1. |
Pedestal erosion |
2. |
Volume of soil lost from a rill or gully can be compared
with the volume of the deposited soil |
3. |
Plastic-lined catchpits |
4. |
Simple demonstration plots in Zimbabwe |
5. |
A rotating nozzle simulator |
6. |
A large Australian simulator which can be picked up by
crane in one piece and moved to another plot |
7. |
Rotating boom simulator |
8. |
Microplots in Malawi |
9. |
Microplot at IITA, Nigeria |
10. |
Microplots in Hungary |
11. |
Removable plot boundaries in Zimbabwe |
12. |
A plot to measure the effect of grazing in South Africa |
13. |
Concentric tanks make the emptying of small runoff events
simpler |
14. |
A multi-slot divisor in Korea |
15. |
A V-notch divisor in Zimbabwe |
16. |
A divisor of drilled holes in Zimbabwe |
17. |
A multi-pipe divisor in Indonesia |
18. |
A multi-pipe divisor in Nigeria |
19. |
A simple flow-splitter in Thailand |
20. |
Splitting flow in sequence in Thailand |
21. |
A system with three tanks and two divisors in Zimbabwe |
22. |
The Coshocton sampling wheel in Taiwan |
23. |
Measuring streamflow with a current meter in Botswana |
24. |
A broad-crested V weir at IITA in Nigeria with downstream
apron |
25. |
The approach to the weir and gantry for current meter
measurements and sediment sampling |
26. |
A non-standard weir in Java on a stream with a heavy
bedload |
27. |
A Parshall flume with free outfall and one level recorder |
28. |
A Parshall flume with partly submerged outflow and two
water level recorders |
29. |
Field construction of a Parshall flume using a reusable
metal framework |
30. |
An H flume in Zimbabwe |
31. |
A WSC flume for measuring small flows |
32. |
Modern commercial pumping sampler (Rock and Taylor) |
33. |
Components of the pumping sampler developed by Hydraulics
Research Wallingford |
34 |
Wallingford pumping at an HL flume in the Philippines |
35. |
A simple sampler for measuring total load in small
channels on cultivated land |
36. |
A field scale simulator from Israel |
37. |
A laboratory dropper simulator |
38. |
Trailer-mounted drop simulator from Venezuela |
39. |
Preparing plots for the simulator |
40. |
A rotating disc rainfall simulator |
41. |
Rotating nozzle simulator developed at Silsoe College |
42. |
The Silsoe College rainfall simulator in China |
43. |
The failure of a terrace system in Tanzania |