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Water quality
for agriculture |
Water quality for agriculture
R.S. Ayers
Soil and Water Specialist (Emeritus)
University of California
Davis, California, USA
D.W. Westcot
Senior Land and Water Resources Specialist
California Regional Water Quality Control Board
Sacramento, California, USA
29 Rev. 1
Reprinted 1989, 1994
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
ISBN 92-5-102263-1
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Applications for such permission, with a statement of the purpose and extent of the reproduction, should be addressed to the Director, Publications Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome, 1985 © FAO
Water Quality for Agriculture was first published in 1976 as Irrigation and Drainage Paper 29. Although many of the basic concepts of salinity control and dealing with poor quality water remain the same, new data and experience have prompted us to revise the 1976 paper in order to keep the user up-to-date.
The document is now presented as a field guide for evaluating the suitability of a water for irrigation. Included are suggestions for obtaining maximum utilization of an existing or potential water supply. Guideline values given identify a potential problem water based on possible restrictions in use related to 1) salinity, 2) rate of water infiltration into the soil, 3) a specific ion toxicity, or 4) to some other miscellaneous effects. Discussions and examples are given along with possible management alternatives to deal with these potential problems.
This paper is intended to provide guidance to farm and project managers, consultants and engineers in evaluating and identifying potential problems related to water quality. It discusses possible restrictions on the use of the water and presents management options which may assist in farm or project management, planning and operation. The guidelines and discussions are based on reported experiences gained from many farm areas throughout the world, mostly in arid and semi-arid areas. A vast majority of the data has come from agriculture in the Western United States, therefore, caution and a critical attitude should be taken when applying the guidelines to specific local conditions. The guidelines can indicate potential problems and possible restrictions on use of the water but the true suitability of a given water depends on the specific conditions of use and on the management capability of the user. The guidelines should be useful in placing water quality effects in perspective with the other factors affecting crop production, the ultimate goal being to obtain maximum production per unit of available water.
Salinity is discussed from the standpoint of a reduction in soil-water availability to the crop. Recent research findings on plant response to salinity within the root zone have been incorporated into the guidelines to improve their predictive capability. Updated crop tolerance values have also become available and are included. A method is presented for calculating the leaching requirement for the crop considering the quality of water available. Values calculated by this procedure, if adopted, represent an appreciable water saving as compared to most older procedures.
A water infiltration problem related to water quality is usually associated with both the salinity and sodium content of the water. A procedure is presented to evaluate the potential of a water to cause an infiltration problem based on a combination of its salinity (ECw) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR).
A specific ion toxicity is discussed as to the concentration of boron, sodium or chloride and their effect on yield of sensitive crops. Other less frequently encountered problems are discussed as miscellaneous problems. Tables showing recommended maximum concentrations of trace elements for irrigation water and for toxic substances in drinking water for livestock are also presented.
These guidelines are based on various preceding guidelines developed and used in irrigated agriculture in the Western United States. The format follows that used by the staff of the University of California, USA. Many of the basic data and the concepts of saline water use and management have been developed or proposed by the US Salinity Laboratory and the authors would like to express their grateful appreciation for this help, particularly to Drs. G.J. Hoffman, E.V. Maas, J.D. Rhoades, D.L. Suarez, and the Laboratory Director, J. van Schilfgaarde.
Drs. R.L. Branson and J.D. Oster (University of California), Dr. J. Van Hoorn (Wageningen), Mr. J.D. Doorenbos (Ministry of Agriculture, The Netherlands), and staff of the Land and Water Development Division (FAO) have been particularly helpful with suggestions and draft reviews. Thanks are also due to: Chrissi Smith-Redfern, Hazel Tonkin, Charlene Arora and Mary Westcot.
The paper is dedicated to the field person who must make decisions on the effective use of irrigation water. This paper attempts to take the solution and prevention of water quality problems to the field. The ultimate goal is that of maximum food production from the available supply of water.
In running text where symbols are used, e.g. ECdw, for mechanical reasons they have been typed level on the line. However, they appear correctly in the equations where greater flexibility is possible e.g. ECdw.
