Contents -
Amendments to the FAO "Basic Texts"
a) Arabic as an Official Language of the Organization and as a Working Language for Limited Purposes
b) Other Amendments
a) Arabic as an Official Language of the Organization and as a Working Language for Limited Purposes
357. The Conference recalled that at its Fourteenth and Fifteenth Sessions it had taken decisions regarding the introduction of Arabic as a working language for limited purposes and that it had also, at its Fifteenth Session, adopted an authoritative Arabic text of the Constitution. The Conference noted that the Director-General had submitted to the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM) the question whether amendments were necessary to the FAO Basic Texts in order to reflect these decisions, and that this question had been considered by the Council at its Fifty-Sixth Session (June 1971).
358. The Conference endorsed the recommendation made by the Council that Rule XXXVIII of the General Rules of the Organization be amended in order to provide that Arabic be included in the fiat of official languages of the Organization, and to specify that Arabic was a working language for limited purposes.
359. Some delegates, while welcoming the progress that had been achieved with respect to the use of the Arabic language, expressed the hope that Arabic would eventually be used to the same extent as English, French and Spanish.
360. The Conference noted with satisfaction that the CCLM would continue to study the question of ''official'' and ''working'' languages, with a view to defining with greater precision the legal and other implications of the use of these terms in FAO.
361. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
Arabic as an Official Language of the Organization and as a Working Language for Limited Purposes
Bearing in mind the decisions taken at its Fourteenth and Fifteenth Sessions regarding the use of Arabic as a working language for limited purposes,
Considering that the question whether the Basic Texts required amendment to reflect these decisions had been considered by the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters and the Council,
Noting that at its Fifteenth Session it had amended Article XXII of the Constitution so as to provide that the Arabic text be equally authoritative as the English, French and Spanish texts,
Decides to endorse the recommendations of the Fifty-Sixth Session of the Council on this question, and to amend Rule XXXVIII of the General Rules of the Organization by the addition of the words underlined, to read as follows:
'' Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish shall be the official languages of the Organization. English, French and Spanish shall be the working languages and Arabic shall be a working language for limited purposes.''
(Adopted, 24 November 1971)
362. The Conference was informed that the Council, at its Fifty-Fifth Session, had suggested that the Director-General examine, in consultation with the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM), the FAO Basic Texts and report on inconsistencies contained therein and problems arising from the application of the Basic Texts.
363. In two reports presented in response to this suggestion, the CCLM had made proposals for amendments to the General Rules of the Organization, which had been endorsed by the Council at its Fifty-Sixth and Fifty-Seventh Sessions. The Conference concurred with these proposals, and adopted the following resolution:
Harmonization of the FAO ''Basic Texts''
Noting the suggestion made by the Council at its Fifty-Fifth Session, that the Director General examine, in consultation with the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM), the Basic Texts of the Organization and report to the Council on any inconsistencies contained therein and any problems arising from the application of the Basic Texts,
Considering the proposals made by the CCLM and endorsed by the Council at its Fifty-Sixth Session, for certain amendments to the Basic Texts, with a view to eliminating inconsistencies and ambiguities and to bring certain provisions up-to-date,
Further considering the recommendation made by the Council at its Fifty-Seventh Session, aiming at a harmonization of the provisions defining the qualifications of members of the Programme and Finance Committees,
Adopts the following amendments to the General Rules of the Organization:
(i) The term ''United Nations Development Programme'' is substituted for the term ''Expanded Technical Assistance Programme'', in the following Rules;
Rule II.2(c) (v)
Rule XXIV.2 (a)(ii)
Rule XXVI.7(a)(iii)
(ii) The term ''Secretary-General of the Conference and Council'' is substituted for the term ''Secretary-General''.
Rule XXII.10(c)
Rule XXIII.1(a)
Rule XXVI.2
Rule XXVII.2
Rule XXIX.2
Rule XXXIII.1(a)
The term ''Secretary-General of the Conference and Council'' is substituted for the term ''Secretary-General of the Conference or Council'', in Rule XXX.2.
(iii) The first sentence of Rule XII.3(b) is hereby amended to read as follows:
''(b) Except as otherwise provided in these Rules, in the case of an election by the Conference to fill simultaneously more than one elective place, the required majority shall be the smallest number of whole votes necessary to elect no more candidates than there are seats to be filled.''
