1.1 Basic shortcomings of existing fish landing and marketing system (a summary).
1.2 Basic technical considerations regarding alternative options to solve shortcomings of existing fish landing, handling and marketing system; relationship with any parallel marketing improvement programmes.
1.3 Objectives pursued and benefits of the improved fish marketing development programme to be proposed.
2.1 The fish marketing development programme; the technical options for improving fish landing and marketing infrastructure and services.
2.2 Technical considerations for the proposal of a new marketing and landing infrastructure; future trend of benefits and estimated cost of the proposal.
2.3 Justification for the type of new fish landing and marketing infrastructure to be proposed:
village level fish landing sheds
fish collection centres and fish wholesale markets
mixed wholesale and retail markets
retail markets (fixed or mobile types).
2.4 Capacity
Area required for present needs and estimated additional area for future development; e.g., is the available information sufficient for the adequate planning of the proposed facilities? Have unit costs and quantities been verified in order to determine the total costs of the project?
2.5 Location
Price of land per square metre in the coastal areas, in relation to the development cost, which provides good shelter and acceptable berthing for fishing boats; does the area interfere with other commercial or tourism activities? Is there adequate access by water, rail or road? Distance from retailers; main services: cost of connection to the local public services such as water, sewage, light, telephone (if available), telegraph, etc.
2.6 Engineering aspects
Detailed description of the flow of fish; description of physical investments, e.g.,
fishing harbour: type, number and size of dock, boat repair facilities
fish terminal: facilities for handling, processing, chill storage, and marketing of fish, including office space and equipment for ice and fuel supplies (detailed description and capacities)
ancillary facilities:
vessel bunkering facilities and capacity
ice loading system
small-boat haulout system
net mending area
berthing services, electricity, fresh water outlets
fishermen's amenities: washroom facilities, lockers for gear and engine storage, take-out restaurant
machinery and equipment: electricity generator, refrigeration equipment, water chlorinator, fish handling equipment, fish waste collecting equipment, etc.