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Using unmanned aerial vehicles to improve post-disaster assessment and validation of agricultural damages in the Philippines

Enhancing monitoring for disaster resilience, preparedness and response in a context prone to hydro-meteorological hazards

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    Book (stand-alone)
    The usage of unmanned aerial vehicle technology in participatory land use planning and mapping 2020
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    Participatory Land Use Planning (PLUP) requires the active involvement of the local stakeholders and the village tract communities. The use of Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in mapping and planning land uses, is an emerging and efficient technology for acquiring thematic spatial data for participatory land use planning and mapping at village or township levels. The use of UAVs was preferred for cost-effectively collecting quality geospatial data and information at very high resolution in a flexible, participatory and transparent manner in NyaungU and Kyaukpaduang townships at Village tract level. Data collected using the UAVs included; aerial imagery for mapping of village boundaries, land use, land cover, infrastructure, public facilities and utilities, point cloud data for creating digital terrain models. The same participatory procedures were used in the great delta of Ayeyarwady Region in Labutta Township and in the upland areas of Mindat and Kanteplet Townships in Chin State. The usage of UAV technology enhanced the participatory process by enabling identification of visible land use types, crop types, infrastructure, facilities and delineable boundaries by the local non-technical village participants. This information was used in the PLUP process at several stages namely; the preparation stage, Mapping existing land uses and other features (infrastructure, utilities, and facilities, delineating village boundary), Mapping of proposed land use sites, i.e. community forest sites, and delineating land tenure systems in the selected project sites.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Disaster risk reduction and management and climate change adaptation in the agriculture sector: The Philippines 2019
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    The brief provides an overview of FAO's initiaitives on climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction and management in the agriculture sector in the Philippines.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Comprehensive Analysis of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management System for Agriculture in Serbia 2018
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    This report aims to highlight the current strengths of the institutional DRR system for agriculture in Serbia as well as indicate existing gaps and capacity needs to further enhance it. A comprehensive assessment is conducted, which includes a general overview of the country’s agricultural sector and outlines the most frequent natural hazards that are impacting the sector. It is followed by an analysis of the existing legal, policy and institutional structure and discusses various components of the system, including e.g. the functioning of early warning systems, assessments of disaster risks, post-disaster needs assessments, including damages and losses assessments and the availability of agricultural insurance for farmers. It concludes by providing recommendations for capacity building interventions to strengthen the current system to reduce the adverse impacts of natural hazards, in particular, floods, landslides and droughts, and climate change on agriculture in Serbia. This report is prepared for the FAO project ‘Enhancement of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRR/M) capacities and mainstreaming of Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) practices into the Agricultural Sector in the Western Balkans (TCP/RER/3504).

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