(iv) The expression ''Chairman of the Conference'' is substituted for the expression ''Chairman of the Conference or Council'', in Rule XII.11(h).
(v) The first sentence of Rule XXVI-1 and of Rule XXVII-1, respectively, is hereby amended to read as follows:
''Rule XXVI
Programme Committee
1. The Programme Committee provided for in paragraph 6 of Article V of the Constitution shall be composed of a Chairman, six other members, and a first, second and third alternate, all selected by the Council in a personal capacity [from among qualified individuals who have participated in Conference and Council sessions and in other technical activities of the Organization.] from among individuals who have shown a continued interest in the objectives and activities of the Organization, have participated in Conference or Council sessions and have special competence and experience in economic, social and technical matters pertaining to the various fields of the Organization's activities."
''Rule XXVII
Finance Committee
1. The Finance Committee provided for in paragraph 6 pf Article V of the Constitution shall be composed of a Chairman, four other members, and a first, second and third alternate, all selected by the Council in a personal capacity [from among individuals in the government service of Member Nations, for their special competence in finance and administration.] from among individuals who have shown a continued interest in the objectives and activities of the Organization, have participated in Conference or Council sessions and have special competence and experience in administrative and financial matters.''
Endorses the recommendations of the Council that, in view of the importance of the Basic Texts for the proper functioning of the Organization, the examination should be pursued, due regard being given, within the framework of that examination, to suggestions formulated during deliberations of the Conference and Council.
(Adopted, 24 November 1971)
Committee on Commodity Problems
a) Method of Balloting for Elections to the CCP
b) Nomenclature of CCP Subsidiary Bodies and Membership of Commodity Study Groups
a) Method of Balloting for Elections to the CCP
364. The Conference recalled that at its Fifteenth Session it had decided to review at its present session the method of balloting for elections to the Committee on Commodity Problems, in the light of any recommendations submitted by the Council. The Council had considered this matter at its Fifty-Seventh Session and concluded that the method of balloting adopted had caused some difficulties. After having discussed possible alternatives, it had submitted to the Conference a draft resolution suspending Rules XXIX.1 to 3 of the General Rules of the Organization and providing for the opening of membership of the Committee on Commodity Problems to all interested Member Nations on a trial basis, for an experimental period of two years.
365. In the course of the debate the majority of the delegates considered that, taking into account the limited number of sessions during a biennium, an experimental period of two years would be too short. The Conference decided therefore that the experimental period should be four years, as in the case of the Committee on Fisheries.
366. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
Change in the Structure of the Committee on Commodity Problems
Noting the views of the Council and the Committee on Commodity Problems regarding the structure and composition of this Committee,
Having considered that it would be desirable to open the Committee on Commodity Problems to all interested Member Nations on a trial basis,
- I -
Decides that:
1. The Committee on Commodity Problems shall be open to all interested Member Nations for a trial period of four years, at the end of which the structure and composition of the Committee and the method of appointment of its members shall be reviewed by the Conference;
2. The appointment of the members of the Committee shall be carried out in accordance with the following procedure:
(a) The members of the Committee on Commodity Problems provided for in paragraph 6 of Article V of the Constitution shall be appointed by the Council for a period of two years at the session of the Council immediately following the regular session of the Conference;
(b) The Committee shall be composed of those Member Nations which notify the Director General in writing of their desire to be appointed as members of the Committee in view of their interest in the work of the Committee ant their intention to participate actively, for a two-year period, in the efficient discharge of the Committee's mandate;
(c) The Director-General shall determine and communicate to all Member Nations the latest date by which such notifications shall be made and shall submit a list of such notifications to the Council not later than on the day set by the Council for the appointment of the members of the Committee.
3. Members of the Committee should, as far as possible, be represented by their most senior officers concerned with commodity problems of an international character.
- II -
The provisions of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Rule XXIX of the General Rules of the Organization are hereby suspended in accordance with paragraph 1 of Rule XXXIX of the General Rules of the Organization, for a period of four years.
(Adopted 19 November 1971)
b) Nomenclature of CCP Subsidiary Bodies and Membership of Commodity Study Groups
367. The Conference noted that certain subsidiary bodies of the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) had given rise to a problem regarding their nomenclature. This question had been examined by the CCP itself, by the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM) and by the Council at its Fifty-Fifth Session (November 1970) and its Fifty-Seventh Session (November 1971).
