Research & Extension

Regional Consultation Workshop on Market Oriented Agricultural Advisory Services Workshop in Amman, Jordan, 15-17 October, 2012

To improve farmers livelihoods, there is a critical need for good knowledge of the business aspects of running their farm and of how to market their products. To achieve this may require a re-orientation of extension services that do not focus on production but instead focus on farm management marketing and agribusiness.

FAO is organizing a Market Oriented Agricultural Advisory Services (MOAAS) workshop, designed specifically for high level decision-makers in agricultural extension and marketing in collaboration with the Association of Agriculture Research Institutions in the Near East and North Africa (AARINENA).

The purpose of the workshop is mainly to increase awareness for MOAAS and better understanding how ministries of agriculture are addressing marketing and agribusiness development issues within their organizational structures and extension services. The workshop will also identify capacity building gaps and developing action plans for follow up support  as well as offer  recommendations for key actions to effectively promote and strengthen MOAAS in the region. During the workshop, country experiences will be shared with respect to marketing and business management extension while identifying any national and/or regional priorities to promote and develop market orientation in extension and advisory services.

For more information see the preliminary agenda of the workshop.