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Typical Questionnaire for Identifying Small-Scale Fisheries Projects


1.1 General Description of the Location, Weather and Sea Conditions, Water and Electricity Supplies, Health Services, Local Institutions, Road and Transportation Facilities

1.2 Resource Characteristics (in the Region)

1.2.1 Size

  1. estimates of overall resources potential or

  2. exploratory survey data.

1.2.2 Present catch, by species, catch rates by various fishing methods.

1.2.3 Total annual catch landed, seasonal variations in landings by species and their distribution in time.

1.3 Fishing Technology

1.3.1 Fishing vessels, number and size, motorized and non-motorized, range as geographical limits of fishing operations, estimated daily catch rates, trip length, estimated cost of vessels.

1.3.2 Type of fishing gear used and estimated cost.

1.3.3 Evaluation of the effect of commercial fishing vessels operating in the same fishing area, number and tonnage of such vessels.

1.4 Services Available to Fishermen

1.4.1 Availability of berthing facilities, fuel, ice, engine, boat and gear spares and repair facilities as well as fish storage facilities at landing places.

1.4.2 Assessment of capacities, capabilities and cost of such services if available.

1.5 Fishermen

1.5.1 Fishermen population

  1. full-time

  2. part-time

1.5.2 Average annual catch and income by category of fishermen and by type of vessels

  1. with motorized vessels

  2. with non-motorized vessels

1.5.3 Average number of fishing days/year by categories of fishermen and working habits.

1.5.4 The system of sharing the catch among the crew and owners.


2.1 Fishermen

2.1.1 Age structure, educational attainment, experience in fishing, length of residence in the village.

2.1.2 Attitudes and intentions

Self-assessment and personal drive, individual living conditions, community's living conditions, satisfaction and willingness to change. Participation in local organizations and attitude towards cooperatives.

2.1.3 Mobility

Occupational and geographic mobility of fishermen,

2.1.4 Potential aspirations of children.

2.2 Fishing Households

Structure and number; age and number of children, educational attainment, dependents.

2.2.1 Economic conditions

  1. Gross income

    Household income from all sources and from fishing, occupational characteristics

  2. Living conditions

    Land and house ownership and standard of housing, ownership of furniture, appliances and means of transportation

2.3 Costs and Returns

Profitability of fishing units by gear and type of vessel.

2.4 Fish Marketing

2.4.1 Average catch of fishermen and catch composition; volume sold and types of outlets; volume allocated for home consumption; catch utilization. Price received at landing places by species; production by season and value; fish handling practices; modes of payment by traders and sources and average amount of credit; type of outlets.

2.4.2 Investment by fishermen in marketing and costs

Storage, boxes, ice, market fees, auctioneer commission.

2.4.3 Summary of fishermen's problems in marketing the catch.

2.4.4 Fish traders

  1. categories, methods of purchase, average volume handled, fish collection system, marketing routes

  2. storage and transportation facilities, volume sold, main outlets and methods of sale, price received by species, type and location of outlets

  3. gross margins, marketing operations and costs, marketing investment (e.g. storage, vehicles, boxes, labour, market, fees, etc.); Average nett returns by category of trader

  4. marketing channels, geographic sources and distribution patterns of fish

  5. fish handling, marketing and distribution practices

  6. modes of payment in buying and selling by category of dealer, sources and amount of credit for fish marketing operations, repayment pattern

  7. sources of price information of fish dealers

  8. main problems of fish traders in marketing and distribution

  9. transport facilities, mode and percentage (road, rail, waterways, etc.) of total inward and outward trade


3.1 Fish Landing Areas: Brief Description, and Number in the Locality, Number of Boats Regularly Landing Their Catch

  1. existing jetties or harbours: length, width and height above a low tide; construction materials and utilization; number of vessels that can be accommodated simultaneously, usage

  2. fresh water, ice, fuel, electricity supplies at landing sites and costs

  3. unloading facilities, type of system used and approximate number and type of containers used; roofed or open fish handling area; flowing including drainage, installed; fish handling facilities

  4. boat-building and repair facilities (a description)

  5. fishing gear supply and repair facilities (a description)

  6. ice plants, chill and cold storage facilities, their capacities and utilization in the locality and at landing areas (if available).

3.2 Fish Marketing Facilities

  1. general description, water, drainage and ice supplies and costs; market space for wholesale and retail operations; construction materials

  2. adequacy of present provision for loading, and packing areas for vehicles; storage facilities and usage

  3. type of containers used, number of stalls (area m2), and dealers methods of displaying fish; sanitary conditions

  4. description of fish handling and marketing operations; peak volume that can be handled daily

  5. administration of the markets, rentals, storage fees, efficiency of administration methods.

3.3 Shortcomings and Their Planned Improvements

  1. main shortcomings of existing facilities at fish landing places and markets

  2. tentative technical options for improvement of the existing fish landing places and fish marketing system being planned by local government (if available)

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