368. The Conference endorsed the recommendations made by the Council. Accordingly, the Conference decided that commodity study groups should henceforth be renamed ''Intergovernmental Commodity Groups'', that bodies established by these groups should be called ''Sub-Groups'' and that bodies established by sub-groups should be called ''Working Parties''. It was decided that reference to "subsidiary working Parties'' in Rule XXIX-9 of the General Rules of the Organization (GRO) should be replaced by ''ad hoc subsidiary bodies'', and that Rule XXIX-9 of the General Rules of the Organization and Financial Regulation 5.9 should be amended accordingly. Rule XXIX-9 (GRO) should also be amended in order to make it clear that Intergovernmental Commodity Groups were open to all Member Nations and Associate Members of the Organization which indicated to the Director-General their interest in becoming members of such groups. The Conference further decided to invite the Committee on Commodity Problems to amend Rule VII-1 of its Rules of Procedure in order to reflect the amendments that had been made to Rule XXIX-9 of the General Rules of the Organization.
369. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
Nomenclature of CCP Subsidiary Bodies
Noting that the nomenclature of the subsidiary bodies of the Committee on Commodity Problems dealing with single commodities or groups of related commodities has been examined by the Council, the Committee on Commodity Problems and the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters,
Considering that certain clarifications regarding the eligibility for membership of such subsidiary bodies of the Committee on Commodity Problems are desirable,
1. Decides to endorse the recommendations of the Council set out in document C 71/LIM/20 and to amend Rule XXIX-9 of the General Rules of the Organization, and Financial Reputation 5.9 as follows:
"Rule XXIX
9. The Committee may, when necessary, establish sub-committees, [subsidiary working parties or commodity study groups]; intergovernmental commodity groups and ad hoc subsidiary bodies, subject to the necessary funds being available in the relevant chapter of the approved budget of the Organization. [and] It may include in the membership of such sub-committees for subsidiary working parties) and ad hoc subsidiary bodies, Member rations which are not members of the Committee and Associate Members. [The Council may admit to membership of commodity study groups established by the Committee] Membership of intergovernmental commodity groups established by the Committee shall be open to all Member Nations and Associate Members of the Organizations and the Council may admit to membership of such groups, nations which, while not Member Nations or Associate Members of the Organization, are members of the United Nations. It may authorize the Director-General to invite at their request nations which, while not Member Nations or Associate Members of the Organization are Members of the United Nations, to attend consultations, convened under paragraph 1 (e) of Rule XXIV of the General Rules of the Organization, on individual commodities and participate in the discussions, with the right to vote and to hold office. Former Member Nations of the Organization which have withdrawn leaving arrears of contributions shall not be admitted to membership in [commodity study groups] intergovernmental commodity groups or attend consultations on individual commodities until such time as they have paid up all such arrears or the Conference has approved an arrangement for the settlement thereof, or unless the Council, in special circumstances, decides otherwise with respect to such admission.''
''Financial Regulation 5.9
Non-Member Nations of the Organization that are Members of [commodity study groups] intergovernmental commodity groups: ...''
2. Invites the Committee on Commodity Problems to amend Rule VII-1 of its Rules of Procedure, as follows, by deleting the words in square brackets and adding the words underlined:
''Rule VII
1. In accordance with the provisions of Rule XXIX-9 of the General Rules of the Organization, the Committee may, when necessary, establish sub-committees, [subsidiary working parties or commodity study groups] intergovernmental commodity groups and ad hoc subsidiary bodies, subject to the necessary funds being available in the relevant chapter of the approved budget of the Organization. [and] It may include in the membership of such sub-committees [or subsidiary working parties] and ad hoc subsidiary bodies, Member Nations that are not members of the Committee and Associate Members. [The] Membership of [commodity study groups] intergovernmental commodity groups established by the Committee [may include] shall be open to all Member Nations and Associate Members of the Organization and the Council may admit to membership of such groups, nations which, while not Member Nations or Associate Members of the Organization, are members of the United Nations.''
3. Decides that the characteristics included in the definition of the term ''commodity study group'' adopted by the Council at its Fortieth Session shall apply to intergovernmental commodity groups, it being understood that non-Member Nations of the Organization that are Members of the United Nations shall be admitted to membership of intergovernmental commodity groups on the conditions specified in Rule XXIX-9 of the General Rules of the Organization.
