1. |
Soil loss results showing the large number of variations
that can occur from replications |
2. |
Calculation of streamflow from current meter readings |
3. |
Values of Manning's roughness coefficient |
4. |
Flow rates over a 90° V-notch weir |
5. |
Flow rates over a rectangular weir with end contractions |
6. |
Construction dimensions for some Parshal flumes |
7. |
Discharge through Parshall flume |
8. |
Free-flow discharge trough 1.5 ft H flume in l/s |
9. |
Flow rates in Washington flumes |
10. |
Maddock's classification for estimation of the bedload |
11. |
Gathering time for small catchments |
12. |
Rainfall probability conversion factors for various return
periods |
13. |
Values of runoff coefficient C |
14. |
Values of Cook's watershed characteristics |
15. |
Estimating runoff by Cook's method |
16. |
Values of S for water yield formula |
17. |
Estimation of runoff curve numbers |
18. |
Hydrologic soil groupings |