1981
CS 319-2015 (canned mangoes only)
CS 319-2015 (as antioxidant in canned pineapples)
CS 275-1973
CS 117-1981
CS 302-2011
CS 13-1981
CS 309R-2011
CS 306-2011
CS 98-1981
CS 249-2006
CS 89-1981
CS 251-2006
CS 97-1981
301 Sodium ascorbate
CS 256-2007
CS 291-2010
CS 96-1981
CS 117-1981
CS 319-2015 (canned mangoes only)
CS 88-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 98-1981
CS 275-1973
CS 89-1981
CS 251-2006
CS 97-1981
322(i) Lecithin
CS 252-2006
CS 256-2007
CS 291-2010
CS 87-1981
CS 105-1981
CS 250-2006
CS 319-2015 (canned mangoes only)
CS 141-1983
CS 275-1973
CS 207-1999
CS 117-1981
CS 290-1995
CG 95-2022 (For use at 5000 mg/kg as emulsifier)
CS 281-1971
CS 309R-2011
CS 306-2011
CS 249-2006
CS 282-1971
CS 251-2006
327 Calcium lactate
CS 256-2007
CS 291-2010
CS 319-2015
CS 262-2006 (for use in cheese mass only)
CS 273-1968
CS 117-1981
CS 290-1995
CS 253-2006
CS 309R-2011
CS 306-2011
CS 249-2006
CS 275-1973
329 Magnesium lactate, DL-
CS 256-2007
CS 291-2010
CS 319-2015
CS 309R-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 290-1995
CS 306-2011
CS 253-2006
341(i) Calcium dihydrogen phosphate
341(ii) Calcium hydrogen phosphate
341(iii) Tricalcium phosphate
342(i) Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate
342(ii) Diammonium hydrogen phosphate
472c Citric and fatty acid esters of glycerol
CS 319-2015 (canned mangoes only)
CS 256-2007
CS 291-2010
CS 309R-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 306-2011
CS 275-1973
CG 95-2022 (For use at 9000 mg/kg as emulsifier)
481(i) Sodium stearoyl lactylate
482(i) Calcium stearoyl lactylate
483 Stearyl tartrate
504(i) Magnesium carbonate
CS 256-2007
CS 291-2010
CS 319-2015
CS 262-2006 (for use in cheese mass only)
CS 273-1968
CS 290-1995
CS 87-1981
CS 283-1978
CS 105-1981
CS 117-1981 (anticaking agents in dehydrated products only)
CS 327-2017 (anticaking agents in ground cumin only)
CS 263-1966, CS 264- 1966, CS 265-1966, CS 266-1966, CS 267-1966, CS 268-1966, CS 269- 1967, CS 270-1968, CS 271-1968, CS 272- 1968 (for use in cheese mass only for these standards)
CS 309R-2011
CS 141-1983
CS 306-2011
CS 275-1973
CS 251-2006
510 Ammonium chloride
516 Calcium sulfate
CS 256-2007
CS 291-2010
CS 319-2015
CS 309R-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 249-2006
529 Calcium oxide
CS 256-2007
CS 291-2010
CS 319-2015
CS 309R-2011
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
CS 249-2006
925 Chlorine
927a Azodicarbonamide
928 Benzoyl peroxide
1100(i) alpha-Amylase from Aspergillus oryzae var.
1100(ii) alpha-Amylase from Bacillus stearothermophilus
1100(iii) alpha-Amylase from Bacillus subtilis
1100(iv) alpha-Amylase from Bacillus megaterium expressed in Bacillus subtilis
1100(v) alpha-Amylase from Bacillus stearothermophilus expressed in Bacillus subtilis
1100(vi) Carbohydrase from Bacillus licheniformis
1101(i) Protease from Aspergillus orizae var.
CS 256-2007
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011
1101(iii) Bromelain
CS 256-2007
CS 117-1981
CS 306-2011

Items in uppercase (e.g. PHOSPHATES) refer to food additive groups.

Additives marked with an asterisk ("*") indicate synonyms for official names. Click to view official name and other details.

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