(Adopted, 24 November 1971)
Increase in the Number of Council Seats
370. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
Increase in the number of Council seats
Considering that the number of Member Nations has substantially increased since its Fourteenth Session at which it fixed the number of Council seats in Resolution 12/67,
Noting the changes that have occurred in the composition of the regional groups established by the Conference for the purposes of elections to the Council,
Considering the desirability of giving the greatest possible number of Member Nations an opportunity to serve on the Council and of ensuring balanced geographical representation in accordance with the provisions of Article XXII-3 of the General Rules of the Organization,
Requests the Council:
1. In consultation with the Programme and Finance Committees and the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters, to examine the advisability of increasing the number of Council seats, taking all aspects of the problem into consideration, especially the admission of new Members to the Organization, as well as the geographical distribution of the seats:
2. To prepare and submit to the Conference at its next regular session a detailed report on the matter, all relevant recommendations and, if appropriate, a suitable draft amendment to Article V.1 of the Constitution of the Organization.
(Adopted, 23 November 1971)
Statutory Report on the Status of Conventions and Agreements and on Amendments thereto
371. Rule XXI-5 of the General Rules of the Organization provides that ''the Director-General shall resort to the Conference whenever a convention, agreement, supplementary convention or agreement has, in accordance with its terms, come into force or ceased to be in force, or has been amended and the amendments come into force.''
372. The Conference considered documents C 71/31 and C 71/31 Corr. 1 entitled ''Statutory Report on the Status of Conventions and Agreements and on Amendments thereto'' which were submitted in accordance with the above-mentioned requirement.
373. In addition, the Conference was informed that on 17 November 1971 the Government of the Socialist Republic of Romania had deposited with the Director-General an instrument of adherence to the Internacional Plant Protection Convention, dated 11 October 1971.
374. The Conference took note of the above statutory report as well as the additional information given in the preceding paragraph.
Granting of Official Status to International `Ion-Governmental Organizations
375. The Conference took note of the statutory report by the Director-General on relations with international non-governmental organizations.
FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission
376. The Conference recalled that, at its Fifteenth Session, it had suggested that the Codex Alimentarius Commission should re-examine the principles governing the elaboration of standards for regions or groups of countries, as reflected in Rule VI.3 of the Rules of Procedures of the Commission.
377. The Conference noted the views of the Commission as reflected in the Report of its Seventh Session, and concurred with the conclusion of the Council that the appropriateness and timing of any amendment to Article VI.3 of the Rules of Procedure could be left to the Commission and its Executive Committee.
378. The Conference further recalled that it had, at its Fourteenth Session, recommended that the FAD/WHO Committee of Government Experts on the Code of Principles concerning Milk and Milk Products should align its procedures with those of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. It took note of the fact that the text governing the elaborations, adoption and acceptance of standards for milk and milk products had been revised by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and subsequently accepted by the Committee of Experts on Milk and Milk Products.
379. The Conference noted with satisfaction that the alignment of procedures which it had recommended had now been effected.
B. Administrative and financial matters
Audited Accounts
Scale of Contributions, 1972-73
Assessment of New Member Nations
Reimbursement of Withdrawals from the Working Capital Fund
Payment of Contributions-Haiti and Paraguay
Amendments to the Financial Regulations
Staff Commissary Profits
Emoluments of the Director-General
Management/Staff Relations
380. The Conference reviewed the accounts and the reports of the External Auditor thereon, as submitted by the Fifty-Fifth and the Fifty-Seventh Sessions of the Council. It expressed its appreciation of the reports as presented, particularly as they included comments of a substantive nature.
381. In reply to a question from one delegation, the Conference was informed that the financial statements for the merged UNDP overhead costs budget for 1972-73 would not reflect the full costs of carrying out UNDP activities. The UNDP, the United Nations, and the specialized agencies would be involved in developing a systems design in 1972-73 to identify such costs.
382. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
Audited Accounts
Having considered the Reports of the Fifty-Fifth and Fifty-Seventh Session of the Council,
Having examined the following audited accounts and the External Auditor's Reports thereon:
(a)-Regular Programme, 1968-69 | C 71/5 |
(b)-Freedom from Hunger Campaign, 1969 | C 71/18 |
(c)-European Commission for the control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease, 1969 | C 71/9 |
(d)-UNDP (Technical Assistance Sector), 1969 and 1970 | C 71/6, C 71/12 |
(e)-UNDP (Special Fund Sector), 1969 and 1970 | C 71/7, C 71/13 |
(f)-World Food Programme, 1469 and 1970 | C 71/10, C 71/14 |
(g)-Trust Funds, 1969 | C 71/11 |
Adopts the above audited accounts.
(Adopted, 24 November 1971)
Scale of Contributions, 1972-73
383. The Conference, at its Eighth Session, in November 1955, had decided that the FAO Scale of Contributions would in future be derived directly from the United Nations Scale of Assessments as in force during the calendar year of the Conference Session, and that such a scale would be applicable to the two following years.
384. The proposed Scale of Contributions for 1972-73, based on the United Nations Scale for 1971-73, had been recommended by the Fifty-Sixth Session of the Council for adoption by the Conference, subject to the appropriate adjustments arising from the admission of new Members. The Conference examined the thus amended Scale of Contributions for 1972-73 which incorporated the assessments of new Members, and adopted the following resolution:
Scale of Contributions 1972-73
Having considered the Report of the Fifty-Sixth Session of the Council,
Adopts for use in 1972-73 the Scale of Contributions set out in Appendix F to this Report, which is derived directly from the United Nations Scale of Assessments for 1971-73.
(Adopted 19 November 1971)
385. One delegation indicated that the continued increase in its country's contribution during the last four years was of considerable concern because of the heavy financial burden involved. Another delegation suggested that the basis of determining the FAO Scale of Contributions should be considered at future sessions of the Council.
Assessment of New Member Nations
386. In accordance with the provisions of Article XVIII.3 of the Constitution, Rule XIX.3 of the General Rules of the Organization and Financial Regulation V.8, the Conference decided that the additional contribution for 1971 from the two Associate Members that had become full Members, Bahrain and Qatar, would be $1 277.60 each. This represented the difference between the full contribution of 0.04 percent and the Associate Membership contribution of 0.024 percent for the last quarter of 1971.
387. In accordance with the same provisions, the Conference decided that the contribution to be paid by the newly admitted Member Nations, Fiji, the Maldives, Oman and Swaziland, for the year 1971 would be $ 3 200 each.
388. In accordance with Financial Regulation VI.2 (b) (ii) the Conference decided that all six new Members, Bahrain, Fiji, the Maldives, Oman, Qatar and Swaziland, should pay an advance of $ 1 800 each to the Working Capital Fund.
Reimbursement of Withdrawals from the Working Capital Fund
389. The Conference, as recommended by the Council at its Fifty-Seventh Session, agreed that an amount of $1 786 304 of the expected 1970-71 cash surplus be withheld ant used to reimburse the Working Capital Fund for the amounts withdrawn as set out in the Report of the Council. It was informed that, provided Member Nations paid their contributions in good time, the cash surplus which would accrue at the end of the 1970-71 biennium would be adequate to reimburse the Working Capital Fund in respect of the amounts withdrawn.
390. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
Reimbursement of Working Capital Fund from Cash Surplus in 1970-71, for Withdrawals
Made in 1968-69 and 1070-71
Noting that the Council, at its Fifty-First Session, had authorized the withdrawal from the Working Capital Fund of up to $150 000 to finance a study to improve FAA's methods, systems, procedures and practices, and that an amount of $127 656 had actually been withdrawn to meet part of these costs,
Noting that the Council at its Fifty-Fifth Session had authorized the withdrawal from the Working Capital Fund of up to $1 650 000 to finance additional expenditure resulting from increases in staff remuneration,
Noting that the Director-General under the provisions of Conference Resolution 17/69, acting on the recommendation of the Advisory Panel of Experts set up to advise him on initial control activities against the Desert Locust in emergencies and after consultation with the Chairman of the Finance Committee, had withdrawn $8 650 from the Working Capital Fund for the purpose of an emergency survey in the Spanish Sahara,
Noting that in accordance with Financial Regulation 6.5(b) advances made from the Working Capital Fund to finance emergency expenditures shall be reimbursed by such method as the Conference determines,
Further noting that the Director-General expected that, provided Member Nations duly paid their contributions in good time, a substantial cash surplus would arise in the 1970-71 biennium,
Decides that, notwithstanding the provisions of Financial Regulation 6.1(b), such cash surplus as may arise in the 1970-71 biennium shall be withheld and used to the extent necessary to reimburse the Working Capital Fund in respect of the above-mentioned withdrawals.
