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V. FAO and the world of the future

A. Letter from Dr. Norman E. Borlaug
B. Message from the Secretary-General of the United Nations
C. Addresses by selected speakers

A. Letter from Dr. Norman E. Borlaug

8. The Director -General read to the Conference a letter from Dr. N. E. Borlaug, the 1970 Nobel Peace Prize winner. The text of this letter may be found in Annex E.

B. Message from the Secretary-General of the United Nations

9. Mr. V. Winspeare Guicciardi, Under-Secretary General, Director-General of the United Nations Office in Geneva, read to the Conference a message from His Excellency U Thant, Secretary-General of the United Nations. The text of the message may be found in Annex F.

C. Addresses by selected speakers

10. The Conference was addressed by one speaker on behalf of each Region, as follows: His Excellency A. Boukli, Secretary of Agriculture (Algeria), for the African Region; His Excellency M.A. Haroon, Minister of Agriculture (Pakistan), for the Asia and Far East Region; His Excellency M. I. Natali, Minister of Agriculture (Italy), for the European Region; His Excellency T. de J. Lopez, Vice-Minister of Agriculture (Colombia), for the Latin American Region; His Excellency S. Marei, Minister of Agriculture (United Arab Republic), for the Near East Region; Mr. A. J. Mair, Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Commodity Problems (United States of America), for the North American Region; and Dr. A. T. Johns, Director-General of Agriculture and Fisheries (New Zealand), for the South-West Pacific Region. The Conference was also addressed by His Excellency J. Duhamel, Minister of Agriculture (France), by His Excellency J. M. Mutti, Minister of State (Zambia) and by Mr. R. Savary, Secretary-General of the International Federation of Agricultural Producers.

11. In addition, a number of messages were received from Heads of State and Cabinet Ministers of Member Nations, and from the Executive Heads of international organizations. These messages are reproduced in Annex G.

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