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1.3 Approach to Evaluating Water Quality
2.4 Management of Salinity Problems
2.4.2 Salinity control by leaching
2.4.3 Crop tolerance to salinity
2.4.5 Changing methods of irrigation
2.4.6 Land development for salinity control
2.4.7 Changing or blending water supplies
3.1.1 Infiltration problem evaluation
3.2 Management of Infiltration Problems
3.2.1 Soil and water amendments
3.2.3 Cultivation and deep tillage
4.1 Specific Ions and Their Effects
4.2 Management of Toxicity Problems
4.3 Toxicity Effects due to Sprinkler Irrigation
5.5 Trace Elements and Their Toxicity
5.5.1 Natural occurrence in water
5.6 Nutrition and Water Quality
5.6.2 Water infiltration problems and nutrition
5.7 Clogging Problems in Localized (Drip) Irrigation Systems
5.8 Corrosion and Encrustation
5.9 Vector Problems Associated with Water Quality
6.2 Use of Saline Water for Livestock
6.3 Toxic Substances in Livestock Water
8.2 Protection of Irrigation Water Quality - Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, USA
8.3 Re-use of Agricultural Drainage Water - Broadview Water District, USA
8.5 High Bicarbonate Water Used for Overhead Sprinkler Irrigation - Denver, Colorado, USA
8.6 Use of Poor Quality Water - Bahrain
8.7 Drainage Problems - Imperial Valley, California, USA
8.8 Need for Drainage - Tigris-Euphrates River Basin, Iraq
8.9 High Salinity Water - Arizona, USA
8.11 Use of Marginal Quality Water - Medjerda Valley, Tunisia
8.12 Use of Poor Quality Water for Irrigation - United Arab Emirates
8.13 Irrigation Water Quality - Lake Chad, Africa
8.14 River Water Quality Variations - Ethiopia and Somalia
8.15 Groundwater Degradation - Wadi Dhuleil, Jordan
8.16 Surface Water Quality Degradation - Yemen Arab Republic
8.17 Sediment in the Irrigation Water Supply - Ethiopia
8.18 High Fluoride in Animal Drinking Water - New Mexico, USA
8.19 Poor Quality Groundwater for Livestock Drinking Water - New Mexico, USA
8.20 Fresno Irrigation Scheme Using Treated Wastewater - California, USA
8.21 Agricultural Use of Treated Wastewater - Braunschweig, FR Germany
8.22 Wastewater Irrigation - Bakersfield, California, USA
8.23 Wastewater Irrigation - Tuolumne Regional Water District, California, USA
8.24 Irrigation with Wastewater - Santa Rosa, California, USA
8.25 Use of Wastewater High in Boron - Calistoga, California, USA
1. Guidelines for interpretations of water quality for irrigation
2. Laboratory determinations needed to evaluate common irrigation water quality problems
5. Relative salt tolerance of agricultural crops
6. Guidelines for interpreting laboratory data on water suitability for grapes
7. Relative salt tolerance of various crops at germination
9. Relative effect of fertilizer materials on the soil solution
10. Water quality from blended canal and well water
12. Water and soil amendments and their relative effectiveness in supplying calcium
13. Average composition and equivalent acidity or basicity of fertilizer materials
14. Chloride tolerance of some fruit crop cultivars and rootstocks
15. Relative tolerance of selected crops to exchangeable sodium
16. Relative boron tolerance of agricultural crops
18. Relative tolerance of selected crops to foliar injury from saline water applied by sprinklers
20. Sodium content in cotton leaves in percent oven dry weight
21. Recommended maximum concentrations of trace elements in irrigation water
25. Procedure for calculation of pHc
26. Chlorine dosages for control of biological growths
27. Limit values for evaluating the aggressivity of water and soil to concrete
28. Water quality guide for livestock and poultry uses
29. Suggested limits for magnesium in drinking water for livestock
30. Guidelines for levels of toxic substances in livestock drinking water
31. Existing standards governing the use of renovated water in agriculture
32. Treatment processes suggested by the World Health Organization for wastewater re-use
33. Selected crop yield from the Safford Experiment Station as compared to average farm yields
34. Red Mountain Farms lint cotton yields (kg/ha)
35. Salinity of the Medjerda River at El Aroussia, Tunisia (monthly mean in dS/m)
36. Effect of irrigation method on tomato yield (kg/ha)
38. Trace element concentrations of three water supply wells in selected areas of New Mexico, USA
39. Fluoride in well water in mg/l
40. Salt and trace element content of a cattle water source
41. Water analyses for the Agua Negra Ranch (mg/l)
42. Trace element concentrations in Fresno municipal wastewater
43. Water quality in and around the Braunschweig treated wastewater use area
44. Trace element concentrations in wastewater from the Tuolumne Regional Water District
45. Trace element and nutrient content of wastewater from the City of Santa Rosa
3. Soil moisture retention curves for a clay loam soil at varying degrees of soil salinity (ECe)
5. Salinity profile with a high water table
6. Relation between capillary flow velocity and depth of water table
8. Soil salinity (ECe) of a sandy-loam soil before and after 150 mm of rainfall
10. Divisions for relative salt tolerance ratings of agricultural crops
11. Method of determining maximum ECe
12. Flat top beds and irrigation practice
13. Salinity control with sloping beds
15. Sloping seedbeds used for salinity and temperature control
16. Bed shapes and salinity effects
21. Relative rate of water infiltration as affected by salinity and sodium adsorption ratio
23. Heavy metal content of the soil profile after 80 years of irrigation with wastewater
25. Electrical conductivity of Lake Chad from 26 February to 10 April 1967
1. Calculation of concentration of deep percolation from the bottom of the root zone
2. Determination of average root zone salinity
3. Leaching requirement calculation
4. Determination of yield potential
5. Blending irrigation water for maize
6. Comparison of methods to calculate the sodium hazard of a water
7. Use of gypsum as an amendment
8. Blending irrigation water to reduce the SAR of a poor quality supply