(Adopted.24 November 1971)
391. The Conference expressed its concern that heavy withdrawals from the Working Capital fund might endanger the capacity of the Fund to serve its primary purpose to advance monies to the General Fund to finance budgetary expenditures pending receipt of contributions to the budget.
392. In view of the difficult budgetary situation faced by the Organization, the Conference appealed to all Member Nations to ensure that outstanding obligations be paid as soon as possible, and that assessments for the coming biennium be settled promptly when due. Delays could have adverse repercussions on budgetary resources in 1972-73.
393. The Conference stressed that the special measures approved by it in the present difficult financial situation should be considered exceptional, and adopted the following resolution:
Reimbursement of Working Capital Fund from Cash Surplus 1970-71 for Withdrawal Made in 1972-73
Noting that the Council at its Fifty-Seventh Session had authorized 8 withdrawal from the Working Capital Fund of $1 000 000 to meet unbudgeted costs in the 1972-73 biennium resulting from increases in Headquarters Professional staff remuneration, in Headquarters General Service staff remuneration and from unbudgeted losses due to changes in exchange rates,
Noting that in accordance with Financial Regulation 6.5(b) advances made from the Working Capital fund shall be reimbursed by such method as the Conference determines,
Further nothing that the Director General expected that, provided Member Nations duly paid their contributions in good time, a substantial cash surplus would accrue in the 1970-71 biennium and that such surplus would he adequate to cover the withdrawal referred to in the first paragraph of this resolution, in addition to the Amounts needed to reimburse the Working Capital Fund in respect of withdrawals referred to in Conference Resolution 23/71,
Decides that, notwithstanding the provisions of Financial Regulation 6.1(b), the balance of such cash surplus as may accrue in the 1970-71 biennium, after reimbursement of the Working Capital Fund in respect of the withdrawals referred to in Conference Resolution 23/71, shall be withheld and used as far as possible and to the extent necessary to reimburse the Working Capital Fund in respect of the above mentioned withdrawal.
(Adopted, 24 november 1971)
Payment of Contributions-Haiti and Paraguay
394. The Conference considered the reports of the General Committee concerning the proposal of the Governments of Haiti and Paraguay to liquidate their outstanding contributions over a ten-year period, in addition to paying each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment.
395. The Conference, having considered the difficult economic and financial position of Haiti and Paraguay, adopted the following resolutions, stressing however that this should not be regarded as constituting a precedent:
Payment of Contributions-Haiti
Noting that the Government of Haiti has made a proposal that it liquidate its outstanding contributions over a period of 10 years in addition to paying each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment,
Decides that:
1. Notwithstanding Financial Regulation 5.5, Haiti's outstanding contributions, totalling $ 50 281.47, shall he settled through the payment of ten annual instalments:
2. The first instalment, to he paid in 1972, shell be $5 029.47 and each of the following, nine annual instalments shall he $5 028.00;
3. The annual payment of the instalments referred to above, together with the payment of each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment and any advances to the Working Capital Fund shall he considered as fulfilment of Haiti's financial obligations to the Organization.
(Adopted, 19 November 1971)
Payment of Contributions-Paraguay
Noting that the Government of Paraguay has made a proposal that it liquidate its outstanding contributions over a period of 10 years in addition to paying each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment,
Decides that:
1. Notwithstanding Financial Regulation 5.5 Paraguay's outstanding contributions, totalling S73 197.73, shall be settled through the Payment of ten annual instalments:
2. The first instalment, to be paid in 1972, shall be $7 317.73 and each of the following nine annual instalments shall be $7 320.00:
3. The annual payment of the instalments referred to above, together with the payment of each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment and any advances to the Working Capital Fund shall be considered as fulfillment of Paraguay's financial obligations to the Organization.
