
Side event: Human mobility in the context of climate change in mountain areas – evidence, gaps and priorities

Side event: Human mobility in the context of climate change in mountain areas – evidence, gaps and priorities


The International Organization for Migration will be hosting a side event at the 3rd High-Level International Conference on International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development”, 2018-2028 in Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan. The event will be a moderated discussion held in person on 11 June (time and location to be confirmed).

The event will...

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ECOSOC 2024 Youth Forum

ECOSOC 2024 Youth Forum


The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum provides a global platform for dialogue among Member States and young leaders from around the world on solutions to challenges affecting youth wellbeing. It also serves as a unique space for young people to share their vision and actions as well as...

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Empowering youth voices in Central Asia: OSCE summer school spurs engagement on climate change and security in mountain areas

Empowering youth voices in Central Asia: OSCE summer school spurs engagement on climate change and security in mountain areas


From 17 to 26 August 2023, 20 young people from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan gathered in the northern Tian Shan mountains in eastern Kyrgyzstan to learn about climate-related security risks in mountain areas and deliberate on innovative solutions and collective actions to mitigate these risks.

The summer school was...

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Carpathian Ministerial Conference

Carpathian Ministerial Conference


Poland, in its capacity of the Presidency of the Carpathian Convention, will host the Carpathian Ministerial Conference on 21–22 November 2022 in Rzeszów, Poland, which will allow for high-level discussion on pressing topics from the regional and international perspective.

The programme of the Conference will focus on two main subjects:
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Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report 2018

Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report 2018


The Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report outlines key achievements in promoting sustainable mountain development last year in its 2018 annual report. The publication documents the Secretariat’s work in the areas of advocacy, communication and knowledge management, promoting International Mountain Day, brokering joint action and leading capacity development initiatives. This publication...

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March 2017 update on mountain protected areas

March 2017 update on mountain protected areas


The 93rd edition of the Mountain Protected Areas Update, the quarterly newsletter of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) Mountains Specialist Group and Network, is now online. Edited by Gillian Anderson, the newsletter summarizes news and events from members...

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