Great Mud Pie Bake Off

01 Dec 2015 - 07 Dec 2015

At dirgirlworld we love dirt! We are so excited that this is the International year of soils AND that  December 5th is World Soil Day! To celebrate soil,  we are holding Australia’s biggest ever Mud Pie Bake Off!! #mudpiebakeoff


During the weeks leading up to Dec 5th World Soils Day - greenthumbs everywhere will be mixing mud and getting their mud pie kitchens ready to host their bake off! 

This is a great opportunity to celebrate soil and at the same time raise funds for your place- your school, centre or community garden. You might put in a garden, plant a tree,or buy a compost bin or worm farm....something little that will make a big difference. 

In true dirtgirlworld style you raise all the money and you keep all the money, 

There is no cost  to be involved - all you need is mud and some old kitchen utensils, pots and pans!


Here’s how your group can be involved!

Decide on a date.  Join in anytime in Global Soil week- between Dec 1st and Dec 7th 2015. World soil day is Saturday Dec 5th

Contact us via email and register - [email protected]

Send us your group name and approx. number of participants.

We’ll send you the info sheet with lots of helpful tips on making mud pies and building a mud kitchen, sponsorship forms and lots of fun idea’s on how we can support healthy soil wherever we are!

Just like a walkathon, but with mud pies, your mud pie makers will contact their family and friends to sponsor the number of mud pies they make at the event or a to make a participation donation.

Create a mud kitchen. Fancy or super simple....a mud kitchen is just a place where you can get muddy - we suggest, somewhere outside!

Host your mud pie bake off - whip up some newspaper aprons, whisk up your mud and make as many mud pies as you can. Decorate the pies and photograph them. Send in your best pix of your best mud pie to be in the running for some great prizes like this digging set from eco toys!

With your fundraised money, choose a project you would like to do for the soil. Let us know what you achieve, send us a pic and we’ll feature your project on our facebook/instagram!



Everything comes from soil! Our food, our clothes... so many things we use everyday, all start out in the soil. So it’s important to celebrate the amazing job it does, and learn about how we can do small things that will keep soil healthy, in our own backyards, in community gardens and parks and schools... everywhere! dirt rocks!


If you would like to get register and join us- please contact us here [email protected] with this information 


the name of your school/community garden/group/family

approx. number of participants

What date would you like to have your bake off?

What soils project you would like to make with your fundraised money?


Individuals can also join in the fun, by baking your pies and posting your pic's straight to Instagram #mudpiebakeoff

Get your friends and family to like your photo and follow dirtgirlworldoffical and you can be in the running for some amazing prizes for the best decorated mud pies!


Have fun getting grubby, we can't wait to see your finished pies.


Happy World Soil Day.