(Adopted, 22 November 1971)
Amendments to the Financial Regulations
396. The Conference, noting that the Council at its Fifty-Fifth Session had endorsed the Director-General's proposals to introduce a programme-budget format for the 1972-73 Programme of Work and Budget, agreed to adopt the Council's recommendation that Financial peculation III.3 he so amended that future budgets would he presented substantially on a programme basis. The Conference therefore, adopted the following resolution:
Amendment to Financial Regulation III
Recalling that at its Fifteenth Session it expressed the view that the presentation of future budgets should he substantially on a programme basis,
Noting that the Director-General's draft Programme of Work and Budget for 1972-73 is fully presented on a programme budget basis,
Recognizing that the introduction of programme budgeting requires the amendment of Financial Regulation III, as recommended by the Council at its Fifty-Fifth Session,
Adopts the following amendments to the Regulation:
The Budget
3.3. The budget estimates shall he presented on a programme-budget basis and divided /by function/ into chapters and programme objectives, and where necessary into programmes and sub-programmes /sub-chapters: chapters and sub-chapters shall be divided by object of expenditure into articles and where necessary into sub-articles/. The budget estimates shall include the programme of work for the financial period, such information annexes or explanatory statements as may be requested on behalf of the Conference or the Council and such further annexes or statements as the Director General may deem appropriate.
(Adopted, 24 November 1971)
b) Regulation XII: External Audit
397. The Conference took note of the recommendation submitted by the Ad Hoc Committee of Experts established to examine the Finances of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies and endorsed by the Council, that each organization should try as far as possible to reconcile and standardize its financial regulations when making the necessary amendments thereto. The first regulation to be standardized was Regulation XII relating to External Audit. The Conference therefore adopted the following resolution:
Financial Regulation XII
Noting the desire of the Ad Hoc Committee of Experts established to examine the Finances of the UN and the Specialized Agencies to standardize the financial regulations of the organizations,
Decides that the Financial Regulation XII is hereby amended to read as set out in appendix G to this Report.
(Adopted, 24 November 1971)
398. The Conference noted that, in accordance with Resolution 69 of the Seventh Session of the Conference. one percent of the total sales of the Staff Commissary was paid to the Organization in reimbursement for facilities and indirect services made available by the Organization to the Commissary. For 1970 this payment amounted to $20 093.26 which, as noted by the Council, was appreciably more than the cost of services rendered by the Organization.
399. The Conference agreed with the recommendation of the Council that the reimbursement be reduced from one percent to one half percent as of 1 January 1971, and that one half percent be transferred to the Staff Welfare Fund for the financing of social and sporting activities.
400. The conference adopted the following resolution:
Staff Commissary Profits
Having noted that for the year 1970, in accordance with Resolution No. 69 of the Seventh Session of the Conference, the Staff Commissary transferred an amount of $20 093.26 to the Organization in payment for facilities and indirect services made available to the Commissary during that year,
Having been informed that a lesser contribution from the Staff Commissary would meet the cost of facilities and indirect services extended by the Organization,
Desiring to make provision for a contribution for social, sports or other staff welfare activities,
1. As of 1 January 1971 to reduce from 1 percent to 0.5 percent of the total sales of the Staff Commissary the amount to be paid, as an expense of the Commissary operation, to the Organization in reimbursement for facilities and indirect services made available to the Commissary,
2. That the equivalent of 0.5 percent of total sales of the Staff Commissary be paid to the Staff Welfare Fund for social and sports or other staff welfare activities: and
3. That any net profits of the Staff Commissary shall continue to be transferred to the Staff Welfare Fund as heretofore, for use in accordance with policies and procedures to be developed jointly by the Director-General and the staff.
(Adopted, 24 November 1971)
Emoluments of the Director-General
401. The Conference, on the recommendation of the Council, adopted the following resolution:
Salary of the Director-General
Noting that, in accordance with decisions of the General Assembly of the United Nations and the FAO Council, the salaries in the Professional and Director categories had been increased by 8 percent gross, after incorporation of two classes of DOS: adjustment, effective 1 July 1971,
Decides that, effective 1 July 1971, the salary of the Director-General shall be increased from $47 000 ($30 100 net) to $56 000 cross ($34 600 net) per year, and that the post adjustment rate of the Director-General shall be $1 380 Per year.
(Adopted. 24 November 1971)
402. Tribute was paid to the work of the Special Committee on Management/Staff Relations under the chairmanship of Ambassador Eng of Sweden. It was felt that the work of this Committee would surely prove to be an important factor in improving these relations.
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